-- -- Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Zeping Lee -- Released under the MIT license. -- Repository: https://github.com/zepinglee/citeproc-lua -- local citeproc_manager = {} require("lualibs") local json_encode = utilities.json.tojson local json_decode = utilities.json.tolua local citeproc = require("citeproc") local bibtex_data = require("citeproc-bibtex-data") local bibtex_parser = require("citeproc-bibtex-parser") local latex_parser = require("citeproc-latex-parser") local util = citeproc.util local unicode = require("citeproc-unicode") ---@param file_name string ---@param ftype "bib" | nil ---@param file_info string ---@return string? contents local function read_file(file_name, ftype, file_info) if file_info then file_info = unicode.capitalize(file_info) else file_info = "File" end local path if ftype then path = kpse.find_file(file_name, ftype) else path = kpse.find_file(file_name) end if not path then if ftype and not util.endswith(file_name, ftype) then file_name = file_name .. ftype end util.error(string.format("%s '%s' not found", file_info, file_name)) return nil end local file = io.open(path, "r") if not file then util.error(string.format("Cannot open %s '%s'", file_info, path)) return nil end local contents = file:read("*a") contents = util.remove_bom(contents) file:close() return contents end ---@param filename string ---@return string file ---@return string format ---@return string? contents local function read_data_file(filename) local file = filename local format = "json" local contents = nil if util.endswith(filename, ".json") then format = "json" contents = read_file(filename, nil, "database file") elseif string.match(filename, "%.ya?ml$") then format = "yaml" contents = read_file(filename, nil, "database file") elseif util.endswith(filename, ".bib") then format = "bibtex" contents = read_file(filename, "bib", "database file") else file = filename .. ".json" local path = kpse.find_file(file) if path then format = "json" contents = read_file(file, nil, "database file") else path = kpse.find_file(filename .. ".yaml") or kpse.find_file(filename .. ".yml") if path then format = "yaml" file = filename .. string.match(path, "%.ya?ml$") contents = read_file(path, nil, "database file") else path = kpse.find_file(filename, "bib") if path then file = filename .. ".bib" format = "bibtex" contents = read_file(filename, "bib", "database file") else util.error(string.format("Cannot find database file '%s'", filename .. ".json")) return file, format, nil end end end end return file, format, contents end ---@param data_files FilePath[] ---@return ItemData[] ---@return table local function read_data_files(data_files) local item_list = {} local item_dict = {} --- Store BibTeX entries for later resolving crossref ---@type table local bibtex_entries = {} ---@type table local bibtex_strings = {} for name, macro in pairs(bibtex_data.macros) do bibtex_strings[name] = macro.value end ---@type BibtexEntry[] local entries_with_crossref = {} for _, data_file in ipairs(data_files) do -- local file_name, csl_items = read_data_file(data_file) local csl_items = {} local file, format, contents = read_data_file(data_file) if contents then if format == "json" then local ok, res = pcall(json_decode, contents) if ok and res then ---@cast res CslData csl_items = res else util.error(string.format("JSON decode error in file '%s'.", file)) end elseif format == "yaml" then yaml = yaml or require("citeproc-yaml") local ok, res = pcall(yaml.parse, contents) if ok and res then ---@cast res CslData csl_items = res else util.error(string.format("YAML decode error in file '%s'.", file)) end elseif format == "bibtex" then local bib_data, exceptions = bibtex_parser.parse(contents, bibtex_strings) if bib_data then bibtex2csl = bibtex2csl or require("citeproc-bibtex2csl") csl_items = bibtex2csl.convert_to_csl_data(bib_data, true, true, true, true) for _, entry in ipairs(bib_data.entries) do if not bibtex_entries[entry.key] then bibtex_entries[entry.key] = entry if entry.fields.crossref then table.insert(entries_with_crossref, entry) end end end for string_name, value in pairs(bib_data.strings) do bibtex_strings[string_name] = value end end end for _, item in ipairs(csl_items) do local id = item.id if item_dict[id] then util.warning(string.format("Duplicate entry key '%s' in '%s'.", id, file)) else item_dict[id] = item table.insert(item_list, item) end end end end bibtex_parser.resolve_crossrefs(entries_with_crossref, bibtex_entries) for _, entry in ipairs(entries_with_crossref) do local new_item = bibtex2csl.convert_to_csl_item(entry, true, true, true, true) item_dict[new_item.id] = new_item for i, item in ipairs(item_list) do if item.id == new_item.id then item_list[i] = new_item break end end end return item_list, item_dict end ---@param item_dict table ---@return CiteProcSys local function make_citeproc_sys(item_dict) local citeproc_sys = { retrieveLocale = function (lang) local locale_file_format = "csl-locales-%s.xml" local filename = string.format(locale_file_format, lang) return read_file(filename, nil, "locale file") end, retrieveItem = function (id) local res = item_dict[id] if not res and not luatexbase then util.warning(string.format("Didn't find a database entry for '%s'", id)) end return res end } return citeproc_sys end ---@alias StyleId string ---@alias FilePath string ---@alias LanguageCode string ---@class RefSection ---@field index integer ---@field initialized boolean ---@field style_id string? ---@field bib_resources FilePath[] ---@field lang LanguageCode? ---@field engine CiteProc? ---@field cited_ids ItemId[] ---@field uncited_ids ItemId[] ---@field items ItemData[] ---@field item_dict table ---@field citations CitationData[] ---@field citations_pre table[] ---@field bibliography_configs string[] ---@field style string local RefSection = {} ---@return RefSection function RefSection:new() ---@type RefSection local ref_section = { index = 0, initialized = false, style_id = nil, bib_resources = {}, lang = nil, engine = nil, cited_ids = {}, uncited_ids = {}, items = {}, item_dict = {}, citations = {}, citations_pre = {}, bibliography_configs = {}, style = "", } setmetatable(ref_section, self) self.__index = self return ref_section end function RefSection:make_citeproc_engine() if not self.style_id or self.style_id == "" then self.style_id = "apa" end local style = read_file(self.style_id .. ".csl", nil, "style") if not style then return end self.items, self.item_dict = read_data_files(self.bib_resources) local citeproc_sys = make_citeproc_sys(self.item_dict) local force_lang = false if self.lang and self.lang ~= "" then force_lang = true else self.lang = nil end self.style = style -- self.items self.engine = citeproc.new(citeproc_sys, style, self.lang, force_lang) self:_check_dependent_style(citeproc_sys) if self.engine and self.engine.style.citation then self.initialized = true end self.engine:updateItems(self.cited_ids) self:_update_uncited_items() end ---@param citeproc_sys CiteProcSys function RefSection:_check_dependent_style(citeproc_sys) if self.engine:is_dependent_style() then local parent_style_link = self.engine:get_independent_parent() if not parent_style_link then return nil end local parent_style_id = string.match(string.gsub(parent_style_link, "/+$", ""), "[^/]+$") util.info(string.format('Style "%s" is a dependent style linked to "%s".', self.style_id, parent_style_id)) local style = read_file(parent_style_id .. ".csl", nil, "style") if not style then util.error(string.format("Failed to load style '%s.csl'", parent_style_id)) return nil end local default_locale = self.engine.style.default_locale; local force_lang = false if self.lang and self.lang ~= "" then force_lang = true elseif default_locale and default_locale ~= "" then self.lang = default_locale else self.lang = nil end self.engine = citeproc.new(citeproc_sys, style, self.lang, force_lang) end end function RefSection:_update_uncited_items() local uncited_ids = {} for _, id in ipairs(self.uncited_ids) do if id == "*" then for _, item in ipairs(self.items) do table.insert(uncited_ids, item.id) end break else table.insert(uncited_ids, id) end end if self.initialized then self.engine:updateUncitedItems(uncited_ids) end self.uncited_ids = uncited_ids end function RefSection:record_fixture() if not self.fixture then self.fixture = { mode = "citation", description = tex.jobname, result = "", bibliography_result = "", citations = "", ["citation-items"] = "", csl = self.style, input = "", version = "1.0", citation_results = {}, } end local fixture = self.fixture local cited_id_dict = {} for _, citation in ipairs(self.citations) do for _, cite_item in ipairs(citation.citationItems) do cited_id_dict[cite_item.id] = true end end local input_items = {} for _, item in ipairs(self.items) do if cited_id_dict[item.id] then table.insert(input_items, item) end end fixture.input = json_encode(input_items) local citation_items = {} for _, citation in ipairs(self.citations) do table.insert(citation_items, util.clone(citation.citationItems)) end fixture["citation-items"] = json_encode(citation_items) local citations = {} local citations_pre = {} for _, citation in ipairs(self.citations) do table.insert(citations, {citation, util.clone(citations_pre), {}}) table.insert(citations_pre, {citation.citationID, citation.properties.noteIndex}) end fixture.citations = string.gsub(json_encode(citations), "{%s*}", "[]") local result = {} for i, citation_result in ipairs(fixture.citation_results) do if i == #fixture.citation_results then table.insert(result, string.format(">>[%d] %s", i - 1, citation_result)) else table.insert(result, string.format("..[%d] %s", i - 1, citation_result)) end end fixture.result = table.concat(result, "\n") local fixture_output = {} local function make_block(section, str) return string.format(">>===== %s =====>>\n%s\n<<===== %s =====<<\n", string.upper(section), str, string.upper(section)) end for _, section in ipairs({"mode", "description", "result", "bibliography_result", "citations", "citation-items", "csl", "input", "version"}) do if not (section == "bibliography_result" and fixture[section] == "") then table.insert(fixture_output, make_block(section, fixture[section])) end end local fixture_str = table.concat(fixture_output, "\n\n") local file_name = string.format("%s.txt", tex.jobname) if self.index > 0 then file_name = string.format("%s-%d.txt", tex.jobname, self.index) end local fixture_file = io.open(file_name, "w") if fixture_file then fixture_file:write(fixture_str) fixture_file:close() else error(string.format("Failed to write fixture file '%s'", file_name)) end end ---@class CslCitationManager ---@field global_ref_section RefSection ---@field max_ref_section_index integer ---@field ref_section_index integer ---@field ref_sections table ---@field ref_section RefSection ---@field hyperref_loaded boolean ---@field regression_test boolean local CslCitationManager = {} ---@return CslCitationManager function CslCitationManager:new() local ref_section = RefSection:new() ---@type CslCitationManager local o = { -- global_style_id = "apa", -- global_bib_resources = {}, -- global_lang = nil, global_ref_section = ref_section, max_ref_section_index = 0, ref_section_index = 0, ref_sections = { [0] = ref_section, }, ref_section = ref_section, hyperref_loaded = false, regression_test = false, } setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end --- The init method is called via \AtBeginDocument after loading .aux file. --- The ref_section.cited_ids are already registered. ---@param style_id StyleId ---@param bib_resources_str FilePathsString ---@param lang LanguageCode? function CslCitationManager:init(style_id, bib_resources_str, lang) local global_ref_section = self.global_ref_section global_ref_section.style_id = "apa" if style_id and style_id ~= "" then global_ref_section.style_id = style_id end global_ref_section.bib_resources = util.split(util.strip(bib_resources_str), "%s*,%s*") if lang and lang ~= "" then global_ref_section.lang = lang end global_ref_section:make_citeproc_engine() if self.hyperref_loaded then global_ref_section.engine:enable_linking() end if self.regression_test then self.global_ref_section:record_fixture() end self.ref_section_index = 0 end function CslCitationManager:get_style_class() if not self.ref_section then return nil end if self.ref_section.engine then return self.ref_section.engine:get_style_class() else return nil end end ---@alias FilePathsString string ---@param style_id string? ---@param bib_resources_str FilePathsString? ---@param lang LanguageCode? function CslCitationManager:begin_ref_section(style_id, bib_resources_str, lang) self.max_ref_section_index = self.max_ref_section_index + 1 self.ref_section_index = self.max_ref_section_index self.ref_section = self.ref_sections[self.ref_section_index] if not self.ref_section then self.ref_section = RefSection:new() self.ref_section.index = self.ref_section_index self.ref_sections[self.ref_section_index] = self.ref_section end self.ref_section.style_id = style_id or self.global_ref_section.style_id self.ref_section.bib_resources = self.global_ref_section.bib_resources if bib_resources_str and bib_resources_str ~= "" then self.ref_section.bib_resources = util.split(util.strip(bib_resources_str), "%s*,%s*") end self.ref_section.lang = self.global_ref_section.lang if lang and lang ~= "" then self.ref_section.lang = lang end -- self.ref_section.force_lang = force_lang or false self.ref_section:make_citeproc_engine() if self.hyperref_loaded then self.ref_section.engine:enable_linking() end if self.regression_test then self.ref_section:record_fixture() end end function CslCitationManager:end_ref_section() self.ref_section_index = 0 self.ref_section = self.ref_sections[0] end ---This method is called from the `\csl@aux@cite` command from `.aux` file. ---@param ref_section_index_str string ---@param citation_info string function CslCitationManager:register_citation_info(ref_section_index_str, citation_info) local ref_section_index = tonumber(ref_section_index_str) if not ref_section_index then util.error(string.format("Invalid refsetion index '%s'", ref_section_index_str)) return end local ref_section = self.ref_sections[ref_section_index] if not ref_section then ref_section = RefSection:new() self.ref_sections[ref_section_index] = ref_section ref_section.index = ref_section_index end local citation = self:_make_citation(citation_info) for _, cite_item in ipairs(citation.citationItems) do if citation.citationID == "@nocite" then table.insert(ref_section.uncited_ids, cite_item.id) else table.insert(ref_section.cited_ids, cite_item.id) end end end function CslCitationManager:enable_linking() self.hyperref_loaded = true if self.ref_section.engine then self.ref_section.engine:enable_linking() end end ---@param citation_info string function CslCitationManager:cite(citation_info) if not self.ref_section then util.error("Refsection is not initialized.") return end local engine = self.ref_section.engine if not engine then util.error("CSL engine is not initialized.") return end -- util.debug(citation_info) local citation = self:_make_citation(citation_info) -- util.debug(citation) table.insert(self.ref_section.citations, citation) local citation_str -- if preview_mode then -- -- TODO: preview mode in first pass of \blockquote of csquotes -- -- citation_str = engine:preview_citation(citation) -- citation_str = "" -- else citation_str = engine:process_citation(citation) -- end -- util.debug(citation_str) -- tex.sprint(citation_str) -- tex.setcatcode(35, 12) -- # -- tex.setcatcode(37, 12) -- % -- token.set_macro("l__csl_citation_tl", citation_str) -- Don't use `token.set_macro`. -- See -- and . tex.sprint(string.format("\\expandafter\\def\\csname l__csl_citation_tl\\endcsname{%s}", citation_str)) if self.regression_test then table.insert(self.ref_section.fixture.citation_results, citation_str) self.ref_section:record_fixture() end table.insert(self.ref_section.citations_pre, {citation.citationID, citation.properties.noteIndex}) end local function parse_latex_seq(s) local t = {} for item in string.gmatch(s, "(%b{})") do item = string.sub(item, 2, -2) table.insert(t, item) end return t end local function parse_latex_prop(s) local t = {} for key, value in string.gmatch(s, "([%w%-]+)%s*=%s*(%b{})") do value = string.sub(value, 2, -2) if value == "true" then value = true elseif value == "false" then value = false end t[key] = value end return t end ---@param citation_info string ---@return CitationData function CslCitationManager:_make_citation(citation_info) -- `citation_info`: "citationID={ITEM-1@2},citationItems={{id={ITEM-1},label={page},locator={6}}},properties={noteIndex={3}}" -- util.debug(citation_info) local citation = parse_latex_prop(citation_info) -- assert(citation.citationID) -- assert(citation.citationItems) -- assert(citation.properties) citation.citationItems = parse_latex_seq(citation.citationItems) for i, item in ipairs(citation.citationItems) do local citation_item = parse_latex_prop(item) if citation_item.locator and type(citation_item.locator) == "string" then citation_item.locator = latex_parser.latex_to_pseudo_html(citation_item.locator, true, false) end if citation_item.prefix then -- util.debug(citation_item.prefix) citation_item.prefix = latex_parser.latex_to_pseudo_html(citation_item.prefix, true, false) -- util.debug(citation_item.prefix) end if citation_item.suffix then citation_item.suffix = latex_parser.latex_to_pseudo_html(citation_item.suffix, true, false) end citation.citationItems[i] = citation_item end citation.properties = parse_latex_prop(citation.properties) local note_index = citation.properties.noteIndex if not note_index or note_index == "" then citation.properties.noteIndex = 0 elseif type(note_index) == "string" and string.match(note_index, "^%d+$") then citation.properties.noteIndex = tonumber(note_index) else util.error(string.format("Invalid note index '%s'.", note_index)) end local chapter_index = citation.properties.chapterIndex if not chapter_index or chapter_index == "" then citation.properties.chapterIndex = nil elseif type(chapter_index) == "string" and string.match(chapter_index, "^%d+$") then citation.properties.chapterIndex = tonumber(chapter_index) else util.error(string.format("Invalid chapter index '%s'.", chapter_index)) end if citation.properties.prefix then citation.properties.prefix = latex_parser.latex_to_pseudo_html(citation.properties.prefix, true, false) end if citation.properties.suffix then citation.properties.suffix = latex_parser.latex_to_pseudo_html(citation.properties.suffix, true, false) end -- util.debug(citation) return citation end ---@param ids_string string The list of item IDs separated by commas function CslCitationManager:nocite(ids_string) local uncited_ids = util.split(util.strip(ids_string), "%s*,%s*") local engine = self.ref_section.engine if not engine then for _, id in ipairs(uncited_ids) do table.insert(self.ref_section.uncited_ids, id) end return end for _, id in ipairs(uncited_ids) do if id == "*" then for _, item in ipairs(self.ref_section.items) do table.insert(self.ref_section.uncited_ids, item.id) end break else table.insert(self.ref_section.uncited_ids, id) end end engine:updateUncitedItems(self.ref_section.uncited_ids) end ---@param filter_str string function CslCitationManager:bibliography(filter_str) if not self.ref_section then util.error("Refsection is not initialized.") return end local bib_lines = self:make_bibliography(filter_str) tex.print(util.split(table.concat(bib_lines, "\n"), "\n")) if self.regression_test then self.ref_section.fixture.bibliography_result = table.concat(bib_lines, "\n") self.ref_section:record_fixture() end end ---@param filter_str string ---@return string[] function CslCitationManager:make_bibliography(filter_str) local engine = self.ref_section.engine if not engine then util.error("CSL engine is not initialized.") return {} end local filter local options = {} if filter_str and filter_str ~= "" then options = latex_parser.parse_prop(filter_str) filter = self:_parser_filter(filter_str) -- util.debug(filter) end local result = engine:makeBibliography(filter) local params = result[1] local bib_items = result[2] ---@type table local bib_options = { index = options.index or "1" } local bib_option_map = { ["second-field-align"] = "second-field-align", ["hanging-indent"] = "hangingindent", ["entry-spacing"] = "entryspacing", ["line-spacing"] = "linespacing", ["widest-label"] = "widest_label", } local bib_option_order = { "index", "second-field-align", "hanging-indent", "line-spacing", "entry-spacing", "widest-label", } for option, param in pairs(bib_option_map) do if params[param] then bib_options[option] = params[param] end end local bib_option_list = {} for _, option in ipairs(bib_option_order) do local value = bib_options[option] if value and value ~= "" then table.insert(bib_option_list, string.format("%s = %s", option, tostring(value))) end end local bib_options_str = table.concat(bib_option_list, ", ") local bibstart = string.format("\\begin{thebibliography}{%s}\n", bib_options_str) local bib_lines = {} table.insert(bib_lines, bibstart) for _, bib_item in ipairs(bib_items) do table.insert(bib_lines, bib_item) end if params.bibend then table.insert(bib_lines, params.bibend) end return bib_lines end function CslCitationManager:set_categories(categories_str) if self.ref_section.engine then local category_dict = latex_parser.parse_prop(categories_str) for category, keys in pairs(category_dict) do category_dict[category] = latex_parser.parse_seq(keys) end for category, keys in pairs(category_dict) do for _, key in ipairs(keys) do local item = self.ref_section.engine.registry.registry[key] if item then if not item.categories then -- TODO: Extend ItemData field types item.categories = {} end if not util.in_list(category, item.categories) then table.insert(item.categories, category) end else util.error(string.format("Invalid citation key '%s'.", key)) end end end end end local command_info = { {"\\csl@aux@style", 2}, {"\\csl@aux@data", 2}, {"\\csl@aux@cite", 2}, {"\\csl@aux@options", 2}, {"\\csl@aux@bibliography", 2}, {"\\@input", 1}, } local balanced = lpeg.P{ "{" * ((1 - lpeg.S"{}") + lpeg.V(1))^0 * "}" } ---@param text string ---@param num_args integer? ---@return string[] local function get_command_arguments(text, command, num_args) num_args = num_args or 1 local grammar = lpeg.P(command) * lpeg.Ct((lpeg.S(" \t\r\n")^0 * lpeg.C(balanced))^num_args) local arguments = grammar:match(text) if not arguments then return {} end ---@cast arguments string[] for i, argument in ipairs(arguments) do arguments[i] = string.sub(argument, 2, -2) end return arguments end ---Convert to a filter object described in --- ---@param filter_str string e.g., "type={book},notcategory={csl},notcategory={tex}" ---@return table function CslCitationManager:_parser_filter(filter_str) local conditions = {} for i, condition in ipairs(latex_parser.parse_seq(filter_str)) do local negative local field, value = string.match(condition, "(%w+)%s*=%s*{([^}]+)}") if field then if string.match(field, "^not") then negative = true field = string.gsub(field, "^not", "") end if field == "category" then field = "categories" end if field == "keyword" or field == "type" or field == "categories" then table.insert(conditions, { field = field, value = value, negative = negative, }) end end end -- util.debug(conditions) return {select = conditions} end ---@param aux_content string ---@return string function CslCitationManager:read_aux_file(aux_content) local command_arguments = self:_get_csl_commands(aux_content) -- First pass, only register infomation for _, command_argument in ipairs(command_arguments) do local command, ref_section_index, content = table.unpack(command_argument) local ref_section = self.ref_sections[ref_section_index] self.ref_section = ref_section if not ref_section then ref_section = RefSection:new() self.ref_sections[ref_section_index] = ref_section ref_section.index = ref_section_index self.ref_section = ref_section end if command == "\\csl@aux@style" then ref_section.style_id = content elseif command == "\\csl@aux@data" then util.extend(ref_section.bib_resources, util.split(content, "%s*,%s*")) elseif command == "\\csl@aux@cite" then self:register_citation_info(tostring(ref_section_index), content) -- TODO: refsection bib resources -- elseif command == "\\csl@aux@bibliography" then -- -- table.insert(ref_section.bibliography_configs, content) end end local global_style = self.global_ref_section.style_id if global_style and global_style ~= "" then util.info(string.format("Global style file: %s.csl", global_style)) else util.warning("Missing global style name. Will use default APA style.") self.global_ref_section.style_id = "apa" end -- if #citations == 0 then -- util.error(string.format("No citation commands in file %s", aux_file)) -- end -- if #bib_files == 0 then -- util.warning("empty bibliography data files") -- else -- for i, bib_file in ipairs(bib_files) do -- util.info(string.format("Database file #%d: %s", i, bib_file)) -- end -- end -- Second pass, only register infomation local output_lines = {} for _, command_argument in ipairs(command_arguments) do local command, ref_section_index, content = table.unpack(command_argument) local ref_section = self.ref_sections[ref_section_index] assert(ref_section) self.ref_section = ref_section if command == "\\csl@aux@cite" then if not ref_section.engine then if not ref_section.style_id or ref_section.style_id == "" then ref_section.style_id = self.global_ref_section.style_id end if #ref_section.bib_resources == 0 then ref_section.bib_resources = self.global_ref_section.bib_resources end if not ref_section.lang or ref_section.lang == "" then ref_section.lang = self.global_ref_section.lang end ref_section:make_citeproc_engine() if self.hyperref_loaded then ref_section.engine:enable_linking() end local style_class = ref_section.engine:get_style_class() local style_class_setup = string.format("\\csloptions{%d}{class = {%s = %s}}", ref_section_index, ref_section.style_id, style_class) table.insert(output_lines, style_class_setup) end self:register_citation_info(tostring(ref_section_index), content) if ref_section.engine then local citation = self:_make_citation(content) if citation.citationID == "@nocite" then ref_section:_update_uncited_items() else local citation_str = ref_section.engine:process_citation(citation) table.insert(output_lines, string.format("\\cslcitation{%s}{%s}", citation.citationID, citation_str)) end end elseif command == "\\csl@aux@bibliography" then if not ref_section.engine then ref_section:make_citeproc_engine() end if ref_section.engine then local bib_lines = self:make_bibliography(content) table.insert(output_lines, "") util.extend(output_lines, bib_lines) table.insert(output_lines, "") end elseif command == "\\csl@aux@options" then local options = latex_parser.parse_prop(content) if options.categories then self:set_categories(options.categories) end if options.locale and options.locale ~= "" then ref_section.lang = options.locale end -- TODO: == "true"? if options.linking then self.hyperref_loaded = true end end end return table.concat(output_lines, "\n") .. "\n" end ---@param aux_content string ---@return [string, integer, string][] function CslCitationManager:_get_csl_commands(aux_content) ---@type [string, integer, string][] local command_arguments = {} for _, line in ipairs(util.split(aux_content, "%s*\n")) do for _, command_argment in ipairs(command_info) do local command, num_args = table.unpack(command_argment) if util.startswith(line, command) then local arguments = get_command_arguments(line, command, num_args) if command == "\\@input" then local sub_aux_file = arguments[1] self:read_aux_file(sub_aux_file) else local ref_section_index = tonumber(arguments[1]) if not ref_section_index then util.error(string.format("Invalid refsection index '%s'.", ref_section_index)) return {} end local content = util.strip(arguments[2]) table.insert(command_arguments, {command, ref_section_index, content}) end break end end end return command_arguments end citeproc_manager.CslCitationManager = CslCitationManager return citeproc_manager