%% bsymbols.tex Macros for bold symbols defined in cmmib and cmbsy
%% Part of package fontch V2.0 2007/09/4
%% Rodrigo Medina (IVIC) rmedina@ivic.ve
%% Licence: LPPL
%%%% Description
%% Defines a macro for the bold version of each symbol that appears in
%% cmmi and cmsy. The name of the bold symbol is the name of the normal symbol
%% with the prefix "bf". For example the bold version of \Sigma is \bfSigma.
%% There are also macros for the bold versions of  symbols that have their
%% own key.  For example the bold version of "+" is  \bfplus.
%%%% Requirement
%% As it is defined in fontch.tex cmmib must be family #8 and cmbsy  family #9
%%%% Usage
%% You can use bsymbols.tex in two ways:
%% 1- put \input bsymbols.tex in your document.
%% 2- If need only a few bold symbols you may copy in your document
%%    the lines of this file in which the symbols that you need appear.
%% These have their own key, most are defined in cmr
%%  cmmi symbols

%%  cmsy symbols
\mathchardef\bfleq="3914 \let\bfle=\bfleq
\mathchardef\bfgeq="3915 \let\bfge=\bfgeq
\mathchardef\bfleftarrow="3920 \let\bfgets=\bfleftarrow
\mathchardef\bfrightarrow="3921 \let\bfto=\bfrightarrow
\mathchardef\bfneg="093A \let\bflnot=\bfneg
\mathchardef\bfbot="093F \let\bfperp=\bfbot
\mathchardef\bfwedge="295E \let\bfland=\bfwedge
\mathchardef\bfvee="295F \let\bflor=\bfvee