%{ /* tree: format trees * Version 1.1 -- Greg Lee, lee@uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu, June 24, 1990 * * This program is free and in the public domain. Please keep future * versions in the public domain. * * The inspiration for and predecessor to `tree' was a program by * Chris Barker, of the Linguistics Board at University of California, * Santa Cruz, email: barker@ling.ucsc.edu. * * A pattern matching function yylex() is built, which finds tree * definitions in a text; yylex() is called recursively to build * a tree structure in memory; a sequence of formatting operations * is carried out (see printtree()); then the formatted tree is * displayed by tty() or, for TeX code, the function tex(). */ #include <ctype.h> #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 /* When formatting for TeX, multiply column widths by this to get better * positioning: */ #define COLMUL 8 /* The c_ values are from the command line; the real values are taken * from them or from options given after the \tree command. */ int tex_opt, c_tex_opt = FALSE; /* generate TeX code? */ int utex_opt, c_utex_opt = FALSE;/* generate TeX code with PS? */ int gap_opt, c_gap_opt = 2; /* space between subtrees */ int black_opt, c_black_opt = 0; /* black triangles */ int debug_opt = FALSE; /* tracing? */ int quiet_opt, c_quiet_opt = FALSE; /* no warnings */ int verbose_opt, c_verbose_opt = FALSE; /* show tex commands? */ int lexical_opt, c_lexical_opt = FALSE; /* no lines */ int T_opt, c_T_opt = FALSE; int O_opt, c_O_opt = FALSE; int I_opt, c_I_opt = FALSE; int F_opt, c_F_opt = FALSE; int E_opt, c_E_opt = FALSE; int R_opt, c_R_opt = FALSE; /* count columns before \tree command encountered */ int indent = 0; /* count caps in name to compensate for extra width */ int capscount = 0; /* keep track of recursion in yylex() calls to assign nodes to rows */ int level = 0; int maxlevel = 0; /* source line (not useful now -- need some error checking) */ int linenumber = 1; /* types of nodes */ #define HBAR 1 /* horizontal bar */ #define VBAR 2 /* vertical bar */ #define OBAR 4 /* horizontal overbar */ #define NODENAME 8 /* named node */ #define NAMEROOM 20000 /* how much to malloc for node names */ char *buf, *bufp; /* for buffer storing node names */ /* A node has a: * row, from row 1, telling how far from the top of the tree it is; * col, from col 0, how far from the left; * mid, its horizontal mid point, used for vertical alignment; * l, its width in columns; * treeid, an identifying number; * type, whether its a name or a bar of some sort; * attrib, a list of 26 values of attributes bestowed by \<cap>s; * n, pointer to its name if it has one; * and a bunch of pointers to contiguous nodes in the tree. * * Attributes `S' and `U' are used internally; must change this if * there are to be \S or \U commands. */ typedef struct list { int row, col, mid, l, treeid, type; char attrib[26]; char *n; struct list *daughter; struct list *sister; struct list *mother; struct list *right; struct list *left; } LIST, *TREE; /* next number for treeid */ int treenum = 1; TREE newnode(); /* global reference by yylex() */ TREE tree; #define ERROR(message) fprintf(stderr,"Tree: %s (line %d).\n", \ message, linenumber) /* Next is code for flex to build the yylex() function. There are three * states the pattern matcher can be in: * T, if it's matching text after the \tree command that defines * a tree; * N, if it's echoing text that is not in the scope of a \tree command; * C, if it's discarding comments within the definition of a tree. */ %} %s T N C %% <N>\n { indent = 0; linenumber++; ECHO; } <N>\t { indent++; while (indent % 8) indent++; ECHO; } <N>. { indent++; ECHO; } <N>\\tree[ \t\n]*(-([tuvqLTOIFER]+|[bg][0-9]+)[ \t\n]*)*\([ \t\n]* { TREE root; setoptions(yytext + 5); level++; if (level > maxlevel) maxlevel = level; root = newnode(level,bufp); tree = root; /* do a whole tree: in state T analyze the tree definition * and build the tree; format and display, and resume echoing * text until the next tree definition is found. */ BEGIN(T); yylex(); printtree(root); maxlevel = 0; BEGIN(N); } <N>\\tree { if (!quiet_opt) ERROR("ill-formed \\tree command ignored"); ECHO; } <T,C>\([ \t\n]* { TREE node; notenewlines(yytext); level++; if (level > maxlevel) maxlevel = level; addchar('\0'); /* terminate last node name */ capscount = 0; /* no caps in next name yet */ node = newnode(level,bufp); /* nodes at same level of embedding are connected together as * sisters; but if current level is greater than that of * the node that was just being made, this next node must be * a daughter of that node. */ if (tree->row < level) tree->daughter = node; else tree->sister = node; tree = node; BEGIN(T); yylex(); tree = node; } <T,C>\) { level--; addchar('\0'); capscount = 0; /* discard text now until the beginning of the next node */ BEGIN(C); /* this is a return from a yylex() invocation called from yylex(). */ return; } <T>[ \t\n]+\\% { notenewlines(yytext); addchar(' '); if (tex_opt || verbose_opt) { addchar('\\'); tree->l++; } addchar('%'); tree->l += 2; } <T>\\[%#\&\$] { if (tex_opt || verbose_opt) { addchar('\\'); tree->l++; } addchar(yytext[1]); tree->l++; } <T,C>%.*\n { notenewlines(yytext); } <T,C>[ \t\n]*%.*\n[ \t\n]*/[\)\(] { notenewlines(yytext); } <T>\\[MDB][0-9][ \t\n]+ { giveval(tree, yytext[1], yytext[2]); } <T>\\[MDB][0-9]/[^A-Za-z] { giveval(tree, yytext[1], yytext[2]); } <T>\\[A-Z][ \t\n]+ { give(tree, yytext[1]); } <T>\\[A-Z]/[^A-Za-z] { give(tree, yytext[1]); } <T>\\[ )(\\] { addchar(yytext[1]); tree->l++; } <T>(\\[`'"^~=.])|(\$[_^]) { if (tex_opt || verbose_opt) { addchar(yytext[0]); addchar(yytext[1]); if (verbose_opt) tree->l += 2; } } <T>[\${}] { if (tex_opt || verbose_opt) { addchar(yytext[0]); if (verbose_opt) tree->l++; } } <T>[A-HJ-Z] { addchar(yytext[0]); tree->l++; if (tex_opt && ++capscount > 3) { tree->l++; capscount = 0; } } <T>. { addchar(yytext[0]); tree->l++; } <T>\\tree[ \t\n]* { if (!quiet_opt) ERROR("\\tree command found inside tree"); notenewlines(yytext); if (tex_opt || verbose_opt) { int i; for (i = 0; i < yyleng; i++) { addchar(yytext[i]); if (verbose_opt) tree->l++; } } } <T>\\[A-Za-z]+[ \t\n]* { notenewlines(yytext); if (tex_opt || verbose_opt) { int i; for (i = 0; i < yyleng; i++) { addchar(yytext[i]); if (verbose_opt) tree->l++; } } } <T>[ \t\n]+/[\)\(] { notenewlines(yytext); } <T>[ \t\n]+ { notenewlines(yytext); if (tree->l) { addchar(' '); tree->l++; } } <C>[^ \t\n\(\)]+ { if (!quiet_opt) ERROR("word after node name ignored"); } <C>. ; <C>\n linenumber++; %% /* count newlines in string; update linecount; issue warning if * blank line */ notenewlines(s) char *s; { int warn = 0; while (*s) { if (*s == '\n') { if (warn && !quiet_opt) ERROR("blank line within tree"); else warn++; linenumber++; } else if (*s != ' ' && *s != '\t') warn = 0; s++; } } /* Called for every \tree in input. Resets option values from defaults * established on command line. */ setoptions(s) char *s; { int c, gap = -1; tex_opt = c_tex_opt; utex_opt = c_utex_opt; gap_opt = c_gap_opt; black_opt = c_black_opt; verbose_opt = c_verbose_opt; quiet_opt = c_quiet_opt; lexical_opt = c_lexical_opt; T_opt = c_T_opt; O_opt = c_O_opt; I_opt = c_I_opt; F_opt = c_F_opt; E_opt = c_E_opt; R_opt = c_R_opt; while (c = *s++) switch (c) { case 't': tex_opt = TRUE; utex_opt = FALSE; break; case 'u': utex_opt = TRUE; tex_opt = TRUE; break; case 'g': gap = gap_opt = atoi(s); break; case 'b': black_opt = atoi(s); break; case 'v': verbose_opt = TRUE; break; case 'q': quiet_opt = TRUE; break; case 'L': lexical_opt = TRUE; break; case 'T': T_opt = TRUE; break; case 'O': O_opt = TRUE; break; case 'I': I_opt = TRUE; break; case 'F': F_opt = TRUE; break; case 'E': E_opt = TRUE; break; case 'R': R_opt = TRUE; break; case '\n': linenumber++; break; } if (gap >= 0 && tex_opt) gap_opt *= COLMUL; } extern char *optarg; /* from getopt */ extern int optind; main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int c; char *progname = NULL, *basename(); if ( (bufp = buf = (char *)malloc(NAMEROOM)) == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "can't get memory space\n"); exit(1); } progname = basename (argv[0]); while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "hg:tub:vLTOIFERdq")) != EOF) switch (c) { case 'g': c_gap_opt = max(0, atoi(optarg)); break; case 't': c_tex_opt = TRUE; break; case 'u': c_utex_opt = TRUE; c_tex_opt = TRUE; break; case 'b': c_black_opt = max(0, atoi(optarg)); break; case 'v': c_verbose_opt = TRUE; break; case 'd': debug_opt = TRUE; break; case 'q': c_quiet_opt = TRUE; break; case 'L': c_lexical_opt = TRUE; break; case 'T': c_T_opt = TRUE; break; case 'O': c_O_opt = TRUE; break; case 'I': c_I_opt = TRUE; break; case 'F': c_F_opt = TRUE; break; case 'E': c_E_opt = TRUE; break; case 'R': c_R_opt = TRUE; break; case 'h': default: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options] [files]\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, "options = -gnum\t(gap between subtrees)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -h\t(print this information)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -t\t(TeX code)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -u\t(TeX code w. diagonals)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -bnum\t(black triangles)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -v\t(show TeX commands)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -q\t(quiet)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -L\t(lexical)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -T\t(triangles)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -O\t(omit lines)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -I\t(invert)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -F\t(flatten)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -E\t(even)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -R\t(relational)\n"); exit(1); } /* doubled column values for tex code */ if (c_tex_opt) c_gap_opt *= COLMUL; BEGIN(N); if (optind >= argc) { (void) yylex (); } else for (; (optind < argc); optind++) { if (yyin == NULL) yyin = stdin; if (freopen (argv[optind], "r", stdin) != NULL) { #ifdef FLEX_SCANNER /* to get flex to look at > 1 file */ yy_init = 1; #endif (void) yylex (); if (level) { fprintf(stderr,"Unbalanced parens in file: %s\n", argv[optind]); exit(1); } } else { (void) fprintf (stderr, "Couldn't open file: %s\n", argv[optind]); exit (1); } } if (level) { fprintf(stderr,"Unbalanced parens.\n"); exit(1); } } char *basename (s) char *s; { char *p, *strrchr(); if (p = strrchr(s, '/')) return(++p); else return(s); } max(a, b) int a, b; { return ((a > b) ? a : b); } TREE newnode(row, n) int row; char *n; { TREE temp; int i; temp = (TREE) malloc (sizeof (LIST)); if (!temp) { ERROR("out of memory"); exit(1); } temp->daughter = NULL; temp->sister = NULL; temp->mother = NULL; temp->right = NULL; temp->left = NULL; temp->n = n; temp->l = 0; temp->row = row; temp->col = 0; temp->mid = 0; temp->treeid = treenum++; temp->type = NODENAME; for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) temp->attrib[i] = '\0'; if (lexical_opt) give(temp,'L'); if (T_opt) give(temp,'T'); if (O_opt) give(temp,'O'); if (R_opt) give(temp,'R'); return (temp); } /* append one node name character in buffer; this is called only * from within yylex(). */ addchar(c) char c; { *bufp++ = c; } /* after yylex() has built an in-memory tree structure, printtee() * formats and displays it. */ printtree(root) TREE root; { TREE over; addbars(root, 0); /* put in VBARs and HBARs */ flatbars(root, maxlevel); /* interpret \E and \F commands */ rectify(root); /* `left' links for row/col order */ addlinks(root); /* miscellaneous initialization */ over = newnode(0, NULL); /* preliminary to calling align: */ over->daughter = root; /* new node is needed for the */ root->mother = root->left = over; /* case of an inverted root */ if (I_opt) { /* for side-by-side trees, interpret -I option as meaning that * each tree should be inverted individually */ if (root->l) give(root,'I'); else if (root->daughter) { TREE node = root->daughter; if (node->type == HBAR) node = node->daughter; if (node->type == VBAR) while (node && node->type == VBAR) { give(node->daughter,'I'); node = node->sister; } else while (node) { give(node,'I'); node = node->sister; } } } align(root); /* assign column values for */ /* vertical alignment */ root = over->daughter; /* root will be a different node */ /* if it was just inverted */ free(over); if (debug_opt) { fprintf(stderr,"\n\n\t------ROOT------\n"); debugprint(root); } if (!root->l) { /* remove empty top nodes to get */ /* side-by-side trees */ TREE old; if (root->daughter) { old = root; root = root->daughter; free(old); } if (root->type == HBAR && root->daughter) { TREE node; old = root; root = root->daughter; free(old); /* mothers of roots are made NULL to block the middle * vertical of an HBAR for tty output */ if (root->type == VBAR && root->daughter) { for (node = root; node; node = node->sister) if (node->daughter) node->daughter->mother = NULL; old = root; root = root->daughter; free(old); } } else if (root->type == VBAR && root->daughter) { old = root; root = root->daughter; free(old); } root->mother = NULL; } if (tex_opt) tex(root); /* now display */ else tty(root); bufp = buf; /* can reuse name buffer for next tree */ freenodes(root); } freenodes(tree) TREE tree; { TREE next; while (tree) { next = tree->right; free(tree); tree = next; } } /* b is from the value given for the -b option */ int b; /* these are the characters used to draw screen trees; the arrays * are indexed by variable b above */ char tf[] = "_-:|::|-|*"; /* triangle fill */ char itf[] = "~-:|::|-|*"; /* inverted triangle fill */ char vb[] = "||:|::||||"; /* vertical bar */ char lhb[] = "_-.|:._<//"; /* left part of horizontal bar */ char rhb[] = "_-.|:._>\\\\"; /* right part of horizontal bar */ char ilhb[] = "~-\"|:\"^<\\\\";/* left of inverted horizontal bar */ char irhb[] = "~-\"|:\"^>//"; /* right of inverted horizontal bar */ char lvb[] = "_-.|://<//"; /* left of vertical centerpiece */ char mvb[] = " +:|: "; /* middle of vertical centerpiece */ char rvb[] = "_+.|:\\\\>\\\\";/* right of vertical centerpiece */ char lcb[] = " |:|://///"; /* vertical for left sister */ char rcb[] = " |:|:\\\\\\\\\\";/* vertical for right sister */ char lchb[] = "_+ |: "; /* left corner of horizontal bar */ char rchb[] = "_+ |: "; /* right corner of horizontal bar */ char ilchb[] = "_+ |: "; /* left corner of inv'd horizontal bar */ char irchb[] = "_+ |: "; /* right corner of inv'd horizontal bar */ /* display tree for screen */ tty(root) TREE root; { TREE node; int row = root->row, col = 0, i; if (debug_opt) { putchar('\n'); for (col = 0; col < indent; col++) putchar(' '); col = 0; } /* display each node, left-to-right and top-to-bottom */ for (node = root; node; node = node->right) { /* boldness is from \B command or -b option */ if (b = has(node,'B')) { if (b == '+') b = 9; else if (isdigit(b)) b -= '0'; else b = 0; /* presumably impossible */ } else for (b = black_opt; b > 10; b /= 10) ; /* newline and indentation */ if (node->row > row) { while (node->row > row) { putchar('\n'); row++; } for (col = 0; col < indent; col++) putchar(' '); col = 0; } /* spacing between nodes */ for ( ; node->col > col; col++) putchar(' '); /* disconnect illegitimate sisters created by inversion */ if (node->sister && node->sister->mother != node->mother) node->sister = NULL; /* display a node in a way appropriate to its type */ switch (node->type) { case NODENAME: if (has(node,'P')) /* space over phantom node */ for (i = 0; i < node->l; i++) putchar(' '); else printf("%s", node->n); break; case VBAR: /* join all verticals at the base of a triangle */ if (has(node,'T') && !has(node,'O')) { char hbar = tf[b]; /* no vertical if this is not the first or * only sister */ if (has(node,'S') != 'f' && has(node,'S') != 'o') { for (i = 0; i < node->l; i++) putchar(' '); break; } /* use special fill character for base of * inverted triangle */ if (node->mother && node->mother->type == OBAR) hbar = itf[b]; /* make left edge of base */ putchar(vb[b]); /* when only one node at base, length of base * is length of node */ if (has(node,'S') == 'o') for (i = 2; i < node->l; i++) putchar(hbar); /* but when there are several nodes at the * base, the base goes from the first to the * last sister */ else { while (node->sister && node->mother == node->sister->mother && has(node,'S') != 'l' && node->sister->type == VBAR) node = node->sister; for ( ; node->col > col+1; col++) putchar(hbar); col++; } /* make the right edge of the base */ putchar(vb[b]); break; } /* end of code for triangle bases */ /* space over omitted or phantom lines */ if (has(node,'O') || has(node,'P')) putchar(' '); /* possibly do a bold vertical */ else if (!blackvbar(node)) /* do a plain vertical */ putchar(vb[b]); break; case HBAR: /* possibly do a bold hbar */ if (node->l >= 4 && blackhbar(node)) break; /* otherwise, make the left side, */ for (i = 0; i < node->mid; i++) putchar(lhb[b]); /* ... then the middle */ if (node->mother) putchar(vb[b]); else putchar(lhb[b]); /* ... then the right side */ for (i = 0; i < node->l - node->mid - 1; i++) putchar(rhb[b]); break; case OBAR: /* similar to hbar, above */ if (node->l >= 4 && blackobar(node)) break; for (i = 0; i < node->mid; i++) putchar(ilhb[b]); if (node->mother && node->right) putchar(vb[b]); else putchar(ilhb[b]); for (i = 0; i < node->l - node->mid - 1; i++) putchar(irhb[b]); break; } /* end of switch */ col += node->l; } /* end of loop to display each node */ } /* draw horizontal bar with corners missing and a centerpiece */ blackhbar(node) TREE node; { int i, lless; /* don't do it if no boldness requested or a \Head has forced * the "midpoint" of the hbar to one end */ if (!b || !node->mid || node->mid +1 >= node->l) return(FALSE); /* make the center of the bar a little to the left, usually, * for even-length bars, so the two parts of the centerpiece * tend to come under the middle two characters of the name above */ lless = (node->l % 2 && b < 8) ? 2 : 1; /* the left corner */ putchar(lchb[b]); /* the left segment before the centerpiece */ for (i = lless; i < node->mid; i++) putchar(lhb[b]); /* lower levels of bolding look better with a one-char * centerpiece */ if (b < 3) { if (lless == 2) putchar(lhb[b]); putchar(mvb[b]); putchar(rhb[b]); } else { /* the two-char centerpiece */ putchar(lvb[b]); if (lless == 2) putchar(mvb[b]); putchar(rvb[b]); } /* now the right segment before the corner */ for (i = 3; i < node->l - node->mid; i++) putchar(rhb[b]); /* finally the right corner */ putchar(rchb[b]); /* yes, we did one */ return(TRUE); } /* as above, but for inverted trees */ blackobar(node) TREE node; { int i, lless; if (!b || !node->mid || node->mid +1 >= node->l) return(FALSE); lless = (node->l % 2 && b < 8) ? 2 : 1; putchar(ilchb[b]); for (i = lless; i < node->mid; i++) putchar(ilhb[b]); if (b < 3) { if (lless == 2) putchar(ilhb[b]); putchar(mvb[b]); putchar(irhb[b]); } else { if (b == 7) putchar(lvb[b]); else putchar(rvb[b]); if (lless == 2) putchar(mvb[b]); if (b == 7) putchar(rvb[b]); else putchar(lvb[b]); } for (i = 3; i < node->l - node->mid; i++) putchar(irhb[b]); putchar(irchb[b]); return(TRUE); } /* draw corner sisters appropriate to horizontal above them */ blackvbar(node) TREE node; { /* don't do it when no boldness was asked for, or there is * no node name above, or the hbar above was too short to * be made bold */ if (!b || !node->mother || node->mother->l < 4) return(FALSE); /* mark heads */ if (b >= 5 && has(node,'H')) { putchar('*'); return(TRUE); } /* if it's the first sister, use a corner char */ if (has(node,'S') == 'f') { if (node->mother->type == HBAR) { putchar(lcb[b]); return(TRUE); } if (node->mother->type == OBAR) { putchar(rcb[b]); return(TRUE); } } /* likewise if its the last sister, but use the other corner char */ else if (has(node,'S') == 'l') { if (node->mother->type == HBAR) { putchar(rcb[b]); return(TRUE); } if (node->mother->type == OBAR) { putchar(lcb[b]); return(TRUE); } } return(FALSE); } /* take care of spacing between daughters of a branching node, and * figure width of the sisters; called by align() */ sisterbal(tree) TREE tree; { TREE temp, first, last, head = NULL; int hblen, rlen, bestspace, space, numdaughters = 1, leeway; int join = FALSE; /* figure which sisters are to be covered by the bar; mark them * for convenience later in display routines */ for (first = tree->daughter; has(first,'O') && first->sister; first = first->sister); for (last = first; last->sister; last = last->sister); while (has(last,'O') && last != first) last = last->left; giveval(first,'S','f'); giveval(last,'S','l'); /* look for heads and nodes that came from the bottom of inverted * subtrees -- we must not try to balance the latter */ for (temp = first; temp != last; temp = temp->sister) { numdaughters++ ; if (has(temp, 'H')) head = temp; if (has(temp->sister, 'H')) head = temp->sister; if (has(temp, 'I') == 2) join = TRUE; if (has(temp->sister, 'I') == 2) join = TRUE; } /* first approximation to the length of the bar */ hblen = (last->col + last->l) - first->col; rlen = (last->col + last->mid + 1/*COLMUL*/) - (first->col + first->mid); /* first, try to adjust in a way that does not require * widening the bar */ if (numdaughters > 2) bestspace = rlen / (numdaughters - 1); else bestspace = 0; if (!join) for (temp = first; temp != last; temp = temp->sister) { space = temp->sister->col + temp->sister->mid - (temp->col + temp->mid); leeway = rightroom(temp) - gap_opt; if (temp == first && numdaughters == 2) leeway /= 2; if (space > bestspace && leeway > 0) { space -= bestspace; if (space > leeway) space = leeway; moveright(temp, space); if (temp == first) { hblen = (last->col + last->l) - tree->daughter->col; rlen = (last->col + last->mid + 1/*COLMUL*/) - (first->col + first->mid); bestspace = rlen / (numdaughters - 1); } } } bestspace = 0; /* then look for the widest space between adjacent sisters, and * widen the space between others to match */ if (!join) for (temp = first; temp != last; temp = temp->sister) { if ((space = temp->sister->col + temp->sister->mid - (temp->col + temp->mid)) > bestspace) bestspace = space; } if (!join) for (temp = first; temp != last; temp = temp->sister) { if ((space = temp->sister->col + temp->sister->mid - (temp->col + temp->mid)) < bestspace) moveright(temp->sister, bestspace - space); } /* triangles with a single node at their bases are a special case */ if (last == first && last->daughter) { hblen = last->daughter->l; last->l = last->daughter->l; last->col = last->daughter->col; giveval(last,'S','o'); } /* revise hbar length and fill in lengths */ else hblen = (last->col + last->l) - first->col; tree->l = hblen; if (head) tree->mid = head->col + head->mid - first->col; else tree->mid = (hblen - 1) / 2; /* ( arguably, when slanty lines will be drawn, the length of the * hbar should be a little less -- must try this some day ) */ /* if the left edge of the hbar is to the right of the left * edge of the first sister, align all the sisters now */ if ((space = tree->col - first->col) > 0) { for (temp = tree->daughter; temp; temp = temp->sister) moveright(temp, space); return(0); } /* otherwise, tell align() to move the hbar to the right */ return(space); } /* assign col values to nodes for appropriate vertical alignments; * also call for inversion of trees with \Is */ align(tree) TREE tree; { int diff, thisrow; TREE offspring, invert(); if (tree) { /* the vbar of a relational node has already been aligned */ if (has(tree,'R') && tree->type == VBAR) return; /* every node has to go at least far enough to the right to * avoid bumping into the node on the left (if any) */ if (tree->left && tree->left->row == tree->row) tree->col = tree->left->col + tree->left->l + gap_opt; else tree->col = 0; /* force relational nodes to align on the vbar, by artifically * considering the vbar to be at the "midpoint" of the node */ if (has(tree,'R') && tree->type == NODENAME && tree->sister) { tree->sister->col = tree->col + tree->l + gap_opt/4; tree->mid = tree->sister->col + tree->sister->mid - tree->col; } /* for non-terminal nodes, align the lower parts of the tree * (cyclically), and calculate the displacement required to * line this tree up above its offspring */ if (offspring = tree->daughter) { align(offspring); offspring = tree->daughter; /* may have different tree if inverted*/ diff = 0; if (tree->type == HBAR) { /* do not change alignment of the top (formerly bottom) * parts of an inverted subtree, since they are already * properly aligned with nodes below them; but the whole * subtree can be moved by its top left node */ if (has(tree,'I') == 1) diff = tree->col - offspring->col; else diff = sisterbal(tree); } /* the case of sisters which are not under an hbar can arise * through use of \L; we center the tree over them */ else if (has(offspring,'I') != 2 && has(offspring,'I') != 3 && offspring->sister && !has(offspring->sister,'R')) { TREE temp, first, last; for (first = offspring; has(first,'O') && first->sister; first = first->sister); for (last = first; last->sister; last = last->sister); if (last == first) first = offspring; else while (has(last,'O') && last != first) last = last->left; for (temp = first; ; temp = temp->sister) { if (has(temp,'H')) first = last = temp; if (temp == last) break; } diff = tree->col + tree->mid - (first->col + first->mid + last->col + last->mid)/2; } /* here the tree has a single daughter; line up the midpoints */ else { /* this propagates a mark up the tree that tells the * sisterbal() routine not to change the alignment of * an empty node that has been attached to part of an * inverted tree, because that would undo the work we * did in attaching it */ if (has(offspring,'I') == 2) giveval(tree,'I',2); diff = tree->col + tree->mid - (offspring->col + offspring->mid); } /* now actually do the alignment by moving either the tree * or the offspring to the right, whichever is required */ if (diff > 0) { moveright(offspring, diff); /* move the bar at the right of a relational node along * with the node */ if (has(offspring->sister,'R') && offspring->sister->type == VBAR) offspring->sister->col += diff; /* this is a duplication of effort, I think, but it does * have to be done here */ else align(offspring->sister); } else if (diff < 0) { tree->col -= diff; if (has(tree->sister,'R')) tree->sister->col -= diff; } } /* in the case of a terminal node, there is ordinarily nothing * to do, but it may be possible to align empty nodes with parts of * an inverted subtree beneath them */ else if (tree->type == VBAR) { /* a terminal vbar is an "empty node" */ /* An inverted subtree is connected to the rest by its upper left * corner, which as been conveniently marked with an I-attribute * value of 3. We are going work our way to the left along the * current row looking for such a corner, then if we find one, * go down one row to the top row of the inverted subtree and * work our way right an equal number of nodes to find a node to * align with. After the corner, nodes in this top row have been * marked with an I-attribute value of 2, so we can tell when * the search has failed. */ TREE node = tree, invh = NULL; int bcount = 1; /* first work our way left: */ while (node->left && node->left->row == node->row) { if (debug_opt) printf("\nAL: at #%d going left to #%d.", node->treeid,node->left->treeid); if (has(node->left->daughter,'I') == 3) { invh = node->left->daughter; break; } else { node = node->left; bcount++; } } /* then right an equal distance along top of inverted tree */ while (bcount && invh && has(invh->sister,'I') == 2) { if (debug_opt) printf("\nAL: at #%d going right to #%d.", invh->treeid,invh->sister->treeid); invh = invh->sister; bcount--; } /* have we found one? yes, if we're still in the inverted * tree and the node is not to the left of us (we can't * move this tree node to the left -- only to the right) */ if (has(invh,'I') == 2 && tree->col + tree->mid <= invh->col + invh->mid) { if (debug_opt) printf("\naligning #%d over #%d.\n", tree->treeid,invh->treeid); /* do the alignment */ tree->col = invh->col + invh->mid - tree->mid; /* mark as not subject to balancing by sisterbal() */ giveval(tree,'I',2); } } /* end alignment of terminal node */ /* if inversion was requested, do it */ if (has(tree,'I') == '+') tree = invert(tree); /* recurse left-to-right */ align(tree->sister); } } /* do inversion of a tree; much global info in the tree has to be * kept correct, so this is hard; the actual inversion is done * by inv(); invert() is called by align() just above */ TREE invert(tree) TREE tree; { TREE mother, sister, node, inv(); /* make all nodes in each row sisters; makes inversion easier, * and makes it possible later to move the inverted tree around from * above */ makelbranch(tree); /* save these links for later reattachment */ mother = tree->mother; sister = tree->sister; tree->sister = NULL; tree = inv(tree, NULL); /* in the special case where a tree has VBARs at the top * after inversion, put an HBAR over the VBARs */ if (tree->sister && mother && mother->type == VBAR && tree->type == VBAR && tree->sister->type == VBAR && (!mother->mother || mother->mother->type != HBAR)) { TREE last; for (last = tree->sister; last->sister && last->sister->type == VBAR; last = last->sister) last->mother = mother; last->mother = mother; mother->type = HBAR; giveval(mother,'I',1); mother->l = last->col + last->l - tree->col; mother->mid = (mother->l - 1)/2; } /* otherwise mark the top row so align() can tell that these * nodes are at the top of an inverted tree and can find the * top left corner */ else if (mother && !(mother->type == VBAR && has(mother,'O'))) { for (node = tree; node; node = node->sister) giveval(node,'I',2); giveval(tree,'I',3); } /* it's possible that inversion has caused parts of the inverted * tree to bump against things to the left; now check for this * and, to preserve internal alignment, when necessary move the * entire subtree to the right */ for (node = tree; node; node = node->daughter) { TREE temp; int room; if (node->left && node->left->row == node->row) if ((room = node->left->col + node->left->l + gap_opt - node->col) > 0) for (temp = tree; temp; temp = temp->sister) moveright(temp, room); } /* if this corner of the tree is a vbar, should a line be drawn * to an hbar above, or an obar below? maybe both -- I really * don't know */ tree->mother = mother; /* ?? */ /* in -L trees, following not quite right */ if (mother) { mother->daughter = tree; } /* reattach former sister to rightmost sister of top */ while (tree->sister) tree = tree->sister; tree->sister = sister; return(tree); } /* see how much a tree could be moved to the right without coming * too close to anything following; called by sisterbal() */ rightroom(west) TREE west; { int mingap = 10000, gap; TREE node, south = NULL; if (west) south = west->daughter; else return(0); while (west) { if (west->right && west->row == west->right->row) { gap = west->right->col - west->col - west->l; if (gap < mingap) mingap = gap; } node = south; south = west = NULL; while (node) { west = node; if (node->daughter) south = node->daughter; node = node->sister; } } return(mingap); } /* move a tree right by increasing col values */ moveright(tree, amount) TREE tree; int amount; { while (tree) { tree->col += amount; if (tree = tree->daughter) { TREE sis; sis = tree->sister; while (sis) { moveright(sis, amount); sis = sis->sister; } } } } /* flip a tree organized as a stack of linked sets of sisters, keeping * left and right links correct; gah!; called by invert() */ TREE inv(tree,rest) TREE tree, rest; { TREE temp, node, right, left, last, lastd; int row; if (tree) { temp = tree->daughter; tree->daughter = rest; for (node = tree; node; node = node->sister) { if (node->type == HBAR) node->type = OBAR; else if (node->type == OBAR) node->type = HBAR; else if (node->type == VBAR) { /* this is so texvbar() can tell when to invert * arrows when bold verticals have been requested */ if (has(node,'U') == 'i') giveval(node,'U','u'); else giveval(node,'U','i'); } } row = tree->row; for (last = tree; last->sister; last = last->sister) ; right = last->right; left = tree->left; node = tree; while (node && node->daughter) { for (last = node; ;) { last->row = node->daughter->row; if (!last->sister) break; last = last->sister; } for (lastd = node->daughter; lastd->sister; lastd = lastd->sister) ; if (lastd->right) last->right = lastd->right; else last->right = node->daughter; if (node->daughter->left) node->left = node->daughter->left; last->right->left = last; if (node->left) node->left->right = node; node = node->daughter; } if (left) node->left = left; else node->left = last; for (last = node; ;) { last->row = row; if (!last->sister) break; last = last->sister; } last->right = right; if (right) right->left = last; if (left) left->right = node; if (debug_opt) { fprintf(stderr,"\n\nCalled inv():\n"); debugprint(tree); } return(inv(temp,tree)); } else return(rest); } /* convert a tree to left-branching; this is a preliminary to inverting a tree; * called by invert() */ makelbranch(tree) TREE tree; { TREE node, east, west, south, last; east = west = tree; while (tree) { for (node = east, last = south = NULL; ; node = node->right) { if (node->daughter) { last = node->daughter; if (!south) south = node->daughter; node->daughter = NULL; } if (node == west) break; else node->sister = node->right; } if (west->right == south) west->right = NULL; if (south && south->left == west) south->left = NULL; while (last && last->sister) last = last->sister; west = last; east->daughter = south; tree = east = south; } } /* initialize some links to contiguous nodes, and also lengths and * mid column values */ addlinks(tree) TREE tree; { while (tree) { if (tex_opt) tree->l *= COLMUL; tree->mid = (tree->l - 1) / 2; if (tree->right) tree->right->left = tree; if (tree->daughter) tree->daughter->mother = tree; if (tree->sister) tree->sister->mother = tree->mother; tree = tree->right; } } /* for debugging */ printnode(node) TREE node; { int i; if (!node) { fprintf(stderr,"NIL"); return; } if (node->type == VBAR) fprintf(stderr,"#%d | at %d/%d", node->treeid, node->col, node->row); else if (node->type == HBAR) fprintf(stderr,"#%d _|_ at %d/%d", node->treeid, node->col, node->row); else if (node->type == OBAR) fprintf(stderr,"#%d ^|^ at %d/%d", node->treeid, node->col, node->row); else fprintf(stderr,"#%d=%s at %d/%d", node->treeid, node->n, node->col, node->row); fprintf(stderr,"["); for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { char c; if ((c = node->attrib[i]) == '+') fprintf(stderr,"%c", 'A'+i); else if (c) fprintf(stderr,"%c=%d", 'A'+i, c); } fprintf(stderr,"]"); } /* for debugging */ debugprint(tree) TREE tree; { if (tree) { debugprint(tree->daughter); printnode(tree); if (tree->daughter) { fprintf(stderr," DAUGHTER:"); printnode(tree->daughter); } if (tree->sister) { fprintf(stderr," SISTER:"); printnode(tree->sister); } fprintf(stderr,"\n "); if (tree->mother) { fprintf(stderr," MOM:"); printnode(tree->mother); } if (tree->left) { fprintf(stderr," LEFT:"); printnode(tree->left); } if (tree->right) { fprintf(stderr," RIGHT:"); printnode(tree->right); } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); debugprint(tree->sister); } } /* create new VBAR or HBAR node; called by addbars() */ TREE newbar(model, row, bartype) TREE model; int row, bartype; { TREE temp; int i; temp = newnode(row, NULL); temp->type = bartype; temp->l = 1; for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) temp->attrib[i] = model->attrib[i]; /* bars get the following attributes only when above empty * nodes (and that is done in addbars() when a NODENAME is * removed) */ giveval(temp,'F',0); giveval(temp,'I',0); giveval(temp,'R',0); return(temp); } /* test node for value of attribute */ has(tree, attrib) TREE tree; char attrib; { if (tree && attrib >= 'A' && attrib <= 'Z') return(tree->attrib[attrib - 'A']); else return(0); } /* give value of attribute to node */ giveval(tree, attrib, val) TREE tree; char attrib, val; { int prev; if (tree && attrib >= 'A' && attrib <= 'Z') { prev = tree->attrib[attrib - 'A']; tree->attrib[attrib - 'A'] = val; return(prev); } else return(0); } /* give `+' value of attribute to node */ give(tree, attrib) TREE tree; char attrib; { return(giveval(tree, attrib, '+')); } /* stick in VBARs above name nodes, and HBARs under branching nodes; * also remove empty name nodes */ addbars(tree, addrows) TREE tree; int addrows; { TREE kin, mother, node, temp; int numsisters; if (tree) { /* account for new rows created above by adding bars */ tree->row += addrows; /* I don't think maxlevel is used now, but may as well * keep it up to date */ if (tree->row > maxlevel) maxlevel = tree->row; /* add no bars directly under node with \L */ if (has(tree,'L')) { /* for -F option, propagate F attribute up from a * terminal to dominating \L nodes */ if (F_opt && tree->daughter && !has(tree->daughter->daughter,'F')) { give(tree,'F'); /* work up through higher \L nodes */ giveval(tree->daughter,'F',0); } /* save reference for following business with R nodes */ node = tree; /* go down and add bars to lower parts of tree */ tree = tree->daughter; while (tree) { addbars(tree, addrows); tree = tree->sister; } /* for -R, propagate absence of R attribute up from * terminals to dominating \L nodes */ if (R_opt && !has(node->daughter,'R')) giveval(node,'R',0); } /* no \L command, so unless this is a terminal, we do want to * add bars under it -- either just a vbar, or for branching * nodes, an hbar and under that a vbar for each sister */ else if (tree->daughter) { kin = mother = tree; tree = tree->daughter; /* nodes with \O will not be covered by an hbar, so count * the sisters that will be covered, to decide whether * this should appear as a branching node */ for (node = tree, numsisters = 0; node; node = node->sister) if (!has(node,'O')) numsisters++; /* for tty output, a triangle base needs 3 characters, * and for triangles over single daughter nodes, the name * may be too short */ if (!tex_opt && numsisters < 2 && tree->l < 3) giveval(kin,'T',0); /* triangles over single daughters do need an hbar, but * otherwise unless there are at least 2 sisters to cover, * no hbar is needed */ if (numsisters > 1 || (has(kin,'T') /* need at least one node at base */ && numsisters /* a vbar cannot serve as a good base */ && tree->l /* would get odd results over inverted tree */ && !has(tree,'I') ) ) { /* auto-evening for all branching nodes */ if (E_opt) give(kin,'E'); /* make the hbar and attach it */ temp = newbar(kin, tree->row + addrows, HBAR); temp->mother = mother; mother = temp; temp->daughter = tree; kin->daughter = temp; /* shift lower parts of tree down one row */ addrows++; kin = temp; } /* now add a vbar above the daughter and each sister */ while (tree) { temp = newbar(tree, tree->row + addrows, VBAR); /* whether a vbar is part of a triangle is determined * by node above, not the one below it, and similarly * for bolding and \M labels */ giveval(temp,'T',0); giveval(temp,'B',has(mother,'B')); giveval(temp,'M',0); if (mother->type == NODENAME) giveval(temp,'M',has(mother,'M')); if (has(mother,'T') && mother->type == HBAR && !has(temp,'O')) give(temp,'T'); /* attach the new bar */ temp->mother = mother; if (tree == kin->daughter) kin->daughter = temp; else kin->sister = temp; /* finish attachment and work down the tree if this * is a non-empty node */ if (tree->l) { temp->daughter = tree; tree->mother = temp; addbars(tree, addrows+1); } /* but if it is an empty node, discard it after copying * attributes that we wouldn't want to lose */ else { addbars(tree, addrows); temp->daughter = tree->daughter; if (tree->daughter) tree->daughter->mother = temp; if (has(tree,'F')) give(temp,'F'); if (has(tree,'I')) give(temp,'I'); giveval(temp,'M',has(tree,'M')); free(tree); } /* make the single-noded base of a triangle wide enough * to cover the name below it, and cause the apex of * such a triangle to be moved downward together with * its base in case there is flattening */ if (has(temp,'T') && numsisters == 1) { temp->l = tree->l; if (has(tree,'F')) { give(kin,'F'); giveval(tree,'F',0); } } /* vbar takes over any link to sister at right */ kin = temp; temp = tree->sister; tree->sister = NULL; /* add vertical to the right of relational node */ if (has(tree,'R') && tree->type == NODENAME && tree->l && (!has(tree,'L') || has(tree->daughter,'R'))) { TREE rtemp; rtemp = newbar(tree, tree->row, VBAR); give(rtemp,'R'); giveval(rtemp,'T',0); giveval(rtemp,'O',0); tree->sister = rtemp; } /* now loop to add vbar to sister, if any */ tree = temp; } } /* here it's a terminal node; do flatten it if -F option, * but don't automatically display it as relational for -R opt. */ else { if (F_opt) give(tree,'F'); if (R_opt) giveval(tree,'R',0); } } /* if (tree) */ } /* find lowest node in tree, ignoring inverted subtrees */ howlow(tree) TREE tree; { int row, low = 0; while (tree) { if (tree->row > low) low = tree->row; tree = tree->daughter; if (tree && (row = howlow(tree->sister)) > low) low = row; if (tree && tree->type == NODENAME && has(tree,'I')) break; } return(low); } /* increase row numbers */ movedown(tree, amount) TREE tree; int amount; { while (tree) { tree->row += amount; movedown(tree->sister, amount); tree = tree->daughter; } } /* add VBARs to bring \F'd constituents downward */ flatbars(tree, bottom) TREE tree; int bottom; { TREE node, temp, next; int far = bottom; if (tree) { if ( (tree->type == NODENAME || (tree->type == HBAR && tree->mother && tree->mother->type == VBAR) ) && has(tree,'E') ) bottom = howlow(tree); if (!(node = tree->daughter)) { temp = tree->left; if (temp && temp->sister == tree) { node = tree; tree = temp; } } while (node) { next = node->sister; if (next) next->left = node; if (node->daughter) { if (has(node,'F')) far -= howlow(node) - node->row; else flatbars(node, bottom); } if (has(node,'F')) { if (node->type == VBAR) far--; while (node->row < far) { temp = newbar(node, node->row, VBAR); temp->daughter = node; if (has(node,'R') && node->sister) node->sister->row++; else { temp->sister = node->sister; node->sister = NULL; } node->row++; if (node == tree->sister && next) next->left = temp; if (node == tree->daughter) tree->daughter = temp; else if (node == tree->sister) tree->sister = temp; /*else ERROR("flatbars");*/ if (!tree->sister) giveval(tree,'T',0); if (node->type == VBAR && has(node,'T')) giveval(node,'T',0); else giveval(temp,'T',0); node->mother = temp; /* ?? */ tree = temp; } if (node->daughter) { movedown(node->daughter, node->row + 1 - node->daughter->row); } } /* end if (has(node,'F')) */ tree = node; node = next; } /* end if (node) */ } /* end if (tree) */ } /* initialize `left' links in one row of tree; called by rectify() */ TREE rectifyrow(prev, root, row) TREE prev, root; int row; { TREE node = root, last = NULL, temp; if (node && node->row <= row) { if (node->row == row) { prev->right = node; if (debug_opt) { fprintf(stderr,"\nLINK OF "); printnode(prev); fprintf(stderr," TO "); printnode(node); } last = prev = node; } else if (temp = rectifyrow(prev, node->daughter, row)) last = prev = temp; if (temp = rectifyrow(prev, node->sister, row)) last = prev = temp; } return(last); } /* initialize `left' links so can traverse tree in row-column order */ rectify(root) TREE root; { TREE node = root; int row; for (row = 2; node = rectifyrow(node, root, row); row++) ; } /* all TeX code in is tex.c */ #include "tex.c"