#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This utility is a direct translation right down to the comments
# from mkfontalias.py written by Roman Sulzhyk to assist people
# in de-uglification of their true type fonts. It creates a
# fonts.alias file from the fonts.dir file found in the directory.
# It supports all of the Python script's features:
# - maps the following MS webfonts:
# Verdana, Tahoma, Impact, Arial Black,
# Comic Sans MS, Georgia, Trebuchet MS
# - cheats by mapping 6, 7 and 8pt to 9pt fonts
# (c)2002 Aristotle Pagaltzis, licensed under the GPL
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
use strict;
my $infile = "fonts.dir";
my $outfile = "fonts.alias";
my @res = (75, 75);
my %cheat_map = (6 => 9, 7 => 9, 8 => 9);
my @font_sizes = (6..16, 18, 24);
my %font_map = (
"Arial" => "Arial",
"Times New Roman" => "Times New Roman",
"Verdana" => "Verdana",
"Tahoma" => "Tahoma",
"Impact" => "Impact",
"Arial Black" => "Arial Black",
"Comic Sans MS" => "Comic Sans MS",
"Georgia" => "Georgia",
"Trebuchet MS" => "Trebuchet MS",
"Courier New" => "Courier New"
# Read in the fonts.
open(THEFILE, "<", $infile) or die "Cannot read $infile: $! - are you sure you are in the fonts directory?\n";
my @fontdir = splice @{[ <THEFILE> ]}, 1; # Strip the first line
close THEFILE;
# Now, create the output
my @aliases;
foreach (@fontdir) {
# Get rid of the first entry, but mind that other may have
# spaces in them
my $font = join(" ", splice @{[ split ]}, 1) or die "Cannot parse $infile line: $_\n";
my @entries = split "-", $font;
die "Invalid font: $font\n" unless @entries == 15;
my $mapped_font = $font_map{$entries[2]} or next;
# Create a bunch of aliases, for each size
for my $size (@font_sizes) {
# Do the "cheating" - fallback to size if not in the cheat map
my $real_size = $cheat_map{$size} || $size;
# Add the entry to the aliases
push @aliases, join(
" ",
join("-", @entries[0..6], $real_size, $real_size * 10, @entries[9..14]),
join("-", @entries[0..1], $mapped_font, @entries[3..6], $size, $size * 10, @res, @entries[11..14])
# Boast
print "Created ", scalar(@aliases), " aliases\n";
# Backup the existing file
if(-e $outfile) {
my $bakfile = "$outfile.bak";
my $errormsg = "Cannot backup $outfile to $bakfile:";
die "$errormsg file exists\n" if -e $bakfile;
rename $outfile, $bakfile or die "$errormsg $!\n"
# Ok, write the file
open(THEFILE, ">", $outfile) or die "Cannot open $outfile for writing: $!\n";
print THEFILE map "$_\n", @aliases;
close THEFILE;
print "Wrote ", scalar(@aliases), " aliases to $outfile\n";