NAME Apache::Keywords - Store keywords as a personal profile in a cookie. CONTENTS The package Apache::Keywords contains: Makefile.PL lib/Apache/ README MANIFEST PREREQUISITES You need Apache::Constants and Apache::Cookie to use Apache::Keywords. INSTALLATION tar zxf Apache-Keywords-0.1.tar.gz perl Makefile.PL make make install SYNOPSIS In a dynamic mod_perl source-file: use Apache::Keywords; # Create a keywords object $k = new Apache::Keywords; # Set different parameters $k->name('PersonalProfile'); $k->expires('+1M'); $k->path("/"); $k->domain(''); # Get parameters print $k->expires; print $k->path; ... # Add new keywords to the profile $k->new_keywords($r,"horse, dog"); # Special version for Apache::ASP $k->new_keywords_asp($Request,"cars, motorcycles"); # Return the content of the cookie profile $hashref = $k->profile($r); print $hashref->{'horse'}; %hash = %$hashref; # Special version for Apache::ASP $k->profile_asp($Request); In a the .htaccess for apache static-files, e.g. .html- files: <Files ~ (\.html)> SetHandler perl-script PerlFixupHandler Apache::Keywords PerlSetVar KeywordsName "PersonalProfile" 17/Feb/2000 perl 5.005, patch 03 1 lib::Apache::Keywords(3)ributed Perl Documentationhe::Keywords(3) PerlSetVar KeywordsExpires "+1M" PerlSetVar KeywordsPath "/" PerlSetVar KeywordsDomain "" </Files> DESCRIPTION An Apache::Keywords class object will generate/update a cookie. The cookie contains a personal profile, e.g. counts the different keywords that are added to it. The module could be configured as a "PerlFixupHandler" for a static file in mod_perl, e.g. HTML-files. It could also be used in web scripts, like mod_perl scripts that uses Apache::ASP or Apache::Registry. In the static version, Apache::Keywords fetches the keywords from phrases like <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="cars, motorcycles">. METHODS The following methods could be use in dynamic web scripts: $k = new Apache::Keywords; Make a new Apache::Keywords object and return it. $k->name(<name>); Sets the name of the cookie that is used for the personal profile. Without argument, the function returns the name of the cookie. $k->expires(<expiration time>); Sets the cookie parameter for expiration. Without argument, the function returns the expiration time already set. $k->path(<path>); Sets the path to be associated with the cookie. Without argument, the function returns the path already set. $k->domain(<domain name>); Sets the domain name to be associated with the cookie. Without argument, the function returns the domain name already set. $k->new_keywords($r,<string with keywords>); Add the new keywords of this HTTP-call. The argument is a string with the different words separated with space. $r is the Apache mod_perl request object. $k->new_keywords_asp($Request,<string with keywords>); A special version of the new_keywords() suited for Apache::ASP. The $Request object is special for Apache::ASP. $k->profile; Return the profile in a hash reference, e.g. profile->{'horse'} == 3, profile->{'dog'} == 2. $k->profile_asp A special version of profile() suited for Apache::ASP. The $Request is special for Apache::ASP. AUTHOR Copyright 2000 Magnus Cedergren, This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.