\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[lat=2,lang=ca,abbr=italic,last=true,eitem=4]{copyedit} % % all the options can be changed in the middle of the document or % anywhere in the document with the command: % % \cesetup{c<comma separated list of options>} % \usepackage[sc,osf]{mathpazo} \usepackage{lipsum} \begin{document} \parindent 0pt \parskip 12pt \advance\baselineskip by 3pt \newacro{H2O}[$\mathrm{H_2O}$]{Dihygrogen Monoxide} \newacro{WHO}[W.H.O.]{World Health Organization} \subsubsection*{Language Variants} \lipsum[1] \definevariant{colour}{color}{COLOR}{Color} \cesetup{lang=uk} \vara{colour} \vara{color} \vara{COLOR} \vara{Color} \cesetup{lang=us} \vara{colour} \vara{color} \vara{COLOR} \vara{Color} \cesetup{lang=ca} \vara{colour} \vara{color} \vara{COLOR} \vara{Color} \cesetup{lang=au} \vara{colour} \vara{color} \vara{COLOR} \vara{Color} \subsubsection*{Hyphenate, etc} \closeup{anti}{body} and for that matter \hyp{anti}{body}. \sword{Civil}{War}. \subsubsection*{Latin abbreviation} \definelat{e.g.}{eg}{for example} First option keeps the abbreviation as such: \cesetup{lat=0} \lat{e.g.}. The second option remove all dots: \cesetup{lat=1,abbr=rm} \lat{e.g.}. The third one switches to English equivalent: \cesetup{lat=2} \lat{e.g.}. \subsubsection*{Acronym} \ac{H2O} \ac{WHO} \lipsum[2] \ac{H2O} \ac{WHO} \medskip \subsubsection*{Parenthetical Comma} \cesetup{pc=0} The enthusiastic young ducks flying in front of the group \pc{led by the sugecious older ones at the back, make a lot of noise and turbulence} which are used by older ones at the back to warm their heart and the wing. \cesetup{pc=1} The enthusiastic young ducks flying in front of the group \pc{led by the sugecious older ones at the back, make a lot of noise and turbulence} which are used by older ones at the back to warm their heart and the wing. \cesetup{pc=2} The enthusiastic young ducks flying in front of the group \pc{led by the sugecious older ones at the back, make a lot of noise and turbulence} which are used by older ones at the back to warm their heart and the wing. \cesetup{pc=3} The enthusiastic young ducks flying in front of the group \pc{led by the sugecious older ones at the back, make a lot of noise and turbulence} which are used by older ones at the back to warm their heart and the wing. \cesetup{pc=4} The enthusiastic young ducks flying in front of the group \pc{led by the sugecious older ones at the back, make a lot of noise and turbulence} which are used by older ones at the back to warm their heart and the wing. \elist{warblers,tits,wrens,hummingbirds} No problems even if the space is not cared for in the list: \elist{warblers , tits, wrens,hummingbirds } \definetoken{mango}{His Holyness, the Prince of Mangoistan}{The Prince of Mangoistan}{He} Full: \Token{mango} Part: \Token{mango} Short: \Token{mango} Short: \Token{mango} \subsubsection*{Eitem} % \cesetup{eitem=0,last} % \cesetup{eitem=1,last} % \cesetup{eitem=2,last} % \cesetup{eitem=3,last} % \cesetup{eitem=4,last} \cesetup{eitem=5,last} \begin{eitem} \item one \item two \item three \item four \item five \item six \item seven %\item eight %\item nine %\item ten \end{eitem} \end{document}