As with any effort for the Linux project, there are a number of people who contributed to this HOWTO in a roundabout way. Without their help, this document would not exist.
Mr. James Van Zandt, the original author of the Emacspeak HOWTO. He graciously allowed me maintainership of the original HOWTO, which has been reworked into this document, "The Emacspeak Installation HOWTO."
Dr. T.V. Raman, who always answered my Emacspeak questions, no matter how odd.
Marty Moore, who provided a list of instructions for installing Emacspeak and ViaVoice under Mandrake. Many of Marty's instructions were used to make this document more complete.
Tim Cross also deserves recognition, as he clarified several points in Marty's instructions, and some of Tim's comments are also used in this document. Tim also provided excellent explanations for the error message, as well as the "process speaker not running" error message.
All the folks on the Emacspeak and blinux mailing lists who contributed suggestions, answered my questions, and gently
showed me the errors in my ways.
Throughout this document, I have tried to give credit to other authors when referring to their work. If I missed a citation, please let me know and I will be sure to correct it. If you did the work, you certainly deserve the credit!