--- abstract: 'This distribution aids in the creation of BioMOBY perl based web services.' author: - 'Edward Kawas (edward.kawas [at] gmail [dot] com)' build_requires: ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 6.42 Test::More: 0.42 configure_requires: ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 6.42 distribution_type: module generated_by: 'Module::Install version 1.00' license: perl meta-spec: url: http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.4.html version: 1.4 name: MOSES-MOBY no_index: directory: - bin/scripts - inc - lib/MOSES/MOBY/Generators/templates - share - t requires: CGI: 0 Carp: 0 Class::Inspector: 1.17 Config::Simple: 4.58 File::HomeDir: 0.65 File::ShareDir: 1 File::Spec: 0.8 HTTP::Date: 5.81 IO::Prompt: 0.99.2 IO::String: 1.08 Log::Log4perl: 1.12 MOBY::Client::Central: 1.06 Params::Util: 0.38 SOAP::Lite: 0.69 Template: 1.11 Unicode::String: 2.09 WSRF::Lite: Want: 0.18 XML::LibXML: 1.62 XML::LibXML::Common: 0.13 resources: license: http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ version: 0.96.1