/* * * This file is part of * MakeIndex - A formatter and format independent index processor * * Copyright (C) 1989 by Chen & Harrison International Systems, Inc. * Copyright (C) 1988 by Olivetti Research Center * Copyright (C) 1987 by Regents of the University of California * * Author: * Pehong Chen * Chen & Harrison International Systems, Inc. * Palo Alto, California * USA * (phc@renoir.berkeley.edu or chen@orc.olivetti.com) * * Contributors: * Please refer to the CONTRIB file that comes with this release * for a list of people who have contributed to this and/or previous * release(s) of MakeIndex. * * All rights reserved by the copyright holders. See the copyright * notice distributed with this software for a complete description of * the conditions under which it is made available. * */ #define MKIND_C 1 #include "mkind.h" #undef MKIND_C int letter_ordering = FALSE; int compress_blanks = FALSE; int merge_page = TRUE; int init_page = FALSE; int even_odd = -1; int verbose = TRUE; int german_sort = FALSE; int fn_no = -1; /* total number of files */ int idx_dot = TRUE; /* flag which shows dot in ilg being * active */ int idx_tt = 0; /* total entry count (all files) */ int idx_et = 0; /* erroneous entry count (all files) */ int idx_gt = 0; /* good entry count (all files) */ FIELD_PTR *idx_key; FILE *log_fp; FILE *sty_fp; FILE *idx_fp; FILE *ind_fp; FILE *ilg_fp; #if OS_BS2000 FILE *widx_fp; char widx_fn[STRING_MAX + 5]; #endif /* OS_BS2000 */ char *pgm_fn; char sty_fn[LINE_MAX]; char *idx_fn; char ind[STRING_MAX]; char *ind_fn; char ilg[STRING_MAX]; char *ilg_fn; char pageno[NUMBER_MAX]; static char log_fn[STRING_MAX]; static char base[STRING_MAX]; static int need_version = TRUE; static void check_all ARGS((char *fn,int ind_given,int ilg_given, int log_given)); static void check_idx ARGS((char *fn,int open_fn)); static void find_pageno ARGS((void)); static void open_sty ARGS((char *fn)); static void prepare_idx ARGS((void)); static void process_idx ARGS((char * *fn,int use_stdin,int sty_given, int ind_given,int ilg_given,int log_given)); #if OS_PCDOS #if IBM_PC_TURBO unsigned _stklen = 0xf000; /* Turbo C ignores size set in .exe file by LINK or EXEMOD, sigh... */ #endif /* IBM_PC_TURBO */ #endif /* OS_PCDOS */ #if OS_ATARI long _stksize = 20000L; /* make the stack larger than 2KB */ /* size must be given */ #endif /* OS_ATARI */ #ifdef DEBUG long totmem = 0L; /* for debugging memory usage */ #endif /* DEBUG */ int #if STDC main(int argc, char *argv[]) #else main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; #endif { char *fns[ARRAY_MAX]; char *ap; int use_stdin = FALSE; int sty_given = FALSE; int ind_given = FALSE; int ilg_given = FALSE; int log_given = FALSE; /* determine program name */ #if (OS_ATARI | OS_VAXVMS | OS_BS2000 | OS_MVSXA | OS_VMCMS) pgm_fn = "MakeIndex"; /* Use symbolic name on some systems */ #else pgm_fn = strrchr(*argv, DIR_DELIM); if (pgm_fn == NULL) pgm_fn = *argv; else pgm_fn++; #if OS_PCDOS { register char *ext = pgm_fn + strlen(pgm_fn)-4; if ( *ext == '.' ) *ext = NUL; /* cut off ".EXE" */ } (void)strlwr(pgm_fn); /* lower program name */ #endif /* OS_PCDOS */ #endif /* OS_VAXVMS | OS_BS2000 | OS_MVSXA */ /* process command line options */ while (--argc > 0) { if (**++argv == SW_PREFIX) { if (*(*argv + 1) == NUL) break; for (ap = ++*argv; *ap != NUL; ap++) #if (OS_BS2000 | OS_MVSXA | OS_VAXVMS) switch (tolower(*ap)) { #else switch (*ap) { #endif /* (OS_BS2000 | OS_MVSXA | OS_VAXVMS) */ /* use standard input */ case 'i': use_stdin = TRUE; break; /* enable letter ordering */ case 'l': letter_ordering = TRUE; break; /* disable range merge */ case 'r': merge_page = FALSE; break; /* supress progress message -- quiet mode */ case 'q': verbose = FALSE; break; /* compress blanks */ case 'c': compress_blanks = TRUE; break; /* style file */ case 's': argc--; if (argc <= 0) FATAL("Expected -s <stylefile>\n",""); open_sty(*++argv); sty_given = TRUE; break; /* output index file name */ case 'o': argc--; if (argc <= 0) FATAL("Expected -o <ind>\n",""); ind_fn = *++argv; ind_given = TRUE; break; /* transcript file name */ case 't': argc--; if (argc <= 0) FATAL("Expected -t <logfile>\n",""); ilg_fn = *++argv; ilg_given = TRUE; break; /* initial page */ case 'p': argc--; if (argc <= 0) FATAL("Expected -p <num>\n",""); strcpy(pageno, *++argv); init_page = TRUE; if (STREQ(pageno, EVEN)) { log_given = TRUE; even_odd = 2; } else if (STREQ(pageno, ODD)) { log_given = TRUE; even_odd = 1; } else if (STREQ(pageno, ANY)) { log_given = TRUE; even_odd = 0; } break; /* enable german sort */ case 'g': german_sort = TRUE; break; /* bad option */ default: FATAL("Unknown option -%c.\n", *ap); break; } } else { if (fn_no < ARRAY_MAX) { check_idx(*argv, FALSE); fns[++fn_no] = *argv; } else { FATAL("Too many input files (max %d).\n", ARRAY_MAX); } } } /* changes for 2.12 (May 20, 1993) by Julian Reschke (jr@ms.maus.de): if only one input file and no explicit style file was given */ #if OS_BS2000 /* not supported */ #else if (fn_no == 0 && !sty_given) { char tmp[STRING_MAX + 5]; /* base set by last call to check_idx */ sprintf (tmp, "%s%s", base, INDEX_STY); if (0 == access(tmp, R_OK)) { open_sty (tmp); sty_given = TRUE; } } #endif process_idx(fns, use_stdin, sty_given, ind_given, ilg_given, log_given); idx_gt = idx_tt - idx_et; ALL_DONE; if (idx_gt > 0) { prepare_idx(); sort_idx(); gen_ind(); MESSAGE("Output written in %s.\n", ind_fn); } else MESSAGE("Nothing written in %s.\n", ind_fn); MESSAGE("Transcript written in %s.\n", ilg_fn); CLOSE(ind_fp); CLOSE(ilg_fp); EXIT(0); return (0); /* never executed--avoids complaints */ /* about no return value */ } static void prepare_idx(VOID_ARG) { NODE_PTR ptr = head; int i = 0; #ifdef DEBUG totmem += idx_gt * sizeof(FIELD_PTR); (void)fprintf(stderr,"prepare_idx(): calloc(%d,%d)\ttotmem = %ld\n", idx_gt,sizeof(FIELD_PTR),totmem); #endif /* DEBUG */ if (head == (NODE_PTR)NULL) FATAL("No valid index entries collected.\n", ""); if ((idx_key = (FIELD_PTR *) calloc(idx_gt, sizeof(FIELD_PTR))) == NULL) { FATAL("Not enough core...abort.\n", ""); } for (i = 0; i < idx_gt; i++) { idx_key[i] = &(ptr->data); ptr = ptr->next; } } static void #if STDC process_idx(char *fn[], int use_stdin, int sty_given, int ind_given, int ilg_given, int log_given) #else process_idx(fn, use_stdin, sty_given, ind_given, ilg_given, log_given) char *fn[]; int use_stdin; int sty_given; int ind_given; int ilg_given; int log_given; #endif { int i; if (fn_no == -1) /* use stdin if no input files specified */ use_stdin = TRUE; else { check_all(fn[0], ind_given, ilg_given, log_given); PUT_VERSION; if (sty_given) scan_sty(); if (german_sort && (idx_quote == '"')) FATAL("Option -g invalid, quote character must be different from '%c'.\n", '"'); scan_idx(); ind_given = TRUE; ilg_given = TRUE; for (i = 1; i <= fn_no; i++) { check_idx(fn[i], TRUE); scan_idx(); } } if (use_stdin) { idx_fn = "stdin"; idx_fp = stdin; if (ind_given) { if (!ind_fp && ((ind_fp = OPEN_OUT(ind_fn)) == NULL)) FATAL("Can't create output index file %s.\n", ind_fn); } else { ind_fn = "stdout"; ind_fp = stdout; } if (ilg_given) { if (!ilg_fp && ((ilg_fp = OPEN_OUT(ilg_fn)) == NULL)) FATAL("Can't create transcript file %s.\n", ilg_fn); } else { ilg_fn = "stderr"; ilg_fp = stderr; } if ((fn_no == -1) && (sty_given)) scan_sty(); if (german_sort && (idx_quote == '"')) FATAL("Option -g ignored, quote character must be different from '%c'.\n", '"'); if (need_version) { PUT_VERSION; } scan_idx(); fn_no++; } } static void #if STDC check_idx(char *fn, int open_fn) #else check_idx(fn, open_fn) char *fn; int open_fn; #endif { char *ptr = fn; char *ext; int with_ext = FALSE; int i = 0; #if OS_BS2000 char message[256]; /* error message */ char arg[8]; /* argument for sprintf() */ ext = strrchr(fn, EXT_DELIM); if ((ext != NULL) && (((*fn == CATID) && (*(fn + 3) != DIR_DELIM)) || (((*fn == DIR_DELIM) || (*fn == CATID)) && (strchr(fn, EXT_DELIM) < ext)))) { #else ext = strrchr(fn, EXT_DELIM); if ((ext != NULL) && (ext != fn) && (*(ext + 1) != DIR_DELIM)) { #endif /* OS_BS2000 */ with_ext = TRUE; while ((ptr != ext) && (i < STRING_MAX)) base[i++] = *ptr++; } else while ((*ptr != NUL) && (i < STRING_MAX)) base[i++] = *ptr++; if (i < STRING_MAX) base[i] = NUL; else FATAL2("Index file name %s too long (max %d).\n", base, STRING_MAX); idx_fn = fn; #if OS_BS2000 /* Search both on HOME-PVS and * WORK-PVS */ sprintf(widx_fn, "%s%s", WORK, idx_fn); if (((((idx_fp = OPEN_IN(idx_fn)) == NULL) && open_fn) || !(open_fn || idx_fp)) && ((((widx_fp = OPEN_IN(widx_fn)) == NULL) && open_fn) || !(open_fn || widx_fp))) if (with_ext) { sprintf(message, "Input index file %s%%s not found.\n", (strchr(idx_fn, ':') || (strlen(WORK) == 0)) ? NIL : "<" WORK ">"); FATAL(message, idx_fn); } else { #ifdef DEBUG totmem += STRING_MAX; (void)fprintf(stderr,"check_idx()-1: malloc(%d)\ttotmem = %ld\n", STRING_MAX,totmem); #endif /* DEBUG */ if ((idx_fn = (char *) malloc(STRING_MAX)) == NULL) FATAL("Not enough core...abort.\n", ""); sprintf(idx_fn, "%s%s", base, INDEX_IDX); sprintf(widx_fn, "%s%s%s", WORK, base, INDEX_IDX); if (((((idx_fp = OPEN_IN(idx_fn)) == NULL) && open_fn) || !(open_fn || idx_fp)) && ((((widx_fp = OPEN_IN(widx_fn)) == NULL) && open_fn) || !(open_fn || widx_fp))) { sprintf(arg, "%s", (strchr(idx_fn, ':') || (strlen(WORK) == 0)) ? NIL : "<" WORK ">"); sprintf(message, "Couldn't find neither input file %s%%s nor %s%%s.\n", arg, arg); FATAL2(message, base, idx_fn); } } if (!open_fn) { /* Close files if open */ if (idx_fp) FCLOSE(idx_fp); if (widx_fp) FCLOSE(widx_fp); } if (open_fn && (!idx_fp) && widx_fp) { /* File was found on PVS W */ idx_fp = widx_fp; idx_fn = widx_fn; } #else /* NOT OS_BS2000 */ if ( ( open_fn && ((idx_fp = OPEN_IN(idx_fn)) == NULL) ) || ((!open_fn) && (access(idx_fn, R_OK) != 0))) if (with_ext) { FATAL("Input index file %s not found.\n", idx_fn); } else { #ifdef DEBUG totmem += STRING_MAX; (void)fprintf(stderr,"check_idx()-2: malloc(%d)\ttotmem = %ld\n", STRING_MAX,totmem); #endif /* DEBUG */ if ((idx_fn = (char *) malloc(STRING_MAX)) == NULL) FATAL("Not enough core...abort.\n", ""); sprintf(idx_fn, "%s%s", base, INDEX_IDX); if ((open_fn && ((idx_fp = OPEN_IN(idx_fn)) == NULL) ) || ((!open_fn) && (access(idx_fn, R_OK) != 0))) { FATAL2("Couldn't find input index file %s nor %s.\n", base, idx_fn); } } #endif /* OS_BS2000 */ } static void #if STDC check_all(char *fn, int ind_given, int ilg_given, int log_given) #else check_all(fn, ind_given, ilg_given, log_given) char *fn; int ind_given; int ilg_given; int log_given; #endif { check_idx(fn, TRUE); /* index output file */ if (!ind_given) { sprintf(ind, "%s%s", base, INDEX_IND); ind_fn = ind; #if OS_BS2000 /* Look on HOME-, then WORK-PVS */ if ((ind_fp = OPEN_IN(ind_fn)) == NULL) { sprintf(ind, "%s%s%s", strchr(base, ':') ? NIL : WORK, base, INDEX_IND); ind_fn = ind; } else fclose(ind_fp); #endif /* OS_BS2000 */ } if ((ind_fp = OPEN_OUT(ind_fn)) == NULL) FATAL("Can't create output index file %s.\n", ind_fn); /* index transcript file */ if (!ilg_given) { sprintf(ilg, "%s%s", base, INDEX_ILG); ilg_fn = ilg; #if OS_BS2000 /* Look on HOME-, then WORK-PVS */ if ((ilg_fp = OPEN_IN(ilg_fn)) == NULL) { sprintf(ilg, "%s%s%s", strchr(base, ':') ? NIL : WORK, base, INDEX_ILG); ilg_fn = ilg; } else fclose(ilg_fp); #endif /* OS_BS2000 */ } if ((ilg_fp = OPEN_OUT(ilg_fn)) == NULL) FATAL("Can't create transcript file %s.\n", ilg_fn); #if OS_BS2000 /* Search both on HOME-PVS ans * WORK-PVS */ if (log_given) { sprintf(log_fn, "%s%s%s", strchr(base, ':') ? NIL : WORK, base, INDEX_LOG); if ((log_fp = OPEN_IN(log_fn)) == NULL) { if (strchr(base, ':')) sprintf(log_fn, "%s%s", strrchr(base, ':') + 1, INDEX_LOG); else sprintf(log_fn, "%s%s", base, INDEX_LOG); if ((log_fp = OPEN_IN(log_fn)) == NULL) FATAL2("Source log file %s%s not found.\n", WORK, log_fn); } else { find_pageno(); CLOSE(log_fp); } } #else if (log_given) { sprintf(log_fn, "%s%s", base, INDEX_LOG); #if OS_PCDOS /* open in binary mode (CR-LF) */ if ((log_fp = OPEN_IN_B(log_fn)) == NULL) { #else if ((log_fp = OPEN_IN(log_fn)) == NULL) { #endif /* OS_PCDOS */ FATAL("Source log file %s not found.\n", log_fn); } else { find_pageno(); CLOSE(log_fp); } } #endif /* OS_BS2000 */ } static void find_pageno(VOID_ARG) { int i = 0; int p, c; #if (OS_VAXVMS | OS_BS2000 | OS_MVSXA) /* * Scan forward through the file for VMS, because fseek doesn't work on * variable record files */ c = GET_CHAR(log_fp); while (c != EOF) { p = c; c = GET_CHAR(log_fp); if (p == LSQ && isdigit(c)) { i = 0; do { pageno[i++] = c; c = GET_CHAR(log_fp); } while (isdigit(c)); pageno[i] = NUL; } } if (i == 0) { fprintf(ilg_fp, "Couldn't find any page number in %s...ignored\n", log_fn); init_page = FALSE; } #else /* NOT (OS_VAXVMS | ...) */ fseek(log_fp, -1L, 2); p = GET_CHAR(log_fp); fseek(log_fp, -2L, 1); do { c = p; p = GET_CHAR(log_fp); } while (!(((p == LSQ) && isdigit(c)) || (fseek(log_fp, -2L, 1) != 0))); if (p == LSQ) { while ((c = GET_CHAR(log_fp)) == SPC); do { pageno[i++] = (char) c; c = GET_CHAR(log_fp); } while (isdigit(c)); pageno[i] = NUL; } else { fprintf(ilg_fp, "Couldn't find any page number in %s...ignored\n", log_fn); init_page = FALSE; } #endif /* (OS_VAXVMS | ...) */ } static void #if STDC open_sty(char *fn) #else open_sty(fn) char *fn; #endif { char *path; char *ptr; int i; int len; if ((path = getenv(STYLE_PATH)) == NULL) { /* style input path not defined */ strcpy(sty_fn, fn); sty_fp = OPEN_IN(sty_fn); } else { #if OS_VAXVMS if ((strlen(STYLE_PATH) + strlen(fn) + 1) > ARRAY_MAX) { FATAL2("Path %s too long (max %d).\n", STYLE_PATH, ARRAY_MAX); } else { sprintf(sty_fn, "%s:%s", STYLE_PATH, fn); sty_fp = OPEN_IN(sty_fn); } #else /* NOT OS_VAXVMS */ len = ARRAY_MAX - strlen(fn) - 1; while (*path != NUL) { #if OS_XENIX i = 0; while ((*path != ENV_SEPAR) && (*path != NUL) && (i < len)) sty_fn[i++] = *path++; #else /* NOT OS_XENIX */ ptr = strchr(path, ENV_SEPAR); i = 0; if (ptr == (char*)NULL) { int j = strlen(path); while (i < j) sty_fn[i++] = *path++; } else { while ((path != ptr) && (i < len)) sty_fn[i++] = *path++; } #endif /* OS_XENIX */ if (i == len) { FATAL2("Path %s too long (max %d).\n", sty_fn, ARRAY_MAX); } else { #ifdef OS_VAXVMS if (sty_fn[i-1] != ']') sty_fn[i++] = DIR_DELIM; #else sty_fn[i++] = DIR_DELIM; #endif sty_fn[i] = NUL; strcat(sty_fn, fn); #if OS_XENIX if (((sty_fp = OPEN_IN(sty_fn)) == NULL) && (*path != NUL)) #else /* NOT OS_XENIX */ if ((sty_fp = OPEN_IN(sty_fn)) == NULL) #endif /* OS_XENIX */ path++; else break; } } #endif /* OS_VAXVMS */ } if (sty_fp == NULL) FATAL("Index style file %s not found.\n", fn); } int #if STDC strtoint(char *str) #else strtoint(str) char *str; #endif { int val = 0; while (*str != NUL) { #if (OS_BS2000 | OS_MVSXA) val = 10 * val + *str - '0'; #else val = 10 * val + *str - 48; #endif /* (OS_BS2000 | OS_MVSXA) */ str++; } return (val); }