2004-04-26  Christophe de VIENNE  <cdevienne@netcourrier.com>

	* libxml++/nodes/contentnode.cc: Fixed set_content which used xmlNodeAddContent
	instead of xmlNodeSetContent (thanks to Marcello Orizi who outlined it).

2004-05-05  Christophe de Vienne  <cdevienne@netcourrier.com>

	* libxml++/parsers/saxparser.cc: One more (last one I hope) change
	about Glib::ustring instanciation from a buffer + lenght. We now
	use Glib::ustring::ustring(In begin, In end) constructor. Thanks to
	Jonathan Wakely.

2004-05-04  Christophe de Vienne  <cdevienne@netcourrier.com>

	* libxml++/parsers/saxparser.cc: Replaced again the use of
	Glib::ustring(const char*) constructor by Glib::ustring(std::string).
	Fixes #141824.

2004-05-04  Christophe de Vienne  <cdevienne@netcourrier.com>

	* libxml++/parsers/saxparser.cc: Replace the use of
	Glib::ustring(const char*, unsigned) constructor by Glib::ustring(const char*).
	Fixes #141824.

2004-05-04  Murray Cumming  <murrayc@murrayc@com>

	* libxml++-2.6.pc.in: Made it require glibmm-2.4, so that apps do not
	have to check for this themselves.