/* * rule.cpp -- generic Rule handling * by pts@fazekas.hu at Fri Mar 15 21:13:47 CET 2002 */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #ifndef __clang__ #pragma implementation #endif #endif #include "rule.hpp" #include "error.hpp" #include <string.h> /* strlen() */ bool Rule::Cache::isPDF() const { return 80<=FileFormat && FileFormat<100; } bool Rule::Cache::isPDFB() const { return 90<=FileFormat && FileFormat<100; } bool Rule::Cache::isIndexed() const { return SampleFormat==Image::SF_Indexed1 || SampleFormat==Image::SF_Indexed2 || SampleFormat==Image::SF_Indexed4 || SampleFormat==Image::SF_Indexed8; } bool Rule::Cache::isTransparentM() const { return SampleFormat==Image::SF_Mask || SampleFormat==Image::SF_Transparent2 || SampleFormat==Image::SF_Transparent4 || SampleFormat==Image::SF_Transparent8; } bool Rule::Cache::isOneBit() const { return SampleFormat==Image::SF_Mask || SampleFormat==Image::SF_Indexed1 || SampleFormat==Image::SF_Gray1; } #if 0 bool Rule::Cache::is8() const { return SampleFormat==Image::SF_Indexed1 || SampleFormat==Image::SF_Indexed2 || SampleFormat==Image::SF_Indexed4 || SampleFormat==Image::SF_Indexed8; } #endif bool Rule::Cache::isGray() const { return SampleFormat==Image::SF_Gray1 || SampleFormat==Image::SF_Gray2 || SampleFormat==Image::SF_Gray4 || SampleFormat==Image::SF_Gray8; } bool Rule::Cache::isRGB() const { return SampleFormat==Image::SF_Rgb1 || SampleFormat==Image::SF_Rgb2 || SampleFormat==Image::SF_Rgb4 || SampleFormat==Image::SF_Rgb8; } bool Rule::Cache::isBinSB() const { return TransferEncoding==TE_Binary || TransferEncoding==TE_MSBfirst || TransferEncoding==TE_LSBfirst; } bool Rule::Cache::isPS() const { return FileFormat>=100; } bool Rule::Cache::isPSL2() const { return FileFormat>=120; } bool Rule::Cache::isPSL3() const { return FileFormat>=130; } bool Rule::Cache::hasPredictor() const { return Predictor!=PR_None; } bool Rule::Cache::isDCTE() const { /* Dat: _not_ CO_JAI */ return Compression==CO_DCT || Compression==CO_IJG; } bool Rule::Cache::isZIPOK() const { return Compression!=CO_ZIP || ( FileFormat!=FF_PSL1 && FileFormat!=FF_PSLC && FileFormat!=FF_PSL2 && FileFormat!=FF_PDF10 && FileFormat!=FF_PDFB10 ); } static MiniPS::Dict *y_FileFormat=(MiniPS::Dict*)NULLP, *y_SampleFormat, *y_TransferEncoding, *y_Compression, *y_Scale; static class ValueDeleter { public: ~ValueDeleter() { MiniPS::delete0((MiniPS::VALUE)y_FileFormat); MiniPS::delete0((MiniPS::VALUE)y_SampleFormat); MiniPS::delete0((MiniPS::VALUE)y_TransferEncoding); MiniPS::delete0((MiniPS::VALUE)y_Compression); MiniPS::delete0((MiniPS::VALUE)y_Scale); } } value_deleter; static const slen_t SampleFormat_MAXLEN=32; static void init_dicts() { register MiniPS::Dict*y; /** TODO: Make this thread-safe. */ if (y_FileFormat!=NULLP) return; y=y_FileFormat=new MiniPS::Dict(); y->put("/PSL1", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_PSL1)); y->put("/PSLC", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_PSLC)); y->put("/PSL2", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_PSL2)); y->put("/PSL3", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_PSL3)); y->put("/PDFB1.0",MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_PDFB10)); y->put("/PDFB1.2",MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_PDFB12)); y->put("/PDF1.0", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_PDF10)); y->put("/PDF1.2", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_PDF12)); y->put("/GIF89a", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_GIF89a)); y->put("/GIF", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_GIF89a)); y->put("/Empty", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_Empty)); y->put("/Meta", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_Meta)); y->put("/PNM", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_PNM)); y->put("/PAM", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_PAM)); y->put("/PIP", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_PIP)); y->put("/JPEG", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_JPEG)); y->put("/JPG", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_JPEG)); y->put("/TIFF", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_TIFF)); y->put("/TIF", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_TIFF)); y->put("/PNG", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_PNG)); y->put("/XPM", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_XPM)); y->put("/BMP", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_BMP)); y->put("/XWD", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_XWD)); y->put("/X11", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::FF_X11)); /* vvv strlen must be shorter then SampleFormat_MAXLEN */ y=y_SampleFormat=new MiniPS::Dict(); y->put("/Opaque", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Opaque)); y->put("/Transparent", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Transparent)); y->put("/Transparent2", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Transparent2)); y->put("/Transparent4", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Transparent4)); y->put("/Transparent8", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Transparent8)); y->put("/Gray1", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Gray1)); y->put("/Gray2", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Gray2)); y->put("/Gray4", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Gray4)); y->put("/Gray8", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Gray8)); y->put("/Indexed1", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Indexed1)); y->put("/Indexed2", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Indexed2)); y->put("/Indexed4", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Indexed4)); y->put("/Indexed8", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Indexed8)); y->put("/Mask", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Mask)); y->put("/Rgb1", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Rgb1)); /* recommended */ y->put("/Rgb2", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Rgb2)); y->put("/Rgb4", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Rgb4)); y->put("/Rgb8", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Rgb8)); y->put("/RGB1", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Rgb1)); /* obsolete */ y->put("/RGB2", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Rgb2)); y->put("/RGB4", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Rgb4)); y->put("/RGB8", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Rgb8)); y->put("/Asis", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Asis)); y->put("/Bbox", MiniPS::Qinteger(Image::SF_Bbox)); y=y_TransferEncoding=new MiniPS::Dict(); y->put("/Binary", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::TE_Binary)); y->put("/ASCII", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::TE_ASCII)); y->put("/Hex", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::TE_Hex)); /* recommended */ y->put("/AHx", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::TE_Hex)); y->put("/ASCIIHex", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::TE_Hex)); y->put("/A85", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::TE_A85)); /* recommended */ y->put("/ASCII85", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::TE_A85)); y->put("/MSBfirst", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::TE_MSBfirst)); y->put("/LSBfirst", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::TE_LSBfirst)); y=y_Compression=new MiniPS::Dict(); y->put("/ ", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::CO_None)); /* default */ y->put("/None", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::CO_None)); /* recommended */ y->put("/LZW", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::CO_LZW)); /* recommended */ y->put("/ZIP", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::CO_ZIP)); /* recommended */ y->put("/Flate", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::CO_ZIP)); y->put("/Fl", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::CO_ZIP)); y->put("/RLE", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::CO_RLE)); /* recommended */ y->put("/RunLength", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::CO_RLE)); y->put("/RunLengthEncoded", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::CO_RLE)); y->put("/RL", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::CO_RLE)); y->put("/PackBits", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::CO_RLE)); y->put("/Fax", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::CO_Fax)); /* recommended */ y->put("/CCITTFax", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::CO_Fax)); y->put("/CCF", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::CO_Fax)); y->put("/DCT", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::CO_DCT)); /* recommended */ y->put("/JPEG",MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::CO_IJG)); /* changed at Sun Jun 23 17:06:34 CEST 2002 */ y->put("/JPG", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::CO_IJG)); /* changed at Sun Jun 23 17:06:34 CEST 2002 */ y->put("/JFIF",MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::CO_IJG)); /* changed at Sun Jun 23 17:06:34 CEST 2002 */ y->put("/IJG", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::CO_IJG)); /* recommended */ y->put("/JAI", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::Cache::CO_JAI)); /* recommended */ y=y_Scale=new MiniPS::Dict(); y->put("/ ", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::CacheHints::SC_None)); /* default */ y->put("/None", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::CacheHints::SC_None)); y->put("/OK", MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::CacheHints::SC_OK)); y->put("/RotateOK",MiniPS::Qinteger(Rule::CacheHints::SC_RotateOK)); } Image::sf_t Rule::Cache::parseSampleFormat(char const*s, slen_t slen) { /* Tue Jul 2 13:48:12 CEST 2002 */ #if 0 /* BUGFIX for g++-3.4 (needs symbols __cxa_guard_acquire, __cxa_guard_release) */ static char rule_dummy=(init_dicts(),0); /* call once per process */ (void)rule_dummy; #else if (y_FileFormat==NULLP) init_dicts(); #endif while (slen!=0 && s[0]=='/') { s++; slen--; } if (slen<=0 || slen>=SampleFormat_MAXLEN) return Image::SF_max; char buf[SampleFormat_MAXLEN]; GenBuffer::tolower_memcpy(buf, s, slen); if (buf[0]>='a' && buf[0]<='z') buf[0]+='A'-'a'; /* capitalize 1st letter */ MiniPS::VALUE v=y_SampleFormat->get(buf, slen); return (Image::sf_t) (v==MiniPS::Qundef ? Image::SF_max : MiniPS::int2ii(v)); } char const* Rule::Cache::dumpFileFormat(ff_t FileFormat, co_t Compression) { switch (FileFormat) { case FF_eps: return Compression==CO_ZIP ? "PSL3" : "PSL2"; case FF_pdf: return Compression==CO_ZIP ? "PDF1.2" : "PDF1.0"; case FF_pdfb: return Compression==CO_ZIP ? "PDFB1.2" : "PDFB1.0"; case FF_PSL1: return "PSL1"; case FF_PSLC: return "PSLC"; case FF_PSL2: return "PSL2"; case FF_PSL3: return "PSL3"; case FF_PDFB10:return "PDFB1.0"; case FF_PDFB12:return "PDFB1.2"; case FF_PDF10: return "PDF1.0"; case FF_PDF12: return "PDF1.2"; case FF_GIF89a:return "GIF89a"; case FF_PNM: return "PNM"; case FF_PAM: return "PAM"; case FF_PIP: return "PIP"; case FF_Empty: return "Empty"; case FF_Meta: return "Meta"; case FF_JPEG: return "JPEG"; case FF_TIFF: return "TIFF"; case FF_PNG: return "PNG"; case FF_XPM: return "XPM"; case FF_BMP: return "BMP"; case FF_XWD: return "XWD"; case FF_X11: return "X11"; } return (char const*)NULLP; } char const* Rule::Cache::dumpTransferEncoding(te_t TransferEncoding) { switch (TransferEncoding) { case TE_Binary: return "Binary"; case TE_ASCII: return "ASCII"; case TE_Hex: return "Hex"; case TE_A85: return "A85"; case TE_MSBfirst:return "MSBfirst"; case TE_LSBfirst:return "LSBfirst"; } return (char const*)NULLP; } char const* Rule::Cache::dumpSampleFormat(Image::sf_t SampleFormat) { switch (SampleFormat) { case Image::SF_Opaque: return "Opaque"; case Image::SF_Transparent: return "Transparent"; case Image::SF_Gray1: return "Gray1"; case Image::SF_Indexed1: return "Indexed1"; case Image::SF_Mask: return "Mask"; case Image::SF_Transparent2: return "Transparent2"; case Image::SF_Gray2: return "Gray2"; case Image::SF_Indexed2: return "Indexed2"; case Image::SF_Transparent4: return "Transparent4"; case Image::SF_Rgb1: return "Rgb1"; case Image::SF_Gray4: return "Gray4"; case Image::SF_Indexed4: return "Indexed4"; case Image::SF_Transparent8: return "Transparent8"; case Image::SF_Rgb2: return "Rgb2"; case Image::SF_Gray8: return "Gray8"; case Image::SF_Indexed8: return "Indexed8"; case Image::SF_Rgb4: return "Rgb4"; case Image::SF_Rgb8: return "Rgb8"; case Image::SF_Asis: return "Asis"; case Image::SF_Bbox: return "Bbox"; } return (char const*)NULLP; } char const* Rule::Cache::dumpCompression(co_t Compression) { switch (Compression) { case CO_None:return "None"; case CO_LZW: return "LZW"; case CO_ZIP: return "ZIP"; case CO_RLE: return "RLE"; case CO_Fax: return "Fax"; case CO_DCT: return "DCT"; case CO_IJG: return "IJG"; case CO_JAI: return "JAI"; } return (char const*)NULLP; } char const* Rule::CacheHints::dumpScale(sc_t Scale) { switch (Scale) { case SC_None: return "None"; case SC_OK: return "OK"; case SC_RotateOK:return "RotateOK"; } return (char const*)NULLP; } /* Checks and recovers Predictor. Called by scanf_dict. * @return Qundef if param invalid * Qinteger(1) if param==Qundef * valid Qinteger otherwise */ static MiniPS::VALUE better_predictor(MiniPS::VALUE v) { return v==MiniPS::Qundef ? MiniPS::Qinteger(1) /* PR_None */ : v==MiniPS::Qinteger(1) || v==MiniPS::Qinteger(2) || v==MiniPS::Qinteger(45) || v==MiniPS::Qinteger(55) || ((v&1)!=0 && v>=MiniPS::Qinteger(10) && v<=MiniPS::Qinteger(15)) ? v : MiniPS::Qundef; } static MiniPS::VALUE better_xColors(MiniPS::VALUE v) { return v==MiniPS::Qundef ? MiniPS::Qinteger(0) : ((v&1)!=0 && v>=MiniPS::Qinteger(1) && v<=MiniPS::Qinteger(4)) ? v : MiniPS::Qundef; } static MiniPS::VALUE better_predictorBPC(MiniPS::VALUE v) { return v==MiniPS::Qundef ? MiniPS::Qinteger(0) : v==MiniPS::Qinteger(1) || v==MiniPS::Qinteger(2) || v==MiniPS::Qinteger(4) || v==MiniPS::Qinteger(8) ? v : MiniPS::Qundef; } static MiniPS::VALUE better_effort(MiniPS::VALUE v) { return v==MiniPS::Qundef ? MiniPS::Qinteger(-1) : ((v&1)!=0 && v>=MiniPS::Qinteger(-1) && v<=MiniPS::Qinteger(9)) ? v : MiniPS::Qundef; } static MiniPS::VALUE better_k(MiniPS::VALUE v) { return v==MiniPS::Qundef ? MiniPS::Qinteger(0) : ((v&1)!=0 && v>=MiniPS::Qinteger(-2)) ? v /* -2 means: positive value marking the image height */ : MiniPS::Qundef; } static MiniPS::VALUE better_quality(MiniPS::VALUE v) { return v==MiniPS::Qundef ? MiniPS::Qinteger(75) : ((v&1)!=0 && v>=MiniPS::Qinteger(0) && v<=MiniPS::Qinteger(100)) ? v : MiniPS::Qundef; } static MiniPS::VALUE better_colorTransform(MiniPS::VALUE v) { return v==MiniPS::Qundef ? MiniPS::Qinteger(3) : ((v&1)!=0 && v>=MiniPS::Qinteger(0) && v<=MiniPS::Qinteger(3)) ? v : MiniPS::Qundef; } void Rule::OutputRule::fromDict(MiniPS::VALUE dict_) { #if 0 /* BUGFIX for g++-3.4 (needs symbols __cxa_guard_acquire, __cxa_guard_release) */ static char rule_dummy=(init_dicts(),0); /* call once per process */ (void)rule_dummy; #else if (y_FileFormat==NULLP) init_dicts(); #endif MiniPS::VALUE dummy; (void)dummy; MiniPS::VALUE FileFormat, SampleFormat, WarningOK, TransferEncoding, Compression, Predictor, Transparent; MiniPS::VALUE PredictorColumns, PredictorColors, PredictorBPC, Effort, K, RecordSize, Quality, ColorTransform, TransferCPL, EncoderRows, EncoderColumns, EncoderBPL, EncoderColors, DCT, Scale; MiniPS::scanf_dict(dict_, /*show_warnings:*/true, "FileFormat", MiniPS::S_SENUM, y_FileFormat, &FileFormat, "SampleFormat", MiniPS::S_SENUM, y_SampleFormat, &SampleFormat, "WarningOK", MiniPS::T_BOOLEAN, MiniPS::Qtrue, &WarningOK, "TransferEncoding",MiniPS::S_SENUM, y_TransferEncoding, &TransferEncoding, "Compression", MiniPS::S_SENUM, y_Compression, &Compression, "Predictor", MiniPS::S_FUNC, better_predictor, &Predictor, "Transparent", MiniPS::S_RGBSTR, MiniPS::Qnull, &Transparent, /* force an RGB color transparent */ "Hints", MiniPS::T_DICT, MiniPS::Qnull, &dictHints, NULLP ); dict=(MiniPS::Dict*)dict_; cache.FileFormat=(Rule::Cache::ff_t)MiniPS::int2ii(FileFormat); cache.SampleFormat=(Image::sf_t)MiniPS::int2ii(SampleFormat); cache.WarningOK=(Rule::Cache::ff_t)WarningOK==MiniPS::Qtrue; cache.TransferEncoding=(Rule::Cache::te_t)MiniPS::int2ii(TransferEncoding); cache.Compression=(Rule::Cache::co_t)MiniPS::int2ii(Compression); cache.Predictor=(Rule::Cache::pr_t)MiniPS::int2ii(Predictor); cache.Transparent=0x1000000UL; /* No extra transparency */ if (Transparent!=MiniPS::Qnull) { unsigned char const*p=(unsigned char const*)(MiniPS::RSTRING(Transparent)->begin_()); cache.Transparent=(p[0]<<16)+(p[1]<<8)+p[2]; } //MiniPS::dump(Predictor); // fprintf(stderr,"cpred=%u\n", cache.Predictor); if ((MiniPS::VALUE)dictHints==MiniPS::Qnull) dict->put("/Hints", (MiniPS::VALUE)(dictHints=new MiniPS::Dict())); MiniPS::scanf_dict((MiniPS::VALUE)dictHints, /*show_warnings:*/true, "EncoderBPL", MiniPS::S_PINTEGER,MiniPS::Qinteger(0), &EncoderBPL, "EncoderColumns", MiniPS::S_PINTEGER,MiniPS::Qinteger(0), &EncoderColumns, "EncoderRows", MiniPS::S_PINTEGER,MiniPS::Qinteger(0), &EncoderRows, "EncoderColors", MiniPS::S_FUNC, better_xColors, &EncoderColors, "PredictorColumns",MiniPS::S_PINTEGER,MiniPS::Qinteger(0), &PredictorColumns, "PredictorColors", MiniPS::S_FUNC, better_xColors, &PredictorColors, "PredictorBPC", MiniPS::S_FUNC, better_predictorBPC, &PredictorBPC, "Effort", MiniPS::S_FUNC, better_effort, &Effort, "RecordSize", MiniPS::S_UINTEGER,MiniPS::Qinteger(0), &RecordSize, "K", MiniPS::S_FUNC, better_k, &K, "Quality", MiniPS::S_FUNC, better_quality, &Quality, "ColorTransform", MiniPS::S_FUNC, better_colorTransform, &ColorTransform, "TransferCPL", MiniPS::S_PINTEGER,MiniPS::Qinteger(78), &TransferCPL, "DCT", MiniPS::T_DICT, MiniPS::Qnull, &DCT, "Scale", MiniPS::S_SENUM, y_Scale, &Scale, "ImageDPI", MiniPS::S_NUMBER, MiniPS::Qinteger(72), &cacheHints.ImageDPI, "TopMargin", MiniPS::S_NUMBER, MiniPS::Qinteger(0), &cacheHints.TopMargin, "BottomMargin", MiniPS::S_NUMBER, MiniPS::Qinteger(0), &cacheHints.BottomMargin, "LeftMargin", MiniPS::S_NUMBER, MiniPS::Qinteger(0), &cacheHints.LeftMargin, "RightMargin", MiniPS::S_NUMBER, MiniPS::Qinteger(0), &cacheHints.RightMargin, "LowerMargin", MiniPS::S_NUMBER, MiniPS::Qinteger(0), &cacheHints.LowerMargin, "Comment", MiniPS::T_STRING, MiniPS::Qnull, &cacheHints.Comment, "Title", MiniPS::T_STRING, MiniPS::Qnull, &cacheHints.Title, "Subject", MiniPS::T_STRING, MiniPS::Qnull, &cacheHints.Subject, "Author", MiniPS::T_STRING, MiniPS::Qnull, &cacheHints.Author, "Creator", MiniPS::T_STRING, MiniPS::Qnull, &cacheHints.Creator, "Producer", MiniPS::T_STRING, MiniPS::Qnull, &cacheHints.Producer, "Created", MiniPS::T_STRING, MiniPS::Qnull, &cacheHints.Created, "Produced", MiniPS::T_STRING, MiniPS::Qnull, &cacheHints.Produced, #if 0 /* vvv parameters for /DCTEncode. Currently ignored. Obsoleted by /DCT */ "Colors", MiniPS::S_ANY, MiniPS::Qnull, &dummy, "HSamples", MiniPS::S_ANY, MiniPS::Qnull, &dummy, "VSamples", MiniPS::S_ANY, MiniPS::Qnull, &dummy, "QuantTables", MiniPS::S_ANY, MiniPS::Qnull, &dummy, "QFactor", MiniPS::S_ANY, MiniPS::Qnull, &dummy, "HuffTables", MiniPS::S_ANY, MiniPS::Qnull, &dummy, #endif NULLP ); if (DCT==MiniPS::Qnull) dict->put("/DCT", DCT=(MiniPS::VALUE)new MiniPS::Dict()); // cacheHints.DCT=(DCT==MiniPS::Qnull)? new MiniPS::Dict() : MiniPS::RDICT(DCT); if (cache.isPS()) { MiniPS::setDumpPS(cacheHints.TopMargin, true); MiniPS::setDumpPS(cacheHints.BottomMargin, true); MiniPS::setDumpPS(cacheHints.LeftMargin, true); MiniPS::setDumpPS(cacheHints.RightMargin, true); MiniPS::setDumpPS(cacheHints.LowerMargin, true); } cacheHints.DCT=MiniPS::RDICT(DCT); cacheHints.EncoderColumns=MiniPS::int2ii(EncoderColumns); cacheHints.EncoderBPL=MiniPS::int2ii(EncoderBPL); cacheHints.EncoderColors=MiniPS::int2ii(EncoderColors); cacheHints.EncoderRows=MiniPS::int2ii(EncoderRows); cacheHints.PredictorColumns=MiniPS::int2ii(PredictorColumns); cacheHints.PredictorColors=MiniPS::int2ii(PredictorColors); cacheHints.PredictorBPC=MiniPS::int2ii(PredictorBPC); cacheHints.Effort=MiniPS::int2ii(Effort); cacheHints.RecordSize=MiniPS::int2ii(RecordSize); cacheHints.K=MiniPS::int2ii(K); cacheHints.Quality=MiniPS::int2ii(Quality); cacheHints.ColorTransform=MiniPS::int2ii(ColorTransform); cacheHints.TransferCPL=MiniPS::int2ii(TransferCPL); cacheHints.Scale=(Rule::CacheHints::sc_t)MiniPS::int2ii(Scale); /* fprintf(stderr, "scaled=%g\n", (char*)MiniPS::scale(ImageDPI,1)); */ } void Rule::OutputRule::doSampleFormat(Image::SampledInfo *info, bool separatep) { /* Dat: called from appliers.cpp:out_*_work(); the sample format is final */ bool separatep2= separatep && ( cache.SampleFormat==Image::SF_Transparent2 || cache.SampleFormat==Image::SF_Transparent4 || cache.SampleFormat==Image::SF_Transparent8); /* vvv simplifier added at Sat Jun 15 13:59:40 CEST 2002 */ if (separatep2) cache.SampleFormat=Image::SF_Transparent8; if (!info->setSampleFormat(cache.SampleFormat, cache.WarningOK, /*TryOnly*/false, cache.Transparent)) Error::sev(Error::EERROR) << "doSampleFormat: cannot set desired SampleFormat" << (Error*)0; Image::Sampled *img=info->getImg(); slen_t n=1; if (separatep2) { info->separate(); img=info->getImgs()[0];/*NULLP OK*/; n=info->getNncols(); } if (img!=NULLP) { if (0==cacheHints.EncoderBPL) cacheHints.EncoderBPL=(slen_t)img->getWd()*img->getCpp()*img->getBpc(); if (0==cacheHints.EncoderColumns) cacheHints.EncoderColumns=img->getWd(); if (0==cacheHints.EncoderColors) cacheHints.EncoderColors=img->getCpp(); if (0==cacheHints.EncoderRows) cacheHints.EncoderRows=img->getHt()*n; if (0==cacheHints.PredictorColumns) cacheHints.PredictorColumns=img->getWd(); if (0==cacheHints.PredictorColors) cacheHints.PredictorColors=img->getCpp(); if (0==cacheHints.PredictorBPC) cacheHints.PredictorBPC=img->getBpc(); if (-2==cacheHints.K) cacheHints.K=img->getHt()*n; } } static char const*getDecode(Rule::Cache::co_t Compression) { return (Compression==Rule::Cache::CO_LZW ? "/LZWDecode" :Compression==Rule::Cache::CO_Fax ? "/CCITTFaxDecode" :Compression==Rule::Cache::CO_ZIP ? "/FlateDecode" :Compression==Rule::Cache::CO_RLE ? "/RunLengthDecode" :Compression==Rule::Cache::CO_DCT ? "/DCTDecode" :Compression==Rule::Cache::CO_IJG ? "/DCTDecode" :Compression==Rule::Cache::CO_JAI ? "/DCTDecode" :""); } /** For PDF BI inline images */ static char const*getBIDecode(Rule::Cache::co_t Compression) { return (Compression==Rule::Cache::CO_LZW ? "/LZW" :Compression==Rule::Cache::CO_Fax ? "/CCF" :Compression==Rule::Cache::CO_ZIP ? "/Fl" :Compression==Rule::Cache::CO_RLE ? "/RL" :Compression==Rule::Cache::CO_DCT ? "/DCT" :Compression==Rule::Cache::CO_IJG ? "/DCT" :Compression==Rule::Cache::CO_JAI ? "/DCT" :""); } void Rule::OutputRule::appendDecoderSpec(GenBuffer::Writable &out) const { assert(cacheHints.PredictorBPC!=0 && "doSampleFormat already called"); bool hps=hasPredictorSpec(); if (cache.isPDF()) { /* Dat: also implies appendTransferSpec() -- this is true only for PDF */ if (!cache.isPDFB()) { if (cache.Compression==cache.CO_None) { if (cache.TransferEncoding==cache.TE_Hex) out << "/Filter/ASCIIHexDecode"; else if (cache.TransferEncoding==cache.TE_A85) out << "/Filter/ASCII85Decode"; } else if (cache.TransferEncoding!=cache.TE_Hex && cache.TransferEncoding!=cache.TE_A85) { out << "/Filter" << getDecode(cache.Compression); if (hps) { out << "/DecodeParms"; appendPredictorSpec(out); } } else { /* both TransferEncoding and Compression */ if (cache.TransferEncoding==cache.TE_Hex) out << "/Filter[/ASCIIHexDecode"; else if (cache.TransferEncoding==cache.TE_A85) out << "/Filter[/ASCII85Decode"; else assert(0); out << getDecode(cache.Compression); if (hps) { out << "]/DecodeParms[null"; appendPredictorSpec(out); } /* ^^^ BUGFIX at Tue Jun 4 18:50:13 CEST 2002 */ out << ']'; } } else { if (cache.Compression==cache.CO_None) { if (cache.TransferEncoding==cache.TE_Hex) out << "/F/AHx"; else if (cache.TransferEncoding==cache.TE_A85) out << "/F/A85"; } else if (cache.TransferEncoding!=cache.TE_Hex && cache.TransferEncoding!=cache.TE_A85) { out << "/F" << getBIDecode(cache.Compression); if (hps) { out << "/DP"; appendPredictorSpec(out); } } else { /* both TransferEncoding and Compression */ if (cache.TransferEncoding==cache.TE_Hex) out << "/F[/AHx"; else if (cache.TransferEncoding==cache.TE_A85) out << "/F[/A85"; else assert(0); out << getBIDecode(cache.Compression); if (hps) { out << "]/DP[null"; appendPredictorSpec(out); } out << ']'; } } /* IFELSE PDFB */ } else { /* NOT PDF */ if (cache.Compression!=cache.CO_None) { appendPredictorSpec(out); out << getDecode(cache.Compression) << " filter"; } } /* IFELSE PDF */ } bool Rule::OutputRule::hasPredictorSpec() const { return cache.Compression==cache.CO_Fax || ((cache.Compression==cache.CO_ZIP || cache.Compression==cache.CO_LZW) && cache.Predictor!=cache.PR_None); } void Rule::OutputRule::appendPredictorSpec(GenBuffer::Writable &out) const { assert(cacheHints.PredictorBPC!=0 && "doSampleFormat already called"); if (cache.Compression==cache.CO_Fax) out << "<</K " << cacheHints.K << "/Columns " << cacheHints.EncoderBPL /* ^^^ EncoderColumns -> EncoderBPL BUGFIX at Wed Jul 3 20:05:12 CEST 2002 */ << ">>"; else if ((cache.Compression==cache.CO_ZIP || cache.Compression==cache.CO_LZW) && cache.Predictor!=cache.PR_None) out<< "<</BitsPerComponent " << (unsigned)cacheHints.PredictorBPC << "/Columns " << cacheHints.PredictorColumns << "/Colors " << (unsigned)cacheHints.PredictorColors << (cache.Predictor==cache.PR_TIFF2 ? "/Predictor 2>>": "/Predictor 10>>"); } void Rule::OutputRule::appendTransferSpec(GenBuffer::Writable &out) const { if (cache.TransferEncoding==cache.TE_Hex) out << "/ASCIIHexDecode filter"; else if (cache.TransferEncoding==cache.TE_A85) out << "/ASCII85Decode filter"; } /* --- */ static Rule::Applier *first_rule=(Rule::Applier*)NULLP; void Rule::register0(Rule::Applier *anew) { param_assert(anew!=NULLP); anew->next=first_rule; first_rule=anew; } unsigned Rule::printAppliers(GenBuffer::Writable &out) { unsigned num=0; Applier *p=first_rule; while (p!=(Applier*)NULLP) { if (p->check_rule!=0/*NULLP*/ && p->work!=0/*NULLP*/) { num++; out << ' ' << p->format; } p=p->next; } return num; } Rule::OutputRule* Rule::buildProfile(MiniPS::VALUE Profile, bool quiet) { param_assert(MiniPS::getType(Profile)==MiniPS::T_ARRAY); MiniPS::Array *pary=MiniPS::RARRAY(Profile); OutputRule *ret=new OutputRule[pary->getLength()+1], *or_=ret; /* ^^^ just enough place; there may be BAD items which won't be stored */ MiniPS::VALUE *val; unsigned c; #if !USE_BUILTIN_LZW bool lzw_warning=true; #endif if (quiet) Error::pushPolicy((Error::level_t)0, /*printed_:*/Error::getTopPrinted()+0>Error::WARNING+0 ? Error::getTopPrinted() : Error::WARNING, Error::WARNING_DEFER, (GenBuffer::Writable*)NULLP); /* Dat: WARNING_DEFER untested */ for (c=0, pary->getFirst(val); val!=NULLP; pary->getNext(val), c++) { /* val: each OutputRule of the Profile */ or_->fromDict(*val); or_->c=c; Applier *p=first_rule; // printf("building: %s...\n", p->format); #if !USE_BUILTIN_LZW if (or_->cache.Compression==or_->cache.CO_LZW && lzw_warning) { lzw_warning=false; Error::sev(Error::WARNING) << "buildProfile: please `configure --enable-lzw' for /Compression/LZW support in OutputRule #" << c << (Error*)0; } #endif while (p!=NULLP) { if (p->check_rule!=0/*NULLP*/) switch (p->check_rule(or_)) { case Applier::BAD: Error::sev(Error::WARNING_DEFER) << "buildProfile: ^^^ thus ignoring impossible OutputRule #" << c << (Error*)0; goto end_appliers; case Applier::MAYBE: case Applier::OK: if (p->work!=0/*NULLP*/) { or_++; goto end_appliers; } Error::sev(Error::WARNING_DEFER) << "buildProfile: ^^^ ignoring unimplemented OutputRule #" << c << (Error*)0; // case p->DONT_KNOW: ; } p=p->next; /* continue with other Appliers; hope other than DONT_KNOW */ } Error::sev(Error::WARNING_DEFER) << "buildProfile: ignoring, no handlers for OutputRule #" << c << (Error*)0; end_appliers: if (quiet) delete Error::getRecorded(); } if (quiet) { delete Error::getRecorded(); Error::popPolicy(); } if (or_==ret) Error::sev(Error::WARNING) << "buildProfile: all OutputRules in the .job file are useless" << (Error*)0; or_->dict=or_->dictHints=(MiniPS::Dict*)NULLP; /* end-of-list */ return ret; } void Rule::applyProfile(GenBuffer::Writable& out, OutputRule*rule_list, Image::SampledInfo *sf) { OutputRule *or_; // unsigned tryc=0; /* Wed Jul 3 19:30:33 CEST 2002 */ Error::pushPolicy((Error::level_t)0, /*printed_:*/Error::getTopPrinted()+0>Error::NOTICE+0 ? Error::getTopPrinted() : Error::NOTICE, Error::NOTICE_DEFER, (GenBuffer::Writable*)NULLP); Image::Sampled::rgb_t Transparent=0x1000000UL; if (rule_list->dict!=NULLP) { Transparent=rule_list->cache.Transparent; for (or_=rule_list+1; or_->dict!=NULLP; or_++) { if (Transparent!=rule_list->cache.Transparent) { /* Imp: make different copies, based on different or_->cache.Transparent -- or not? */ Error::sev(Error::EERROR) << "applyProfile: ambiguous /Transparent" << (Error*)0; } } } /* Dat: -transparent ... makes the specified color transparent, but it cannot * be used to remove transparenct */ // printf("Transparent=0x%lx\n",Transparent); for (or_=rule_list; or_->dict!=NULLP; or_++) { /* ^^^ Try each OutputRule (or_) in reverse order of registration */ Error::sev(Error::NOTICE_DEFER) << "applyProfile: trying OutputRule #" << or_->c << (Error*)0; if (sf->setSampleFormat(or_->cache.SampleFormat, or_->cache.WarningOK, /*TryOnly*/true, or_->cache.Transparent)) { /* image supports the SampleFormat of OutputRule */ Applier *p=first_rule; while (p!=NULLP) { /* ^^^ Try each output Applier for the current candidate OutputRule */ if (p->check_rule!=0/*NULLP*/ && p->work!=0/*NULLP*/) { // tryc++; switch (p->work(out, or_, sf)) { case Applier::BAD: Error::sev(Error::WARNING) << "applyProfile: ^^^ thus cannot apply OutputRule #" << or_->c << (Error*)0; goto end_appliers; case Applier::OK: // if (or_->c!=0) { delete Error::getRecorded(); Error::popPolicy(); Error::sev(Error::NOTICE) << "applyProfile: applied OutputRule #" << or_->c << " using applier " << p->format << (Error*)0; return; /* case Applier::MAYBE: impossible */ // case p->DONT_KNOW: ; } } p=p->next; /* continue with other Appliers; hope other than DONT_KNOW */ end_appliers: ; } } /* IF image supports SampleFormat */ } Error::sev(Error::EERROR) << "applyProfile: invalid combination, no applicable OutputRule" << (Error*)0; } void Rule::deleteProfile(OutputRule*rule_list) { /* MiniPS::* objects still remain -- the caller (reader) will delete them. */ delete [] rule_list; } /* --- */ //#include <string.h> //static char xx[5000]; void Rule::writeData(GenBuffer::Writable&, GenBuffer::Writable&outstream, Image::SampledInfo *sf) { Image::Indexed **imgs=sf->getImgs(); slen_t rlenht; if (imgs!=NULLP) { unsigned i; if (sf->getNncols()!=0 && 0!=(rlenht=imgs[0]->getRlen()*imgs[0]->getHt())) { // fprintf(stderr,"rh=%u nc=%u\n", rlenht, sf->getNncols()); for (i=0;i<sf->getNncols();i++) outstream.vi_write(imgs[i]->getRowbeg(), rlenht); //for (i=0;i<sf->getNncols();i++) { // memset(xx, 1<<(i), sizeof(xx)); // outstream.vi_write(xx, rlenht); //} } } else { Image::Sampled *img=sf->getImg(); rlenht=img->getRlen()*img->getHt(); if (rlenht!=0) outstream.vi_write(img->getRowbeg(), rlenht); } outstream.vi_write(0,0); /* Dat: frees cp, bp, (ap) */ } void Rule::writePalData(GenBuffer::Writable& outpal, GenBuffer::Writable&outstream, Image::SampledInfo *sf) { Image::Sampled *img=sf->getImg(); slen_t wlen=img->getRowbeg()-img->getHeadp(); if (wlen!=0) outpal.vi_write(img->getHeadp(), wlen); writeData(outpal, outstream, sf); /* vvv replaced by the more generic writeData */ // slen_t rlenht=img->getRlen()*img->getHt(); // if (rlenht!=0) outstream.vi_write(img->getRowbeg(), rlenht); // outstream.vi_write(0,0); /* Dat: frees cp, bp, (ap) */ } /** Returns a divisor of v1*v2 near 4096 */ static slen_t near_div(slen_t v1, slen_t v2) { static const slen_t LOW=2048, MID=4096, HIGH=8192; slen_t d, p; if (v1>v2) { d=v1; v1=v2; v2=d; } if (LOW<=v2 && v2<=HIGH) return v2; /* larger */ if (LOW<=v1 && v1<=HIGH) return v1; /* smaller */ if ((p=v1*v2)<=HIGH) return p; /* smaller */ for (d=MID;d<=HIGH;d++) if (p%d==0) return d; for (d=MID-1;d>=LOW;d--) if (p%d==0) return d; return v1; /* the smaller one */ } /** Basicly out.format("%g", (double)n/255);, but we don't want to depend on * floating point arithmetic of the underlying architecture. */ static void div255(GenBuffer::Writable& out, unsigned n) { char tmp[7]; unsigned abc; param_assert(n<=255); tmp[0]='0'; tmp[1]='.'; tmp[3]='\0'; if (n%51!=0) { /* Divisors of 255: 1, 3, 5, 15, 17, 51, 85, 255. * 0/255 == "0" 51/255 == "0.2" * 102/255 == "0.4" 153/255 == "0.6" * 204/255 == "0.8" 255/255 == "1" * All other k/255 are infinite as a decimal fraction. * 1000 > 2*255, so 3 digits after '.' is enough. */ assert(n<=254); #if 0 abc=(127L+1000*n)/255; tmp[2]='0'+abc/100; tmp[3]='0'+(abc/10)%10; tmp[4]='0'+abc%10; tmp[5]='\0'; #else abc=(127L+10000*n)/255; tmp[2]='0'+abc/1000; tmp[3]='0'+(abc/100)%10; tmp[4]='0'+(abc/10)%10; tmp[5]='0'+abc%10; tmp[6]='\0'; #endif } else if (n<153) { if (n<51) tmp[1]='\0'; else if (n>51) tmp[2]='4'; else tmp[2]='2'; } else if (n<204) tmp[2]='6'; else if (n>204) { tmp[0]='1'; tmp[1]='\0'; } else tmp[2]='8'; out << tmp; } void Rule::writeTTE( GenBuffer::Writable& out, GenBuffer::Writable&outpal, GenBuffer::Writable&outstream, char const*template_, Rule::OutputRule*or_, Image::SampledInfo *sf, stream_writer_t stream_writer, char const*const*strings) { unsigned int i, j; register char const*p; char *r; Image::Sampled *img=sf->getImg(); param_assert(template_!=(const char*)NULLP); p=template_; bool nzp, scp; SimBuffer::B scf; while (1) { assert(template_==p); while (*p!='`' && *p!='\0') p++; /* '`' is the escape character */ if (p!=template_) out.vi_write(template_, p-template_); if (*p++=='\0') break; switch (*p++) { case '\0': p--; /* fall through */ case '`': out.vi_write("`", 1); break; case '#': /* number of non-transparent colors of /Indexed*, /Transparent* */ out << sf->getNncols(); break; case 'p': /* 3*(number of non-transparent colors of /Indexed*, /Transparent*) */ out << (3*sf->getNncols()); break; case 'P': /* number of palette bytes (including the transparent color) */ out << img->getRowbeg()-img->getHeadp(); break; case '0': case '1': case '2': /* arbitrary, user-defined string */ param_assert(strings!=(char const*const*)NULLP); out << strings[p[-1]-'0']; break; case 'C': /* PDF /Procset entries */ if (or_->cache.isIndexed()) out << "/ImageI"; else if (or_->cache.isGray()) out << "/ImageB"; else out << "/ImageC"; /* SF_Rgb*, SF_Asis etc. */ break; case 'i': /* PS image or colorimage operator */ out << (or_->cache.isGray() ? "image" : or_->cache.SampleFormat==Image::SF_Mask || or_->cache.SampleFormat==Image::SF_Indexed1 ? "imagemask" : "false 3 colorimage"); break; case 'I': /* PS warning for usage of colorimage operator */ // if (!or_->cache.isGray()) out << "% PSLC required\n"; if (!or_->cache.isGray() && !or_->cache.isTransparentM()) out << "%%Extensions: CMYK\n"; break; #if 0 case "p:invalid": /* optional predictor specification */ { unsigned char pred=or_->cache.Predictor; if (pred== 2) out << "/Predictor 2"; /* TIFF predictor */ else if (pred>=10) out << "/Predictor 10"; /* any PNG predictor */ } #endif case 'w': /* image width, decimal */ out << img->getWd(); break; case 'h': /* image height, decimal */ out << img->getHt(); break; case '?': /* a divisor of rlen*height near 4096 */ if (sf->getImgs()!=NULLP) { /* /Transparent+ */ out << near_div(sf->getImgs()[0]->getRlen(), img->getHt()); /* Dat: `img->getHt()*sf->getNncols()' would be wrong */ } else { out << near_div(img->getRlen(), img->getHt()); } break; case 'B': /* Clean7Bits or Binary; Sun Jun 23 18:55:35 CEST 2002 */ out << (or_->cache.isPDF() ? (or_->cache.isBinSB() ? "%\307\354\217\242\n" : "") : (or_->cache.isBinSB() ? "Binary" : "Clean7Bit")); break; case 'b': /* image bpc, decimal */ /* added "true"|"false" for sam2p-0.39 at Sun Sep 22 17:49:25 CEST 2002 */ if (or_->cache.SampleFormat==Image::SF_Mask) out << "false"; else if (or_->cache.SampleFormat==Image::SF_Indexed1) out << "true"; else out << (unsigned)img->getBpc(); break; case 'c': /* image cpp, decimal */ out << (unsigned)img->getCpp(); break; case 'd': /* device-specific color-space name */ out << Image::Sampled::cs2devcs(img->getCs()); break; case 't': /* closefile specification in PostScript */ if (or_->cache.Compression!=or_->cache.CO_None) out << " F closefile"; if (or_->cache.TransferEncoding!=or_->cache.TE_Binary) out << " T closefile"; break; case 'T': /* TransferEncoding specification in PostScript */ or_->appendTransferSpec(out); break; case 'F': /* decoding filter specification in PostScript */ or_->appendDecoderSpec(out); break; case 'O': /* 0..1 /Decode values */ i=1; emit_Decode: j=img->getCpp(); out << "0 " << i; while (j--!=1) out << " 0 " << i; break; case 'D': /* 0..max-1 /Decode values for indexed, 0..1 for others */ i=(or_->cache.isIndexed())?(1<<img->getBpc())-1:1; goto emit_Decode; case 'S': /* image data stream */ stream_writer(outpal, outstream, sf); break; case 'g': /* PDF 0..1 RGB triplet of the 0th palette color */ assert(img->getTy()==img->TY_INDEXED); r=img->getHeadp(); goto appG; case 'G': /* PDF 0..1 RGB triplet of the 1st palette color */ assert(img->getTy()==img->TY_INDEXED); r=img->getHeadp()+3; appG: div255(out, (unsigned char)r[0]); out << ' '; div255(out, (unsigned char)r[1]); out << ' '; div255(out, (unsigned char)r[2]); break; case 'r': /* PS 0..1 RGB triplet of the 0th palette color */ assert(img->getTy()==img->TY_INDEXED); r=img->getHeadp(); out << (unsigned)(unsigned char)r[0] << " 255 div " << (unsigned)(unsigned char)r[1] << " 255 div " << (unsigned)(unsigned char)r[2] << " 255 div"; break; case 'R': /* PS code for setting up bg and fg colors for an imagemask */ /* formerly: PS 0..1 RGB triplet of the 1st palette color */ /* changed at Sun Sep 22 18:02:41 CEST 2002 */ if (or_->cache.SampleFormat==Image::SF_Mask || or_->cache.SampleFormat==Image::SF_Indexed1) { assert(img->getTy()==img->TY_INDEXED); r=img->getHeadp(); out << (unsigned)(unsigned char)r[0] << " 255 div " /* 0th palette color */ << (unsigned)(unsigned char)r[1] << " 255 div " << (unsigned)(unsigned char)r[2] << " 255 div setrgbcolor\n"; if (or_->cache.SampleFormat==Image::SF_Indexed1) { out << "0 0 moveto\n" << img->getWd() << " 0 lineto\n0 " << img->getHt() << " rlineto\n-" << img->getWd() << " 0 rlineto\nclosepath fill\n" << (unsigned)(unsigned char)r[3] << " 255 div " /* 1st palette color */ << (unsigned)(unsigned char)r[4] << " 255 div " << (unsigned)(unsigned char)r[5] << " 255 div\nsetrgbcolor\n"; } } break; case 'E': /* EPS header for unscaled PS files */ if (or_->cacheHints.Scale==or_->cacheHints.SC_None) out << " EPSF-3.0"; break; case 'X': /* BoundingBox for EPS, MediaBox for PDF */ if (or_->cache.isPDF()) { // out << "0 0 "; out << "0 "; goto do_bbox; } else if (or_->cacheHints.Scale==or_->cacheHints.SC_None) { /* It is no point to start the BoundingBox of EPS files at * (LeftMargin,BottomMargin). The effect would be the same as * specifying no margins at all. Our choice is better: the * BoundingBox contains the image and the margins too. */ // out << "%%BoundingBox: 0 0 "; out << "%%BoundingBox: 0 "; do_bbox: // out << MiniPS::RVALUE(or_->cacheHints.LowerMargin) << ';'; /* SUXX: this would put `1 72 mul' */ // out << MiniPS::RVALUE(or_->cacheHints.BottomMargin) << ';'; /* SUXX: this would put `1 72 mul' */ MiniPS::dumpAdd3(out, MiniPS::Qinteger(0), MiniPS::Qinteger(0), MiniPS::Qinteger(0), or_->cacheHints.LowerMargin, or_->cacheHints.BottomMargin, 1); out << ' '; MiniPS::dumpAdd3(out, or_->cacheHints.ImageDPI, MiniPS::Qinteger(img->getWd()), or_->cacheHints.LeftMargin, or_->cacheHints.RightMargin, MiniPS::Qinteger(0), 2); out << ' '; MiniPS::dumpAdd3(out, or_->cacheHints.ImageDPI, MiniPS::Qinteger(img->getHt()), or_->cacheHints.TopMargin, or_->cacheHints.LowerMargin, MiniPS::Qinteger(0), 2); if (!or_->cache.isPDF()) out << '\n'; } break; case 's': /* scaling to a full PostScript page or translation for PDF and EPS */ nzp=!(MiniPS::isZero(or_->cacheHints.LowerMargin) && MiniPS::isZero(or_->cacheHints.TopMargin)); scp=!MiniPS::isEq(or_->cacheHints.ImageDPI, 72) && !MiniPS::isEq(or_->cacheHints.ImageDPI, -72); if (or_->cache.isPDF()) { SimBuffer::B scf; if (scp) MiniPS::dumpScale(scf, or_->cacheHints.ImageDPI); else scf << 'x'; if (nzp || scp) out << " " << scf << " 0 0 " << scf << " " << MiniPS::RVALUE(or_->cacheHints.LeftMargin) << ' ' << MiniPS::RVALUE(or_->cacheHints.LowerMargin) << " cm"; /* translate */ } else switch (or_->cacheHints.Scale) { case Rule::CacheHints::SC_None: if (nzp) out << '\n' << MiniPS::RVALUE(or_->cacheHints.LeftMargin) << ' ' << MiniPS::RVALUE(or_->cacheHints.LowerMargin) << " translate"; if (scp) { MiniPS::dumpScale(scf, or_->cacheHints.ImageDPI); out << '\n' << scf << " dup scale"; } break; case Rule::CacheHints::SC_OK: /* from pshack/big.ps */ out <<"\n6 dict begin currentpagedevice/PageSize get dup 0 get\n " << MiniPS::RVALUE(or_->cacheHints.LeftMargin) << " sub " << MiniPS::RVALUE(or_->cacheHints.RightMargin) << " sub/w exch\n" " def 1 get " << MiniPS::RVALUE(or_->cacheHints.TopMargin) << " sub " << MiniPS::RVALUE(or_->cacheHints.BottomMargin) << " sub/h exch\n" " def/x " << img->getWd() << " def/y " << img->getHt() << " def " << MiniPS::RVALUE(or_->cacheHints.LeftMargin) << ' ' << MiniPS::RVALUE(or_->cacheHints.BottomMargin) << " translate x h\n" " mul y w mul gt{w x 0 h y w mul x div sub 2 div}{h y w x h mul y div sub 2 div\n" " 0}ifelse translate div dup scale\nend"; break; case Rule::CacheHints::SC_RotateOK: /* from pshack/big.ps */ out <<"\n6 dict begin currentpagedevice/PageSize get dup 0 get\n " << MiniPS::RVALUE(or_->cacheHints.LeftMargin) << " sub " << MiniPS::RVALUE(or_->cacheHints.RightMargin) << " sub/w exch\n" " def 1 get " << MiniPS::RVALUE(or_->cacheHints.TopMargin) << " sub " << MiniPS::RVALUE(or_->cacheHints.BottomMargin) << " sub/h exch\n" " def/x " << img->getWd() << " def/y " << img->getHt() << " def " << MiniPS::RVALUE(or_->cacheHints.LeftMargin) << ' ' << MiniPS::RVALUE(or_->cacheHints.BottomMargin) << "/b y h mul x\n" " w mul gt def b{w y}{h x}ifelse div/c x h mul y w mul gt def c{w x}{h y}ifelse\n" " div gt{h add translate -90 rotate b{w y h x w mul y div sub 2 div 0}{h\n" " x 0 w y h mul x div sub 2 div}}{translate c{w x 0 h y w mul x div sub 2 div}{h\n" " y w x h mul y div sub 2 div 0}}ifelse ifelse translate div dup scale\nend"; break; } break; default: Error::sev(Error::EERROR) << "writeTTE: unknown escape: " << (char)p[-1] << (Error*)0; } template_=p; } } /** by pts@fazekas.hu at Mon Apr 15 22:31:03 CEST 2002 */ void Rule::writeTTM( Filter::VerbatimE &outve, GenBuffer::Writable&outpal, GenBuffer::Writable&outstream, MiniPS::Array *chunkArray, Rule::OutputRule*or_, Image::SampledInfo *sf, stream_writer_t stream_writer, char const*const*strings) { static const unsigned MAXLEN=64; /* Imp: use heap instead of stack space */ slen_t offsets[MAXLEN+1]; /* 260 bytes stack */ SimBuffer::B chunks[MAXLEN]; /* <=1024 bytes stack; default constructor */ MiniPS::VALUE *chunk; param_assert(chunkArray!=NULLP); // param_assert(chunkArray->getLength()<=MAXLEN); if (chunkArray->getLength()>(int)MAXLEN) Error::sev(Error::EERROR) << "writeTTM: TTM too long" << (Error*)0; GenBuffer::Writable& out=outve.getOut(); MiniPS::ii_t i, ii; for (chunkArray->getFirst(chunk), i=0; chunk!=NULLP; chunkArray->getNext(chunk), i++) { if (MiniPS::getType(*chunk)==MiniPS::T_ARRAY) { outve.setOut(chunks[i]); writeTTM(outve, outpal, outstream, MiniPS::RARRAY(*chunk), or_, sf, stream_writer, strings); } } for (chunkArray->getFirst(chunk), offsets[i=0]=0; chunk!=NULLP; chunkArray->getNext(chunk), i++) { switch (MiniPS::getType(*chunk)) { case MiniPS::T_ARRAY: break; case MiniPS::T_STRING: /* always null-terminated */ outve.setOut(chunks[i]); writeTTE(outve, outpal, outstream, MiniPS::RSTRING(*chunk)->begin_(), or_, sf, stream_writer, strings); break; case MiniPS::T_INTEGER: if (0==(ii=MiniPS::int2ii(*chunk))) Error::sev(Error::EERROR) << "writeTTM: zero is an invalid chunk" << (Error*)0; if (ii>0) { /* an offset */ if (ii>i) Error::sev(Error::EERROR) << "writeTTM: cannot predict chunk offset" << (Error*)0; if (MiniPS::T_ARRAY==MiniPS::getType(chunkArray->get(ii))) chunks[i].write_num(offsets[ii], 10); /* Dat: 10: 10 digits (for PDF xref table), not base 10 */ else chunks[i] << offsets[ii]; } else { /* a length */ chunks[i] << chunks[-ii].getLength(); } break; default: Error::sev(Error::EERROR) << "writeTTM: invalid chunk type: " << MiniPS::getTypeStr(MiniPS::getType(*chunk)) << (Error*)0; } offsets[i+1]=offsets[i]+chunks[i].getLength(); } /* NEXT */ outve.setOut(out); for (i=0; i<chunkArray->getLength(); i++) out << chunks[i]; /* Imp: organize that chunks[.] gets freed earlier than this */ } /* Rule::writeTTM() */ MiniPS::Dict *Rule::Templates=(MiniPS::Dict*)NULLP; void Rule::writeTTT( GenBuffer::Writable&out, GenBuffer::Writable&outpal, GenBuffer::Writable&outstream, char const *template_key, Rule::OutputRule*or_, Image::SampledInfo *sf, stream_writer_t stream_writer, char const*const*strings) { assert(Templates!=NULLP); Error::sev(Error::NOTICE) << "writeTTT: using template: " << template_key << (Error*)0; MiniPS::VALUE val=Templates->get(template_key, strlen(template_key)); assert(val!=MiniPS::Qundef); switch (MiniPS::getType(val)) { case MiniPS::T_STRING: writeTTE(out, outpal, outstream, MiniPS::RSTRING(val)->begin_(), or_, sf, stream_writer, strings); break; case MiniPS::T_ARRAY: /* Imp: vvv This up-cast is unsafe! */ writeTTM(*(Filter::VerbatimE*)&out, outpal, outstream, MiniPS::RARRAY(val), or_, sf, stream_writer, strings); break; default: Error::sev(Error::EERROR) << "writeTTT: invalid template type: " << MiniPS::getTypeStr(MiniPS::getType(val)) << (Error*)0; } } /* __END__ */