# Makefile generated by imake - do not edit! # $XConsortium: imake.c,v 1.51 89/12/12 12:37:30 jim Exp $ ########################################################################### # Makefile generated from "Imake.tmpl" and </tmp/IIf.a27531>. # # Platform-specific parameters may be set in the appropriate .cf # configuration files. Site-wide parameters may be set in the file # site.def. Full rebuilds are recommended if any parameters are changed. # # # If your C preprocessor doesn't define any unique symbols, you'll need # to set BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS when rebuilding imake (usually when doing # "make Makefile", "make Makefiles", or "make World"). # # If you absolutely can't get imake to work, you'll need to set the # variables at the top of each Makefile as well as the dependencies at the # bottom (makedepend will do this automatically). # ########################################################################### # platform-specific project configuration parameters # edit ultrix.pcf to change ########################################################################### # platform-specific configuration parameters - edit ultrix.cf to change # platform: ultrix.cf 90/01/11 # operating system: Ultrix-32 3.1 ########################################################################### # site-specific project configuration parameters - edit site.pdef to change ########################################################################### # site-specific configuration parameters - edit site.def to change # site: Primate Center 89/12/22 # System characteristics. Should be overridden as necessary in # platform-specific .cf file. ########################################################################### # definitions common to all Makefiles - do not edit SHELL = /bin/sh DESTDIR = TOP = . CURRENT_DIR = . VARARGS_DEFINES = -DVARARGS AR = ar clq BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS = CC = cc CPP = /lib/cpp $(STD_CPP_DEFINES) PREPROCESSCMD = cc -E $(STD_CPP_DEFINES) INSTALL = install LD = ld LINT = lint LINTLIBFLAG = -C LINTOPTS = -axz LN = ln -s MAKE = make MV = mv CP = cp RANLIB = ranlib RANLIBINSTFLAGS = -t RM = rm -f STD_INCLUDES = STD_CPP_DEFINES = STD_DEFINES = EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS = EXTRA_LIBRARIES = TAGS = ctags INSTBINFLAGS = -m 0755 -o bin -g system INSTUIDFLAGS = -m 04755 -o bin -g system INSTGIDFLAGS = -m 02755 -o bin -g system INSTUGIDFLAGS = -m 06755 -o bin -g system INSTLIBFLAGS = -m 0664 -o bin -g system INSTSCRIPTFLAGS = -m 0755 -o bin -g system INSTINCFLAGS = -m 0444 -o bin -g system INSTDATFLAGS = -m 0444 -o bin -g system INSTMANFLAGS = -m 0444 -o bin -g system INCLUDEPATH = $(DESTDIR)/usr/include EXTRA_INCLUDES = ${PROJECT_INCLUDES} ALLINCLUDES = $(EXTRA_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(STD_INCLUDES) ALLDEFINES = $(ALLINCLUDES) $(STD_DEFINES) $(DEFINES) CFLAGS = $(CDEBUGFLAGS) $(CCOPTIONS) $(ALLDEFINES) LINTFLAGS = $(LINTOPTS) -DLINT $(ALLDEFINES) LDLIBS = $(SYS_LIBRARIES) $(EXTRA_LIBRARIES) LDOPTIONS = $(CDEBUGFLAGS) $(CCOPTIONS) MANPATH = $(DESTDIR)/usr/man MANSOURCEPATH = $(MANPATH)/man MANDIR = $(MANSOURCEPATH)l LIBMANDIR = LibmanDir SYSMANDIR = SysmanDir EQN = xeqn MANMACROS = -man.new MSMACROS = -ms PIC = pic PRINTER = lwa SOELIM = soelim TBL = tbl TROFF = pstroff NROFF = nroff CDEBUGFLAGS = -O CCOPTIONS = RM_CMD = $(RM) *.CKP *.ln *.BAK *.bak *.o core errs ,* *.a .emacs_* tags TAGS make.log MakeOut ########################################################################### # project-specific configuration parameters # Edit Project.ptmpl to change ########################################################################### # project-specific project configuration parameters ########################################################################### # Section 1. Cpp symbols # Project identfication - name and release level # Project-specific system characteristics # Project-specific system directories and file locations # Project-specific include file directories # Configuration tools (files and directories) # Extra commands required # Extra libraries required ########################################################################### # Section 2. Makefile symbols; needs to be coordinated with Imake.tmpl # Project identfication - name and release level # Project-specific system characteristics # Project-specific system directories and file locations # Project-specific include file directories # Configuration tools (files and directories) # Extra commands required # Extra libraries required ########################################################################### # Standard Project configuration parameters # Edit Project.tmpl to change ########################################################################### # Standard project configuration parameters ########################################################################### # Section 1. Cpp symbols # Project identfication - name and release level # Project-specific system directories and file locations # Project-specific include file directories # Configuration tools (files and directories) ########################################################################### # Section 2. Makefile symbols; needs to be coordinated with Imake.tmpl # Project identfication - name and release level PROJECTNAME = "(no project name)" PROJECTRELEASE = "0.0" # Project-specific system directories and file locations PATHSEP = / BINDIR = $(DESTDIR)/usr/local USRLIBDIR = $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib TMPDIR = ${DESTDIR}/usr/tmp # Project-specific include file directories INCLUDESRC = . PROJECT_INCLUDES = -I${INCLUDESRC} # Configuration tools (files and directories) STDCONFIGPATH = ${USRLIBDIR}/config STDCONFIGDIR = ${STDCONFIGPATH}/WRPRC PROJCONFIGDIR = ${TOP}/config CONFIGSRC = $(TOP)/config IMAKESRC = $(CONFIGSRC) UTILSRC = $(TOP)/util SCRIPTSRC = $(UTILSRC)/scripts DEPENDSRC = $(UTILSRC)/makedepend MSUBSRC = $(UTILSRC)/msub SOELIMSRC = $(UTILSRC)/soelim IMAKE = imake DEPEND = makedepend MSUB = msub MKDIRHIER = /bin/sh $(SCRIPTSRC)/mkdirhier.sh IMAKE_DEFINES = IRULESRC = $(CONFIGSRC) MACROFILE = ultrix.cf IMAKE_CMD = $(IMAKE) -DUseInstalled -I$(NEWTOP)$(PROJCONFIGDIR) -I$(STDCONFIGDIR) $(IMAKE_DEFINES) ICONFIGFILES = $(IRULESRC)/Imake.tmpl \ $(IRULESRC)/Imake.rules \ $(IRULESRC)/Project.tmpl \ $(IRULESRC)/$(MACROFILE) \ $(IRULESRC)/site.def \ Imakefile \ $(EXTRA_CONFIGFILES) ########################################################################### # Project-specific imake rules # Edit Imake.prules to change ########################################################################### # Standard imake rules # Edit Imake.rules to change ########################################################################### # Imake rules. # Hacked from X Window System R3 and R4 imake rules. ########################################################################### # start of Imakefile # any special -D's or other flags for compiling DEFINES = ${VARARGS_DEFINES} # any special -I's for compiling INCLUDES = # any special libraries needed for linking LIBRARIES = # stuff common to all translators COMMONSRCS = reader.c COMMONOBJS = reader.o # RTF-to-nothing translator (the minimal translator) NULLSRCS = rtf2null.c NULLOBJS = rtf2null.o ${COMMONOBJS} # RTF-to-troff TROFFSRCS = rtf2troff.c trf-charmap.c trf-stack.c trf-flush.c \ trf-table.c trf-nwid.c TROFFOBJS = rtf2troff.o trf-charmap.o trf-stack.o trf-flush.o \ trf-table.o trf-nwid.o ${COMMONOBJS} # RTF-to-text translator TEXTSRCS = rtf2text.c TEXTOBJS = rtf2text.o ${COMMONOBJS} # RTF diagnostic "translator" DIAGSRCS = rtfdiag.c DIAGOBJS = rtfdiag.o ${COMMONOBJS} # RTF word count "translator" WCSRCS = rtfwc.c WCOBJS = rtfwc.o ${COMMONOBJS} # skeleton RTF translator SKELSRCS = rtfskel.c SKELOBJS = rtfskel.o ${COMMONOBJS} # RTF file indenter ("beautifier") INDSRCS = rtfindent.c INDOBJS = rtfindent.o SRCS = ${COMMONSRCS} ${NULLSRCS} ${TROFFSRCS} ${DIAGSRCS} \ ${TEXTSRCS} ${WCSRCS} ${SKELSRCS} ${INDSRCS} all:: rtf2null clean:: $(RM) rtf2null rtf2null:: ${NULLOBJS} $(RM) $@ $(CC) -o $@ ${NULLOBJS} $(LDOPTIONS) ${LIBRARIES} $(LDLIBS) install:: irtf2null irtf2null:: rtf2null $(INSTALL) -c ${INSTBINFLAGS} rtf2null ${BINDIR}/rtf2null all:: rtf2troff clean:: $(RM) rtf2troff rtf2troff:: ${TROFFOBJS} $(RM) $@ $(CC) -o $@ ${TROFFOBJS} $(LDOPTIONS) ${LIBRARIES} $(LDLIBS) install:: irtf2troff irtf2troff:: rtf2troff $(INSTALL) -c ${INSTBINFLAGS} rtf2troff ${BINDIR}/rtf2troff all:: rtf2text clean:: $(RM) rtf2text rtf2text:: ${TEXTOBJS} $(RM) $@ $(CC) -o $@ ${TEXTOBJS} $(LDOPTIONS) ${LIBRARIES} $(LDLIBS) install:: irtf2text irtf2text:: rtf2text $(INSTALL) -c ${INSTBINFLAGS} rtf2text ${BINDIR}/rtf2text all:: rtfdiag clean:: $(RM) rtfdiag rtfdiag:: ${DIAGOBJS} $(RM) $@ $(CC) -o $@ ${DIAGOBJS} $(LDOPTIONS) ${LIBRARIES} $(LDLIBS) install:: irtfdiag irtfdiag:: rtfdiag $(INSTALL) -c ${INSTBINFLAGS} rtfdiag ${BINDIR}/rtfdiag all:: rtfwc clean:: $(RM) rtfwc rtfwc:: ${WCOBJS} $(RM) $@ $(CC) -o $@ ${WCOBJS} $(LDOPTIONS) ${LIBRARIES} $(LDLIBS) install:: irtfwc irtfwc:: rtfwc $(INSTALL) -c ${INSTBINFLAGS} rtfwc ${BINDIR}/rtfwc # this isn't installed anywhere... all:: rtfskel clean:: $(RM) rtfskel rtfskel:: ${SKELOBJS} $(RM) $@ $(CC) -o $@ ${SKELOBJS} $(LDOPTIONS) ${LIBRARIES} $(LDLIBS) all:: rtfindent clean:: $(RM) rtfindent rtfindent:: ${INDOBJS} $(RM) $@ $(CC) -o $@ ${INDOBJS} $(LDOPTIONS) ${LIBRARIES} $(LDLIBS) install:: irtfindent irtfindent:: rtfindent $(INSTALL) -c ${INSTBINFLAGS} rtfindent ${BINDIR}/rtfindent depend:: $(DEPEND) -s "# DO NOT DELETE" -- $(ALLDEFINES) -- $(SRCS) # document formatting rules rtf-doc:: rtf.ms ${SOELIMDEP} ${SOELIM} rtf.ms | ${TROFF} ${MSMACROS} | ${PRINTER} rtf-misc-doc:: rtf-misc.ms ${SOELIMDEP} ${SOELIM} rtf-misc.ms | ${TROFF} ${MSMACROS} | ${PRINTER} rtf2troff-doc:: rtf2troff.ms ${SOELIMDEP} ${SOELIM} rtf2troff.ms | ${TROFF} ${MSMACROS} | ${PRINTER} ########################################################################### # common rules for all Makefiles - do not edit emptyrule:: clean:: $(RM_CMD) \#* Makefile:: -@if [ -f Makefile ]; then \ echo " $(RM) Makefile.bak; $(MV) Makefile Makefile.bak"; \ $(RM) Makefile.bak; $(MV) Makefile Makefile.bak; \ else exit 0; fi $(IMAKE_CMD) -DTOPDIR=$(TOP) -DCURDIR=$(CURRENT_DIR) tags:: $(TAGS) -w *.[ch] $(TAGS) -xw *.[ch] > TAGS ########################################################################### # empty rules for directories that do not have SUBDIRS - do not edit install:: @echo "install in $(CURRENT_DIR) done" install.man:: @echo "install.man in $(CURRENT_DIR) done" Makefiles:: depend:: ########################################################################### # dependencies generated by makedepend