{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example.tex $}
{$LastChangedDate: 2000-01-01 01:44:01 +0000 (Main file) $}
{$LastChangedRevision: 98 $}
{$LastChangedBy: author3 $}

% Pre-declaration of groups to define order in table

% Ignore logo in subfiles and set it explicitly into the main file:

% Special groups for images and other external files:

% Workaround for listinputlisting

% This is an example document to show the group feature of svn-multi 2.0.
% Please the notes below.

% Version control information table for each chapter
\textbf{Version Control Information for this chapter}\\[\bigskipamount]%
Chapter URL           & \svnnolinkurl{\svnfileurl}\\
Chapter File name     & \svnnolinkurl{\svnfilefname}\\
Last Changed Revision & \svnfilerev\\
Last Changed Author   & \svnfileauthor\\
Last Changed Date     & \svnfiledate\\
This files contains the following SVN keywords:\\*[-\baselineskip]

% This file generates some example sub files from this file to avoid a lot of small
% example files in the CTAN directory. In real life there would be separate
% files from the beginning.

{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example_part1a.tex $}
{$LastChangedDate: 2000-01-01 01:00:01 +0000 (Chapter 1a) $}
{$LastChangedRevision: 101 $}
{$LastChangedBy: author1 $}

\chapter{Subfile 1a}

{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example_part1b.tex $}
{$LastChangedDate: 2001-01-01 00:00:01 +0000 (Subfile 1b) $}
{$LastChangedRevision: 102 $}
{$LastChangedBy: author2 $}

\chapter{Subfile 1b}

{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example_part1c.tex $}
{$LastChangedDate: 2000-01-01 00:00:01 +0000 (Subfile 1c) $}
{$LastChangedRevision: 104 $}
{$LastChangedBy: author3 $}

\chapter{Subfile 1c}

{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example_part2a.tex $}
{$LastChangedDate: 2000-01-01 00:00:01 +0000 (Subfile 2a) $}
{$LastChangedRevision: 100 $}
{$LastChangedBy: author1 $}

\chapter{Subfile 2a}

{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example_part2b.tex $}
{$LastChangedDate: 2000-01-01 00:00:01 +0000 (Subfile 2b) $}
{$LastChangedRevision: 101 $}
{$LastChangedBy: author1 $}

\chapter{Subfile 2b}

{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example_part3a.tex $}
{$LastChangedDate: 2000-01-01 00:00:01 +0000 (Subfile 3a) $}
{$LastChangedRevision: 104 $}
{$LastChangedBy: author3 $}

\chapter{Subfile 3a}

{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example_part3b.tex $}
{$LastChangedDate: 2000-01-01 00:00:01 +0000 (Subfile 3b) $}
{$LastChangedRevision: 103 $}
{$LastChangedBy: author2 $}

\chapter{Subfile 3b}

{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example_part4a.tex $}
{$LastChangedDate: 2000-01-01 00:00:01 +0000 (Subfile 4a) $}
{$LastChangedRevision: 99 $}
{$LastChangedBy: author3 $}

\chapter{Subfile 4a}

{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example_part4a_sub1.tex $}
{$LastChangedDate: 2000-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (SubSubfile 4a-1) $}
{$LastChangedRevision: 96 $}
{$LastChangedBy: author2 $}

\section{SubSubfile 4a-1}
This is a sub file in a sub file.

{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example_part4b.tex $}
{$LastChangedDate: 2000-01-01 00:00:01 +0000 (Subfile 4b) $}
{$LastChangedRevision: 105 $}
{$LastChangedBy: author2 $}

\chapter{Subfile 4b}

{$HeadURL: svn://server/group_example_end.tex $}
{$LastChangedDate: 2000-01-01 00:00:01 +0000 (End) $}
{$LastChangedRevision: 100 $}
{$LastChangedBy: author1 $}

\chapter{End credits}


\chapter{File with unexpanded keywords}

\svnRegisterAuthor{author1}{Andy Author, I.}
\svnRegisterAuthor{author2}{A. Author, II.}
\svnRegisterAuthor{author3}{Anthony Author, III.}

% Have VC info on every part page
\textbf{Version Control Information for this part:}\\[\bigskipamount]%
URL of latest File    & \svnnolinkurl{\svncgurl}\\
Name of latest File   & \svnnolinkurl{\svncgfname}\\
Last Changed Revision & \svncgrev\\
Last Changed Author   & \svncgauthor\\
Last Changed Date     & \svncgdate\\


% Custom titlepage:
\pdfbookmark{Title Page}{titlepage}%
\Huge\texttt{svn-multi} v2.0 Keyword Groups Example Document\\
\Large Martin Scharrer\\
\large 2009/03/01\\
This is an example and test document for the group feature of svn-multi 2.0.
Please note that the revision keywords were generated manually for testing
purposes. The dates are not consistent with the revisions and contain a debug
name instead of the date text like `(Sat, January 1 2009)'. This doesn't
influence the correct functionality of the svn-multi package.\\
{\hbox{}\hfill Happy \TeX ing!}\\
{\large Version Control Information for this document:\\[\bigskipamount]}%
Main URL              & \svnnolinkurl{\svnmainurl}\\
Main File name        & \svnnolinkurl{\svnmainfilename}\\
URL of latest file    & \svnnolinkurl{\svnurl}\\
Name of latest file   & \svnnolinkurl{\svnfname}\\
Last Changed Revision & \svnrev\\
Last Changed Author   & \svnauthor\\
Last Changed Date     & \svndate\\
The main file of this document contains the following SVN

% Default in Engish
This is an automatic generated table using the \textbf{\sffamily table} option.
\pdfbookmark{Table of Revisions (1)}{tora}%

% Redefined to German
% Uses booktabs for nicer table
Can be redefined to another format and language: Verstehen Sie Deutsch?
    Name & Rev & Autor & Datum \\
\renewcommand{\svntabgroup}[1]{Gruppe `#1'}

% Some highlight examples:
% Print highest revision bold:
% Highlight all dates after the 14th March 2008 12:00:00:
  \small #3.#2.#1\ #4:#5:#6%
% Mark all files last changed by the last author:

% Using \scriptsize and \svnnolinkurl for files and subgroups:
  Datei `{\scriptsize\svnnolinkurl{#2}}'
  Untergruppe `{\scriptsize\svnnolinkurl{#2}}'%
\renewcommand{\svntabglobal}[1]{Gesamtes Dokument}

% Add rule before group rows:
% Add rule and description after global row:
\renewcommand{\endsvnglobalrow}{\midrule Ohne Gruppe:\\}

\pdfbookmark{Table of Revisions (2)}{torb}%





% The rest doesn't belong to a file group:

\chapter*{Reference Examples}
%To reference e.g.\ keyword from group `abc' use:
\section*{Group `abc'}
\svnsetcg{abc} Revision \svncgrev\ from \svncgtoday\ \svncgtime\ done by
\svnFullAuthor{\svncgauthor}. Latest file is \svnnolinkurl{\svncgfname} (URL: \url{\svncgurl}).

\section*{Subgroup `group\_example\_part3b'}
\svnsetcg{group_example_part3b} Revision \svncgrev\ from \svncgtoday\ \svncgtime\ done by
\svnFullAuthor{\svncgauthor}. Latest file is \svnnolinkurl{\svncgfname} (URL: \url{\svncgurl}).

\section*{File `group\_example\_part3b.tex'}
\svnsetcg{group_example_part3b.tex} Revision \svncgrev\ from \svncgtoday\ \svncgtime\ done by
\svnFullAuthor{\svncgauthor}. File name and url: \svnnolinkurl{\svncgfname} (URL: \url{\svncgurl}).
