% This is the texapi package.
% Relevant information can be found in texapi-doc.pdf
% Author: Paul Isambert.
% E-mail: zappathustra AT free DOT fr
% Comments and suggestions are welcome.
% Date: October 2011.
  \errmessage{texapi error: You need eTeX to run this. I quit}
\expandafter\edef\csname pi@restorecatcodes\endcsname{%
\catcode`\@=11 \catcode`\_=11
% LuaTeX doesn't have \pdfstrcmp anymore.
% It'd be safer if \formatnumber was already
% defined in a wrapper file for ConTeXt and LaTeX.
      % I'm not sure what ConTeXt's doing with \fmtname,
      % so I make do with this lovely control sequence.
% We need to get some primitives back.
% More should be done, probably.
  % ConTeXt
    \writestatus{#1 error}{#2}%
    % LaTeX2e
      % LaTeX3
      % I don't know if this is of any good.
      % LaTeX3 will either not rename those primitives,
      % or turn all primitives to error messages (nightmare),
      % as far as I can see.
      \expandafter\let\expandafter\priminput\csname tex_input:D\endcsname
      \expandafter\let\expandafter\primunexpanded\csname etex_unexpanded:D\endcsname
      % Plain and eplain, or an unknown format.
      \def\loadmacrofile#1{\priminput#1 }
        \errmessage{#1 error: #2}%
\def\pi@terminator{\senderror{texapi}{This shouldn't be happening}}
\long\def\pi@gobbletoterminator#1#2\pi@terminator{#1} % I generally want something to happen after a terminator.
\long\def\gobbleone#1{}               \long\def\gobbletwo#1#2{}               \long\def\gobblethree#1#2#3{}
\long\def\gobblefour#1#2#3#4{}        \long\def\gobblefive#1#2#3#4#5{}        \long\def\gobblesix#1#2#3#4#5#6{}
\long\def\gobbleseven#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{} \long\def\gobbleeight#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8{} \long\def\gobblenine#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9{}
\long\def\gobbleoneand#1#2{#1}               \long\def\gobbletwoand#1#2#3{#1}               \long\def\gobblethreeand#1#2#3#4{#1}
\long\def\gobblefourand#1#2#3#4#5{#1}        \long\def\gobblefiveand#1#2#3#4#5#6{#1}        \long\def\gobblesixand#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{#1}
\long\def\gobblesevenand#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8{#1} \long\def\gobbleeightand#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9{#1}
\long\def\unbrace#1{#1} \long\def\firstoftwo#1#2{#1} \long\def\secondoftwo#1#2{#2}
\long\def\swapargs#1#2{#2#1}         \long\def\swapbraced#1#2{{#2}{#1}}
\long\def\swapleftbraced#1#2{{#2}#1} \long\def\swaprightbraced#1#2{#2{#1}}
\def\emptycs{} \def\spacecs{ }
\def\:{\global\let\spacechar= }\: %
% All the \...cs stuff must be \long, because
% even though \par is (generally) unexpandable
% it can be \string'ed.
\long\pdef\defcs#1{\expandafter\def  \csname#1\endcsname}
\long\pdef\edefcs#1{\expandafter\edef \csname#1\endcsname}
\long\pdef\gdefcs#1{\expandafter\gdef \csname#1\endcsname}
\long\pdef\xdefcs#1{\expandafter\xdef \csname#1\endcsname}
\long\pdef\letcs#1{\expandafter\let  \csname#1\endcsname}
% If \csname#2\endcsname is undefined,
% we don't want to set it to \relax.
\long\pdef\lettocs   #1#2{\ifcs{#2}{\expandafter\let\expandafter#1\csname#2\endcsname}{\let#1\somethingtottallyundefined}}
\long\pdef\letcstocs #1#2{%
  % \iff... version
  % This is the \iff... version
  % In many cases, \long is better, otherwise it does no real harm.
% No point using \ifxcs, that would run useless tests.
\uccode`2=`i \uccode`3=`f
    \ifx\pi@ifwhatever_false aa%
  \ifprefix-{#1}% See line 858, where \newstring{-} is declared, so this remains expandable.
       % Trimming will also remove braces.
% This is dangerous. But useful to get 
% material across a conditional.
      \let\pi@temp= }%
% \reverse version
% We remove the \noexpand's.
% Would the following be faster?
% \long\def\pi@ifx\noexpand#1\noexpand#2{\ifx#1#2}
% I wonder.
  \let\pi@ifnext_token= #2%
% We keep count so loops can be nested.
%          Unbrace the fourth argument.
  %   Gobble the fourth argument (executed if the loop lives to its own natural end).
% And here's the big one.
      \the\pi@temp_tokenA 1{}{}{\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm}\unbrace
  \or \the\pi@temp_tokenA 2{##1}{{##1}}{{}\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm}\gobbleoneand
  \or \the\pi@temp_tokenA 3{##1##2}{{##1}{##2}}{{}{}\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm}\gobbletwoand
  \or \the\pi@temp_tokenA 4{##1##2##3}{{##1}{##2}{##3}}{{}{}{}\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm}\gobblethreeand
  \or \the\pi@temp_tokenA 5{##1##2##3##4}{{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}}{{}{}{}{}\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm}\gobblefourand
  \or \the\pi@temp_tokenA 6{##1##2##3##4##5}{{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}}{{}{}{}{}{}\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm}\gobblefiveand
  \or \the\pi@temp_tokenA 7{##1##2##3##4##5##6}{{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}{##6}}{{}{}{}{}{}{}\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm}\gobblesixand
  \or \the\pi@temp_tokenA 8{##1##2##3##4##5##6##7}{{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}{##6}{##7}}{{}{}{}{}{}{}{}\pi@nf_tm\pi@nf_tm}\gobblesevenand
  \or \the\pi@temp_tokenA 9{##1##2##3##4##5##6##7##8}{{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}{##6}{##7}{##8}}{{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}\pi@nf_tm}\gobbleeightand
  \else \senderror{texapi}{You can't have more than 8 passed arguments. Definition aborted}%
% \newfor\foo{<n>}<parameters>{<definition>}{<coda>}
%        |#1      |#2         |#3           |#4
% #5 = <n>+1
% #6 = ##1##2...##n
% #7 = {##1}{##2}...{##n}
% #8 = <parameters> with terminators as arguments, to mark the end of the loop.
% #9 = \gobble<n>and
% So, for instance, something like \edef#1#6###5 means
% (without the double hashes):
% \edef\foo#1#2...#n#<n+1>, e.g. with n=3
% \edef\foo#1#2#3#4
% hence \foo{<first>}{<second>}{<third>}{<list>}
%           |_________ passed _________|
% and this calls:
% \pi@newfor_userdefined:foo#7###5
% => \pi@newfor_userdefined:foo{#1}{#2}{#3}#4<terminators>
% => \pi@newfor_userdefined:foo{<first>}{<second>}{<third>}<list><terminators>
% and of course \pi@newfor_userdefined:foo sees only the head of <list>.
% The first argument of <list> is tested to check whether it's a terminator
% (and whether it's empty in the noempty case) in which case the <coda>,
% i.e. #4, is executed. Otherwise <definition>, i.e. #3, is launched.
% \pi@newfor_markloop is just \usecs; but it's also a delimiter for
% \breakfor, \passarguments, etc., i.e. it delimits the code to be gobbled.
% \pi@newdor_preloop is a dummy macro that expands to nothing but which
% is useful in one special case: viz. \passarguments{<arg>} with only one
% argument passed, and at the end of a loop so that there's no intervening
% code; \passarguments calls \getargs@pi@newfor_userdefined:foo on its
% arguments, which should be properly braced; but because TeX removes
% braces around delimited arguments that fit exactly into the delimiters,
% \passarguments as just described would pass an unbraced argument, hence kertwang.
% \pi@newfor_preloop ensures that <arg> is never the sole properly fitted
% and hence unbracing-prone argument. It is then used by \getargs@pi@newfor_userdefined:foo
% to remove remaining code, if any.
% The definition is pretty ugly, but it works, and
% you should've seen what it looked like when I started.
% \newdowhile\foo<nb of args><trarg_1>...<trarg_n><body>
% where <trarg_1>...<trarg_n> are the transformations of <arg_1>...<arg_n>
% from one iteration to the next.
% The \newhile is basically a simple version of \newfor.
% \newwhile\foo<n><trans_1><trans_2>...<trans_n><body>
% Below:
% #1 = \foo
% #2 = ##1##2...##n
% #3 = {##1}{##2}...{##n}
% #4 = <trans_1><trans_2>...<trans_n>
% #5 = \gobble<n>and
% #6 = <body>
% ... so that \foo (#1) takes <n> arguments (#2), executes <body> (#6),
% and runs its internal version (...newhile_userdefined...) on these same arguments
% properly braced (#3). This internal version takes of course <n> arguments
% and returns \foo with the arguments transformed (#4).
% ..._preloop and ..._markloop are just markers, although the is equivalent to \usecs
% so as to launch the following macro.
\pi@ifdef_simple\ifemptystring{\ifcsname pi@thisisjustanemptystring_donottouchit\detokenize{#1}\endcsname}
\newstring{-}% This is for \ifprefix on line 391 above.
  \ifemptystring{#1}\firstoftwo % An empty string is always a suffix. And it'd ruin the test.
% (adapted from Will Robertson's trimspace)
  \pi@passtrimright_first#1Q Q%
\long\gdef\pi@passtrimright_first#1 Q{%
