*** ../0.95a/linux/Makefile	Tue Mar 17 00:08:56 1992
--- linux/Makefile	Sat Apr  4 17:33:02 1992
*** 1,7 ****
--- 1,44 ----
+ # comment this line if you don't want the emulation-code
+ #
+ #
+ # uncomment the correct keyboard:
+ #
+ #
+ # uncomment this line if you are using gcc-1.40
+ #
+ #GCC_OPT = -fcombine-regs
+ #
+ # standard CFLAGS
+ #
+ CFLAGS =-Wall -O -fstrength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer $(GCC_OPT)
+ #
+ # ROOT_DEV specifies the default root-device when making the image.
+ # This can be either FLOPPY, /dev/xxxx or empty, in which case the
+ # default of FLOPPY is used by 'build'.
+ #
+ ROOT_DEV = /dev/hdb1
+ #
  # if you want the ram-disk device, define this to be the
  # size in blocks.
  AS86	=as86 -0 -a
*** 9,26 ****
  AS	=as
  LD	=ld
! LDFLAGS	=-s -x -M
  CC	=gcc $(RAMDISK)
! CFLAGS	=-Wall -O -fstrength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer
  CPP	=cpp -nostdinc -Iinclude
- #
- # ROOT_DEV specifies the default root-device when making the image.
- # This can be either FLOPPY, /dev/xxxx or empty, in which case the
- # default of FLOPPY is used by 'build'.
- #
- ROOT_DEV=/dev/hdb1
  ARCHIVES	=kernel/kernel.o mm/mm.o fs/fs.o
  FILESYSTEMS	=fs/minix/minix.o
  DRIVERS		=kernel/blk_drv/blk_drv.a kernel/chr_drv/chr_drv.a
--- 46,57 ----
  AS	=as
  LD	=ld
! #LDFLAGS	=-s -x -M
  CC	=gcc $(RAMDISK)
  CPP	=cpp -nostdinc -Iinclude
  ARCHIVES	=kernel/kernel.o mm/mm.o fs/fs.o
  FILESYSTEMS	=fs/minix/minix.o
  DRIVERS		=kernel/blk_drv/blk_drv.a kernel/chr_drv/chr_drv.a
*** 39,45 ****
  all:	Image
  Image: boot/bootsect boot/setup tools/system tools/build
! 	tools/build boot/bootsect boot/setup tools/system $(ROOT_DEV) > Image
  disk: Image
--- 70,79 ----
  all:	Image
  Image: boot/bootsect boot/setup tools/system tools/build
! 	cp tools/system system.tmp
! 	strip system.tmp
! 	tools/build boot/bootsect boot/setup system.tmp $(ROOT_DEV) > Image
! 	rm system.tmp
  disk: Image
*** 62,89 ****
  	-o tools/system > System.map
  kernel/math/math.a: dummy
! 	(cd kernel/math; make)
  kernel/blk_drv/blk_drv.a: dummy
! 	(cd kernel/blk_drv; make)
  kernel/chr_drv/chr_drv.a: dummy
! 	(cd kernel/chr_drv; make)
  kernel/kernel.o: dummy
! 	(cd kernel; make)
  mm/mm.o: dummy
! 	(cd mm; make)
  fs/fs.o: dummy
! 	(cd fs; make)
  fs/minix/minix.o: dummy
! 	(cd fs/minix; make)
  lib/lib.a: dummy
! 	(cd lib; make)
  boot/setup: boot/setup.s
  	$(AS86) -o boot/setup.o boot/setup.s
--- 96,123 ----
  	-o tools/system > System.map
  kernel/math/math.a: dummy
! 	(cd kernel/math; $(MAKE) MATH_EMULATION="$(MATH_EMULATION)")
  kernel/blk_drv/blk_drv.a: dummy
! 	(cd kernel/blk_drv; $(MAKE))
  kernel/chr_drv/chr_drv.a: dummy
! 	(cd kernel/chr_drv; $(MAKE) KEYBOARD="$(KEYBOARD)")
  kernel/kernel.o: dummy
! 	(cd kernel; $(MAKE))
  mm/mm.o: dummy
! 	(cd mm; $(MAKE))
  fs/fs.o: dummy
! 	(cd fs; $(MAKE))
  fs/minix/minix.o: dummy
! 	(cd fs/minix; $(MAKE))
  lib/lib.a: dummy
! 	(cd lib; $(MAKE))
  boot/setup: boot/setup.s
  	$(AS86) -o boot/setup.o boot/setup.s
*** 127,133 ****
    include/sys/types.h include/sys/time.h include/time.h include/sys/times.h \
    include/sys/utsname.h include/sys/param.h include/sys/resource.h \
    include/utime.h include/linux/tty.h include/termios.h include/linux/sched.h \
!   include/linux/head.h include/linux/fs.h include/linux/mm.h \
!   include/linux/kernel.h include/signal.h include/asm/system.h \
!   include/asm/io.h include/stddef.h include/stdarg.h include/fcntl.h \
!   include/string.h 
--- 161,167 ----
    include/sys/types.h include/sys/time.h include/time.h include/sys/times.h \
    include/sys/utsname.h include/sys/param.h include/sys/resource.h \
    include/utime.h include/linux/tty.h include/termios.h include/linux/sched.h \
!   include/linux/head.h include/linux/fs.h include/sys/dirent.h \
!   include/limits.h include/linux/mm.h include/linux/kernel.h include/signal.h \
!   include/asm/system.h include/asm/io.h include/stddef.h include/stdarg.h \
!   include/fcntl.h include/string.h 
*** ../0.95a/linux/boot/bootsect.S	Sat Jan 18 19:01:36 1992
--- linux/boot/bootsect.S	Thu Apr  2 23:18:19 1992
*** 8,17 ****
  !	bootsect.s		(C) 1991 Linus Torvalds
  !	modified by Drew Eckhardt
  ! bootsect.s is loaded at 0x7c00 by the bios-startup routines, and moves
! ! iself out of the way to address 0x90000, and jumps there.
  ! It then loads 'setup' directly after itself (0x90200), and the system
  ! at 0x10000, using BIOS interrupts. 
--- 8,21 ----
  !	bootsect.s		(C) 1991 Linus Torvalds
  !	modified by Drew Eckhardt
+ !	modified by Bruce Evans (bde)
  ! bootsect.s is loaded at 0x7c00 by the bios-startup routines, and moves
! ! itself out of the way to address 0x90000, and jumps there.
+ ! bde - should not jump blindly, there may be systems with only 512K low
+ ! memory.  Use int 0x12 to get the top of memory, etc.
+ !
  ! It then loads 'setup' directly after itself (0x90200), and the system
  ! at 0x10000, using BIOS interrupts. 
*** 22,51 ****
  ! The loader has been made as simple as possible, and continuos
  ! read errors will result in a unbreakable loop. Reboot by hand. It
! ! loads pretty fast by getting whole sectors at a time whenever possible.
- .globl begtext, begdata, begbss, endtext, enddata, endbss
- begtext:
- .data
- begdata:
- .bss
- begbss:
- .text
! SETUPLEN = 4				! nr of setup-sectors
! BOOTSEG  = 0x07c0			! original address of boot-sector
! INITSEG  = DEF_INITSEG			! we move boot here - out of the way
! SETUPSEG = DEF_SETUPSEG			! setup starts here
! SYSSEG   = DEF_SYSSEG			! system loaded at 0x10000 (65536).
! ENDSEG   = SYSSEG + SYSSIZE		! where to stop loading
  ! ROOT_DEV & SWAP_DEV are now written by "build".
  ROOT_DEV = 0
  SWAP_DEV = 0
! entry start
! start:
  	mov	ax,#BOOTSEG
  	mov	ds,ax
  	mov	ax,#INITSEG
--- 26,52 ----
  ! The loader has been made as simple as possible, and continuos
  ! read errors will result in a unbreakable loop. Reboot by hand. It
! ! loads pretty fast by getting whole tracks at a time whenever possible.
! SETUPSECS = 4				! nr of setup-sectors
! BOOTSEG   = 0x07C0			! original address of boot-sector
! INITSEG   = DEF_INITSEG			! we move boot here - out of the way
! SETUPSEG  = DEF_SETUPSEG		! setup starts here
! SYSSEG    = DEF_SYSSEG			! system loaded at 0x10000 (65536).
! ENDSEG    = SYSSEG + SYSSIZE		! where to stop loading
  ! ROOT_DEV & SWAP_DEV are now written by "build".
  ROOT_DEV = 0
  SWAP_DEV = 0
! ! ld86 requires an entry symbol. This may as well be the usual one.
! .globl	_main
! _main:
! #if 0 /* hook for debugger, harmless unless BIOS is fussy (old HP) */
! 	int	3
! #endif
  	mov	ax,#BOOTSEG
  	mov	ds,ax
  	mov	ax,#INITSEG
*** 55,71 ****
  	sub	di,di
! 	movw
  	jmpi	go,INITSEG
  go:	mov	ax,cs		
! 	mov	dx,#0xfef4	! arbitrary value >>512 - disk parm size
  	mov	ds,ax
  	mov	es,ax
  	push	ax
! 	mov	ss,ax		! put stack at 0x9ff00 - 12.
  	mov	sp,dx
   *	Many BIOS's default disk parameter tables will not 
--- 56,80 ----
  	sub	di,di
! 	movsw
  	jmpi	go,INITSEG
  go:	mov	ax,cs		
! 	mov	dx,#0x4000-12	! 0x4000 is arbitrary value >= length of
! 				! bootsect + length of setup + room for stack
! 				! 12 is disk parm size
+ ! bde - changed 0xff00 to 0x4000 to use debugger at 0x6400 up (bde).  We
+ ! wouldn't have to worry about this if we checked the top of memory.  Also
+ ! my BIOS can be configured to put the wini drive tables in high memory
+ ! instead of in the vector table.  The old stack might have clobbered the
+ ! drive table.
  	mov	ds,ax
  	mov	es,ax
  	push	ax
! 	mov	ss,ax		! put stack at INITSEG:0x4000-12.
  	mov	sp,dx
   *	Many BIOS's default disk parameter tables will not 
*** 96,102 ****
  	seg gs
! 	movw
  	mov	di,dx
  	movb	4(di),*18		! patch sector count
--- 105,111 ----
  	seg gs
! 	movsw
  	mov	di,dx
  	movb	4(di),*18		! patch sector count
*** 121,127 ****
  	xor	dx, dx			! drive 0, head 0
  	mov	cx,#0x0002		! sector 2, track 0
  	mov	bx,#0x0200		! address = 512, in INITSEG
! 	mov	ax,#0x0200+SETUPLEN	! service 2, nr of sectors
  	int	0x13			! read it
  	jnc	ok_load_setup		! ok - continue
--- 130,137 ----
  	xor	dx, dx			! drive 0, head 0
  	mov	cx,#0x0002		! sector 2, track 0
  	mov	bx,#0x0200		! address = 512, in INITSEG
! 	mov	ax,#0x0200+SETUPSECS	! service 2, nr of sectors
! 					! (assume all on head 0, track 0)
  	int	0x13			! read it
  	jnc	ok_load_setup		! ok - continue
*** 134,149 ****
  	xor	dl, dl			! reset FDC
  	xor	ah, ah
  	int	0x13
! 	j	load_setup
  ! Get disk drive parameters, specifically nr of sectors/track
  	xor	dl,dl
  	mov	ah,#0x08		! AH=8 is get drive parameters
  	int	0x13
  	xor	ch,ch
  	seg cs
  	mov	sectors,cx
  	mov	ax,#INITSEG
--- 144,186 ----
  	xor	dl, dl			! reset FDC
  	xor	ah, ah
  	int	0x13
! 	jmp	load_setup
  ! Get disk drive parameters, specifically nr of sectors/track
+ #if 0
+ ! bde - the Phoenix BIOS manual says function 0x08 only works for fixed
+ ! disks.  It doesn't work for one of my BIOS's (1987 Award).  It was
+ ! fatal not to check the error code.
  	xor	dl,dl
  	mov	ah,#0x08		! AH=8 is get drive parameters
  	int	0x13
  	xor	ch,ch
+ #else
+ ! It seems that there is no BIOS call to get the number of sectors.  Guess
+ ! 18 sectors if sector 18 can be read, 15 if sector 15 can be read.
+ ! Otherwise guess 9.
+ 	xor	dx, dx			! drive 0, head 0
+ 	mov	cx,#0x0012		! sector 18, track 0
+ 	mov	bx,#0x0200+SETUPSECS*0x200  ! address after setup (es = cs)
+ 	mov	ax,#0x0201		! service 2, 1 sector
+ 	int	0x13
+ 	jnc	got_sectors
+ 	mov	cl,#0x0f		! sector 15
+ 	mov	ax,#0x0201		! service 2, 1 sector
+ 	int	0x13
+ 	jnc	got_sectors
+ 	mov	cl,#0x09
+ #endif
+ got_sectors:
  	seg cs
  	mov	sectors,cx
  	mov	ax,#INITSEG
*** 205,211 ****
  ! in:	es - starting address segment (normally 0x1000)
! sread:	.word 1+SETUPLEN	! sectors read of current track
  head:	.word 0			! current head
  track:	.word 0			! current track
--- 242,248 ----
  ! in:	es - starting address segment (normally 0x1000)
! sread:	.word 1+SETUPSECS	! sectors read of current track
  head:	.word 0			! current head
  track:	.word 0			! current track
*** 264,277 ****
   	int	0x10
! 	mov dx,track
! 	mov cx,sread
! 	inc cx
! 	mov ch,dl
! 	mov dx,head
! 	mov dh,dl
! 	and dx,#0x0100
! 	mov ah,#2
  	push	dx				! save for error dump
  	push	cx
--- 301,314 ----
   	int	0x10
! 	mov	dx,track
! 	mov	cx,sread
! 	inc	cx
! 	mov	ch,dl
! 	mov	dx,head
! 	mov	dh,dl
! 	and	dx,#0x0100
! 	mov	ah,#2
  	push	dx				! save for error dump
  	push	cx
*** 278,286 ****
  	push	bx
  	push	ax
! 	int 0x13
! 	jc bad_rt
! 	add	sp, #8   	
--- 315,323 ----
  	push	bx
  	push	ax
! 	int	0x13
! 	jc	bad_rt
! 	add	sp, #8
*** 317,332 ****
  	push	cx		! save count left
  	call	print_nl	! nl for readability
  	jae	no_reg		! see if register name is needed
! 	mov	ax, #0xe05 + 0x41 - 1
  	sub	al, cl
  	int	0x10
! 	mov	al, #0x58 	! X
  	int	0x10
! 	mov	al, #0x3a 	! :
  	int	0x10
--- 354,371 ----
  	push	cx		! save count left
  	call	print_nl	! nl for readability
+ 	cmp	cl, 5
  	jae	no_reg		! see if register name is needed
! 	mov	ax, #0xe05 + 'A - 1
  	sub	al, cl
  	int	0x10
! 	mov	al, #'X
  	int	0x10
! 	mov	al, #':
  	int	0x10
*** 356,365 ****
  	mov	ah, #0xe	
  	mov	al, dl		! mask off so we have only next nibble
  	and	al, #0xf
! 	add	al, #0x30	! convert to 0 based digit, '0'
! 	cmp	al, #0x39	! check for overflow
  	jbe	good_digit
! 	add	al, #0x41 - 0x30 - 0xa 	! 'A' - '0' - 0xa
  	int	0x10
--- 395,404 ----
  	mov	ah, #0xe	
  	mov	al, dl		! mask off so we have only next nibble
  	and	al, #0xf
! 	add	al, #'0		! convert to 0-based digit
! 	cmp	al, #'9		! check for overflow
  	jbe	good_digit
! 	add	al, #'A - '0 - 10
  	int	0x10
*** 394,404 ****
  	.word ROOT_DEV
  	.word 0xAA55
- .text
- endtext:
- .data
- enddata:
- .bss
- endbss:
--- 433,435 ----
*** ../0.95a/linux/boot/setup.S	Sat Mar 14 23:13:30 1992
--- linux/boot/setup.S	Wed Mar 25 02:30:42 1992
*** 217,222 ****
--- 217,238 ----
  	jnz	empty_8042	! yes - loop
+ getkey:
+ 	in	al,#0x60	! Quick and dirty...
+ 	.word	0x00eb,0x00eb		! jmp $+2, jmp $+2
+ 	mov	bl,al
+ 	in	al,#0x61
+ 	.word	0x00eb,0x00eb
+ 	mov	ah,al
+ 	or	al,#0x80
+ 	out	#0x61,al
+ 	.word	0x00eb,0x00eb
+ 	mov	al,ah
+ 	out	#0x61,al
+ 	.word	0x00eb,0x00eb
+ 	mov	al,bl
+ 	ret
  ! Routine trying to recognize type of SVGA-board present (if any)
  ! and if it recognize one gives the choices of resolution it offers.
  ! If one is found the resolution chosen is given by al,ah (rows,cols).
*** 233,239 ****
  	cmp	al,#0x82
  	jb	nokey
  	jmp	flush
! nokey:	in	al,#0x60
  	cmp	al,#0x82
  	jb	nokey
  	cmp	al,#0xe0
--- 249,255 ----
  	cmp	al,#0x82
  	jb	nokey
  	jmp	flush
! nokey:	call getkey
  	cmp	al,#0x82
  	jb	nokey
  	cmp	al,#0xe0
*** 481,487 ****
  	call	prtstr
  	pop	si
  	add	cl,#0x80
! nonum:	in	al,#0x60	! Quick and dirty...
  	cmp	al,#0x82
  	jb	nonum
  	cmp	al,#0x8b
--- 497,503 ----
  	call	prtstr
  	pop	si
  	add	cl,#0x80
! nonum:	call	getkey
  	cmp	al,#0x82
  	jb	nonum
  	cmp	al,#0x8b
*** ../0.95a/linux/fs/Makefile	Thu Mar  5 23:36:44 1992
--- linux/fs/Makefile	Sat Apr  4 17:33:10 1992
*** 1,10 ****
  AR	=ar
  AS	=as
- CC	=gcc
  LD	=ld
! CFLAGS	=-Wall -O -fstrength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer \
! 	-fno-defer-pop -nostdinc -I../include
! CPP	=gcc -E -nostdinc -I../include
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) \
--- 1,17 ----
+ #
+ # Makefile for the linux filesystem.
+ #
+ # Note! Dependencies are done automagically by 'make dep', which also
+ # removes any old dependencies. DON'T put your own dependencies here
+ # unless it's something special (ie not a .c file).
+ #
+ # Note 2! The CFLAGS definitions are now in the main makefile...
  AR	=ar
  AS	=as
  LD	=ld
! CC	=gcc -nostdinc -I../include
! CPP	=cpp -nostdinc -I../include
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) \
*** 36,118 ****
  ### Dependencies:
  block_dev.o : block_dev.c ../include/errno.h ../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h \
!   ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h \
!   ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/asm/segment.h ../include/asm/system.h 
  buffer.o : buffer.c ../include/stdarg.h ../include/linux/config.h \
    ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../include/sys/types.h ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h \
!   ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h \
!   ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/asm/system.h \
!   ../include/asm/io.h 
! char_dev.o : char_dev.c ../include/errno.h ../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h \
    ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h \
    ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h \
!   ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/asm/segment.h ../include/asm/io.h 
  exec.o : exec.c ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/types.h \
    ../include/errno.h ../include/string.h ../include/sys/stat.h \
!   ../include/a.out.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/linux/sched.h \
!   ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h \
!   ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h \
!   ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/asm/segment.h 
  fcntl.o : fcntl.c ../include/string.h ../include/errno.h \
    ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../include/sys/types.h ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h \
!   ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h \
!   ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/asm/segment.h \
!   ../include/fcntl.h ../include/sys/stat.h 
! file_table.o : file_table.c ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h 
  inode.o : inode.c ../include/string.h ../include/sys/stat.h \
    ../include/sys/types.h ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h \
!   ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h \
!   ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h \
!   ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/linux/minix_fs.h \
!   ../include/asm/system.h 
  ioctl.o : ioctl.c ../include/string.h ../include/errno.h \
    ../include/sys/stat.h ../include/sys/types.h ../include/linux/sched.h \
!   ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h \
!   ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h 
  namei.o : namei.c ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h \
!   ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h ../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h \
!   ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h \
!   ../include/linux/minix_fs.h ../include/asm/segment.h ../include/string.h \
!   ../include/fcntl.h ../include/errno.h ../include/const.h \
!   ../include/sys/stat.h 
  open.o : open.c ../include/string.h ../include/errno.h ../include/fcntl.h \
    ../include/sys/types.h ../include/utime.h ../include/sys/stat.h \
    ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h \
!   ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h \
!   ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/asm/segment.h 
  pipe.o : pipe.c ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/types.h \
    ../include/errno.h ../include/termios.h ../include/fcntl.h \
    ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/sys/param.h \
!   ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h \
!   ../include/asm/segment.h 
! read_write.o : read_write.c ../include/sys/stat.h ../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../include/errno.h ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/linux/sched.h \
!   ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h \
    ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/asm/segment.h 
  select.o : select.c ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/linux/tty.h ../include/termios.h \
!   ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h \
!   ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/asm/segment.h \
!   ../include/asm/system.h ../include/sys/stat.h ../include/string.h \
!   ../include/const.h ../include/errno.h 
  stat.o : stat.c ../include/errno.h ../include/sys/stat.h \
!   ../include/sys/types.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/linux/sched.h \
!   ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h \
!   ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h \
!   ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/asm/segment.h 
! super.o : super.c ../include/linux/config.h ../include/linux/sched.h \
!   ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h \
    ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h \
    ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h \
!   ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/linux/minix_fs.h \
!   ../include/asm/system.h ../include/errno.h ../include/sys/stat.h 
--- 43,137 ----
  ### Dependencies:
  block_dev.o : block_dev.c ../include/errno.h ../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../include/sys/dirent.h ../include/limits.h ../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h \
!   ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h \
!   ../include/asm/segment.h ../include/asm/system.h 
  buffer.o : buffer.c ../include/stdarg.h ../include/linux/config.h \
    ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../include/sys/types.h ../include/sys/dirent.h ../include/limits.h \
    ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h \
    ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h \
!   ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/asm/system.h ../include/asm/io.h 
! char_dev.o : char_dev.c ../include/errno.h ../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../include/sys/dirent.h ../include/limits.h ../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h \
!   ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h \
!   ../include/asm/segment.h ../include/asm/io.h 
  exec.o : exec.c ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/types.h \
    ../include/errno.h ../include/string.h ../include/sys/stat.h \
!   ../include/a.out.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/dirent.h \
!   ../include/limits.h ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h \
!   ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/sys/param.h \
!   ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h \
!   ../include/asm/segment.h 
  fcntl.o : fcntl.c ../include/string.h ../include/errno.h \
    ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../include/sys/types.h ../include/sys/dirent.h ../include/limits.h \
!   ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h \
!   ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h \
!   ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/asm/segment.h ../include/fcntl.h \
!   ../include/sys/stat.h 
! file_table.o : file_table.c ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../include/sys/dirent.h ../include/limits.h 
  inode.o : inode.c ../include/string.h ../include/sys/stat.h \
    ../include/sys/types.h ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h \
!   ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/dirent.h ../include/limits.h \
!   ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h \
!   ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h \
!   ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/asm/system.h 
  ioctl.o : ioctl.c ../include/string.h ../include/errno.h \
    ../include/sys/stat.h ../include/sys/types.h ../include/linux/sched.h \
!   ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/dirent.h \
!   ../include/limits.h ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h \
!   ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h \
!   ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h 
  namei.o : namei.c ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h \
!   ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h ../include/sys/dirent.h \
!   ../include/limits.h ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h \
!   ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h \
!   ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/asm/segment.h \
!   ../include/string.h ../include/fcntl.h ../include/errno.h \
!   ../include/const.h ../include/sys/stat.h 
  open.o : open.c ../include/string.h ../include/errno.h ../include/fcntl.h \
    ../include/sys/types.h ../include/utime.h ../include/sys/stat.h \
    ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../include/sys/dirent.h ../include/limits.h ../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h \
!   ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h \
!   ../include/asm/segment.h 
  pipe.o : pipe.c ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/types.h \
    ../include/errno.h ../include/termios.h ../include/fcntl.h \
    ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../include/sys/dirent.h ../include/limits.h ../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h \
    ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/asm/segment.h 
+ read_write.o : read_write.c ../include/errno.h ../include/sys/types.h \
+   ../include/sys/stat.h ../include/sys/dirent.h ../include/limits.h \
+   ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h \
+   ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/signal.h \
+   ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h \
+   ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/linux/minix_fs.h \
+   ../include/asm/segment.h 
  select.o : select.c ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../include/sys/dirent.h ../include/limits.h ../include/linux/kernel.h \
!   ../include/linux/tty.h ../include/termios.h ../include/linux/sched.h \
!   ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/signal.h \
!   ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h \
!   ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/asm/segment.h ../include/asm/system.h \
!   ../include/sys/stat.h ../include/string.h ../include/const.h \
!   ../include/errno.h 
  stat.o : stat.c ../include/errno.h ../include/sys/stat.h \
!   ../include/sys/types.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/dirent.h \
!   ../include/limits.h ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h \
    ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h \
    ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h \
!   ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/asm/segment.h 
! super.o : super.c ../include/linux/config.h ../include/linux/sched.h \
!   ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../include/sys/dirent.h ../include/limits.h ../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h \
!   ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h \
!   ../include/linux/minix_fs.h ../include/asm/system.h ../include/errno.h \
!   ../include/sys/stat.h 
*** ../0.95a/linux/fs/read_write.c	Tue Mar  3 00:16:10 1992
--- linux/fs/read_write.c	Fri Apr  3 20:20:36 1992
*** 4,22 ****
   *  (C) 1991  Linus Torvalds
- #include <sys/stat.h>
  #include <errno.h>
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <linux/kernel.h>
  #include <linux/sched.h>
  #include <asm/segment.h>
! int sys_lseek(unsigned int fd,off_t offset, unsigned int origin)
  	struct file * file;
! 	int tmp;
  	if (fd >= NR_OPEN || !(file=current->filp[fd]) || !(file->f_inode))
  		return -EBADF;
  	if (origin > 2)
--- 4,37 ----
   *  (C) 1991  Linus Torvalds
  #include <errno.h>
  #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+ #include <sys/dirent.h>
  #include <linux/kernel.h>
  #include <linux/sched.h>
+ #include <linux/minix_fs.h>
  #include <asm/segment.h>
! int sys_readdir(unsigned int fd, struct dirent * dirent)
  	struct file * file;
! 	struct inode * inode;
+ 	if (fd >= NR_OPEN || !(file = current->filp[fd]) ||
+ 	    !(inode = file->f_inode))
+ 		return -EBADF;
+ 	if (file->f_op && file->f_op->readdir)
+ 		return file->f_op->readdir(inode,file,dirent);
+ 	return -EBADF;
+ }
+ int sys_lseek(unsigned int fd, off_t offset, unsigned int origin)
+ {
+ 	struct file * file;
+ 	int tmp, mem_dev;
  	if (fd >= NR_OPEN || !(file=current->filp[fd]) || !(file->f_inode))
  		return -EBADF;
  	if (origin > 2)
*** 25,45 ****
  		return -ESPIPE;
  	if (file->f_op && file->f_op->lseek)
  		return file->f_op->lseek(file->f_inode,file,offset,origin);
  /* this is the default handler if no lseek handler is present */
  	switch (origin) {
  		case 0:
! 			if (offset<0) return -EINVAL;
  		case 1:
! 			if (file->f_pos+offset<0) return -EINVAL;
  			file->f_pos += offset;
  		case 2:
! 			if ((tmp=file->f_inode->i_size+offset) < 0)
  				return -EINVAL;
  			file->f_pos = tmp;
  	return file->f_pos;
--- 40,64 ----
  		return -ESPIPE;
  	if (file->f_op && file->f_op->lseek)
  		return file->f_op->lseek(file->f_inode,file,offset,origin);
+ 	mem_dev = S_ISCHR(file->f_inode->i_mode);
  /* this is the default handler if no lseek handler is present */
  	switch (origin) {
  		case 0:
! 			if (offset<0 && !mem_dev) return -EINVAL;
  		case 1:
! 			if (file->f_pos+offset<0 && !mem_dev) return -EINVAL;
  			file->f_pos += offset;
  		case 2:
! 			if ((tmp=file->f_inode->i_size+offset)<0 && !mem_dev)
  				return -EINVAL;
  			file->f_pos = tmp;
+ 	if (mem_dev && file->f_pos < 0)
+ 		return 0;
  	return file->f_pos;
*** ../0.95a/linux/fs/buffer.c	Fri Mar 13 19:06:26 1992
--- linux/fs/buffer.c	Wed Apr  1 02:06:48 1992
*** 27,34 ****
  #include <asm/io.h>
  extern int end;
! struct buffer_head * start_buffer = (struct buffer_head *) &end;
! struct buffer_head * hash_table[NR_HASH];
  static struct buffer_head * free_list;
  static struct task_struct * buffer_wait = NULL;
  int NR_BUFFERS = 0;
--- 27,34 ----
  #include <asm/io.h>
  extern int end;
! static struct buffer_head * start_buffer = (struct buffer_head *) &end;
! static struct buffer_head * hash_table[NR_HASH];
  static struct buffer_head * free_list;
  static struct task_struct * buffer_wait = NULL;
  int NR_BUFFERS = 0;
*** 406,411 ****
--- 406,415 ----
  		b = (void *) buffer_end;
  	while ( (b -= BLOCK_SIZE) >= ((void *) (h+1)) ) {
+ 		if (((unsigned long) (h+1)) > 0xA0000) {
+ 			printk("buffer-list doesn't fit in low meg - contact Linus\n");
+ 			break;
+ 		}
  		h->b_dev = 0;
  		h->b_dirt = 0;
  		h->b_count = 0;
*** ../0.95a/linux/fs/inode.c	Sat Mar 14 19:33:21 1992
--- linux/fs/inode.c	Fri Apr  3 16:09:27 1992
*** 8,14 ****
  #include <sys/stat.h>
  #include <linux/sched.h>
- #include <linux/minix_fs.h>
  #include <linux/kernel.h>
  #include <linux/mm.h>
  #include <asm/system.h>
--- 8,13 ----
*** 15,23 ****
  struct inode inode_table[NR_INODE]={{0,},};
- extern void minix_read_inode(struct inode * inode);
- extern void minix_write_inode(struct inode * inode);
  static inline void wait_on_inode(struct inode * inode)
--- 14,19 ----
*** 48,54 ****
! 	minix_write_inode(inode);
--- 44,51 ----
! 	if (inode->i_op && inode->i_op->write_inode)
! 		inode->i_op->write_inode(inode);
*** 55,67 ****
  static void read_inode(struct inode * inode)
! 	minix_read_inode(inode);
  int bmap(struct inode * inode, int block)
! 	return minix_bmap(inode,block);
  void invalidate_inodes(int dev)
--- 52,77 ----
  static void read_inode(struct inode * inode)
! 	if (inode->i_sb && inode->i_sb->s_op && inode->i_sb->s_op->read_inode)
! 		inode->i_sb->s_op->read_inode(inode);
+ /*
+  * bmap is needed for demand-loading and paging: if this function
+  * doesn't exist for a filesystem, then those things are impossible:
+  * executables cannot be run from the filesystem etc...
+  *
+  * This isn't as bad as it sounds: the read-routines might still work,
+  * so the filesystem would be otherwise ok (for example, you might have
+  * a DOS filesystem, which doesn't lend itself to bmap very well, but
+  * you could still transfer files to/from the filesystem)
+  */
  int bmap(struct inode * inode, int block)
! 	if (inode->i_op && inode->i_op->bmap)
! 		return inode->i_op->bmap(inode,block);
! 	return 0;
  void invalidate_inodes(int dev)
*** 127,134 ****
  	if (!inode->i_nlink) {
! 		minix_truncate(inode);
! 		minix_free_inode(inode);
  	if (inode->i_dirt) {
--- 137,144 ----
  	if (!inode->i_nlink) {
! 		if (inode->i_op && inode->i_op->put_inode)
! 			inode->i_op->put_inode(inode);
  	if (inode->i_dirt) {
*** ../0.95a/linux/fs/open.c	Mon Mar  2 23:52:07 1992
--- linux/fs/open.c	Thu Apr  2 23:41:50 1992
*** 29,34 ****
--- 29,39 ----
  	if (!(inode=namei(filename)))
  		return -ENOENT;
  	if (times) {
+ 		if (current->euid != inode->i_uid &&
+ 		    !permission(inode,MAY_WRITE)) {
+ 			iput(inode);
+ 			return -EPERM;
+ 		}
  		actime = get_fs_long((unsigned long *) &times->actime);
  		modtime = get_fs_long((unsigned long *) &times->modtime);
  	} else
*** ../0.95a/linux/fs/char_dev.c	Mon Mar  2 04:16:20 1992
--- linux/fs/char_dev.c	Wed Apr  1 01:26:11 1992
*** 38,63 ****
  static int rw_mem(int rw,char * buf, int count, off_t * pos)
! 	return -EIO;
  static int rw_kmem(int rw,char * buf, int count, off_t * pos)
! 	/* kmem by Damiano */
! 	int i = *pos;	/* Current position where to read	*/
! 	/* i can go from 0 to LOW_MEM (See include/linux/mm.h	*/
! 	/* I am not shure about it but it doesn't mem fault :-)	*/
! 	while ( (count-- > 0)  && (i <LOW_MEM) ) {
! 		if (rw==READ)
! 			put_fs_byte( *(char *)i ,buf++);
! 		else
! 			return (-EIO);
! 		i++;
! 	i -= *pos;		/* Count how many read or write		*/
! 	*pos += i;		/* Update position			*/
! 	return (i);		/* Return number read			*/
  static int rw_port(int rw,char * buf, int count, off_t * pos)
--- 38,118 ----
  static int rw_mem(int rw,char * buf, int count, off_t * pos)
! 	char *p;
! 	unsigned long pde, pte, tmp;
! 	int i = count;
! 	if (count <= 0)
! 		return(0);
! 	/*
! 	 * return EOF on nonexistant pages or pages swapped out to disk
! 	 */
! 	pde = (unsigned long) pg_dir + (*pos >> 20 & 0xffc);
! 	if (((pte = *((unsigned long *) pde)) & 1) == 0)
! 		return 0;	/* page table not present */
! 	pte &= 0xfffff000;
! 	pte += *pos >> 10 & 0xffc;
! 	if (((tmp = *((unsigned long *) pte)) & 1) == 0)
! 		return 0;
! 	if (rw == WRITE && (tmp & 2) == 0)
! 		un_wp_page((unsigned long *) pte);
! 	p = (char *) ((tmp & 0xfffff000) + (*pos & 0xfff));
! 	while (1) {
! 		if (rw == WRITE)
! 			*p++ = get_fs_byte(buf++);
! 		else
! 			put_fs_byte(*p++, buf++);
! 		if (--i == 0)
! 			break;
! 		if (count && ((unsigned long) p & 0xfff) == 0) {
! 			if (((pte += 4) & 0xfff) == 0) {
! 				if (((pde += 4) & 0xfff) == 0)
! 					break;
! 				if (((pte = *((unsigned long *) pde)) & 1) == 0)
! 					break;
! 				pte &= 0xfffff000;
! 			}
! 			if (((tmp = *((unsigned long *) pte)) & 1) == 0)
! 				break;
! 			if (rw == WRITE && (tmp & 2) == 0)
! 				un_wp_page((unsigned long *) pte);
! 			p = (char *) (tmp & 0xfffff000);
! 		}
! 	}
! 	return(count - i);
  static int rw_kmem(int rw,char * buf, int count, off_t * pos)
! 	char *p=(char *) *pos;
! 	if ((unsigned long) *pos > HIGH_MEMORY)
! 		return 0;
! 	if ((unsigned long) *pos + count > HIGH_MEMORY)
! 		count = HIGH_MEMORY - *pos;
! 	switch (rw) {
! 		case READ:
! 			while ((count -= 4) >= 0)
! 				put_fs_long(*((unsigned long *) p)++, 
! 					    ((unsigned long *) buf)++);
! 			count += 4;
! 			while (--count >= 0)
! 				put_fs_byte(*p++, buf++);
! 			break;
! 		case WRITE:
! 			while (--count >= 0)
! 				*p++ = get_fs_byte(buf++);
! 			break;
! 		default:
! 			return -EINVAL;
! 	p -= *pos;
! 	*pos += (int) p;
! 	return (int) p;
  static int rw_port(int rw,char * buf, int count, off_t * pos)
*** ../0.95a/linux/fs/exec.c	Wed Mar  4 06:24:51 1992
--- linux/fs/exec.c	Wed Apr  1 01:26:36 1992
*** 216,221 ****
--- 216,222 ----
  	int retval;
  	int sh_bang = 0;
  	unsigned long p=PAGE_SIZE*MAX_ARG_PAGES-4;
+ 	int ch;
  	if ((0xffff & eip[1]) != 0x000f)
  		panic("execve called from supervisor mode");
*** 348,353 ****
--- 349,363 ----
  /* OK, This is the point of no return */
  /* note that current->library stays unchanged by an exec */
+ 	for (i=0; (ch = get_fs_byte(filename++)) != '\0';)
+ 		if (ch == '/')
+ 			i = 0;
+ 		else
+ 			if (i < 8)
+ 				current->comm[i++] = ch;
+ 	if (i < 8)
+ 		current->comm[i] = '\0';
  	if (current->executable)
  	current->executable = inode;
*** 374,379 ****
--- 384,390 ----
  		(current->end_data = ex.a_data +
  		(current->end_code = ex.a_text));
  	current->start_stack = p;
+ 	current->rss = (LIBRARY_OFFSET - p + PAGE_SIZE-1) / PAGE_SIZE;
  	current->suid = current->euid = e_uid;
  	current->sgid = current->egid = e_gid;
  	eip[0] = ex.a_entry;		/* eip, magic happens :-) */
*** ../0.95a/linux/fs/super.c	Fri Feb 28 19:01:44 1992
--- linux/fs/super.c	Fri Apr  3 16:22:05 1992
*** 29,36 ****
  /* this is initialized in init/main.c */
  int ROOT_DEV = 0;
! static void lock_super(struct super_block * sb)
  	while (sb->s_lock)
--- 29,55 ----
  /* this is initialized in init/main.c */
  int ROOT_DEV = 0;
! /* Move into include file later */
! static struct file_system_type file_systems[] = {
! 	{minix_read_super,"minix"},
! };
! /* end of include file */
! struct file_system_type *get_fs_type(char *name)
+ 	int a;
+ 	for(a = 0 ; file_systems[a].read_super ; a++)
+ 		if (!strcmp(name,file_systems[a].name))
+ 			return(&file_systems[a]);
+ 	return(NULL);
+ }
+ void lock_super(struct super_block * sb)
+ {
  	while (sb->s_lock)
*** 38,44 ****
! static void free_super(struct super_block * sb)
  	sb->s_lock = 0;
--- 57,63 ----
! void free_super(struct super_block * sb)
  	sb->s_lock = 0;
*** 46,52 ****
! static void wait_on_super(struct super_block * sb)
  	while (sb->s_lock)
--- 65,71 ----
! void wait_on_super(struct super_block * sb)
  	while (sb->s_lock)
*** 75,81 ****
  void put_super(int dev)
  	struct super_block * sb;
- 	int i;
  	if (dev == ROOT_DEV) {
  		printk("root diskette changed: prepare for armageddon\n\r");
--- 94,99 ----
*** 87,107 ****
  		printk("Mounted disk changed - tssk, tssk\n\r");
! 	lock_super(sb);
! 	sb->s_dev = 0;
! 	for(i=0;i<MINIX_I_MAP_SLOTS;i++)
! 		brelse(sb->s_imap[i]);
! 	for(i=0;i<MINIX_Z_MAP_SLOTS;i++)
! 		brelse(sb->s_zmap[i]);
! 	free_super(sb);
! 	return;
! static struct super_block * read_super(int dev)
  	struct super_block * s;
! 	struct buffer_head * bh;
! 	int i,block;
  	if (!dev)
  		return NULL;
--- 105,118 ----
  		printk("Mounted disk changed - tssk, tssk\n\r");
! 	if (sb->s_op && sb->s_op->put_super)
! 		sb->s_op->put_super(sb);
! static struct super_block * read_super(int dev,char *name,void *data)
  	struct super_block * s;
! 	struct file_system_type *type;
  	if (!dev)
  		return NULL;
*** 108,113 ****
--- 119,128 ----
  	if (s = get_super(dev))
  		return s;
+ 	if (!(type=get_fs_type(name))) {
+ 		printk("get fs type failed %s\n",name);
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	}
  	for (s = 0+super_block ;; s++) {
  		if (s >= NR_SUPER+super_block)
  			return NULL;
*** 115,167 ****
  	s->s_dev = dev;
! 	s->s_mounted = NULL;
  	s->s_covered = NULL;
  	s->s_time = 0;
  	s->s_rd_only = 0;
  	s->s_dirt = 0;
! 	lock_super(s);
! 	if (!(bh = bread(dev,1))) {
! 		s->s_dev=0;
! 		free_super(s);
! 		return NULL;
! 	}
! 	*((struct minix_super_block *) s) =
! 		*((struct minix_super_block *) bh->b_data);
! 	brelse(bh);
! 	if (s->s_magic != MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC) {
! 		s->s_dev = 0;
! 		free_super(s);
! 		return NULL;
! 	}
! 	for (i=0;i < MINIX_I_MAP_SLOTS;i++)
! 		s->s_imap[i] = NULL;
! 	for (i=0;i < MINIX_Z_MAP_SLOTS;i++)
! 		s->s_zmap[i] = NULL;
! 	block=2;
! 	for (i=0 ; i < s->s_imap_blocks ; i++)
! 		if (s->s_imap[i]=bread(dev,block))
! 			block++;
! 		else
! 			break;
! 	for (i=0 ; i < s->s_zmap_blocks ; i++)
! 		if (s->s_zmap[i]=bread(dev,block))
! 			block++;
! 		else
! 			break;
! 	if (block != 2+s->s_imap_blocks+s->s_zmap_blocks) {
! 		for(i=0;i<MINIX_I_MAP_SLOTS;i++)
! 			brelse(s->s_imap[i]);
! 		for(i=0;i<MINIX_Z_MAP_SLOTS;i++)
! 			brelse(s->s_zmap[i]);
! 		s->s_dev=0;
! 		free_super(s);
! 		return NULL;
! 	}
! 	s->s_imap[0]->b_data[0] |= 1;
! 	s->s_zmap[0]->b_data[0] |= 1;
! 	free_super(s);
! 	return s;
  int sys_umount(char * dev_name)
--- 130,143 ----
  	s->s_dev = dev;
! 	if (!type->read_super(s,data))
! 		return(NULL);
! 	s->s_dev = dev;
  	s->s_covered = NULL;
  	s->s_time = 0;
  	s->s_rd_only = 0;
  	s->s_dirt = 0;
! 	return(s);
  int sys_umount(char * dev_name)
*** 184,190 ****
  		return -ENOENT;
  	if (!sb->s_covered->i_mount)
  		printk("Mounted inode has i_mount=0\n");
! 	for (inode=inode_table+0 ; inode<inode_table+NR_INODE ; inode++)
  		if (inode->i_dev==dev && inode->i_count)
  			if (inode == sb->s_mounted && inode->i_count == 1)
--- 160,166 ----
  		return -ENOENT;
  	if (!sb->s_covered->i_mount)
  		printk("Mounted inode has i_mount=0\n");
! 	for (inode = inode_table+0 ; inode < inode_table+NR_INODE ; inode++)
  		if (inode->i_dev==dev && inode->i_count)
  			if (inode == sb->s_mounted && inode->i_count == 1)
*** 195,202 ****
  	sb->s_covered = NULL;
  	sb->s_mounted = NULL;
! 	put_super(dev);
! 	sync_dev(dev);
  	return 0;
--- 171,178 ----
  	sb->s_covered = NULL;
  	sb->s_mounted = NULL;
!         put_super(dev);
!         sync_dev(dev);
  	return 0;
*** 224,231 ****
  		return -EPERM;
! 	if (!(sb=read_super(dev))) {
  		return -EBUSY;
  	if (sb->s_covered) {
--- 200,211 ----
  		return -EPERM;
! 	if (dir_i->i_mount) {
+ 		return -EPERM;
+ 	}
+ 	if (!(sb=read_super(dev,"minix",NULL))) {
+ 		iput(dir_i);
  		return -EBUSY;
  	if (sb->s_covered) {
*** 232,248 ****
  		return -EBUSY;
! 	if (dir_i->i_mount) {
! 		iput(dir_i);
! 		return -EPERM;
! 	}
! 	if (!(sb->s_mounted = iget(dev,MINIX_ROOT_INO))) {
! 		iput(dir_i);
! 		return -EPERM;
! 	}
! 	sb->s_covered=dir_i;
! 	dir_i->i_mount=1;
! 	dir_i->i_dirt=1;		/* NOTE! we don't iput(dir_i) */
  	return 0;			/* we do that in umount */
--- 212,220 ----
  		return -EBUSY;
! 	sb->s_covered = dir_i;
! 	dir_i->i_mount = 1;
! 	dir_i->i_dirt = 1;		/* NOTE! we don't iput(dir_i) */
  	return 0;			/* we do that in umount */
*** 265,274 ****
  		p->s_lock = 0;
  		p->s_wait = NULL;
! 	if (!(p=read_super(ROOT_DEV)))
  		panic("Unable to mount root");
  	if (!(mi=iget(ROOT_DEV,MINIX_ROOT_INO)))
  		panic("Unable to read root i-node");
  	mi->i_count += 3 ;	/* NOTE! it is logically used 4 times, not 1 */
  	p->s_mounted = p->s_covered = mi;
  	current->pwd = mi;
--- 237,249 ----
  		p->s_lock = 0;
  		p->s_wait = NULL;
! 	if (!(p=read_super(ROOT_DEV,"minix",NULL)))
  		panic("Unable to mount root");
+  	/*wait_for_keypress();
  	if (!(mi=iget(ROOT_DEV,MINIX_ROOT_INO)))
  		panic("Unable to read root i-node");
+ 	wait_for_keypress();*/
+ 	mi=p->s_mounted;
  	mi->i_count += 3 ;	/* NOTE! it is logically used 4 times, not 1 */
  	p->s_mounted = p->s_covered = mi;
  	current->pwd = mi;
*** ../0.95a/linux/fs/namei.c	Fri Mar  6 19:04:09 1992
--- linux/fs/namei.c	Fri Apr  3 16:15:56 1992
*** 9,15 ****
  #include <linux/sched.h>
- #include <linux/minix_fs.h>
  #include <linux/kernel.h>
  #include <asm/segment.h>
--- 9,14 ----
*** 249,255 ****
  	inode->i_atime = CURRENT_TIME;
  	if (flag & O_TRUNC)
! 		minix_truncate(inode);
  	*res_inode = inode;
  	return 0;
--- 248,255 ----
  	inode->i_atime = CURRENT_TIME;
  	if (flag & O_TRUNC)
! 		if (inode->i_op && inode->i_op->truncate)
! 			inode->i_op->truncate(inode);
  	*res_inode = inode;
  	return 0;
*** 270,276 ****
  	if (!permission(dir,MAY_WRITE)) {
! 		return -EPERM;
  	if (!dir->i_op || !dir->i_op->mknod) {
--- 270,276 ----
  	if (!permission(dir,MAY_WRITE)) {
! 		return -EACCES;
  	if (!dir->i_op || !dir->i_op->mknod) {
*** 293,299 ****
  	if (!permission(dir,MAY_WRITE)) {
! 		return -EPERM;
  	if (!dir->i_op || !dir->i_op->mkdir) {
--- 293,299 ----
  	if (!permission(dir,MAY_WRITE)) {
! 		return -EACCES;
  	if (!dir->i_op || !dir->i_op->mkdir) {
*** 316,322 ****
  	if (!permission(dir,MAY_WRITE)) {
! 		return -EPERM;
  	if (!dir->i_op || !dir->i_op->rmdir) {
--- 316,322 ----
  	if (!permission(dir,MAY_WRITE)) {
! 		return -EACCES;
  	if (!dir->i_op || !dir->i_op->rmdir) {
*** 335,345 ****
  		return -ENOENT;
  	if (!namelen) {
! 		return -ENOENT;
  	if (!permission(dir,MAY_WRITE)) {
! 		return -EPERM;
  	if (!dir->i_op || !dir->i_op->unlink) {
--- 335,345 ----
  		return -ENOENT;
  	if (!namelen) {
! 		return -EPERM;
  	if (!permission(dir,MAY_WRITE)) {
! 		return -EACCES;
  	if (!dir->i_op || !dir->i_op->unlink) {
*** 356,369 ****
  	dir = dir_namei(newname,&namelen,&basename, NULL);
  	if (!dir)
! 		return -EACCES;
  	if (!namelen) {
! 		return -EPERM;
  	if (!permission(dir,MAY_WRITE)) {
! 		return -EPERM;
  	if (!dir->i_op || !dir->i_op->symlink) {
--- 356,369 ----
  	dir = dir_namei(newname,&namelen,&basename, NULL);
  	if (!dir)
! 		return -ENOENT;
  	if (!namelen) {
! 		return -ENOENT;
  	if (!permission(dir,MAY_WRITE)) {
! 		return -EACCES;
  	if (!dir->i_op || !dir->i_op->symlink) {
*** ../0.95a/linux/fs/ioctl.c	Thu Feb 20 17:01:12 1992
--- linux/fs/ioctl.c	Tue Mar 31 20:52:08 1992
*** 10,15 ****
--- 10,16 ----
  #include <linux/sched.h>
+ extern int hd_ioctl(int dev, int cmd, int arg);
  extern int tty_ioctl(int dev, int cmd, int arg);
  extern int pipe_ioctl(struct inode *pino, int cmd, int arg);
*** 21,27 ****
  	NULL,		/* nodev */
  	NULL,		/* /dev/mem */
  	NULL,		/* /dev/fd */
! 	NULL,		/* /dev/hd */
  	tty_ioctl,	/* /dev/ttyx */
  	tty_ioctl,	/* /dev/tty */
  	NULL,		/* /dev/lp */
--- 22,28 ----
  	NULL,		/* nodev */
  	NULL,		/* /dev/mem */
  	NULL,		/* /dev/fd */
! 	hd_ioctl,       /* /dev/hd */
  	tty_ioctl,	/* /dev/ttyx */
  	tty_ioctl,	/* /dev/tty */
  	NULL,		/* /dev/lp */
*** ../0.95a/linux/fs/pipe.c	Fri Mar  6 15:04:16 1992
--- linux/fs/pipe.c	Fri Mar 27 11:18:57 1992
*** 41,47 ****
  			put_fs_byte(((char *)inode->i_size)[size++],buf++);
  	wake_up(& PIPE_WRITE_WAIT(*inode));
! 	return read;
  int pipe_write(struct inode * inode, struct file * filp, char * buf, int count)
--- 41,47 ----
  			put_fs_byte(((char *)inode->i_size)[size++],buf++);
  	wake_up(& PIPE_WRITE_WAIT(*inode));
! 	return read?read:-EAGAIN;
  int pipe_write(struct inode * inode, struct file * filp, char * buf, int count)
*** ../0.95a/linux/fs/minix/Makefile	Thu Mar  5 23:36:47 1992
--- linux/fs/minix/Makefile	Sat Apr  4 17:33:13 1992
*** 1,10 ****
  AR	=ar
  AS	=as
- CC	=gcc
  LD	=ld
! CFLAGS	=-Wall -O -fstrength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer \
! 	-nostdinc -I../../include
! CPP	=gcc -E -nostdinc -I../../include
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) \
--- 1,17 ----
+ #
+ # Makefile for the linux minix-filesystem routines.
+ #
+ # Note! Dependencies are done automagically by 'make dep', which also
+ # removes any old dependencies. DON'T put your own dependencies here
+ # unless it's something special (ie not a .c file).
+ #
+ # Note 2! The CFLAGS definitions are now in the main makefile...
  AR	=ar
  AS	=as
  LD	=ld
! CC	=gcc -nostdinc -I../../include
! CPP	=cpp -nostdinc -I../../include
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) \
*** 32,43 ****
  ### Dependencies:
  bitmap.o : bitmap.c ../../include/string.h ../../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../../include/linux/head.h ../../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../../include/linux/kernel.h ../../include/signal.h \
!   ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h ../../include/time.h \
!   ../../include/sys/resource.h ../../include/linux/minix_fs.h 
  file_dev.o : file_dev.c ../../include/errno.h ../../include/fcntl.h \
!   ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../../include/linux/head.h ../../include/linux/fs.h \
    ../../include/linux/mm.h ../../include/linux/kernel.h \
    ../../include/signal.h ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h \
--- 39,52 ----
  ### Dependencies:
  bitmap.o : bitmap.c ../../include/string.h ../../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../../include/linux/head.h ../../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/sys/dirent.h ../../include/limits.h \
!   ../../include/linux/mm.h ../../include/linux/kernel.h \
!   ../../include/signal.h ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h \
!   ../../include/time.h ../../include/sys/resource.h \
!   ../../include/linux/minix_fs.h 
  file_dev.o : file_dev.c ../../include/errno.h ../../include/fcntl.h \
!   ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/sys/dirent.h ../../include/limits.h \
!   ../../include/sys/stat.h ../../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../../include/linux/head.h ../../include/linux/fs.h \
    ../../include/linux/mm.h ../../include/linux/kernel.h \
    ../../include/signal.h ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h \
*** 46,59 ****
  inode.o : inode.c ../../include/string.h ../../include/sys/stat.h \
    ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../../include/linux/head.h ../../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../../include/linux/mm.h ../../include/linux/kernel.h \
!   ../../include/signal.h ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h \
!   ../../include/time.h ../../include/sys/resource.h \
!   ../../include/linux/minix_fs.h ../../include/asm/system.h 
  minix_op.o : minix_op.c ../../include/linux/fs.h ../../include/sys/types.h \
  namei.o : namei.c ../../include/linux/sched.h ../../include/linux/head.h \
!   ../../include/linux/fs.h ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/linux/mm.h \
    ../../include/linux/kernel.h ../../include/signal.h \
    ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h ../../include/time.h \
    ../../include/sys/resource.h ../../include/linux/minix_fs.h \
--- 55,71 ----
  inode.o : inode.c ../../include/string.h ../../include/sys/stat.h \
    ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../../include/linux/head.h ../../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../../include/sys/dirent.h ../../include/limits.h ../../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../../include/linux/kernel.h ../../include/signal.h \
!   ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h ../../include/time.h \
!   ../../include/sys/resource.h ../../include/linux/minix_fs.h \
!   ../../include/asm/system.h 
  minix_op.o : minix_op.c ../../include/linux/fs.h ../../include/sys/types.h \
+   ../../include/sys/dirent.h ../../include/limits.h \
  namei.o : namei.c ../../include/linux/sched.h ../../include/linux/head.h \
!   ../../include/linux/fs.h ../../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../../include/sys/dirent.h ../../include/limits.h ../../include/linux/mm.h \
    ../../include/linux/kernel.h ../../include/signal.h \
    ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h ../../include/time.h \
    ../../include/sys/resource.h ../../include/linux/minix_fs.h \
*** 61,69 ****
    ../../include/errno.h ../../include/const.h ../../include/sys/stat.h 
  truncate.o : truncate.c ../../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../../include/linux/head.h ../../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../../include/linux/kernel.h ../../include/signal.h \
!   ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h ../../include/time.h \
!   ../../include/sys/resource.h ../../include/linux/minix_fs.h \
!   ../../include/linux/tty.h ../../include/termios.h ../../include/errno.h \
!   ../../include/fcntl.h ../../include/sys/stat.h 
--- 73,82 ----
    ../../include/errno.h ../../include/const.h ../../include/sys/stat.h 
  truncate.o : truncate.c ../../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../../include/linux/head.h ../../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/sys/dirent.h ../../include/limits.h \
!   ../../include/linux/mm.h ../../include/linux/kernel.h \
!   ../../include/signal.h ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h \
!   ../../include/time.h ../../include/sys/resource.h \
!   ../../include/linux/minix_fs.h ../../include/linux/tty.h \
!   ../../include/termios.h ../../include/errno.h ../../include/fcntl.h \
!   ../../include/sys/stat.h 
*** ../0.95a/linux/fs/minix/inode.c	Mon Mar  2 01:15:17 1992
--- linux/fs/minix/inode.c	Fri Apr  3 16:20:06 1992
*** 13,27 ****
  #include <linux/mm.h>
  #include <asm/system.h>
! static int _bmap(struct inode * inode,int block,int create)
  	struct buffer_head * bh;
  	int i;
! 	if (block<0)
! 		panic("_bmap: block<0");
! 	if (block >= 7+512+512*512)
! 		panic("_bmap: block>big");
  	if (block<7) {
  		if (create && !inode->i_data[block])
  			if (inode->i_data[block]=minix_new_block(inode->i_dev)) {
--- 13,112 ----
  #include <linux/mm.h>
  #include <asm/system.h>
! int sync_dev(int dev);
! void minix_put_super(struct super_block *sb)
+ 	int i;
+ 	lock_super(sb);
+ 	sb->s_dev = 0;
+ 	for(i = 0 ; i < MINIX_I_MAP_SLOTS ; i++)
+ 		brelse(sb->s_imap[i]);
+ 	for(i = 0 ; i < MINIX_Z_MAP_SLOTS ; i++)
+ 		brelse(sb->s_zmap[i]);
+ 	free_super(sb);
+ 	return;
+ }
+ static struct super_operations minix_sops = { 
+ 	minix_read_inode,
+ 	minix_put_super
+ };
+ struct super_block *minix_read_super(struct super_block *s,void *data)
+ {
+ 	struct buffer_head *bh;
+ 	int i,dev=s->s_dev,block;
+ 	lock_super(s);
+ 	if (!(bh = bread(dev,1))) {
+ 		s->s_dev=0;
+ 		free_super(s);
+ 		printk("bread failed\n");
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	}
+ 	*((struct minix_super_block *) s) =
+ 		*((struct minix_super_block *) bh->b_data);
+ 	brelse(bh);
+ 	if (s->s_magic != MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC) {
+ 		s->s_dev = 0;
+ 		free_super(s);
+ 		printk("magic match failed\n");
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	}
+ 	for (i=0;i < MINIX_I_MAP_SLOTS;i++)
+ 		s->s_imap[i] = NULL;
+ 	for (i=0;i < MINIX_Z_MAP_SLOTS;i++)
+ 		s->s_zmap[i] = NULL;
+ 	block=2;
+ 	for (i=0 ; i < s->s_imap_blocks ; i++)
+ 		if (s->s_imap[i]=bread(dev,block))
+ 			block++;
+ 		else
+ 			break;
+ 	for (i=0 ; i < s->s_zmap_blocks ; i++)
+ 		if (s->s_zmap[i]=bread(dev,block))
+ 			block++;
+ 		else
+ 			break;
+ 	if (block != 2+s->s_imap_blocks+s->s_zmap_blocks) {
+ 		for(i=0;i<MINIX_I_MAP_SLOTS;i++)
+ 			brelse(s->s_imap[i]);
+ 		for(i=0;i<MINIX_Z_MAP_SLOTS;i++)
+ 			brelse(s->s_zmap[i]);
+ 		s->s_dev=0;
+ 		free_super(s);
+ 		printk("block failed\n");
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	}
+ 	s->s_imap[0]->b_data[0] |= 1;
+ 	s->s_zmap[0]->b_data[0] |= 1;
+ 	free_super(s);
+ 	/* set up enough so that it can read an inode */
+ 	s->s_dev = dev;
+ 	s->s_op = &minix_sops;
+ 	if (!(s->s_mounted = iget(dev,MINIX_ROOT_INO))) {
+ 		s->s_dev=0;
+ 		printk("get root inode failed\n");
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	}
+ 	return s;
+ }
+ static int _minix_bmap(struct inode * inode,int block,int create)
+ {
  	struct buffer_head * bh;
  	int i;
! 	if (block<0) {
! 		printk("_minix_bmap: block<0");
! 		return 0;
! 	}
! 	if (block >= 7+512+512*512) {
! 		printk("_minix_bmap: block>big");
! 		return 0;
! 	}
  	if (block<7) {
  		if (create && !inode->i_data[block])
  			if (inode->i_data[block]=minix_new_block(inode->i_dev)) {
*** 83,94 ****
  int minix_bmap(struct inode * inode,int block)
! 	return _bmap(inode,block,0);
  int minix_create_block(struct inode * inode, int block)
! 	return _bmap(inode,block,1);
  void minix_read_inode(struct inode * inode)
--- 168,179 ----
  int minix_bmap(struct inode * inode,int block)
! 	return _minix_bmap(inode,block,0);
  int minix_create_block(struct inode * inode, int block)
! 	return _minix_bmap(inode,block,1);
  void minix_read_inode(struct inode * inode)
*** ../0.95a/linux/fs/minix/namei.c	Tue Mar  3 19:39:35 1992
--- linux/fs/minix/namei.c	Fri Apr  3 16:11:22 1992
*** 15,24 ****
  #include <const.h>
  #include <sys/stat.h>
- extern int permission(struct inode * inode,int mask);
- extern struct inode * _namei(const char * filename, struct inode * base,
- 	int follow_links);
   * comment out this line if you want names > MINIX_NAME_LEN chars to be
   * truncated. Else they will be disallowed.
--- 15,20 ----
*** 89,95 ****
  		if ((char *)de >= BLOCK_SIZE+bh->b_data) {
  			bh = NULL;
! 			if (!(block = bmap(dir,i/MINIX_DIR_ENTRIES_PER_BLOCK)) ||
  			    !(bh = bread(dir->i_dev,block))) {
--- 85,91 ----
  		if ((char *)de >= BLOCK_SIZE+bh->b_data) {
  			bh = NULL;
! 			if (!(block = minix_bmap(dir,i/MINIX_DIR_ENTRIES_PER_BLOCK)) ||
  			    !(bh = bread(dir->i_dev,block))) {
*** 398,404 ****
  	while (nr<len) {
  		if ((void *) de >= (void *) (bh->b_data+BLOCK_SIZE)) {
! 			block=bmap(inode,nr/MINIX_DIR_ENTRIES_PER_BLOCK);
  			if (!block) {
--- 394,400 ----
  	while (nr<len) {
  		if ((void *) de >= (void *) (bh->b_data+BLOCK_SIZE)) {
! 			block = minix_bmap(inode,nr/MINIX_DIR_ENTRIES_PER_BLOCK);
  			if (!block) {
*** ../0.95a/linux/fs/minix/minix_op.c	Tue Mar  3 00:18:39 1992
--- linux/fs/minix/minix_op.c	Fri Apr  3 20:19:03 1992
*** 7,12 ****
--- 7,18 ----
  #include <linux/fs.h>
  #include <linux/minix_fs.h>
+ void minix_put_inode(struct inode *inode)
+ {
+ 	minix_truncate(inode);
+ 	minix_free_inode(inode);
+ }
   * These are the low-level inode operations for minix filesystem inodes.
*** 23,38 ****
! 	minix_follow_link
!  * We have just NULL's here: the current defaults are ok for
   * the minix filesystem.
  struct file_operations minix_file_operations = {
  	NULL,	/* lseek */
  	NULL,	/* read */
! 	NULL	/* write */
--- 29,49 ----
! 	minix_follow_link,
! 	minix_bmap,
! 	minix_truncate,
! 	minix_write_inode,
! 	minix_put_inode
!  * We have mostly NULL's here: the current defaults are ok for
   * the minix filesystem.
  struct file_operations minix_file_operations = {
  	NULL,	/* lseek */
  	NULL,	/* read */
! 	NULL,	/* write */
! 	minix_readdir
*** ../0.95a/linux/fs/minix/file_dev.c	Tue Mar 17 03:41:53 1992
--- linux/fs/minix/file_dev.c	Fri Apr  3 21:35:21 1992
*** 6,11 ****
--- 6,13 ----
  #include <errno.h>
  #include <fcntl.h>
+ #include <sys/dirent.h>
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
  #include <linux/sched.h>
  #include <linux/minix_fs.h>
*** 15,20 ****
--- 17,64 ----
  #define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
  #define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
+ int minix_readdir(struct inode * inode, struct file * filp, struct dirent * dirent)
+ {
+ 	unsigned int block,offset,i;
+ 	char c;
+ 	struct buffer_head * bh;
+ 	struct minix_dir_entry * de;
+ 	if (!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode))
+ 		return -EBADF;
+ 	if (filp->f_pos & 15)
+ 		return -EBADF;
+ 	while (filp->f_pos < inode->i_size) {
+ 		offset = filp->f_pos & 1023;
+ 		block = minix_bmap(inode,(filp->f_pos)>>BLOCK_SIZE_BITS);
+ 		if (!block || !(bh = bread(inode->i_dev,block))) {
+ 			filp->f_pos += 1024-offset;
+ 			continue;
+ 		}
+ 		de = (struct minix_dir_entry *) (offset + bh->b_data);
+ 		while (offset < 1024 && filp->f_pos < inode->i_size) {
+ 			offset += 16;
+ 			filp->f_pos += 16;
+ 			if (de->inode) {
+ 				for (i = 0; i < 14; i++)
+ 					if (c = de->name[i])
+ 						put_fs_byte(c,i+dirent->d_name);
+ 					else
+ 						break;
+ 				if (i) {
+ 					put_fs_long(de->inode,&dirent->d_ino);
+ 					put_fs_byte(0,i+dirent->d_name);
+ 					put_fs_word(i,&dirent->d_reclen);
+ 					return i;
+ 				}
+ 			}
+ 			de++;
+ 		}
+ 		brelse(bh);
+ 	}
+ 	return 0;
+ }
  int minix_file_read(struct inode * inode, struct file * filp, char * buf, int count)
  	int read,left,chars,nr;
*** 28,34 ****
  		left = count;
  	read = 0;
  	while (left > 0) {
! 		if (nr = bmap(inode,(filp->f_pos)>>BLOCK_SIZE_BITS)) {
  			if (!(bh=bread(inode->i_dev,nr)))
  				return read?read:-EIO;
  		} else
--- 72,78 ----
  		left = count;
  	read = 0;
  	while (left > 0) {
! 		if (nr = minix_bmap(inode,(filp->f_pos)>>BLOCK_SIZE_BITS)) {
  			if (!(bh=bread(inode->i_dev,nr)))
  				return read?read:-EIO;
  		} else
*** 98,104 ****
  	if (!(filp->f_flags & O_APPEND)) {
  		filp->f_pos = pos;
  		inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
- 		inode->i_dirt = 1;
  	return written;
--- 142,148 ----
  	if (!(filp->f_flags & O_APPEND)) {
  		filp->f_pos = pos;
  		inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
+ 	inode->i_dirt = 1;
  	return written;
*** ../0.95a/linux/kernel/Makefile	Thu Mar  5 23:36:55 1992
--- linux/kernel/Makefile	Sat Apr  4 17:33:20 1992
*** 5,23 ****
  # removes any old dependencies. DON'T put your own dependencies here
  # unless it's something special (ie not a .c file).
- # gcc2 doesn't have these:
- #GCC_OPT = -fcombine-regs
  AR	=ar
  AS	=as
  LD	=ld
  LDFLAGS	=-s -x
! CC	=gcc
! CFLAGS	=-Wall -O -fstrength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer $(GCC_OPT) \
! 	-finline-functions -nostdinc -I../include
! CPP	=gcc -E -nostdinc -I../include
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) \
  	-S -o $*.s $<
--- 5,20 ----
  # removes any old dependencies. DON'T put your own dependencies here
  # unless it's something special (ie not a .c file).
+ # Note 2! The CFLAGS definitions are now in the main makefile...
  AR	=ar
  AS	=as
  LD	=ld
  LDFLAGS	=-s -x
! CC	=gcc -nostdinc -I../include
! CPP	=cpp -nostdinc -I../include
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) \
  	-S -o $*.s $<
*** 35,40 ****
--- 32,40 ----
  	$(LD) -r -o kernel.o $(OBJS)
+ sched.o: sched.c
+ 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c $<
  	rm -f core *.o *.a tmp_make keyboard.s
  	for i in *.c;do rm -f `basename $$i .c`.s;done
*** 53,103 ****
  ### Dependencies:
  exit.s exit.o : exit.c ../include/errno.h ../include/signal.h \
    ../include/sys/types.h ../include/sys/wait.h ../include/linux/sched.h \
!   ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h \
!   ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/linux/tty.h \
!   ../include/termios.h ../include/asm/segment.h 
  fork.s fork.o : fork.c ../include/errno.h ../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h \
!   ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h \
!   ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/asm/segment.h ../include/asm/system.h 
  mktime.s mktime.o : mktime.c ../include/time.h 
  panic.s panic.o : panic.c ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h \
!   ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h 
  printk.s printk.o : printk.c ../include/stdarg.h ../include/stddef.h \
  ptrace.s ptrace.o : ptrace.c ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/kernel.h \
    ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h \
!   ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h \
!   ../include/errno.h ../include/asm/segment.h ../include/asm/system.h \
!   ../include/sys/ptrace.h 
  sched.s sched.o : sched.c ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h \
!   ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h ../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h \
!   ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h \
!   ../include/linux/timer.h ../include/linux/sys.h ../include/linux/fdreg.h \
!   ../include/asm/system.h ../include/asm/io.h ../include/asm/segment.h \
!   ../include/errno.h 
  signal.s signal.o : signal.c ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h \
!   ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h ../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h \
!   ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h \
!   ../include/asm/segment.h ../include/sys/wait.h ../include/errno.h 
  sys.s sys.o : sys.c ../include/errno.h ../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h \
!   ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h \
!   ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/linux/tty.h ../include/termios.h \
!   ../include/linux/config.h ../include/asm/segment.h ../include/sys/times.h \
!   ../include/sys/utsname.h ../include/string.h 
  traps.s traps.o : traps.c ../include/string.h ../include/linux/head.h \
    ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h \
!   ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h \
!   ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/asm/system.h ../include/asm/segment.h \
!   ../include/asm/io.h ../include/errno.h 
  vsprintf.s vsprintf.o : vsprintf.c ../include/stdarg.h ../include/string.h 
--- 53,109 ----
  ### Dependencies:
  exit.s exit.o : exit.c ../include/errno.h ../include/signal.h \
    ../include/sys/types.h ../include/sys/wait.h ../include/linux/sched.h \
!   ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/dirent.h \
!   ../include/limits.h ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h \
!   ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h \
!   ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/linux/tty.h ../include/termios.h \
!   ../include/asm/segment.h 
  fork.s fork.o : fork.c ../include/errno.h ../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../include/sys/dirent.h ../include/limits.h ../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h \
!   ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h \
!   ../include/asm/segment.h ../include/asm/system.h 
  mktime.s mktime.o : mktime.c ../include/time.h 
  panic.s panic.o : panic.c ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../include/sys/dirent.h ../include/limits.h ../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h \
!   ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h 
  printk.s printk.o : printk.c ../include/stdarg.h ../include/stddef.h \
  ptrace.s ptrace.o : ptrace.c ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/kernel.h \
    ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../include/sys/dirent.h ../include/limits.h ../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h \
!   ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/errno.h \
!   ../include/asm/segment.h ../include/asm/system.h ../include/sys/ptrace.h 
  sched.s sched.o : sched.c ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h \
!   ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h ../include/sys/dirent.h \
!   ../include/limits.h ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h \
!   ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h \
!   ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/linux/timer.h \
!   ../include/linux/sys.h ../include/linux/fdreg.h ../include/asm/system.h \
!   ../include/asm/io.h ../include/asm/segment.h ../include/errno.h 
  signal.s signal.o : signal.c ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h \
!   ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h ../include/sys/dirent.h \
!   ../include/limits.h ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h \
!   ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h \
!   ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h ../include/asm/segment.h \
!   ../include/sys/wait.h ../include/errno.h 
  sys.s sys.o : sys.c ../include/errno.h ../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../include/linux/head.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../include/sys/dirent.h ../include/limits.h ../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h \
!   ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h \
!   ../include/linux/tty.h ../include/termios.h ../include/linux/config.h \
!   ../include/asm/segment.h ../include/sys/times.h ../include/sys/utsname.h \
!   ../include/string.h 
  traps.s traps.o : traps.c ../include/string.h ../include/linux/head.h \
    ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../include/sys/dirent.h ../include/limits.h ../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/param.h \
!   ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h \
!   ../include/asm/system.h ../include/asm/segment.h ../include/asm/io.h \
!   ../include/errno.h 
  vsprintf.s vsprintf.o : vsprintf.c ../include/stdarg.h ../include/string.h 
*** ../0.95a/linux/kernel/sched.c	Sat Mar 14 16:55:48 1992
--- linux/kernel/sched.c	Tue Mar 24 00:57:35 1992
*** 46,57 ****
  void show_state(void)
  	int i;
! 	for (i=0;i<NR_TASKS;i++)
  		if (task[i])
  #define LATCH (1193180/HZ)
--- 46,66 ----
  void show_state(void)
+ 	static int lock = 0;
  	int i;
+ 	cli();
+ 	if (lock) {
+ 		sti();
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ 	lock = 1;
+ 	sti();
! 	for (i=0 ; i<NR_TASKS ; i++)
  		if (task[i])
+ 	lock = 0;
  #define LATCH (1193180/HZ)
*** ../0.95a/linux/kernel/exit.c	Tue Mar 17 23:47:55 1992
--- linux/kernel/exit.c	Fri Apr  3 23:10:57 1992
*** 48,56 ****
  		/* we have to make sure that the process stops. */
  		if (p->state == TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE || p->state == TASK_RUNNING)
  			p->state = TASK_STOPPED;
- 		if (p == current)
- 			schedule();
  	return 0;
--- 48,53 ----
*** 218,232 ****
  int sys_kill(int pid,int sig)
  	struct task_struct **p = NR_TASKS + task;
! 	int err, retval = 0;
  	if (!pid)
! 		return(kill_pg(current->pid,sig,0));
  	if (pid == -1) {
  		while (--p > &FIRST_TASK)
! 			if (err = send_sig(sig,*p,0))
! 				retval = err;
! 		return(retval);
  	if (pid < 0) 
--- 215,232 ----
  int sys_kill(int pid,int sig)
  	struct task_struct **p = NR_TASKS + task;
! 	int err, retval = 0, count = 0;
  	if (!pid)
! 		return(kill_pg(current->pgrp,sig,0));
  	if (pid == -1) {
  		while (--p > &FIRST_TASK)
! 			if ((*p)->pid > 1 && *p != current) {
! 				++count;
! 				if ((err = send_sig(sig,*p,0)) != -EPERM)
! 					retval = err;
! 			}
! 		return(count ? retval : -ESRCH);
  	if (pid < 0) 
*** 292,297 ****
--- 292,298 ----
  	current->library = NULL;
  	current->state = TASK_ZOMBIE;
  	current->exit_code = code;
+ 	current->rss = 0;
  	 * Check to see if any process groups have become orphaned
  	 * as a result of our exiting, and if they have any stopped
*** 413,420 ****
  				p->exit_code = 0;
  				return p->pid;
  			case TASK_ZOMBIE:
! 				current->cutime += p->utime;
! 				current->cstime += p->stime;
  				flag = p->pid;
  				if (stat_addr)
  					put_fs_long(p->exit_code, stat_addr);
--- 414,423 ----
  				p->exit_code = 0;
  				return p->pid;
  			case TASK_ZOMBIE:
! 				current->cutime += p->utime + p->cutime;
! 				current->cstime += p->stime + p->cstime;
! 				current->cmin_flt += p->min_flt + p->cmin_flt;
! 				current->cmaj_flt += p->maj_flt + p->cmaj_flt;
  				flag = p->pid;
  				if (stat_addr)
  					put_fs_long(p->exit_code, stat_addr);
*** ../0.95a/linux/kernel/fork.c	Wed Mar  4 14:11:24 1992
--- linux/kernel/fork.c	Wed Apr  1 01:27:04 1992
*** 112,117 ****
--- 112,119 ----
  	p->leader = 0;		/* process leadership doesn't inherit */
  	p->utime = p->stime = 0;
  	p->cutime = p->cstime = 0;
+ 	p->min_flt = p->maj_flt = 0;
+ 	p->cmin_flt = p->cmaj_flt = 0;
  	p->start_time = jiffies;
  	p->tss.back_link = 0;
  	p->tss.esp0 = PAGE_SIZE + (long) p;
*** ../0.95a/linux/kernel/sys.c	Thu Feb 27 18:42:09 1992
--- linux/kernel/sys.c	Wed Apr  1 01:27:27 1992
*** 457,467 ****
--- 457,471 ----
  		r.ru_utime.tv_usec = CT_TO_USECS(current->utime);
  		r.ru_stime.tv_sec = CT_TO_SECS(current->stime);
  		r.ru_stime.tv_usec = CT_TO_USECS(current->stime);
+ 		r.ru_minflt = current->min_flt;
+ 		r.ru_majflt = current->maj_flt;
  	} else {
  		r.ru_utime.tv_sec = CT_TO_SECS(current->cutime);
  		r.ru_utime.tv_usec = CT_TO_USECS(current->cutime);
  		r.ru_stime.tv_sec = CT_TO_SECS(current->cstime);
  		r.ru_stime.tv_usec = CT_TO_USECS(current->cstime);
+ 		r.ru_minflt = current->cmin_flt;
+ 		r.ru_majflt = current->cmaj_flt;
  	lp = (unsigned long *) &r;
  	lpend = (unsigned long *) (&r+1);
*** ../0.95a/linux/kernel/chr_drv/keyboard.S	Sun Mar 15 02:43:22 1992
--- linux/kernel/chr_drv/keyboard.S	Sat Apr  4 16:30:36 1992
*** 19,25 ****
   * KBD_UK for British extended keyboard
   * KBD_DK for Danish keyboard
- #define KBD_FINNISH
  .globl _hard_reset_now
--- 19,24 ----
*** ../0.95a/linux/kernel/chr_drv/Makefile	Thu Mar  5 23:37:00 1992
--- linux/kernel/chr_drv/Makefile	Sat Apr  4 17:33:24 1992
*** 5,22 ****
  # removes any old dependencies. DON'T put your own dependencies here
  # unless it's something special (ie not a .c file).
- # gcc2 doesn't understand this option:
- #GCC_OPT = -fcombine-regs
  AR	=ar
  AS	=as
  LD	=ld
  LDFLAGS	=-s -x
! CC	=gcc
! CFLAGS	=-Wall -O -fstrength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer $(GCC_OPT) \
! 	-finline-functions -nostdinc -I../../include
! CPP	=gcc -E -nostdinc -I../../include
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) \
--- 5,20 ----
  # removes any old dependencies. DON'T put your own dependencies here
  # unless it's something special (ie not a .c file).
+ # Note 2! The CFLAGS definitions are now inherited from the
+ # parent makes..
+ #
  AR	=ar
  AS	=as
  LD	=ld
  LDFLAGS	=-s -x
! CC	=gcc -nostdinc -I../../include
! CPP	=cpp -nostdinc -I../../include
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) \
*** 35,41 ****
  keyboard.s: keyboard.S
! 	$(CPP) -traditional keyboard.S -o keyboard.s
  	rm -f core *.o *.a tmp_make keyboard.s
--- 33,39 ----
  keyboard.s: keyboard.S
! 	$(CPP) $(KEYBOARD) -traditional keyboard.S -o keyboard.s
  	rm -f core *.o *.a tmp_make keyboard.s
*** 50,78 ****
  ### Dependencies:
  console.s console.o : console.c ../../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../../include/linux/head.h ../../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../../include/linux/kernel.h ../../include/signal.h \
!   ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h ../../include/time.h \
!   ../../include/sys/resource.h ../../include/linux/timer.h \
!   ../../include/linux/tty.h ../../include/termios.h \
!   ../../include/linux/config.h ../../include/asm/io.h \
    ../../include/asm/system.h ../../include/asm/segment.h \
    ../../include/string.h ../../include/errno.h 
  pty.s pty.o : pty.c ../../include/linux/tty.h ../../include/termios.h \
    ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../../include/linux/head.h ../../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../../include/linux/mm.h ../../include/linux/kernel.h \
!   ../../include/signal.h ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h \
!   ../../include/time.h ../../include/sys/resource.h \
!   ../../include/asm/system.h ../../include/asm/io.h 
  serial.s serial.o : serial.c ../../include/linux/tty.h ../../include/termios.h \
    ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../../include/linux/head.h ../../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../../include/linux/mm.h ../../include/linux/kernel.h \
!   ../../include/signal.h ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h \
!   ../../include/time.h ../../include/sys/resource.h \
!   ../../include/linux/timer.h ../../include/asm/system.h \
!   ../../include/asm/io.h 
  tty_io.s tty_io.o : tty_io.c ../../include/ctype.h ../../include/errno.h \
    ../../include/signal.h ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/unistd.h \
    ../../include/sys/stat.h ../../include/sys/time.h ../../include/time.h \
--- 48,77 ----
  ### Dependencies:
  console.s console.o : console.c ../../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../../include/linux/head.h ../../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/sys/dirent.h ../../include/limits.h \
!   ../../include/linux/mm.h ../../include/linux/kernel.h \
!   ../../include/signal.h ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h \
!   ../../include/time.h ../../include/sys/resource.h \
!   ../../include/linux/timer.h ../../include/linux/tty.h \
!   ../../include/termios.h ../../include/linux/config.h ../../include/asm/io.h \
    ../../include/asm/system.h ../../include/asm/segment.h \
    ../../include/string.h ../../include/errno.h 
  pty.s pty.o : pty.c ../../include/linux/tty.h ../../include/termios.h \
    ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../../include/linux/head.h ../../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../../include/sys/dirent.h ../../include/limits.h ../../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../../include/linux/kernel.h ../../include/signal.h \
!   ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h ../../include/time.h \
!   ../../include/sys/resource.h ../../include/asm/system.h \
!   ../../include/asm/io.h 
  serial.s serial.o : serial.c ../../include/linux/tty.h ../../include/termios.h \
    ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../../include/linux/head.h ../../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../../include/sys/dirent.h ../../include/limits.h ../../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../../include/linux/kernel.h ../../include/signal.h \
!   ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h ../../include/time.h \
!   ../../include/sys/resource.h ../../include/linux/timer.h \
!   ../../include/asm/system.h ../../include/asm/io.h 
  tty_io.s tty_io.o : tty_io.c ../../include/ctype.h ../../include/errno.h \
    ../../include/signal.h ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/unistd.h \
    ../../include/sys/stat.h ../../include/sys/time.h ../../include/time.h \
*** 80,93 ****
    ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/resource.h \
    ../../include/utime.h ../../include/fcntl.h ../../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../../include/linux/head.h ../../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../../include/linux/mm.h ../../include/linux/kernel.h \
!   ../../include/linux/tty.h ../../include/termios.h \
!   ../../include/asm/segment.h ../../include/asm/system.h 
  tty_ioctl.s tty_ioctl.o : tty_ioctl.c ../../include/errno.h ../../include/termios.h \
    ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../../include/linux/head.h ../../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../../include/linux/mm.h ../../include/linux/kernel.h \
!   ../../include/signal.h ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h \
!   ../../include/time.h ../../include/sys/resource.h ../../include/linux/tty.h \
    ../../include/asm/io.h ../../include/asm/segment.h \
--- 79,94 ----
    ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/resource.h \
    ../../include/utime.h ../../include/fcntl.h ../../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../../include/linux/head.h ../../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../../include/sys/dirent.h ../../include/limits.h ../../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../../include/linux/kernel.h ../../include/linux/tty.h \
!   ../../include/termios.h ../../include/asm/segment.h \
!   ../../include/asm/system.h 
  tty_ioctl.s tty_ioctl.o : tty_ioctl.c ../../include/errno.h ../../include/termios.h \
    ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../../include/linux/head.h ../../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../../include/sys/dirent.h ../../include/limits.h ../../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../../include/linux/kernel.h ../../include/signal.h \
!   ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h ../../include/time.h \
!   ../../include/sys/resource.h ../../include/linux/tty.h \
    ../../include/asm/io.h ../../include/asm/segment.h \
*** ../0.95a/linux/kernel/chr_drv/console.c	Fri Mar 13 00:37:07 1992
--- linux/kernel/chr_drv/console.c	Thu Mar 19 21:15:03 1992
*** 456,462 ****
! 	copy_to_cooked(tty);
  static void insert_char(int currcons)
--- 456,462 ----
  static void insert_char(int currcons)
*** 823,829 ****
  void do_keyboard_interrupt(void)
! 	copy_to_cooked(TTY_TABLE(0));
  	timer_active &= ~(1<<BLANK_TIMER);
  	if (console_blanked) {
  		timer_table[BLANK_TIMER].expires = 0;
--- 823,829 ----
  void do_keyboard_interrupt(void)
  	timer_active &= ~(1<<BLANK_TIMER);
  	if (console_blanked) {
  		timer_table[BLANK_TIMER].expires = 0;
*** ../0.95a/linux/kernel/chr_drv/tty_ioctl.c	Thu Mar 12 23:51:41 1992
--- linux/kernel/chr_drv/tty_ioctl.c	Thu Mar 19 21:27:07 1992
*** 260,270 ****
  			switch (arg) {
  			case TCOOFF:
  				tty->stopped = 1;
! 				TTY_WRITE(tty);
  				return 0;
  			case TCOON:
  				tty->stopped = 0;
! 				TTY_WRITE(tty);
  				return 0;
  			case TCIOFF:
  				if (STOP_CHAR(tty))
--- 260,270 ----
  			switch (arg) {
  			case TCOOFF:
  				tty->stopped = 1;
! 				TTY_WRITE_FLUSH(tty);
  				return 0;
  			case TCOON:
  				tty->stopped = 0;
! 				TTY_WRITE_FLUSH(tty);
  				return 0;
  			case TCIOFF:
  				if (STOP_CHAR(tty))
*** ../0.95a/linux/kernel/chr_drv/tty_io.c	Tue Mar 17 22:46:46 1992
--- linux/kernel/chr_drv/tty_io.c	Sat Apr  4 02:47:57 1992
*** 129,141 ****
  		printk("copy_to_cooked: missing queues\n\r");
- 	cli();
- 	if (tty->busy) {
- 		sti();
- 		return;
- 	}
- 	tty->busy = 1;
- 	sti();
  	while (1) {
  		if (EMPTY(tty->read_q))
--- 129,134 ----
*** 167,172 ****
--- 160,166 ----
  						if (c<32)
+ 						TTY_WRITE_FLUSH(tty);
*** 183,188 ****
--- 177,183 ----
  					if (c<32)
+ 					TTY_WRITE_FLUSH(tty);
*** 197,202 ****
--- 192,198 ----
  			if ((START_CHAR(tty) != _POSIX_VDISABLE) &&
  			    (c==START_CHAR(tty))) {
+ 				TTY_WRITE_FLUSH(tty);
*** 232,242 ****
! 	tty->write(tty);
! 	tty->busy = 0;
  	if (!EMPTY(tty->secondary))
--- 228,240 ----
  	if (!EMPTY(tty->secondary))
+ 	if (LEFT(tty->write_q) > TTY_BUF_SIZE/2)
+ 		wake_up(&tty->write_q->proc_list);
*** 305,314 ****
  		time = current->timeout = 0;
  	if (minimum>nr)
  		minimum = nr;
! 	copy_to_cooked(tty);
  	while (nr>0) {
  		if (other_tty && other_tty->write)
! 			TTY_WRITE(other_tty);
  		if (EMPTY(tty->secondary) || (L_CANON(tty) &&
  		    !FULL(tty->read_q) && !tty->secondary->data)) {
--- 303,312 ----
  		time = current->timeout = 0;
  	if (minimum>nr)
  		minimum = nr;
  	while (nr>0) {
  		if (other_tty && other_tty->write)
! 			TTY_WRITE_FLUSH(other_tty);
  		if (EMPTY(tty->secondary) || (L_CANON(tty) &&
  		    !FULL(tty->read_q) && !tty->secondary->data)) {
*** 320,326 ****
! 			copy_to_cooked(tty);
--- 318,324 ----
! 			TTY_READ_FLUSH(tty);
*** 398,404 ****
  			cr_flag = 0;
! 		TTY_WRITE(tty);
  		if (nr>0)
--- 396,402 ----
  			cr_flag = 0;
  		if (nr>0)
*** ../0.95a/linux/kernel/chr_drv/serial.c	Sat Mar 14 20:16:21 1992
--- linux/kernel/chr_drv/serial.c	Thu Mar 19 21:15:03 1992
*** 26,47 ****
  static void com1_timer(void)
! 	copy_to_cooked(tty_table+64);
  static void com2_timer(void)
! 	copy_to_cooked(tty_table+65);
  static void com3_timer(void)
! 	copy_to_cooked(tty_table+66);
  static void com4_timer(void)
! 	copy_to_cooked(tty_table+67);
  static inline void do_rs_write(unsigned int port)
--- 26,47 ----
  static void com1_timer(void)
! 	TTY_READ_FLUSH(tty_table+64);
  static void com2_timer(void)
! 	TTY_READ_FLUSH(tty_table+65);
  static void com3_timer(void)
! 	TTY_READ_FLUSH(tty_table+66);
  static void com4_timer(void)
! 	TTY_READ_FLUSH(tty_table+67);
  static inline void do_rs_write(unsigned int port)
*** ../0.95a/linux/kernel/chr_drv/pty.c	Sat Jan 11 01:56:45 1992
--- linux/kernel/chr_drv/pty.c	Thu Mar 19 21:15:03 1992
*** 25,31 ****
  		if (FULL(to->read_q)) {
  			if (FULL(to->secondary))
! 			copy_to_cooked(to);
--- 25,31 ----
  		if (FULL(to->read_q)) {
  			if (FULL(to->secondary))
! 			TTY_READ_FLUSH(to);
*** 33,39 ****
  		if (current->signal & ~current->blocked)
! 	copy_to_cooked(to);
--- 33,39 ----
  		if (current->signal & ~current->blocked)
*** ../0.95a/linux/kernel/math/Makefile	Wed Mar  4 06:14:15 1992
--- linux/kernel/math/Makefile	Sat Apr  4 17:06:02 1992
*** 10,27 ****
  AS	=as
  LD	=ld
  LDFLAGS	=-s -x
! CC	=gcc
! CFLAGS	=-Wall -O -fstrength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer \
! 	-finline-functions -nostdinc -I../../include
! CPP	=gcc -E -nostdinc -I../../include
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) \
  	-S -o $*.s $<
  	$(AS) -c -o $*.o $<
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) \
  	-c -o $*.o $<
  OBJS  = math_emulate.o error.o convert.o ea.o get_put.o \
--- 10,25 ----
  AS	=as
  LD	=ld
  LDFLAGS	=-s -x
! CC	=gcc -nostdinc -I../../include
! CPP	=cpp -nostdinc -I../../include
  	-S -o $*.s $<
  	$(AS) -c -o $*.o $<
  	-c -o $*.o $<
  OBJS  = math_emulate.o error.o convert.o ea.o get_put.o \
*** ../0.95a/linux/kernel/math/math_emulate.c	Thu Mar  5 22:32:44 1992
--- linux/kernel/math/math_emulate.c	Sat Apr  4 17:05:42 1992
*** 30,37 ****
   * hide most of the 387-specific things here.
- #include <linux/config.h>
  #include <signal.h>
--- 30,35 ----
*** 172,183 ****
  		case 0x1a:
! 			fcom(PST(code & 7),&tmp);
! 			real_to_real(&tmp,&ST(0));
  		case 0x1b:
! 			fcom(PST(code & 7),&tmp);
! 			real_to_real(&tmp,&ST(0));
  		case 0x1c:
--- 170,179 ----
  		case 0x1a:
! 			fcom(PST(code & 7),PST(0));
  		case 0x1b:
! 			fcom(PST(code & 7),PST(0));
  		case 0x1c:
*** 201,207 ****
  		case 0x38:
! 			ST(0) = ST((code & 7)+1);
  		case 0x39:
  			fxchg(&ST(0),&ST(code & 7));
--- 197,203 ----
  		case 0x38:
! 			ST(0) = ST((code+1) & 7);
  		case 0x39:
  			fxchg(&ST(0),&ST(code & 7));
*** ../0.95a/linux/kernel/blk_drv/hd.c	Sun Mar 15 20:46:53 1992
--- linux/kernel/blk_drv/hd.c	Sat Apr  4 14:42:37 1992
*** 16,21 ****
--- 16,23 ----
   *  in the early extended-partition checks and added DM partitions
+ #include <errno.h>
  #include <linux/config.h>
  #include <linux/sched.h>
  #include <linux/timer.h>
*** 43,49 ****
  static void bad_rw_intr(void);
  static int recalibrate = 0;
! static int reset = 1;
   *  This struct defines the HD's and their types.
--- 45,51 ----
  static void bad_rw_intr(void);
  static int recalibrate = 0;
! static int reset = 0;
   *  This struct defines the HD's and their types.
*** 77,104 ****
  static unsigned int current_minor;
  static void check_partition(unsigned int dev)
! 	int minor, i;
  	struct buffer_head *bh;
  	struct partition *p;
  	if (!(bh = bread(dev,0))) {
  		printk("Unable to read partition table of device %04x\n",dev);
! 	minor = current_minor;
  	if (*(unsigned short *) (bh->b_data+510) == 0xAA55) {
  		p = 0x1BE + (void *)bh->b_data;
! 		for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++,p++) {
! 			if (!(hd[i+minor].nr_sects = p->nr_sects))
! 			hd[i+minor].start_sect = p->start_sect;
  			if ((current_minor & 0x3f) >= 60)
  			if (p->sys_ind == EXTENDED_PARTITION) {
! 				current_minor += 4;
! 				check_partition(0x0300 | (i+minor));
--- 79,181 ----
  static unsigned int current_minor;
+ /*
+  * Create devices for each logical partition in an extended partition.
+  * The logical partitions form a linked list, with each entry being
+  * a partition table with two entries.  The first entry
+  * is the real data partition (with a start relative to the partition
+  * table start).  The second is a pointer to the next logical partition
+  * (with a start relative to the entire extended partition).
+  * We do not create a Linux partition for the partition tables, but
+  * only for the actual data partitions.
+  */
+ static void extended_partition(unsigned int dev)
+ {
+ 	struct buffer_head *bh;
+ 	struct partition *p;
+ 	unsigned long first_sector, this_sector;
+ 	first_sector = hd[MINOR(dev)].start_sect;
+ 	this_sector = first_sector;
+ 	while (1) {
+ 		if ((current_minor & 0x3f) >= 60)
+ 			return;
+ 		if (!(bh = bread(dev,0))) {
+ 			printk("Unable to read partition table of device %04x\n",dev);
+ 			return;
+ 		}
+ 	  /*
+ 	   * This block is from a device that we're about to stomp on.
+ 	   * So make sure nobody thinks this block is usable.
+ 	   */
+ 		bh->b_dirt=0;
+ 		bh->b_uptodate=0;
+ 		if (*(unsigned short *) (bh->b_data+510) == 0xAA55) {
+ 			p = 0x1BE + (void *)bh->b_data;
+ 		/*
+ 		 * Process the first entry, which should be the real
+ 		 * data partition.
+ 		 */
+ 			if (p->sys_ind == EXTENDED_PARTITION ||
+ 			    !(hd[current_minor].nr_sects = p->nr_sects))
+ 				goto done;  /* shouldn't happen */
+ 			hd[current_minor].start_sect = this_sector + p->start_sect;
+ 			printk("  Logical part %d start %d size %d end %d\n\r", 
+ 			       current_minor, hd[current_minor].start_sect, 
+ 			       hd[current_minor].nr_sects,
+ 			       hd[current_minor].start_sect + 
+ 			       hd[current_minor].nr_sects);
+ 			current_minor++;
+ 			p++;
+ 		/*
+ 		 * Process the second entry, which should be a link
+ 		 * to the next logical partition.  Create a minor
+ 		 * for this just long enough to get the next partition
+ 		 * table.  The minor will be reused for the real
+ 		 * data partition.
+ 		 */
+ 			if (p->sys_ind != EXTENDED_PARTITION ||
+ 			    !(hd[current_minor].nr_sects = p->nr_sects))
+ 				goto done;  /* no more logicals in this partition */
+ 			hd[current_minor].start_sect = first_sector + p->start_sect;
+ 			this_sector = first_sector + p->start_sect;
+ 			dev = 0x0300 | current_minor;
+ 			brelse(bh);
+ 		} else
+ 			goto done;
+ 	}
+ done:
+ 	brelse(bh);
+ }
  static void check_partition(unsigned int dev)
! 	int i, minor = current_minor;
  	struct buffer_head *bh;
  	struct partition *p;
+ 	unsigned long first_sector;
+ 	first_sector = hd[MINOR(dev)].start_sect;
  	if (!(bh = bread(dev,0))) {
  		printk("Unable to read partition table of device %04x\n",dev);
! 	printk("Drive %d:\n\r",minor >> 6);
! 	current_minor += 4;  /* first "extra" minor */
  	if (*(unsigned short *) (bh->b_data+510) == 0xAA55) {
  		p = 0x1BE + (void *)bh->b_data;
! 		for (i=1 ; i<=4 ; minor++,i++,p++) {
! 			if (!(hd[minor].nr_sects = p->nr_sects))
! 			hd[minor].start_sect = first_sector + p->start_sect;
! 			printk(" part %d start %d size %d end %d \n\r", i, 
! 			       hd[minor].start_sect, hd[minor].nr_sects, 
! 			       hd[minor].start_sect + hd[minor].nr_sects);
  			if ((current_minor & 0x3f) >= 60)
  			if (p->sys_ind == EXTENDED_PARTITION) {
! 				extended_partition(0x0300 | minor);
*** 106,119 ****
  		if (*(unsigned short *) (bh->b_data+0xfc) == 0x55AA) {
  			p = 0x1BE + (void *)bh->b_data;
! 			for (i=4; i<16; i++) {
  				if ((current_minor & 0x3f) >= 60)
! 				if (!(hd[current_minor+4].start_sect = p->start_sect))
! 				hd[current_minor+4].nr_sects = p->nr_sects;
! 				current_minor++;
  	} else
--- 183,202 ----
  		if (*(unsigned short *) (bh->b_data+0xfc) == 0x55AA) {
  			p = 0x1BE + (void *)bh->b_data;
! 			for (i = 4 ; i < 16 ; i++, current_minor++) {
  				if ((current_minor & 0x3f) >= 60)
! 				if (!(p->start_sect && p->nr_sects))
! 				hd[current_minor].start_sect = p->start_sect;
! 				hd[current_minor].nr_sects = p->nr_sects;
! 				printk(" DM part %d start %d size %d end %d\n\r",
! 				       current_minor,
! 				       hd[current_minor].start_sect, 
! 				       hd[current_minor].nr_sects,
! 				       hd[current_minor].start_sect + 
! 				       hd[current_minor].nr_sects);
  	} else
*** 141,156 ****
  		hd_info[drive].sect = *(unsigned char *) (14+BIOS);
  		BIOS += 16;
- 	if (hd_info[1].cyl)
- 		NR_HD=2;
- 	else
- 		NR_HD=1;
- #endif
- 	for (i=0 ; i<NR_HD ; i++) {
- 		hd[i<<6].start_sect = 0;
- 		hd[i<<6].nr_sects = hd_info[i].head*
- 				hd_info[i].sect*hd_info[i].cyl;
- 	}
  		We querry CMOS about hard disks : it could be that 
--- 224,229 ----
*** 181,190 ****
  			NR_HD = 1;
  		NR_HD = 0;
! 	for (i = NR_HD ; i < 2 ; i++) {
! 		hd[i<<6].start_sect = 0;
! 		hd[i<<6].nr_sects = 0;
  	for (drive=0 ; drive<NR_HD ; drive++) {
  		current_minor = 1+(drive<<6);
--- 254,267 ----
  			NR_HD = 1;
  		NR_HD = 0;
! #endif
! 	for (i = 0 ; i < (MAX_HD<<6) ; i++) {
! 		hd[i].start_sect = 0;
! 		hd[i].nr_sects = 0;
+ 	for (i = 0 ; i < NR_HD ; i++)
+ 		hd[i<<6].nr_sects = hd_info[i].head*
+ 				hd_info[i].sect*hd_info[i].cyl;
  	for (drive=0 ; drive<NR_HD ; drive++) {
  		current_minor = 1+(drive<<6);
*** 299,313 ****
--- 376,400 ----
+ /*
+  * Ok, don't know what to do with the unexpected interrupts: on some machines
+  * doing a reset and a retry seems to result in an eternal loop. Right now I
+  * ignore it, and just set the timeout.
+  */
  void unexpected_hd_interrupt(void)
  	printk("Unexpected HD interrupt\n\r");
+ #if 0
  	reset = 1;
+ #endif
  static void bad_rw_intr(void)
+ 	if (!CURRENT)
+ 		return;
  	if (++CURRENT->errors >= MAX_ERRORS)
  	if (CURRENT->errors > MAX_ERRORS/2)
*** 361,366 ****
--- 448,457 ----
+ /*
+  * This is another of the error-routines I don't know what to do with. The
+  * best idea seems to just set reset, and start all over again.
+  */
  static void hd_times_out(void)
  	do_hd = NULL;
*** 367,379 ****
  	reset = 1;
  	if (!CURRENT)
! 	printk("HD timeout");
  	if (++CURRENT->errors >= MAX_ERRORS)
! void do_hd_request(void)
  	int i,r;
  	unsigned int block,dev;
--- 458,471 ----
  	reset = 1;
  	if (!CURRENT)
! 	printk("HD timeout\n\r");
! 	cli();
  	if (++CURRENT->errors >= MAX_ERRORS)
! static void do_hd_request(void)
  	int i,r;
  	unsigned int block,dev;
*** 434,437 ****
--- 526,553 ----
  	timer_table[HD_TIMER].fn = hd_times_out;
+ }
+ int hd_ioctl(int dev, int cmd, int arg)
+ {
+ 	struct hd_geometry *loc = (void *) arg;
+ 	if (!loc)
+ 		return -EINVAL;
+ 	dev = MINOR(dev) >> 6;
+ 	if (dev >= NR_HD)
+ 		return -EINVAL;
+ 	switch (cmd) {
+ 		case HDIO_REQ:
+ 			put_fs_byte(hd_info[dev].head,
+ 				(char *) &loc->heads);
+ 			put_fs_byte(hd_info[dev].sect,
+ 				(char *) &loc->sectors);
+ 			put_fs_word(hd_info[dev].cyl,
+ 				(short *) &loc->cylinders);
+ 			return 0;
+ 		default:
+ 			return -EINVAL;
+ 	}
*** ../0.95a/linux/kernel/blk_drv/ll_rw_blk.c	Fri Mar  6 03:04:44 1992
--- linux/kernel/blk_drv/ll_rw_blk.c	Sat Mar 21 12:42:01 1992
*** 83,90 ****
  		req->bh->b_dirt = 0;
  	if (!(tmp = dev->current_request)) {
  		dev->current_request = req;
- 		sti();
  	for ( ; tmp->next ; tmp = tmp->next) {
--- 83,90 ----
  		req->bh->b_dirt = 0;
  	if (!(tmp = dev->current_request)) {
  		dev->current_request = req;
+ 		sti();
  	for ( ; tmp->next ; tmp = tmp->next) {
*** ../0.95a/linux/kernel/blk_drv/Makefile	Thu Mar  5 23:37:04 1992
--- linux/kernel/blk_drv/Makefile	Sat Apr  4 17:33:28 1992
*** 5,19 ****
  # removes any old dependencies. DON'T put your own dependencies here
  # unless it's something special (ie not a .c file).
  AR	=ar
  AS	=as
  LD	=ld
  LDFLAGS	=-s -x
! CC	=gcc
! CFLAGS	=-Wall -O -fstrength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer \
! 	-finline-functions -nostdinc -I../../include
! CPP	=gcc -E -nostdinc -I../../include
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) \
--- 5,20 ----
  # removes any old dependencies. DON'T put your own dependencies here
  # unless it's something special (ie not a .c file).
+ # Note 2! The CFLAGS definition is now inherited from the
+ # parent makefile.
+ #
  AR	=ar
  AS	=as
  LD	=ld
  LDFLAGS	=-s -x
! CC	=gcc -nostdinc -I../../include
! CPP	=cpp -nostdinc -I../../include
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) \
*** 42,56 ****
  ### Dependencies:
  floppy.s floppy.o : floppy.c ../../include/linux/sched.h ../../include/linux/head.h \
!   ../../include/linux/fs.h ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/linux/mm.h \
    ../../include/linux/kernel.h ../../include/signal.h \
    ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h ../../include/time.h \
    ../../include/sys/resource.h ../../include/linux/fdreg.h \
    ../../include/asm/system.h ../../include/asm/io.h \
    ../../include/asm/segment.h blk.h 
! hd.s hd.o : hd.c ../../include/linux/config.h ../../include/linux/sched.h \
!   ../../include/linux/head.h ../../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/linux/mm.h \
    ../../include/linux/kernel.h ../../include/signal.h \
    ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h ../../include/time.h \
    ../../include/sys/resource.h ../../include/linux/timer.h \
--- 43,59 ----
  ### Dependencies:
  floppy.s floppy.o : floppy.c ../../include/linux/sched.h ../../include/linux/head.h \
!   ../../include/linux/fs.h ../../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../../include/sys/dirent.h ../../include/limits.h ../../include/linux/mm.h \
    ../../include/linux/kernel.h ../../include/signal.h \
    ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h ../../include/time.h \
    ../../include/sys/resource.h ../../include/linux/fdreg.h \
    ../../include/asm/system.h ../../include/asm/io.h \
    ../../include/asm/segment.h blk.h 
! hd.s hd.o : hd.c ../../include/errno.h ../../include/linux/config.h \
!   ../../include/linux/sched.h ../../include/linux/head.h \
!   ../../include/linux/fs.h ../../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../../include/sys/dirent.h ../../include/limits.h ../../include/linux/mm.h \
    ../../include/linux/kernel.h ../../include/signal.h \
    ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h ../../include/time.h \
    ../../include/sys/resource.h ../../include/linux/timer.h \
*** 58,70 ****
    ../../include/asm/io.h ../../include/asm/segment.h blk.h 
  ll_rw_blk.s ll_rw_blk.o : ll_rw_blk.c ../../include/errno.h ../../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../../include/linux/head.h ../../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/linux/mm.h \
!   ../../include/linux/kernel.h ../../include/signal.h \
!   ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h ../../include/time.h \
!   ../../include/sys/resource.h ../../include/asm/system.h blk.h 
  ramdisk.s ramdisk.o : ramdisk.c ../../include/string.h ../../include/linux/config.h \
    ../../include/linux/sched.h ../../include/linux/head.h \
!   ../../include/linux/fs.h ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/linux/mm.h \
    ../../include/linux/kernel.h ../../include/signal.h \
    ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h ../../include/time.h \
    ../../include/sys/resource.h ../../include/linux/minix_fs.h \
--- 61,75 ----
    ../../include/asm/io.h ../../include/asm/segment.h blk.h 
  ll_rw_blk.s ll_rw_blk.o : ll_rw_blk.c ../../include/errno.h ../../include/linux/sched.h \
    ../../include/linux/head.h ../../include/linux/fs.h \
!   ../../include/sys/types.h ../../include/sys/dirent.h ../../include/limits.h \
!   ../../include/linux/mm.h ../../include/linux/kernel.h \
!   ../../include/signal.h ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h \
!   ../../include/time.h ../../include/sys/resource.h \
!   ../../include/asm/system.h blk.h 
  ramdisk.s ramdisk.o : ramdisk.c ../../include/string.h ../../include/linux/config.h \
    ../../include/linux/sched.h ../../include/linux/head.h \
!   ../../include/linux/fs.h ../../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../../include/sys/dirent.h ../../include/limits.h ../../include/linux/mm.h \
    ../../include/linux/kernel.h ../../include/signal.h \
    ../../include/sys/param.h ../../include/sys/time.h ../../include/time.h \
    ../../include/sys/resource.h ../../include/linux/minix_fs.h \
*** ../0.95a/linux/kernel/blk_drv/blk.h	Thu Mar 12 03:42:41 1992
--- linux/kernel/blk_drv/blk.h	Fri Apr  3 15:28:31 1992
*** 78,87 ****
  #define DEVICE_OFF(device) floppy_off(DEVICE_NR(device))
  #elif (MAJOR_NR == 3)
! /* harddisk */
  #define DEVICE_NAME "harddisk"
  #define DEVICE_INTR do_hd
  #define DEVICE_REQUEST do_hd_request
  #define DEVICE_NR(device) (MINOR(device)>>6)
  #define DEVICE_ON(device)
--- 78,88 ----
  #define DEVICE_OFF(device) floppy_off(DEVICE_NR(device))
  #elif (MAJOR_NR == 3)
! /* harddisk: timeout is 6 seconds.. */
  #define DEVICE_NAME "harddisk"
  #define DEVICE_INTR do_hd
+ #define TIMEOUT_VALUE 600
  #define DEVICE_REQUEST do_hd_request
  #define DEVICE_NR(device) (MINOR(device)>>6)
  #define DEVICE_ON(device)
*** 101,110 ****
! #define SET_INTR(x) if (DEVICE_INTR = (x)) { \
! timer_table[DEVICE_TIMEOUT].expires = jiffies + 200; \
! timer_active |= 1<<DEVICE_TIMEOUT; \
! } else timer_active &= ~(1<<DEVICE_TIMEOUT)
--- 102,119 ----
! #define SET_TIMER \
! ((timer_table[DEVICE_TIMEOUT].expires = jiffies + TIMEOUT_VALUE), \
! (timer_active |= 1<<DEVICE_TIMEOUT))
! #define CLEAR_TIMER \
! timer_active &= ~(1<<DEVICE_TIMEOUT)
! #define SET_INTR(x) \
! if (DEVICE_INTR = (x)) \
! else \
*** ../0.95a/linux/kernel/ptrace.c	Tue Mar 17 23:38:37 1992
--- linux/kernel/ptrace.c	Sat Apr  4 17:07:20 1992
*** 1,5 ****
--- 1,6 ----
  /* ptrace.c */
  /* By Ross Biro 1/23/92 */
+ /* edited by Linus Torvalds */
  #include <linux/head.h>
  #include <linux/kernel.h>
*** 22,30 ****
  /* set's the trap flag. */
  #define TRAP_FLAG 0x100
- /* check's for granularity. */
- #define GRANULARITY 0x00800000
   * this is the number to subtract from the top of the stack. To find
   * the local frame.
--- 23,28 ----
*** 51,58 ****
   * the offset is how far from the base addr as stored in the TSS.  
   * this routine assumes that all the priviledged stacks are in our
   * data space.
!  */
  static inline int get_stack_long(struct task_struct *task, int offset)
  	unsigned char *stack;
--- 49,55 ----
   * the offset is how far from the base addr as stored in the TSS.  
   * this routine assumes that all the priviledged stacks are in our
   * data space.
!  */   
  static inline int get_stack_long(struct task_struct *task, int offset)
  	unsigned char *stack;
*** 69,213 ****
   * data space.
  static inline int put_stack_long(struct task_struct *task, int offset,
! 	unsigned short data)
  	unsigned char * stack;
  	stack = (unsigned char *) task->tss.esp0;
  	stack += offset;
! 	*(int *) stack = data;
  	return 0;
!  * this routine will get a word out of an arbitrary 
!  * tasks data space.  It likes to have the task number
!  * rather than the task pointer.  Perhaps the number
!  * should be included in the pointer.
! /* seg = 0 if I space */
! static inline int get_long(int tsk, long addr, unsigned seg, int *data)
- 	int i;
- 	int limit;
- 	int cur;
- 	unsigned long address;
  	unsigned long page;
- 	unsigned oldfs;
!   /* find the task number of the current task. */
! 	for (i = 0; i < NR_TASKS ; i ++) {
! 		if (task[i] == current) break;
- 	if (i == NR_TASKS) {
- 		printk("PTRACE: Can't find current task\n");
- 		do_exit(SIGSEGV);
- 	}
- 	cur = i;
-   /* we will need to check the readability of the segment
-      and then the byte in order to avoid segment violations. */
- 	seg++;
- 	limit = (task[tsk]->ldt[seg].a) & 0xffff;
-   /* this should be constant amound all of our segments, but we
-      had better check anyway. */
- 	if (task[tsk]->ldt[seg].b & GRANULARITY)
- 		limit = limit << 12;
- 	if (limit <= addr+4)
- 		return -EIO;
-   /* Now compute the address, and make sure that it is present. */
- 	address = task[tsk]->start_code + addr;
- 	page = *((unsigned long*) ((address >> 20) & 0xffc));
-   /* see if it is present. */
  	if (!(page & PAGE_PRESENT)) {
! 		do_no_page(0, address, task[tsk]);
! 	oldfs = get_fs();
!   /* now convert seg to the right format. */
! 	seg = (seg << 3) | 0x4;
! 	cli(); /* we are about to change our ldt, we better do it
! 	    with interrupts off.  Perhaps we should call schedule
! 	    first so that we won't be taking too much extra time. */
! 	lldt(tsk);
! 	set_fs(seg);
! 	*data = get_fs_long((void *)addr); /* we are assuming kernel space
! 						is in the gdt here. */
! 	lldt(cur);
! 	set_fs(oldfs);
! 	sti();
! 	return 0;
!  * this routine will get a word out of an arbitrary 
!  * tasks data space.  It likes to have the task number
!  * rather than the task pointer.  Perhaps the number
!  * should be included in the pointer.
! /* seg = 0 if I space */
! static inline int put_long(int tsk, long addr, int data, unsigned seg)
- 	int i;
- 	int limit;
- 	unsigned oldfs;
- 	unsigned long address;
  	unsigned long page;
- 	int cur;
!   /* find the task number of the current task. */
! 	for (i = 0; i < NR_TASKS ; i++) {
! 		if (task[i] == current) break;
! 	if (i == NR_TASKS) {
! 		printk("PTRACE: Can't find current task\n");
! 		do_exit(SIGSEGV);
! 	cur = i;
!   /* we will need to check the readability of the segment
!      and then the byte in order to avoid segment violations. */
! 	seg++;
! 	limit = (task[tsk]->ldt[seg].a) & 0xffff;
!   /* this should be constant amound all of our segments, but we
!      had better check anyway. */
! 	if (task[tsk]->ldt[seg].b & GRANULARITY)
! 		limit = limit << 12;
! 	if (limit <= addr+4)
  		return -EIO;
!   /* Now compute the address, and make sure that it is present. */
! 	address = task[tsk]->start_code + addr;
! 	page = *((unsigned long*) ((address >> 20) & 0xffc));
!   /* see if it is present. */
! 	if (!(page & PAGE_PRESENT)) {
! 		do_no_page(0, address, task[tsk]);
! 	}
! 	write_verify(address);
! 	oldfs=get_fs();
!   /* now convert seg to the right format. */
! 	seg = (seg << 3) | 0x4;
! 	cli(); /* we are about to change our ldt, we better do it
! 	    with interrupts off.  Perhaps we should call schedule
! 	    first so that we won't be taking too much extra time. */
! 	lldt(tsk);
! 	set_fs(seg);
! 	put_fs_long(data,(void *)addr);
! 	lldt(cur);
! 	set_fs(oldfs);
! 	sti();
  	return 0;
  /* Perform ptrace(request, pid, addr, data) syscall */
  int sys_ptrace(unsigned long *buffer)
--- 66,224 ----
   * data space.
  static inline int put_stack_long(struct task_struct *task, int offset,
! 	unsigned long data)
  	unsigned char * stack;
  	stack = (unsigned char *) task->tss.esp0;
  	stack += offset;
! 	*(unsigned long *) stack = data;
  	return 0;
!  * This routine gets a long from any process space by following the page
!  * tables. NOTE! You should check that the long isn't on a page boundary,
!  * and that it is in the task area before calling this: this routine does
!  * no checking.
!  *
!  * NOTE2! This uses "tsk->tss.cr3" even though we know it's currently always
!  * zero. This routine shouldn't have to change when we make a better mm.
! static unsigned long get_long(struct task_struct * tsk,
! 	unsigned long addr)
  	unsigned long page;
! 	addr += tsk->start_code;
! repeat:
! 	page = tsk->tss.cr3 + ((addr >> 20) & 0xffc);
! 	page = *(unsigned long *) page;
! 	if (page & PAGE_PRESENT) {
! 		page &= 0xfffff000;
! 		page += (addr >> 10) & 0xffc;
! 		page = *((unsigned long *) page);
  	if (!(page & PAGE_PRESENT)) {
! 		do_no_page(0,addr,tsk);
! 		goto repeat;
! 	page &= 0xfffff000;
! 	page += addr & 0xfff;
! 	return *(unsigned long *) page;
!  * This routine puts a long into any process space by following the page
!  * tables. NOTE! You should check that the long isn't on a page boundary,
!  * and that it is in the task area before calling this: this routine does
!  * no checking.
! static void put_long(struct task_struct * tsk, unsigned long addr,
! 	unsigned long data)
  	unsigned long page;
! 	addr += tsk->start_code;
! repeat:
! 	page = tsk->tss.cr3 + ((addr >> 20) & 0xffc);
! 	page = *(unsigned long *) page;
! 	if (page & PAGE_PRESENT) {
! 		page &= 0xfffff000;
! 		page += (addr >> 10) & 0xffc;
! 		page = *((unsigned long *) page);
! 	if (!(page & PAGE_PRESENT)) {
! 		do_no_page(0,addr,tsk);
! 		goto repeat;
! 	if (!(page & PAGE_RW)) {
! 		write_verify(addr);
! 		goto repeat;
! 	}
! 	page &= 0xfffff000;
! 	page += addr & 0xfff;
! 	*(unsigned long *) page = data;
! }
! /*
!  * This routine checks the page boundaries, and that the offset is
!  * within the task area. It then calls get_long() to read a long.
!  */
! static int read_long(struct task_struct * tsk, unsigned long addr,
! 	unsigned long * result)
! {
! 	unsigned long low,high;
! 	if (addr > TASK_SIZE-4)
  		return -EIO;
+ 	if ((addr & 0xfff) > PAGE_SIZE-4) {
+ 		low = get_long(tsk,addr & 0xfffffffc);
+ 		high = get_long(tsk,(addr+4) & 0xfffffffc);
+ 		switch (addr & 3) {
+ 			case 1:
+ 				low >>= 8;
+ 				low |= high << 24;
+ 				break;
+ 			case 2:
+ 				low >>= 16;
+ 				low |= high << 16;
+ 				break;
+ 			case 3:
+ 				low >>= 24;
+ 				low |= high << 8;
+ 				break;
+ 		}
+ 		*result = low;
+ 	} else
+ 		*result = get_long(tsk,addr);
+ 	return 0;
+ }
! /*
!  * This routine checks the page boundaries, and that the offset is
!  * within the task area. It then calls put_long() to write a long.
!  */
! static int write_long(struct task_struct * tsk, unsigned long addr,
! 	unsigned long data)
! {
! 	unsigned long low,high;
! 	if (addr > TASK_SIZE-4)
! 		return -EIO;
! 	if ((addr & 0xfff) > PAGE_SIZE-4) {
! 		low = get_long(tsk,addr & 0xfffffffc);
! 		high = get_long(tsk,(addr+4) & 0xfffffffc);
! 		switch (addr & 3) {
! 			case 0: /* shouldn't happen, but safety first */
! 				low = data;
! 				break;
! 			case 1:
! 				low &= 0x000000ff;
! 				low |= data << 8;
! 				high &= 0xffffff00;
! 				high |= data >> 24;
! 				break;
! 			case 2:
! 				low &= 0x0000ffff;
! 				low |= data << 16;
! 				high &= 0xffff0000;
! 				high |= data >> 16;
! 				break;
! 			case 3:
! 				low &= 0x00ffffff;
! 				low |= data << 24;
! 				high &= 0xff000000;
! 				high |= data >> 8;
! 				break;
! 		}
! 		put_long(tsk,addr & 0xfffffffc,low);
! 		put_long(tsk,(addr+4) & 0xfffffffc,high);
! 	} else
! 		put_long(tsk,addr,data);
  	return 0;
  /* Perform ptrace(request, pid, addr, data) syscall */
  int sys_ptrace(unsigned long *buffer)
*** 244,250 ****
  		case 2: {
  			int tmp,res;
! 			res = get_long(childno, addr, 1, &tmp);
  			if (res < 0)
  				return res;
  			verify_area((void *) data, 4);
--- 255,261 ----
  		case 2: {
  			int tmp,res;
! 			res = read_long(task[childno], addr, &tmp);
  			if (res < 0)
  				return res;
  			verify_area((void *) data, 4);
*** 267,280 ****
        /* when I and D space are seperate, this will have to be fixed. */
  		case 4: /* write the word at location addr. */
  		case 5:
! 			if (put_long(childno, addr, data, 1))
! 				return -EIO;
! 			return 0;
  		case 6: /* write the word at location addr in the USER area */
  			addr = addr >> 2; /* temproary hack. */
  			if (addr < 0 || addr >= 17)
! 					return -EIO;
  			if (addr == ORIG_EAX)
  				return -EIO;
  			if (addr == EFL) {   /* flags. */
--- 278,289 ----
        /* when I and D space are seperate, this will have to be fixed. */
  		case 4: /* write the word at location addr. */
  		case 5:
! 			return write_long(task[childno],addr,data);
  		case 6: /* write the word at location addr in the USER area */
  			addr = addr >> 2; /* temproary hack. */
  			if (addr < 0 || addr >= 17)
! 				return -EIO;
  			if (addr == ORIG_EAX)
  				return -EIO;
  			if (addr == EFL) {   /* flags. */
*** 281,287 ****
  				data &= FLAG_MASK;
  				data |= get_stack_long(child, EFL*4-MAGICNUMBER)  & ~FLAG_MASK;
  			if (put_stack_long(child, 4*addr-MAGICNUMBER, data))
  				return -EIO;
  			return 0;
--- 290,295 ----
*** ../0.95a/linux/lib/Makefile	Thu Mar  5 20:23:23 1992
--- linux/lib/Makefile	Sat Apr  4 17:00:10 1992
*** 6,22 ****
  # unless it's something special (ie not a .c file).
- # gcc2 doesn't understand some options..
- # GCC_OPT = -fcombine-regs
  AR	=ar
  AS	=as
  LD	=ld
  LDFLAGS	=-s -x
! CC	=gcc
! CFLAGS	=-Wall -O -fstrength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer $(GCC_OPT) \
! 	-finline-functions -nostdinc -I../include
! CPP	=gcc -E -nostdinc -I../include
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) \
--- 6,17 ----
  # unless it's something special (ie not a .c file).
  AR	=ar
  AS	=as
  LD	=ld
  LDFLAGS	=-s -x
! CC	=gcc -nostdinc -I../include
! CPP	=cpp -nostdinc -I../include
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) \
*** ../0.95a/linux/mm/Makefile	Tue Mar 17 11:57:15 1992
--- linux/mm/Makefile	Sat Apr  4 17:33:29 1992
*** 1,10 ****
! CC	=gcc
! CFLAGS	=-O -Wall -fstrength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer \
! 	-finline-functions -nostdinc -I../include
  AS	=as
  AR	=ar
  LD	=ld
! CPP	=gcc -E -nostdinc -I../include
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) \
--- 1,17 ----
! #
! # Makefile for the linux memory manager.
! #
! # Note! Dependencies are done automagically by 'make dep', which also
! # removes any old dependencies. DON'T put your own dependencies here
! # unless it's something special (ie not a .c file).
! #
! # Note 2! The CFLAGS definition is now in the main makefile...
  AS	=as
  AR	=ar
  LD	=ld
! CC	=gcc -nostdinc -I../include
! CPP	=cpp -nostdinc -I../include
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) \
*** 32,42 ****
  ### Dependencies:
  memory.o : memory.c ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/types.h \
    ../include/asm/system.h ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h \
!   ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h \
!   ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h \
!   ../include/sys/resource.h 
  swap.o : swap.c ../include/string.h ../include/errno.h \
    ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/stat.h \
!   ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h ../include/sys/param.h \
!   ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h 
--- 39,50 ----
  ### Dependencies:
  memory.o : memory.c ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/types.h \
    ../include/asm/system.h ../include/linux/sched.h ../include/linux/head.h \
!   ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/dirent.h ../include/limits.h \
!   ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/kernel.h ../include/sys/param.h \
!   ../include/sys/time.h ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h 
  swap.o : swap.c ../include/string.h ../include/errno.h \
    ../include/linux/mm.h ../include/linux/fs.h ../include/sys/types.h \
!   ../include/sys/dirent.h ../include/limits.h ../include/linux/kernel.h \
!   ../include/signal.h ../include/sys/stat.h ../include/linux/sched.h \
!   ../include/linux/head.h ../include/sys/param.h ../include/sys/time.h \
!   ../include/time.h ../include/sys/resource.h 
*** ../0.95a/linux/mm/memory.c	Tue Mar 17 22:35:13 1992
--- linux/mm/memory.c	Wed Apr  1 01:28:30 1992
*** 165,170 ****
--- 165,171 ----
  			if (!(1 & this_page)) {
  				if (!(new_page = get_free_page()))
  					return -1;
+ 				++current->rss;
  				read_swap_page(this_page>>1, (char *) new_page);
  				*to_page_table = this_page;
  				*from_page_table = new_page | (PAGE_DIRTY | 7);
*** 316,321 ****
--- 317,323 ----
  		printk("Bad things happen: page error in do_wp_page\n\r");
+ 	++current->min_flt;
  	un_wp_page((unsigned long *)
  		(((address>>10) & 0xffc) + (0xfffff000 &
  		*((unsigned long *) ((address>>20) &0xffc)))));
*** 429,436 ****
  	return 0;
! void do_no_page(unsigned long error_code,
! 		 unsigned long address, struct task_struct *tsk)
  	static unsigned int last_checked = 0;
  	int nr[4];
--- 431,438 ----
  	return 0;
! void do_no_page(unsigned long error_code, unsigned long address,
! 	struct task_struct *tsk)
  	static unsigned int last_checked = 0;
  	int nr[4];
*** 439,445 ****
  	int block,i;
  	struct inode * inode;
! 	/* Trashing ? Make it interruptible, but don't penalize otherwise */
  	for (i = 0; i < CHECK_LAST_NR; i++)
  		if ((address & 0xfffff000) == last_pages[i]) {
  			current->counter = 0;
--- 441,447 ----
  	int block,i;
  	struct inode * inode;
! 	/* Thrashing ? Make it interruptible, but don't penalize otherwise */
  	for (i = 0; i < CHECK_LAST_NR; i++)
  		if ((address & 0xfffff000) == last_pages[i]) {
  			current->counter = 0;
*** 457,462 ****
--- 459,465 ----
  		printk("Bad things happen: nonexistent page error in do_no_page\n\r");
+ 	++tsk->rss;
  	page = *(unsigned long *) ((address >> 20) & 0xffc);
  /* check the page directory: make a page dir entry if no such exists */
  	if (page & 1) {
*** 464,469 ****
--- 467,473 ----
  		page += (address >> 10) & 0xffc;
  		tmp = *(unsigned long *) page;
  		if (tmp && !(1 & tmp)) {
+ 			++tsk->maj_flt;
  			swap_in((unsigned long *) page);
*** 488,499 ****
  		block = 0;
  	if (!inode) {
  	if (tsk == current)
! 	if (share_page(inode,tmp))
! 		return;
  	if (!(page = get_free_page()))
  /* remember that 1 block is used for header */
--- 492,510 ----
  		block = 0;
  	if (!inode) {
+ 		++tsk->min_flt;
+ 		if (tmp > tsk->brk && tsk == current && 
+ 			LIBRARY_OFFSET - tmp > tsk->rlim[RLIMIT_STACK].rlim_max)
+ 				do_exit(SIGSEGV);
  	if (tsk == current)
! 		if (share_page(inode,tmp)) {
! 			++tsk->min_flt;
! 			return;
! 		}
! 	++tsk->maj_flt;
  	if (!(page = get_free_page()))
  /* remember that 1 block is used for header */
*** 533,541 ****
  void show_mem(void)
  	int i,j,k,free=0,total=0;
! 	int shared=0;
  	unsigned long * pg_tbl;
  	for(i=0 ; i<PAGING_PAGES ; i++) {
  		if (mem_map[i] == USED)
--- 544,560 ----
  void show_mem(void)
  	int i,j,k,free=0,total=0;
! 	int shared = 0;
  	unsigned long * pg_tbl;
+ 	static int lock = 0;
+ 	cli();
+ 	if (lock) {
+ 		sti();
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ 	lock = 1;
+ 	sti();
  	for(i=0 ; i<PAGING_PAGES ; i++) {
  		if (mem_map[i] == USED)
*** 576,581 ****
--- 595,601 ----
  	printk("Memory found: %d (%d)\n\r",free-shared,total);
+ 	lock = 0;
*** /dev/null	Sat Apr  4 17:07:54 1992
--- linux/include/sys/dirent.h	Fri Apr  3 20:00:04 1992
*** 0 ****
--- 1,13 ----
+ #ifndef _SYS_DIRENT_H
+ #define _SYS_DIRENT_H
+ #include <limits.h>
+ struct dirent {
+ 	long		d_ino;
+ 	off_t		d_off;
+ 	unsigned short	d_reclen;
+ 	char		d_name[NAME_MAX+1];
+ };
+ #endif
*** ../0.95a/linux/include/unistd.h	Wed Mar  4 12:56:06 1992
--- linux/include/unistd.h	Fri Apr  3 19:55:41 1992
*** 50,55 ****
--- 50,61 ----
  #define _PC_VDISABLE		8
+ #if 0
+ /* XXX - <sys/stat.h> illegally <sys/types.h> already.
+  * The rest of these includes are also illegal (too much pollution).
+  */
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #endif
  #include <sys/stat.h>
  #include <sys/time.h>
  #include <sys/times.h>
*** 148,154 ****
--- 154,162 ----
  #define __NR_uselib	86
  #define __NR_swapon	87
  #define __NR_reboot	88
+ #define __NR_readdir	89
+ /* XXX - _foo needs to be __foo, while __NR_bar could be _NR_bar. */
  #define _syscall0(type,name) \
  type name(void) \
  { \
*** 206,224 ****
  #endif /* __LIBRARY__ */
  extern int errno;
! int access(const char * filename, mode_t mode);
  int acct(const char * filename);
- int alarm(int sec);
  int brk(void * end_data_segment);
  void * sbrk(ptrdiff_t increment);
  int chdir(const char * filename);
! int chmod(const char * filename, mode_t mode);
! int chown(const char * filename, uid_t owner, gid_t group);
  int chroot(const char * filename);
  int close(int fildes);
! int creat(const char * filename, mode_t mode);
  int dup(int fildes);
  int execve(const char * filename, char ** argv, char ** envp);
  int execv(const char * pathname, char ** argv);
--- 214,239 ----
  #endif /* __LIBRARY__ */
+ /* XXX - illegal. */
  extern int errno;
! /* XXX - several non-POSIX functions here, and POSIX functions that are
!  * supposed to be declared elsewhere.  Non-promotion of short types in
!  * prototypes may cause trouble.  Arg names should be prefixed by
!  * underscores.
!  */
! int access(const char * filename, mode_t mode);	/* XXX - short type */
  int acct(const char * filename);
  int brk(void * end_data_segment);
+ /* XXX - POSIX says unsigned alarm(unsigned sec) */
+ int alarm(int sec);
  void * sbrk(ptrdiff_t increment);
  int chdir(const char * filename);
! int chmod(const char * filename, mode_t mode);	/* XXX - short type */
! int chown(const char * filename, uid_t owner, gid_t group); /* XXX - shorts */
  int chroot(const char * filename);
  int close(int fildes);
! int creat(const char * filename, mode_t mode);	/* XXX - short type */
  int dup(int fildes);
  int execve(const char * filename, char ** argv, char ** envp);
  int execv(const char * pathname, char ** argv);
*** 229,255 ****
  volatile void exit(int status);
  volatile void _exit(int status);
  int fcntl(int fildes, int cmd, ...);
! int fork(void);
! int getpid(void);
! int getuid(void);
! int geteuid(void);
! int getgid(void);
! int getegid(void);
  int ioctl(int fildes, int cmd, ...);
  int kill(pid_t pid, int signal);
  int link(const char * filename1, const char * filename2);
! int lseek(int fildes, off_t offset, int origin);
! int mknod(const char * filename, mode_t mode, dev_t dev);
  int mount(const char * specialfile, const char * dir, int rwflag);
  int nice(int val);
  int open(const char * filename, int flag, ...);
  int pause(void);
  int pipe(int * fildes);
  int read(int fildes, char * buf, off_t count);
  int setpgrp(void);
! int setpgid(pid_t pid,pid_t pgid);
! int setuid(uid_t uid);
! int setgid(gid_t gid);
  void (*signal(int sig, void (*fn)(int)))(int);
  int stat(const char * filename, struct stat * stat_buf);
  int fstat(int fildes, struct stat * stat_buf);
--- 244,271 ----
  volatile void exit(int status);
  volatile void _exit(int status);
  int fcntl(int fildes, int cmd, ...);
! pid_t fork(void);
! pid_t getpid(void);
! uid_t getuid(void);
! uid_t geteuid(void);
! gid_t getgid(void);
! gid_t getegid(void);
  int ioctl(int fildes, int cmd, ...);
  int kill(pid_t pid, int signal);
  int link(const char * filename1, const char * filename2);
! off_t lseek(int fildes, off_t offset, int origin);
! int mknod(const char * filename, mode_t mode, dev_t dev); /* XXX - shorts */
  int mount(const char * specialfile, const char * dir, int rwflag);
  int nice(int val);
  int open(const char * filename, int flag, ...);
  int pause(void);
  int pipe(int * fildes);
+ /* XXX**2 - POSIX says unsigned count */
  int read(int fildes, char * buf, off_t count);
  int setpgrp(void);
! int setpgid(pid_t pid,pid_t pgid);	/* XXX - short types */
! int setuid(uid_t uid);		/* XXX - short type */
! int setgid(gid_t gid);		/* XXX - short type */
  void (*signal(int sig, void (*fn)(int)))(int);
  int stat(const char * filename, struct stat * stat_buf);
  int fstat(int fildes, struct stat * stat_buf);
*** 266,271 ****
--- 282,288 ----
  int utime(const char * filename, struct utimbuf * times);
  pid_t waitpid(pid_t pid,int * wait_stat,int options);
  pid_t wait(int * wait_stat);
+ /* XXX**2 - POSIX says unsigned count */
  int write(int fildes, const char * buf, off_t count);
  int dup2(int oldfd, int newfd);
  int getppid(void);
*** ../0.95a/linux/include/a.out.h	Tue Sep 17 18:10:49 1991
--- linux/include/a.out.h	Sat Apr  4 00:41:52 1992
*** 1,10 ****
! #ifndef _A_OUT_H
! #define _A_OUT_H
  #define __GNU_EXEC_MACROS__
! struct exec {
!   unsigned long a_magic;	/* Use macros N_MAGIC, etc for access */
    unsigned a_text;		/* length of text, in bytes */
    unsigned a_data;		/* length of data, in bytes */
    unsigned a_bss;		/* length of uninitialized data area for file, in bytes */
--- 1,13 ----
! #ifndef __A_OUT_GNU_H__
! #define __A_OUT_GNU_H__
  #define __GNU_EXEC_MACROS__
! struct exec
! {
!   unsigned long a_info;		/* Use macros N_MAGIC, etc for access */
    unsigned a_text;		/* length of text, in bytes */
    unsigned a_data;		/* length of data, in bytes */
    unsigned a_bss;		/* length of uninitialized data area for file, in bytes */
*** 14,24 ****
    unsigned a_drsize;		/* length of relocation info for data, in bytes */
! #ifndef N_MAGIC
! #define N_MAGIC(exec) ((exec).a_magic)
! #ifndef OMAGIC
  /* Code indicating object file or impure executable.  */
  #define OMAGIC 0407
  /* Code indicating pure executable.  */
--- 17,70 ----
    unsigned a_drsize;		/* length of relocation info for data, in bytes */
! #endif /* __STRUCT_EXEC_OVERRIDE__ */
! /* these go in the N_MACHTYPE field */
! enum machine_type {
! #if defined (M_OLDSUN2)
! #else
!   M_OLDSUN2 = 0,
+ #if defined (M_68010)
+   M__68010 = M_68010,
+ #else
+   M_68010 = 1,
+ #endif
+ #if defined (M_68020)
+   M__68020 = M_68020,
+ #else
+   M_68020 = 2,
+ #endif
+ #if defined (M_SPARC)
+ #else
+   M_SPARC = 3,
+ #endif
+   /* skip a bunch so we don't run into any of sun's numbers */
+   M_386 = 100,
+ };
! #if !defined (N_MAGIC)
! #define N_MAGIC(exec) ((exec).a_info & 0xffff)
! #endif
! #define N_MACHTYPE(exec) ((enum machine_type)(((exec).a_info >> 16) & 0xff))
! #define N_FLAGS(exec) (((exec).a_info >> 24) & 0xff)
! #define N_SET_INFO(exec, magic, type, flags) \
! 	((exec).a_info = ((magic) & 0xffff) \
! 	 | (((int)(type) & 0xff) << 16) \
! 	 | (((flags) & 0xff) << 24))
! #define N_SET_MAGIC(exec, magic) \
! 	((exec).a_info = (((exec).a_info & 0xffff0000) | ((magic) & 0xffff)))
! #define N_SET_MACHTYPE(exec, machtype) \
! 	((exec).a_info = \
! 	 ((exec).a_info&0xff00ffff) | ((((int)(machtype))&0xff) << 16))
! #define N_SET_FLAGS(exec, flags) \
! 	((exec).a_info = \
! 	 ((exec).a_info&0x00ffffff) | (((flags) & 0xff) << 24))
  /* Code indicating object file or impure executable.  */
  #define OMAGIC 0407
  /* Code indicating pure executable.  */
*** 25,33 ****
  #define NMAGIC 0410
  /* Code indicating demand-paged executable.  */
  #define ZMAGIC 0413
- #endif /* not OMAGIC */
! #ifndef N_BADMAG
  #define N_BADMAG(x)					\
   (N_MAGIC(x) != OMAGIC && N_MAGIC(x) != NMAGIC		\
    && N_MAGIC(x) != ZMAGIC)
--- 71,78 ----
  #define NMAGIC 0410
  /* Code indicating demand-paged executable.  */
  #define ZMAGIC 0413
! #if !defined (N_BADMAG)
  #define N_BADMAG(x)					\
   (N_MAGIC(x) != OMAGIC && N_MAGIC(x) != NMAGIC		\
    && N_MAGIC(x) != ZMAGIC)
*** 37,71 ****
   (N_MAGIC(x) != OMAGIC && N_MAGIC(x) != NMAGIC		\
    && N_MAGIC(x) != ZMAGIC)
! #define _N_HDROFF(x) (SEGMENT_SIZE - sizeof (struct exec))
! #ifndef N_TXTOFF
  #define N_TXTOFF(x) \
   (N_MAGIC(x) == ZMAGIC ? _N_HDROFF((x)) + sizeof (struct exec) : sizeof (struct exec))
! #ifndef N_DATOFF
  #define N_DATOFF(x) (N_TXTOFF(x) + (x).a_text)
! #ifndef N_TRELOFF
  #define N_TRELOFF(x) (N_DATOFF(x) + (x).a_data)
! #ifndef N_DRELOFF
  #define N_DRELOFF(x) (N_TRELOFF(x) + (x).a_trsize)
! #ifndef N_SYMOFF
  #define N_SYMOFF(x) (N_DRELOFF(x) + (x).a_drsize)
! #ifndef N_STROFF
  #define N_STROFF(x) (N_SYMOFF(x) + (x).a_syms)
  /* Address of text segment in memory after it is loaded.  */
! #ifndef N_TXTADDR
  #define N_TXTADDR(x) 0
--- 82,116 ----
   (N_MAGIC(x) != OMAGIC && N_MAGIC(x) != NMAGIC		\
    && N_MAGIC(x) != ZMAGIC)
! #define _N_HDROFF(x) (1024 - sizeof (struct exec))
! #if !defined (N_TXTOFF)
  #define N_TXTOFF(x) \
   (N_MAGIC(x) == ZMAGIC ? _N_HDROFF((x)) + sizeof (struct exec) : sizeof (struct exec))
! #if !defined (N_DATOFF)
  #define N_DATOFF(x) (N_TXTOFF(x) + (x).a_text)
! #if !defined (N_TRELOFF)
  #define N_TRELOFF(x) (N_DATOFF(x) + (x).a_data)
! #if !defined (N_DRELOFF)
  #define N_DRELOFF(x) (N_TRELOFF(x) + (x).a_trsize)
! #if !defined (N_SYMOFF)
  #define N_SYMOFF(x) (N_DRELOFF(x) + (x).a_drsize)
! #if !defined (N_STROFF)
  #define N_STROFF(x) (N_SYMOFF(x) + (x).a_syms)
  /* Address of text segment in memory after it is loaded.  */
! #if !defined (N_TXTADDR)
  #define N_TXTADDR(x) 0
*** 73,83 ****
     Note that it is up to you to define SEGMENT_SIZE
     on machines not listed here.  */
  #if defined(vax) || defined(hp300) || defined(pyr)
- #ifdef	hp300
- #define	PAGE_SIZE	4096
- #endif
  #ifdef	sony
  #define	SEGMENT_SIZE	0x2000
  #endif	/* Sony.  */
--- 118,125 ----
     Note that it is up to you to define SEGMENT_SIZE
     on machines not listed here.  */
  #if defined(vax) || defined(hp300) || defined(pyr)
! #define SEGMENT_SIZE page_size
  #ifdef	sony
  #define	SEGMENT_SIZE	0x2000
  #endif	/* Sony.  */
*** 89,96 ****
! #define PAGE_SIZE 4096
! #define SEGMENT_SIZE 1024
  #define _N_SEGMENT_ROUND(x) (((x) + SEGMENT_SIZE - 1) & ~(SEGMENT_SIZE - 1))
--- 131,140 ----
! #ifdef linux
! #define PAGE_SIZE	4096
! #define SEGMENT_SIZE	1024
! #endif
  #define _N_SEGMENT_ROUND(x) (((x) + SEGMENT_SIZE - 1) & ~(SEGMENT_SIZE - 1))
*** 103,113 ****
  /* Address of bss segment in memory after it is loaded.  */
! #ifndef N_BSSADDR
  #define N_BSSADDR(x) (N_DATADDR(x) + (x).a_data)
  struct nlist {
    union {
      char *n_name;
--- 147,157 ----
  /* Address of bss segment in memory after it is loaded.  */
! #if !defined (N_BSSADDR)
  #define N_BSSADDR(x) (N_DATADDR(x) + (x).a_data)
! #if !defined (N_NLIST_DECLARED)
  struct nlist {
    union {
      char *n_name;
*** 119,155 ****
    short n_desc;
    unsigned long n_value;
! #endif
! #ifndef N_UNDF
  #define N_UNDF 0
! #ifndef N_ABS
  #define N_ABS 2
! #ifndef N_TEXT
  #define N_TEXT 4
! #ifndef N_DATA
  #define N_DATA 6
! #ifndef N_BSS
  #define N_BSS 8
! #ifndef N_COMM
! #define N_COMM 18
! #endif
! #ifndef N_FN
  #define N_FN 15
! #ifndef N_EXT
  #define N_EXT 1
! #ifndef N_TYPE
  #define N_TYPE 036
! #ifndef N_STAB
  #define N_STAB 0340
--- 163,196 ----
    short n_desc;
    unsigned long n_value;
! #endif /* no N_NLIST_DECLARED.  */
! #if !defined (N_UNDF)
  #define N_UNDF 0
! #if !defined (N_ABS)
  #define N_ABS 2
! #if !defined (N_TEXT)
  #define N_TEXT 4
! #if !defined (N_DATA)
  #define N_DATA 6
! #if !defined (N_BSS)
  #define N_BSS 8
! #if !defined (N_FN)
  #define N_FN 15
! #if !defined (N_EXT)
  #define N_EXT 1
! #if !defined (N_TYPE)
  #define N_TYPE 036
! #if !defined (N_STAB)
  #define N_STAB 0340
*** 182,190 ****
  /* This is output from LD.  */
  #define N_SETV	0x1C		/* Pointer to set vector in data area.  */
  /* This structure describes a single relocation to be performed.
     The text-relocation section of the file is a vector of these structures,
     all of which apply to the text section.
--- 223,230 ----
  /* This is output from LD.  */
  #define N_SETV	0x1C		/* Pointer to set vector in data area.  */
  /* This structure describes a single relocation to be performed.
     The text-relocation section of the file is a vector of these structures,
     all of which apply to the text section.
*** 212,218 ****
--- 252,264 ----
    unsigned int r_extern:1;
    /* Four bits that aren't used, but when writing an object file
       it is desirable to clear them.  */
+ #ifdef NS32K
+   unsigned r_bsr:1;
+   unsigned r_disp:1;
+   unsigned r_pad:2;
+ #else
    unsigned int r_pad:4;
+ #endif
  #endif /* no N_RELOCATION_INFO_DECLARED.  */
*** ../0.95a/linux/include/linux/hdreg.h	Sat Feb  1 16:04:35 1992
--- linux/include/linux/hdreg.h	Tue Mar 31 20:50:13 1992
*** 64,67 ****
--- 64,73 ----
  	unsigned int nr_sects;		/* nr of sectors in partition */
+ #define HDIO_REQ 0x301
+ struct hd_geometry {
+       unsigned char heads;
+       unsigned char sectors;
+       unsigned short cylinders;
+ };
*** ../0.95a/linux/include/linux/sched.h	Sat Mar 14 14:21:14 1992
--- linux/include/linux/sched.h	Wed Apr  1 01:37:45 1992
*** 129,137 ****
--- 129,141 ----
  	unsigned short gid,egid,sgid;
  	unsigned long timeout,alarm;
  	long utime,stime,cutime,cstime,start_time;
+ 	unsigned long min_flt, maj_flt;
+ 	unsigned long cmin_flt, cmaj_flt;
  	struct rlimit rlim[RLIM_NLIMITS]; 
  	unsigned int flags;	/* per process flags, defined below */
  	unsigned short used_math;
+ 	unsigned short rss;	/* number of resident pages */
+ 	char comm[8];
  /* file system info */
  	int link_count;
  	int tty;		/* -1 if no tty, so it must be signed */
*** 171,181 ****
--- 175,188 ----
  /* proc links*/ &init_task.task,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, \
  /* uid etc */	0,0,0,0,0,0, \
  /* timeout */	0,0,0,0,0,0,0, \
+ /* min_flt */	0,0,0,0, \
  /* rlimits */   { {0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff}, {0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff},  \
  		  {0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff}, {0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff}, \
  		  {0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff}, {0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff}}, \
  /* flags */	0, \
  /* math */	0, \
+ /* rss */	2, \
+ /* comm */	"swapper", \
  /* fs info */	0,-1,0022,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0, \
  /* filp */	{NULL,}, \
  	{ \
*** ../0.95a/linux/include/linux/sys.h	Thu Feb 27 18:24:26 1992
--- linux/include/linux/sys.h	Fri Apr  3 19:56:16 1992
*** 91,96 ****
--- 91,97 ----
  extern int sys_uselib();
  extern int sys_swapon();
  extern int sys_reboot();
+ extern int sys_readdir();
  fn_ptr sys_call_table[] = { sys_setup, sys_exit, sys_fork, sys_read,
  sys_write, sys_open, sys_close, sys_waitpid, sys_creat, sys_link,
*** 107,113 ****
  sys_setreuid,sys_setregid, sys_sigsuspend, sys_sigpending, sys_sethostname,
  sys_setrlimit, sys_getrlimit, sys_getrusage, sys_gettimeofday, 
  sys_settimeofday, sys_getgroups, sys_setgroups, sys_select, sys_symlink,
! sys_lstat, sys_readlink, sys_uselib, sys_swapon, sys_reboot };
  /* So we don't have to do any more manual updating.... */
  int NR_syscalls = sizeof(sys_call_table)/sizeof(fn_ptr);
--- 108,114 ----
  sys_setreuid,sys_setregid, sys_sigsuspend, sys_sigpending, sys_sethostname,
  sys_setrlimit, sys_getrlimit, sys_getrusage, sys_gettimeofday, 
  sys_settimeofday, sys_getgroups, sys_setgroups, sys_select, sys_symlink,
! sys_lstat, sys_readlink, sys_uselib, sys_swapon, sys_reboot, sys_readdir };
  /* So we don't have to do any more manual updating.... */
  int NR_syscalls = sizeof(sys_call_table)/sizeof(fn_ptr);
*** ../0.95a/linux/include/linux/tty.h	Sun Mar 15 02:43:54 1992
--- linux/include/linux/tty.h	Thu Mar 19 21:16:26 1992
*** 68,83 ****
  	struct tty_queue *secondary;
! #define TTY_WRITE(tty) \
  do { \
  	cli(); \
! 	if (!(tty)->busy) { \
! 		(tty)->busy = 1; \
  		sti(); \
  		(tty)->write((tty)); \
! 		(tty)->busy = 0; \
! 	} else \
  		sti(); \
  } while (0)
  extern struct tty_struct tty_table[];
--- 68,105 ----
  	struct tty_queue *secondary;
! /*
!  * so that interrupts won't be able to mess up the
!  * queues, copy_to_cooked must be atomic with repect
!  * to itself, as must tty->write.
!  */
! #define TTY_WRITE_BUSY 1
! #define TTY_READ_BUSY 2
! #define TTY_WRITE_FLUSH(tty) \
  do { \
  	cli(); \
! 	if (!EMPTY((tty)->write_q) && !(TTY_WRITE_BUSY & (tty)->busy)) { \
! 		(tty)->busy |= TTY_WRITE_BUSY; \
  		sti(); \
  		(tty)->write((tty)); \
! 		cli(); \
! 		(tty)->busy &= ~TTY_WRITE_BUSY; \
! 	} \
! 	sti(); \
! } while (0)
! #define TTY_READ_FLUSH(tty) \
! do { \
! 	cli(); \
! 	if (!EMPTY((tty)->read_q) && !(TTY_READ_BUSY & (tty)->busy)) { \
! 		(tty)->busy |= TTY_READ_BUSY; \
  		sti(); \
+ 		copy_to_cooked((tty)); \
+ 		cli(); \
+ 		(tty)->busy &= ~TTY_READ_BUSY; \
+ 	} \
+ 	sti(); \
  } while (0)
  extern struct tty_struct tty_table[];
*** ../0.95a/linux/include/linux/fs.h	Fri Mar 13 18:55:15 1992
--- linux/include/linux/fs.h	Fri Apr  3 20:51:17 1992
*** 7,12 ****
--- 7,13 ----
  #define _FS_H
  #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/dirent.h>
  /* devices are as follows: (same as minix, so we can use the minix
   * file system. These are major numbers.)
*** 134,139 ****
--- 135,142 ----
  	unsigned char s_lock;
  	unsigned char s_rd_only;
  	unsigned char s_dirt;
+ 	/* TUBE */
+ 	struct super_operations *s_op;
  struct file_operations {
*** 140,145 ****
--- 143,149 ----
  	int (*lseek) (struct inode *, struct file *, off_t, int);
  	int (*read) (struct inode *, struct file *, char *, int);
  	int (*write) (struct inode *, struct file *, char *, int);
+ 	int (*readdir) (struct inode *, struct file *, struct dirent *);
  struct inode_operations {
*** 156,163 ****
--- 160,184 ----
  	int (*open) (struct inode *, struct file *);
  	void (*release) (struct inode *, struct file *);
  	struct inode * (*follow_link) (struct inode *, struct inode *);
+ 	int (*bmap) (struct inode *,int);
+ 	void (*truncate) (struct inode *);
+ 	/* added by entropy */
+ 	void (*write_inode)(struct inode *inode);
+ 	void (*put_inode)(struct inode *inode);
+ struct super_operations {
+ 	void (*read_inode)(struct inode *inode);
+ 	void (*put_super)(struct super_block *sb);
+ };
+ struct file_system_type {
+ 	struct super_block *(*read_super)(struct super_block *sb,void *mode);
+ 	char *name;
+ };
+ extern struct file_system_type *get_fs_type(char *name);
  extern struct inode inode_table[NR_INODE];
  extern struct file file_table[NR_FILE];
  extern struct super_block super_block[NR_SUPER];
*** 175,180 ****
--- 196,204 ----
  extern int bmap(struct inode * inode,int block);
  extern struct inode * namei(const char * pathname);
  extern struct inode * lnamei(const char * pathname);
+ extern int permission(struct inode * inode,int mask);
+ extern struct inode * _namei(const char * filename, struct inode * base,
+ 	int follow_links);
  extern int open_namei(const char * pathname, int flag, int mode,
  	struct inode ** res_inode);
  extern void iput(struct inode * inode);
*** 195,207 ****
  extern int ROOT_DEV;
  extern void mount_root(void);
- extern int minix_file_read(struct inode *, struct file *, char *, int);
  extern int pipe_read(struct inode *, struct file *, char *, int);
  extern int char_read(struct inode *, struct file *, char *, int);
  extern int block_read(struct inode *, struct file *, char *, int);
- extern int minix_file_write(struct inode *, struct file *, char *, int);
  extern int pipe_write(struct inode *, struct file *, char *, int);
  extern int char_write(struct inode *, struct file *, char *, int);
  extern int block_write(struct inode *, struct file *, char *, int);
--- 219,231 ----
  extern int ROOT_DEV;
  extern void mount_root(void);
+ extern void lock_super(struct super_block * sb);
+ extern void free_super(struct super_block * sb);
  extern int pipe_read(struct inode *, struct file *, char *, int);
  extern int char_read(struct inode *, struct file *, char *, int);
  extern int block_read(struct inode *, struct file *, char *, int);
  extern int pipe_write(struct inode *, struct file *, char *, int);
  extern int char_write(struct inode *, struct file *, char *, int);
  extern int block_write(struct inode *, struct file *, char *, int);
*** ../0.95a/linux/include/linux/minix_fs.h	Mon Mar  2 23:52:27 1992
--- linux/include/linux/minix_fs.h	Fri Apr  3 20:52:29 1992
*** 68,76 ****
--- 68,85 ----
  extern int minix_create_block(struct inode * inode, int block);
  extern int minix_bmap(struct inode * inode,int block);
+ extern void minix_truncate(struct inode * inode);
+ extern void minix_put_super(struct super_block *sb);
+ extern struct super_block *minix_read_super(struct super_block *s,void *data);
+ extern void minix_read_inode(struct inode * inode);
+ extern void minix_write_inode(struct inode * inode);
  extern int minix_lseek(struct inode * inode, struct file * filp, off_t offset, int origin);
  extern int minix_read(struct inode * inode, struct file * filp, char * buf, int count);
  extern int minix_write(struct inode * inode, struct file * filp, char * buf, int count);
+ extern int minix_readdir(struct inode * inode, struct file * filp, struct dirent * dirent);
+ extern int minix_file_read(struct inode *, struct file *, char *, int);
+ extern int minix_file_write(struct inode *, struct file *, char *, int);
  extern struct inode_operations minix_inode_operations;
  extern struct file_operations minix_file_operations;
*** ../0.95a/linux/include/asm/io.h	Fri Mar 13 00:44:31 1992
--- linux/include/asm/io.h	Wed Apr  1 02:12:14 1992
*** 1,10 ****
! static void inline outb(char value, unsigned short port)
  __asm__ volatile ("outb %0,%1"
  		::"a" ((char) value),"d" ((unsigned short) port));
! static void inline outb_p(char value, unsigned short port)
  __asm__ volatile ("outb %0,%1\n"
  		  "\tjmp 1f\n"
--- 1,13 ----
! #ifndef _ASM_IO_H
! #define _ASM_IO_H
! extern void inline outb(char value, unsigned short port)
  __asm__ volatile ("outb %0,%1"
  		::"a" ((char) value),"d" ((unsigned short) port));
! extern void inline outb_p(char value, unsigned short port)
  __asm__ volatile ("outb %0,%1\n"
  		  "\tjmp 1f\n"
*** 15,21 ****
  		::"a" ((char) value),"d" ((unsigned short) port));
! static unsigned char inline inb(unsigned short port)
  	unsigned char _v;
  __asm__ volatile ("inb %1,%0"
--- 18,24 ----
  		::"a" ((char) value),"d" ((unsigned short) port));
! extern unsigned char inline inb(unsigned short port)
  	unsigned char _v;
  __asm__ volatile ("inb %1,%0"
*** 23,29 ****
  	return _v;
! static unsigned char inb_p(unsigned short port)
  	unsigned char _v;
  __asm__ volatile ("inb %1,%0\n"
--- 26,32 ----
  	return _v;
! extern unsigned char inline inb_p(unsigned short port)
  	unsigned char _v;
  __asm__ volatile ("inb %1,%0\n"
*** 35,37 ****
--- 38,42 ----
  		:"=a" (_v):"d" ((unsigned short) port));
  	return _v;
+ #endif
*** /dev/null	Sat Apr  4 17:07:54 1992
--- linux/include/limits.h	Fri Apr  3 20:08:43 1992
*** 0 ****
--- 1,62 ----
+ #ifndef _LIMITS_H
+ #define _LIMITS_H
+ #define RAND_MAX 0x7ffffffd	/* don't ask - see rand.c */
+ #define CHAR_BIT 8
+ #define MB_LEN_MAX 1
+ #define SCHAR_MIN (-128)
+ #define SCHAR_MAX 127
+ #define UCHAR_MAX 255U
+ #ifdef __CHAR_UNSIGNED__
+ #define CHAR_MIN 0
+ #else
+ #endif
+ #define SHRT_MIN (-32768)
+ #define SHRT_MAX 32767
+ #define USHRT_MAX 65535U
+ #define INT_MIN (-2147483648)
+ #define INT_MAX 2147483647
+ #define UINT_MAX 4294967295U
+ #define LONG_MIN (-2147483648)
+ #define LONG_MAX 2147483647
+ #define ULONG_MAX 4294967295U
+ /*
+  * Why are these different from the section below?  -- TYT
+  */
+ #define _POSIX_ARG_MAX 40960	/* exec() may have 40K worth of args */
+ #define _POSIX_CHILD_MAX   6	/* a process may have 6 children */
+ #define _POSIX_LINK_MAX    8	/* a file may have 8 links */
+ #define _POSIX_MAX_CANON 255	/* size of the canonical input queue */
+ #define _POSIX_MAX_INPUT 255	/* you can type 255 chars ahead */
+ #define _POSIX_NAME_MAX   14	/* a file name may have 14 chars */
+ #define _POSIX_NGROUPS_MAX 32	/* supplementary group IDs are optional */
+ #define _POSIX_OPEN_MAX   16	/* a process may have 16 files open */
+ #define _POSIX_PATH_MAX  255	/* a pathname may contain 255 chars */
+ #define _POSIX_PIPE_BUF  512	/* pipes writes of 512 bytes must be atomic */
+ #define NGROUPS_MAX       32	/* supplemental group IDs are available */
+ #define ARG_MAX        40960	/* # bytes of args + environ for exec() */
+ #define CHILD_MAX        999    /* no limit :-) */
+ #define OPEN_MAX          20	/* # open files a process may have */
+ #define LINK_MAX         127	/* # links a file may have */
+ #define MAX_CANON        255	/* size of the canonical input queue */
+ #define MAX_INPUT        255	/* size of the type-ahead buffer */
+ #define NAME_MAX         255	/* # chars in a file name */
+ #define PATH_MAX        1024	/* # chars in a path name */
+ #define PIPE_BUF        4095	/* # bytes in atomic write to a pipe */
+ #endif