Why is video X not yet available?

All videos need to be reviewed before they are transcoded and released.
This is one of two manual steps in the whole process. The speakers will
have received an email with a review invitation, with the DevRoom or
main track mangers in Cc. Please ask them to do the review, if you want
the process to be sped up.

You can follow along what the status of your favourite talk is at

When I watch a released video X, it returns "Service Unavailable". Quid?

That means the video is still very recent, and hasn't been picked up by
our mirrors yet. As soon as the first mirror has picked it up, the error
message will go away. Please try again later.

Will my video be added to the website?

Yes. A script is run from cron once every 30 minutes, which adds the
links to those videos that appear on at least one mirror by that point.

Please don't add the links manually, as that may confuse the script and
then you get them twice.

Will the videos be uploaded to YouTube?

No, unfortunately not. We used to do this, but Google has made bulk
uploading massively more complicated nowadays, and we do not wish to
manually upload each and every file.

I am a [speaker,devroom manager] and have not received a review invitation

Please check your spam folder. They tend to get marked as spam by some
mail hosters :-(

I did, it's not there.

Please contact video@fosdem.org, so we can tell the system to resend the

I reviewed a talk and released it, but would still like to fix some issues

Please contact video@fosdem.org, so we can unlock your talk.

What is the difference between the .m4 and .av1.webm files? Why is the mp4 file so huge?

The mp4 file contains the H.264 video and AAC audio that was used for
the live streaming during the event. It is not re-encoded, which means
it is encoded at the efficiency levels that our hardware can cope with
for live streaming of a video stream. This will necessarily use somewhat
more disk space than an equivalent file that was transcoded after the
fact, where we can spend more time optimizing the file than is possible
for a live stream.

The H.264 and AAC codecs are patent-encumbered, but some platforms do
not support alternatives that are not; most Apple things fall in this

The .av1.webm file contains a transcode of the mp4 source material using
the AV1 video codec and the Opus audio codec. Both are free, modern, and
unencumbered codecs, and should work on most platforms out there. While
the file size is an order of magnitude smaller than the equivalent .mp4
file, the visual quality of the .av1.webm file should approximately be
the same as the .mp4 one, and therefore the .av1.webm file should be the
preferred one for you to watch a video, and you should only use the .mp4
one if the .av1.webm one does not work.