# Syntactic analysis In the syntactic analysis step, the expl3 analysis tool converts the list of `\TeX`{=tex} tokens into a tree of function calls. ## Unexpected function call argument {.e label=e300} A function is called with an unexpected argument. /e300-02.tex /e300-03.tex Partial applications are detected by analysing closing braces (`}`) and do not produce an error: /e300-01.tex ## End of expl3 part within function call {.e label=e301} A function call is cut off by the end of a file or an expl3 part of a file: /e301.tex ## Unbraced n-type function call argument {.w label=w302} An n-type function call argument is unbraced: /w302.tex Depending on the specific function, this may or may not be an error. ## Braced N-type function call argument {.w label=w303} An N-type function call argument is braced: /w302.tex Depending on the specific function, this may or may not be an error.