version 1.0 NAME Roman - Perl module for conversion between Roman and Arabic numerals. SYNOPSIS use Roman; $arabic = arabic($roman) if isroman($roman); $roman = Roman($arabic); $roman = roman($arabic); DESCRIPTION This package provides some functions which help conversion of numeric notation between Roman and Arabic. INSTALLATION Just copy into your perl module path. BUGS Domain of valid Roman numerals is limited to less than 4000, since proper Roman digits for the rest are not available in ASCII. AUTHOR OZAWA Sakuro COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1995 OZAWA Sakuro. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Sun Release 4.1 Last change: 1 DESCRIPTION This package provides some functions which help conversion of numeric notation between Roman and Arabic. INSTALLATION Simply copy into your perl module path. AUTHOR OZAWA Sakuro