%% Preamble

\input epsf.tex

\def \bs {\char`\\}

\def \heading #1{\centerline{\bf #1}}

\def \myfont {%
    \baselineskip = 9.6pt
    \font \rm = cmr8 at 8pt

\def \noise
    Blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah
    blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah

\def \ARROWPICTURE {\llap{$\Rightarrow$}\PLAINPICTURE\rlap{$\Leftarrow$}}

\def \PLAINPICTURE {\epsffile{tepsf.eps}}

\parindent = 2em

\parskip = 2ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.5ex

%% Page size in mid-Atlantic units
\voffset = -0.5in

\vsize = 9.5in

\hsize = 12.5cm

%% Document body


\heading{Test of {\tt epsf.tex}}


This figure should be centered:



This figure should be left-adjusted:



This figure should be right-adjusted:



This figure should be centered with abutting arrows on the baseline:



This figure should be left-adjusted with abutting arrows on the
baseline, the leftmost of which is in the left margin on the baseline:



This figure should be right-adjusted with abutting arrows on the
baseline, the rightmost of which is in the right margin on the




%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------

\heading{Test of {\tt epsf.tex}}
\heading{{\tt \bs epsfframetrue} and {\tt \bs epsfshowfalse} and
         {\tt \bs epsfshowfilenametrue}}



This figure should be centered:



This figure should be left-adjusted:



This figure should be right-adjusted:



This figure should be centered with abutting arrows on the baseline:



This figure should be left-adjusted with abutting arrows on the
baseline, the leftmost of which is in the left margin on the baseline:



This figure should be right-adjusted with abutting arrows on the
baseline, the rightmost of which is in the right margin on the




%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
