//	To apply this path just replace the 2 following functions of PostgreSQL.m by these versions:

+ (PostgreSQL *)newPostgreSQLConnection
	PostgreSQL	*result = nil	;
		if ([gFreePool count] > 0)	{
			result = [[gFreePool lastObject] retain]	;
			[gFreePool removeLastObject]	;
		else	{
			result = [[PostgreSQL alloc] init]	;
		return [result autorelease]	;

- (PostgreSQL *)clone:(int *)resultCode
		*resultCode = 0	;
		if (_debugMode)
			NSAssert(_conn != nil, nilConnectionMsg)	;

		if (_conn == nil)
			return nil	;
	PostgreSQL	*conn = [PostgreSQL newPostgreSQLConnection]	;	// autoreleased object
		if ([conn connectToDatabase:[self databaseName] onHost:[self hostName] login:[self loginName] password:[self password] return:resultCode])
			return conn	;
		[PostgreSQL releasePostgreSQLConnection:conn]	;
		return nil	;