Apache::Keywords - Store keywords as a personal profile in
       a cookie.

       The package Apache::Keywords contains:


       You need Apache::Constants and Apache::Cookie to use

       tar zxf Apache-Keywords-0.1.tar.gz
       perl Makefile.PL
       make install

       In a dynamic mod_perl source-file:

           use Apache::Keywords;

           # Create a keywords object
           $k = new Apache::Keywords;

           # Set different parameters

           # Get parameters
           print $k->expires;
           print $k->path;

           # Add new keywords to the profile
           $k->new_keywords($r,"horse, dog");
           # Special version for Apache::ASP
           $k->new_keywords_asp($Request,"cars, motorcycles");

           # Return the content of the cookie profile
           $hashref = $k->profile($r);
           print $hashref->{'horse'};
           %hash = %$hashref;
           # Special version for Apache::ASP

       In a the .htaccess for apache static-files, e.g. .html-
           <Files ~ (\.html)>
               SetHandler perl-script
               PerlFixupHandler Apache::Keywords
               PerlSetVar KeywordsName "PersonalProfile"

17/Feb/2000            perl 5.005, patch 03                     1

lib::Apache::Keywords(3)ributed Perl Documentationhe::Keywords(3)

               PerlSetVar KeywordsExpires "+1M"
               PerlSetVar KeywordsPath "/"
               PerlSetVar KeywordsDomain ""

       An Apache::Keywords class object will generate/update a
       cookie. The cookie contains a personal profile, e.g.
       counts the different keywords that are added to it. The
       module could be configured as a "PerlFixupHandler" for a
       static file in mod_perl, e.g. HTML-files. It could also be
       used in web scripts, like mod_perl scripts that uses
       Apache::ASP or Apache::Registry. In the static version,
       Apache::Keywords fetches the keywords from phrases like
       <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="cars, motorcycles">.

       The following methods could be use in dynamic web scripts:

       $k = new Apache::Keywords;
            Make a new Apache::Keywords object and return it.

            Sets the name of the cookie that is used for the
            personal profile.  Without argument, the function
            returns the name of the cookie.

       $k->expires(<expiration time>);
            Sets the cookie parameter for expiration. Without
            argument, the function returns the expiration time
            already set.

            Sets the path to be associated with the cookie.
            Without argument, the function returns the path
            already set.

       $k->domain(<domain name>);
            Sets the domain name to be associated with the
            cookie.  Without argument, the function returns the
            domain name already set.

       $k->new_keywords($r,<string with keywords>);
            Add the new keywords of this HTTP-call. The argument
            is a string with the different words separated with
            space. $r is the Apache mod_perl request object.

       $k->new_keywords_asp($Request,<string with keywords>);
            A special version of the new_keywords() suited for
            Apache::ASP. The $Request object is special for

            Return the profile in a hash reference, e.g.
            profile->{'horse'} == 3, profile->{'dog'} == 2.

            A special version of profile() suited for
            Apache::ASP. The $Request is special for Apache::ASP.

       Copyright 2000 Magnus Cedergren,

       This library is free software; you can redistribute it
       and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.