% \iffalse meta-comment
% ======================================================================
% floatbytocbasic.dtx
% Copyright © 2008–2023 Markus Kohm
% This work is a KOMA-Script spin-off.  For the original sources of
% KOMA-Script's `float.hak' see file `scrhack.dtx' in the KOMA-Script
% sources at <https://sourceforge.net/p/koma-script/code/>.
% Development is taking place as part of `scrhack' at
% <https://github.com/komascript/third-party-enhancements>.  New issues
% should be reported there as well as known issues can be found.
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
% the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c of the license.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.<3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later and of this work.
% The Current Maintainer and author of this work is Markus Kohm.
% This work consists of the file `floatbytocbasic.dtx' and `README.md'.
% The recommended way to install `floatbytocbasic' is to use
% the package manager of your TeX distribution.
% ======================================================================
             [2023-08-16 v1.0
%<dtx>              sources and unpack driver of
              improved float package using tocbasic]
  \input docstrip.tex
  author={Anselm Lingnau},
  title={\pkg*{float} --- Improved interface for floating objects},
  note={Improves the interface for defining floating objects such as figures
        and tables. Introduces the boxed float, the ruled float and the
        plaintop float. You can define your own floats and improve the
        behaviour of the old ones.},
  author={Anselm Lingnau},
  title={An Improved Environment for Floats},
  abstract={This style option improves the interface for defining floating
            objects such as figures and tables in \LaTeX. It adds the notion
            of a ‘float style’ that governs appearance of floats. New kinds of
            floats may be defined using \cs{newfloat} command analogous to
            \cs{newtheorem}. This style option also incorporates the
            functionality of David Carlisle’s style option \pkg{here}, giving
            floating environments a \texttt{[H]} option which means ‘PUT IT
            HERE’ (as opposed to the standard \texttt{[h]} option which means
            ‘You may put it here if you like’).},
  author   = {Enrico Gregorio},
  version  = {0.3},
  date     = {2020-03-25},
  title    = {\pkg*{xpatch} – Extending \pkg{etoolbox} patching commands},
  url      = {https://ctan.org/pkg/xpatch},
  urldate  = {2023-07-19},
  note     = {The package generalises the macro patching commands provided
              by Philipp Lehmann's \pkg{etoolbox}.},
  author   = {Enrico Gregorio},
  version  = {0.3},
  date     = {2020-03-25},
  title    = {The \pkg*{xpatch} package
              extending \pkg{etoolbox} patching commands},
  url      = {http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/xpatch/xpatch.pdf},
  urldate  = {2023-07-19},
  abstract = {},
  author   = {Markus Kohm},
  version  = {3.41},
  date     = {2023-07-07},
  title    = {\pkg*{scrlfile} – Installation control (not only) for
              \KOMAScript{} packages},
  url      = {https://ctan.org/pkg/scrlfile},
  urldate  = {2023-07-19},
  note     = {The package provides hooks for the execution of commands before
              or after loading files, classes or packages independent from the
              \LaTeX{} kernel version.},
  author={Markus Kohm},
  title={{\KOMAScript} --- A bundle of versatile classes and packages},
  note={The \KOMAScript{} bundle provides replacements for the \pkg*{article},
        \pkg*{report}, and \pkg*{book} classes with emphasis on typography and
        versatility. There is also a letter class.},
  author={Markus Kohm},
  title={\pkg*{tocbasic} --- Management of tables/lists of contents (and the
  note={The package provides means to create specialised ``table of
        contents''-like lists of features of a document.},
  author={Markus Kohm},
  subtitle={Die Anleitung},
  author={Markus Kohm},
  subtitle={The Guide},
% \changes{v0.1}{2023/06/01}{start of \KOMAScript{} spin-off}
% \changes{v1.0}{2023/08/19}{first package release}
% \GetFileInfo{floatbytocbasic.dtx}
% \title{Improving Package \pkg{float} Using
%  \href{https://komascript.de/}{\KOMAScript} Package \pkg{tocbasic}}
% \author{\href{mailto:komascript@gmx.info}{Markus Kohm}}
% \date{Version \filedate{} \fileversion}
% \maketitle
% \begin{abstract}
%   Package \pkg*{floatbytocbasic} has started as hack module of the
%   \KOMAScript{} package \pkg*{scrhack} years ago to fix an issue when using
%   package \pkg{float} with \KOMAScript~3.  This became necessary because
%   package \pkg{float} still depends on an interface once proposed by the
%   \KOMAScript{} author, but which has long since failed to meet
%   requirements. Unfortunately, this problem could not be solved in dialog
%   with the author of \pkg{float}. Although \pkg*{floatbytocbasic} still
%   loads the \pkg{float} package, it then changes some internal commands to
%   use and optimally support the \KOMAScript{} package \pkg{tocbasic}. On the
%   one hand, the user interface of \pkg{float} remains usable unchanged, but
%   at the same time the package benefits from many possibilities of
%   \pkg{tocbasic}.
% \end{abstract}
% \tableofcontents
\section{Why should I use this package instead of
  \texorpdfstring{\pkg{float}}{float} only if I use a \KOMAScript{} class or
  \KOMAScript{} package \texorpdfstring{\pkg{tocbasic}}{tocbasic}?}

The main symptom of using a deprecated interface to \KOMAScript{} by package
\pkg{float}, namely the use of \cs{float@listhead} and
\cs{float@addtolists}, are corresponding warnings when using one of the
\KOMAScript{} classes at the same time, for example:
  Class scrbook Warning: \float@addtolists detected!
  (scrbook)              Implementation of \float@addtolist became
  (scrbook)              deprecated in KOMA-Script v3.01 2008/11/14 and
  (scrbook)              has been replaced by several more flexible
  (scrbook)              features of package `tocbasic`.
  (scrbook)              Since Version 3.12 support for deprecated
  (scrbook)              \float@addtolist interface has been
  (scrbook)              restricted to only some of the KOMA-Script
  (scrbook)              features and been removed from others.
  (scrbook)              Loading of package `scrhack' may help to
  (scrbook)              avoid this warning, if you are using a
  (scrbook)              a package that still implements the
  (scrbook)              deprecated \float@addtolist interface.
  Class scrbook Warning: \float@listhead detected!
  (scrbook)              Implementation of \float@listhead became
  (scrbook)              deprecated in KOMA-Script v3.01 2008/11/14 and
  (scrbook)              has been replaced by several more flexible
  (scrbook)              features of package `tocbasic`.
  (scrbook)              Maybe implementation of \float@listhead will
  (scrbook)              removed from KOMA-Script soon.
  (scrbook)              Loading of package `scrhack' may help to
  (scrbook)              avoid this warning, if you are using a
  (scrbook)              a package that still implements the
  (scrbook)              deprecated \float@listhead interface.

If you know, that the issue is because of loading package \pkg{float} you can
avoid it using \pkg{floatbytocbasic} as explained in \autoref{sec:howtouse}.

\section{Why should I use this package instead of
  \texorpdfstring{\pkg{float}}{float} only if I don't use a \KOMAScript{}
  class or package?}

Package \pkg{float} does not check if a file extension or environment already
has been defined when using \cs{newfloat}. So several definitions of float
environments either with the same name or the same file extension could happen
by accident. Package \pkg*{floatbytocbasic} adds test to avoid such
issues. Alternatively you can force the definition or do the definition only
if needed. See description of \cs{deffloat}, \cs{renewfloat} and
\cs{providefloat} in \autoref{sec:howtouse} for more information.

Package \pkg{tocbasic} provides several additional features, e.g.:
\item automatic handling of language switching using \pkg{babel},
\item optional numbered heading for a list/table of contents,
\item optional adding an entry to the table of contents for a list/table of
  contents even if the heading is not numbered,
\item easy configuration of entries to a list/table of contents.
Several more features can be added by the class or other packages. See section
about \pkg*{tocbasic} in the \KOMAScript{} manual, either
\autocite{pkg:koma-script:manual:en} or \autocite{pkg:koma-script:manual:de}.

\section{How to use \texorpdfstring{\pkg*{floatbytocbasic}}{floatbytocbasic}}

In the document preamble of your document you just can replace
to load package \pkg*{floatbytocbasic}. This does still also load package
\pkg{float} but additionally patches several commands of \pkg{float} to avoid
the issues shown in \autoref{sec:whywithkomascript}.

If you want you can alternatively also load both packages explicitly, either
\pkg{float} before \pkg{floatbytocbasic} or---if you
want---\pkg{floatbytocbasic} before \pkg{float}. This is also useful, if you
use a package, that uses \pkg*{float} itself. In this case, you always should
load \pkg{floatbytocbasic} \emph{before} the package, that uses
\pkg{float}. Otherwise it is very likely that for some new float environments
the enhancements of \pkg*{floatbytocbasic} will not be used. Only if
\pkg*{floatbytocbasic} is loaded before the first use of \cs{newfloat} can it
be ensured that the definition of the new sliding environments is really done
with the help of \pkg{tocbasic} and thus its extended user interface is used.

When using a class that uses \pkg{float}, the correct operation can be ensured
even before \cs{documentclass}. This requires at least \LaTeX{}
2020/10/01. For older versions of \LaTeX{} you can use
also before \cs{documentclass}. This would require the \KOMAScript{} package

  \item[Note:] You \emph{should not} load \pkg*{float} after loading package
    \pkg*{floatrow}. However, if you do, \pkg{floatrowbytocbasic} will be
    loaded automatically.

The user interface of \pkg*{floatbytocbasic} is the same as of \pkg{float},
see \autocite{pkg:float:manual}. Following we document only the differences.

See \autocite[section~2]{pkg:float:manual} for the basic usage of \cs{newfloat}.
The command takes three mandatory arguments and an optional one; it is of
the form:
\pkg{floatbytocbasic} adds the registration of the file extension \meta{ext},
which is the third argument. The main problem here is to decide what to do, if
\meta{ext} already has been registered. Package \pkg{float} simply does not
care for this case. It does neither report an error nor a warning, but just
redefine the float \meta{type} and reuses the auxiliary file extension
\meta{ext}. Because of the ``\texttt{new}'' in the name of the command, we
have decided to do it a little bit different. If the owner of the \meta{ext}
is \texttt{float}, it is assumed, that using the same auxiliary file is
intended and only an info is written to the \file{log}-file. Otherwise an
error is reported. But we also decided to define three new commands:
\cs{deffloat} also does not care for already existing \meta{type} environment
or already registered \meta{ext}. \cs{providefloat} does not overwrite
existing \meta{type} environment or already registered \meta{ext} for other
owners but \texttt{float}. \cs{renewfloat} does overwrite only already
existing \meta{type} environment with registered \meta{ext}. There are also
cases like defined \cs{\meta{type}} but not \cs{end\meta{type}} or not defined
environment \meta{type} but registered \meta{ext}. But there are no special
commands to handle these. If users need to take care for these cases, they can
test for definition using the \LaTeX{} kernel macro \cs{@ifundefined} and the
\pkg{tocbasic} command \cs{Ifattoclist}, described in the \KOMAScript{} user
manuals \autocite{pkg:koma-script:manual:en}
resp. \autocite{pkg:koma-script:manual:de}.
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \MaybeStop{\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc]\PrintIndex}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \section{Implementation}
% \pkg{floatbytocbasic} depend on \KOMAScript{} package \pkg{tocbasic}. So we
% load it already before everything else. We use this package also to require
% at least \KOMAScript{} 3.41, which is one version before the intended
% spin-off.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    package incompatible with package floatrow.\MessageBreak
    Automatically using floatrowbytocbasic%
%    \end{macrocode}
% We also load package \pkg{float}, because we reuse most of the code:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% As often as possible, we do not redefine macors of \pkg{float}, but patch
% them using \pkg{xpatch}\nocite{pkg:xpatch}:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% We also use the new document command interface. So if the \LaTeX{} kernel is
% too old, we require \pkg{xparse}:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{command}{\deffloat}
% Basicly \cs{deffloat} is \cs{newfloat} of \pkg{float}:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% But we also have to take care, that a not yet registered \meta{ext} has to
% be registered.
% \begin{description}
% \item[Note:] We do not need to setup feature \texttt{chapteratlist}, because
%   classes like the \KOMAScript{} classes should use
%  \AtAddToTocList[float]{\setuptoc{\@currext}{chapteratlist}}
%   to implement such features.
% \end{description}
%    \begin{macrocode}
          reusing file extension `#3' for\MessageBreak
          float type `#1'%
          reusing file extension `#3' of owner\MessageBreak
          `\reserved@a' for float `#1'\MessageBreak
          not recommended%
  \PackageError{floatbytocbasic}{incompatible definition of
    Package `floatbytocbasic' depends on the original definition of package
    Some changes to that definition are tolerated.\MessageBreak
    {But it seems the definition is completely missing!}%
    {But the current definition is incompatible!}%
    Make sure, you have installed the original package `float' as referred
    section ``References'' of the manual.%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{command}
% \begin{command}{\newfloat,\providefloat,\renewfloat}
% \cs{newfloat} and \cs{renewfloat} similar to \cs{newcommand} and
% \cs{renewcommand} do some tests and maybe report an error, before
% (nevertheless) defining the float.
%    \begin{macrocode}
          reusing `#3' of owner `\reserved@a' not allowed%
          Each file extension should be used only once.\MessageBreak
          Reusing is only allowed with the same owner/category.\MessageBreak
          You, the class, or another package already uses `#3'.\MessageBreak
    \expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname{%
    \@latex@error{Environment #1 undefined}\@ehc
      \PackageError{floatbytocbasic}{extension `#3' not yet registered}{%
        I can only renew floats with already registered
  \expandafter\let\csname #1\endcsname\relax
  \expandafter\let\csname end#1\endcsname\relax
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{command}
% \begin{command}{\listof}
% This command is redefined using a complete new definition using
% \pkg{tocbasic}'s \cs{listoftoc}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \PackageError{floatbytocbasic}{unknown float type `#1'}\@eha
    \@ifundefined{l@#1}{\expandafter\let\csname l@#1\endcsname\l@figure
    \listoftoc[{#2}]{\csname ext@#1\endcsname}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{command}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \Finale
% \PrintChanges
% \endinput
% Local Variables:
% mode: doctex
% ispell-local-dictionary: "en_US"
% eval: (flyspell-mode 1)
% TeX-master: t
% End: