\documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[ansinew]{inputenc} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{csquotes} \usepackage[section,toc1,hyperref]{javadoc} \hypersetup{colorlinks,citecolor=black,filecolor=black,linkcolor=black,urlcolor=black} \author{Jolle\footnote{Comments, Help, Questions, Critics to \mbox{joerman.lieder@gmx.net}} } \date{\today} \title{Documentation of TexGen-Doclet} \begin{document} \maketitle \abstract{This documentation describes the use of the TexGen-Doclet. A doclet is a class derived from com.sun.javadoc.Doclet that can be used to generate a documentation with the javadoc-tool out of commented java-source-code. By default javadoc generates a HTML documentation, TexGen generates \TeX-files according to the javadoc-package. The doclet is under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE\footnote{www.gnu.org}} \tableofcontents \section{Usage} \subsection{Calling javadoc} To use the doclet it has to be a parameter for the javadoc programm. The javadoc syntax is: javadoc [options] [packagenames] [sourcefiles] [@files] Possible Options are -doclet and -docletpath. For TexGen write \enquote{TeXGen} after -doclet and after -docletpath the Path to the TexGen.jar jararchive. \subsection{Option for TexGen} TexGen provides an own option. You can use -dest and the path to the outputfolder, where the generated files will be located. If you don't use this option, an folder named \enquote{texgendoc} will be created. The final syntax is: javadoc -doclet TexGen -docletpath <...texgen.jar> -dest <ausgabepath> ... \subsection{Using Eclipse} With Eclipse Javadoc can be called with an plugin. You have the possibility to choose a custom doclet. Use TexGen for the docletname and the path to the jararchive for the docletpath. The next dialog provides the inputfield for extra javadoc options. Here you can add -dest <outputpath>. \section{Known and Open Issues} \begin{itemize} \item Special character in the documented text are converted not to interprete them as Tex-control character. These are: \verb+{ } _ ^ & # [ ]+. All other special characters, that might build a tex-control-character should be avoided. \item Generic data types aren't supported. \item Duplicate Classnames (e.g. in different packages) aren't supported in linking. \end{itemize} \section{Source Code documentation} \input{doc/TexGen} \input{doc/ClassWriter} \input{doc/TexPrintStream} \input{doc/InhTable} \input{doc/InhEntry} \end{document}