Hi, Gals and Guys,

I updated libio from glibc 2. libg++ or above should be used
with this release.

md5 support is added.

I have modified the NIS support in libc, which is not compatible
with the previous version, but is compatible with SunOS, Solaris, ...
except for those brain dead xxxBSD. Please make sure you have the
same ypclients as the one at where you get this C library. Otherwise
your NIS won't work with the modified NIS code in this libc. If you
use a different yp client other than those in my YP clients package,
you may need a patch. Please send me a note and I will fix it for
you as soon as possible.

Binaries of locale and localedef are included in the binary release.

I added the support for larger PATH_MAX in linux 2.1.x. The old binaries
should run fine with the new shared library compiled with the new
PATH_MAX in linux 2.1.x. Let me know if you find any problems.

I added some libc 6.x/glibc 2.x compatibility codes for libc 5.4.14
so that the old XFree86 binaries will run fine with the new XFree86
shared librraries compiled with libc 6.x/glibc 2.x.

If you use linux 2.1.x, you need libc 5.4.45 or above to compile libc
yourself. The pre-compiled libc should run fine under linux 2.1.x.
Also this library is compiled with -D_REENTRANT so that errno is MT

The shared libraries are now compiled with -g1 which can provide
minimum information when core dump happens. You can strip
libc.so.5.4.45 if you want.

Due to the new, improved locale, the Linux C library 5.4.45 is binary
compatible with libc 5.3.12 but not vice versa. The binaries
compiled/linked with libc.so.5.4.45 may not run with libc.so.5.3.12.
You may need to regenerate locale files for the new locale in libc
5.4.45 if you use locales other tha C/POSIX which are the defaults.

The locale sources are at


There are many security bug fixes. Please consult ChangeLog for
details. Please let me know if there are more security bugs remains.

This is the beta release of the Linux C library 5.4.45. Please read
the ChangeLog for details regarding changes/bug fixes.


The primary FTP sites for the compiler/C library are:

*     ftp://tsx-11.mit.edu/pub/linux/packages/GCC/private/tofu
*     ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/GCC/private/tofu

The secondary FTP sites are:

*     ftp://linux.nrao.edu/pub/linux/packages/GCC_private/tofu
*     ftp://i44ftp.info.uni-karlsruhe.de/pub/linux/libc/private/dontuse

Due to the slow link, secondary ftp sites may not be updated as quickly
as the primaries.


1.	libc-5.4.45.bin.tar.gz

REQUIRED. This package contains the header files for libc, shared and
static ELF libraries libc and libm, and the static ELF library libbsd.a. 
The header files in libc-5.4.45.bin.tar.gz are not complete. You need to
install the kernel source tree for the system-dependent header files.

The header files are in lib-x.y.z.bin.tar.gz and libc-x.y.z.tar.gz. You
can do

# gzip -dc lib-x.y.z.bin.tar.gz | tar xvvf - usr/include

to extract the header files without the binaries files. A separate
tar file for the header files may cause unnecessary confusion.

2.	libc-5.4.45.tar.gz
Source tree for libc and header files.

3.	libc-5.4.44-5.4.45.diff.gz

Context diffs against the source tree from the previous libc release.
Please make sure the empty libc/regex/rx.h is deleted.


The only libraries included in this package are the Linux C library, libc 
and the math library, libm.

ELF versions of libraries formerly included in the libc package can be 
found at the following FTP sites:

* gdbm		ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/libs/db/gdbm-1.7.3-ELF.tar.gz
* db		ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/libs/db/db-1.85.2.bin.tar.gz
* ncurses	ftp://ftp.tos.net/pub/linux/ncurses
* termcap	ftp://tsx-11.mit.edu/pub/linux/packages/GCC

Gertjan van Wingerde (gertjan@cs.vu.nl) maintains the ELF db package.

Christopher Wiles (wileyc@moscow.com) maintains the ELF gdbm and

MacGyver <macgyver@tos.net> maintains the ELF ncurses.

NOTE: I strongly suggest using ncurses to replace curses/termcap. The
current ncurses supports ELF.


* 	kernel 1.1.92 or above.  It may work with an older kernel if
	the QMAGIC format is supported. If you use the kernel 1.3.x,
	you should upgrade to 1.3.40 or above. Otherwise readv/writev
	system calls won't work right.
	To compile the MIT pthread kernel, I only builed it with
	Linux kernel source code 1.99.10. You can comment out
	pthreads in DIRS in libc/sysdeps/Makefile.
*	gcc-2.7.2 or above and binutils- or above.
*	ld.so-1.9.5 or above.  The latest version can be obtained from 
*	libg++ or above.  This is only necessary for development 
	using c++.


Ensure that /usr/include/asm and /usr/include/linux are a symlinks to 
their counterparts in the kernel source tree.  For example, if your kernel
source resides within /usr/src/linux, execute: 

ln -s -f /usr/src/linux/include/asm /usr/include/asm
ln -s -f /usr/src/linux/include/linux /usr/include/linux

As some programs need <linux/autoconf.h>, the following two commands may 
be necessary to generate that header file:
cd /usr/src/linux
make config

Verify that /var/run/utmp and /var/log/wtmp exist.  Replace all other 
occurances of utmp and wtmp (/etc/utmp, for example) with symlinks.

Assuming the libc binary tarfile is in /, and as root, execute:
cd /
rm -f /lib/libc.so /lib/libm.so
rm -f /usr/lib/libc.so /usr/lib/libm.so
rm -f /usr/include/iolibio.h /usr/include/iostdio.h 
rm -f /usr/include/wcstr.h /usr/include/mbstr.h
rm -f /usr/include/ld_so_config.h /usr/include/localeinfo.h
rm -rf /usr/include/netinet /usr/include/net /usr/include/pthread
gzip -dc libc-5.4.45.bin.tar.gz | tar xvf -


Unpack the libc source tarfile in your source directory.  Refer to the 
README for compilation instructions.


If your kernel uses system call numbers 135 to 146 for unintended
purposes, this library may not work for you. One example is the kswap
kernel patch for 1.2.x uses the same system call numbers for other
uses. That breaks this library. Please compare/check <sys/syscall.h>,
<asm/unistd.h> and <linux/unistd.h>. You have to make sure those
system call numbers are consistent from libc to your kernel.

There is no support for a.out libraries in this source tree.  The latest
version of the a.out library suite is libc-4.7.5, which can be obtained
from one of the ftp sites listed below. 

The structure DIR, defined in sysdeps/linux/dirstream.h, was changed in
release 5.2.0.  If you upgrade from release 5.1.4 or earlier to release
5.2.0 or later, you must reboot after installing the new libraries.  If
you compile your own library, *do not* "make install".  Instead, copy the
new libc.so* to /lib, do "ldconfig -v", reboot, then do "make install" 

A dirent bug, which erroneously defined d->reclen to d->namlen if USE_GNU
was defined, has been fixed.

A back door has been added for the file descriptor in DIR.  You need to
define DIRENT_ILLEGAL_ACCESS to access the dd_fd field.  You should use
dirfd () to get the the file descriptor in DIR.  Use this at your own

A new dirent bug is fixed. The ELF nfsd should work fine. 

<iostdio.h> and <iolibio.h> have been removed.


The MIT pthread library is not supported in libc 5.4.x. The new
kernel-based pthread will be in libc 6.0.


NYS binaries are not provided this time.  NYS 0.27.4 is included in the 
source tree as a compile-time option.  Please consult README.nys and other 
applicable NYS documents before attempting NYS installation. I disabled
DBM for NYS. Some changes are needed to support non-builtin dbm. 


ELF related WWW pages:

*	http://www.intac.com/~cully/elf.html
*	http://www.sjc.ox.ac.uk/users/barlow/linux-gcc.html
*	http://www.blackdown.org/elf/elf.html

ELF documentation:

*	ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/GCC/elf.ps.gz
*	ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/GCC/elf.latex.tar.gz
*	ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/GCC/ELF.doc.tar.gz
