{{Header}} {{title|title= Unrestricted Admin Mode }} {{#seo: |description=todo }} {{passwords_mininav}} {{intro| '''{{project_name_short}} can be configured for unrestricted admin mode.''' In this mode, traditional access to privilege escalation tools such as <code>sudo</code> and <code>pkexec</code> is possible for the {{project_name_short}} default limited account <code>user</code>. Most other operating systems do not even call this "unrestricted admin mode" because they do not come with <code>user-sysmaint-split</code> by default. In such systems, unrestricted admin mode is implied. However, {{project_name_short}} provides the flexibility to switch between <code>user-sysmaint-split</code> and unrestricted admin mode depending on your needs. Starting from {{project_name_short}} version <code>TODO</code> Xfce and above, {{project_name_short}} comes with [[sysmaint|<code>user-sysmaint-split</code>]] by default. }} __FORCETOC__ = Uninstalling user-sysmaint-split and Enabling Unrestricted Admin Mode = This chapter documents how to disable <code>user-sysmaint-split</code> and revert to unrestricted admin mode, where the user <code>user</code> can use <code>sudo</code>. '''Optional.''' Discouraged. <u>Warning:</u> Reverting to unrestricted admin mode increases the risk of privilege escalation attacks and may weaken system security. If <code>user-sysmaint-split</code> is installed by default, the easiest way to remove it is by using [[Debian_Packages#dummy-dependency|<code>dummy-dependency</code>]] to avoid meta-package removal issues ([[Debian Packages]]). <ref> The <code>--purge</code> option is optional and not required in this case when using <code>dummy-dependency</code>, because <code>user-sysmaint-split</code> has been designed without configuration files in the <code>/etc</code> folder. Instead, <code>user-sysmaint-split</code> uses symlinks, which are deleted upon removal. This design ensures that a standard <code>apt remove user-sysmaint-split</code> will not result in unexpected functionality, such as parts of <code>user-sysmaint-split</code> (e.g., boot menu entries) still being active. </ref> {{CodeSelect|code= dummy-dependency user-sysmaint-split }} = Impact = This removes the sysmaint mode related [[Grub|GRUB]] boot menu modifications and reverts back to a "normal" boot menu. Security impact? = Optional Restrictions = After removal the user can configure <code>sudo</code> and/or other privilege escalation tools etc as per usual. = Footer = <references/> {{Footer}} [[Category: Design]] [[Category: Development]]