LinuxChix is an active and growing organization run by and for
women who are interested in Linux. Founded by Deb Richardson and
currently run by Jenn Vesperman, LinuxChix specializes in providing a
supportive and friendly environment for all Linux users and
developers, but especially for women. LinuxChix is run by an
international group of volunteers who believe in the importance of
including women in the Linux community. Men may join LinuxChix, but
the focus is on women and we attempt to maintain a female-dominated
environment. The women involved in LinuxChix include several Linux
kernel developers, a Mozilla developer, a member of the GNOME
foundation, an O'Reilly author, system administrators, computer
consultants, security experts, students from high school to
Ph.D. level in many fields, literally hundreds of programmers of
various sorts, and many computer hobbyists. If you are a woman
interested in Linux, or you know a woman who is, LinuxChix is an
excellent place to find a peer group.
LinuxChix has recently added a number of features, web
resources, and mailing lists. If you visited it more than a few
months ago, you may want to take a second look. New features include
Linux kernel hacking lessons, several new mailing lists, online
programming courses, book and software reviews, and much much more.
Many LinuxChix chapters have started or restarted recently (chapters
exist to bring LinuxChix together for face-to-face meetings). The
LinuxChix "development process" is open and friendly. We welcome new
volunteers and ideas, just subscribe to the mailing lists and offer to
You can find out more about LinuxChix at our website: