%% CONCAT : string -> string -> string
%% (\concat str1 str2) => str1 ++ str2
  		\errmessage{LISP on TeX [function --- concat]:%
  			 Arguments of concat must be strings}%

%% INT2STRING : int -> string
%% (\intTOstring i) -> 'i'

%% STRING2INT : string -> int
%% (\stringTOint 'i') -> i


%% IMMEDIATEWRITE : () -> ()
%% It outputs the output buffer immediately.
%% It cause error if the buffer is incomplete.

%% GROUP : string -> string
%% (\group str) -> '{str}'
   		\errmessage{LISP on TeX [function --- group]:%
   			The argument of group must be a string.}%

%% UNGROUP : string -> string
%% (\group '{str}') -> 'str'
		\errmessage{LISP on TeX [function --- ungroup]:%
   			The argument of ungroup must be a string.}%
		\errmessage{LISP on TeX [function --- ungroup]:%
   			The argument of ungroup must be a grouped string.}%

%% FGETS : () -> string
%% (\fgets) -> read tokens from standard-in

%% EXPAND : string -> string
%% (\expand '<token>') -> '<token+>' where <token+> is expanded tokens of <token>