2017-01-11 Murray Cumming 2017-01-04 Chun-wei Fan Visual Studio builds: "Install" the .pdb files Since we generate the .pdb files during the build, we should copy them to make debugging glibmm on Windows easier. 2016-12-27 Kjell Ahlstedt Gio::NetworkMonitor: Derive from Gio::Initable Because GNetworkMonitor requires GInitable. Compare Gio::LoadableIcon which derives from Gio:Icon. 2016-12-27 Kjell Ahlstedt Glib::Variant: Remove the string specializations of cast_dynamic The Variant and Variant specializations of VariantBase::cast_dynamic<>() are no longer used by glibmm. 2016-12-27 Kjell Ahlstedt Glib: Remove some deprecated API * glib/glibmm/refptr.h: Remove clear(). * glib/glibmm/utility.h: Remove GLIBMM_INITIALIZE_STRUCT and ScopedPtr. * glib/src/value_basictypes.[cc|h].m4: Remove Value. 2016-12-27 Kjell Ahlstedt Fix some TODO comments requiring ABI break * gio/src/gio_vfuncs.defs: Add GAsyncResult::is_tagged(): * gio/src/action.hg: get_state_hint_variant() returns VariantContainerBase. * gio/src/actiongroup.hg: Remove the deprecated get_action_state_hint(). * gio/src/asyncresult.hg: Add is_tagged_vfunc(). * glib/src/checksum.hg: update(): The length parameter is a gssize. 2016-12-27 Kjell Ahlstedt Gio::ActionMap: Fix some trivial documentation bugs 2016-12-26 Daniel Boles Gio::ActionMap: trivially move an _IGNORE 2016-12-26 Daniel Boles Gio::ActionMap: Improve declaration order/spacing This puts several things in more logical places and adds a couple of line breaks that make it easier to see the key sections in the header. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=774444 2016-12-26 Daniel Boles Gio::ActionMap: Add function to ActivateSlot doc It's used in add_action_with_bool() too. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=774444 2016-12-26 Daniel Boles Gio::ActionMap: Clarify doc of ActivateWithParameterSlot This brings it in line with the existing doc comment for ActivateSlot. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=774444 2016-12-26 Daniel Boles Gio::ActionMap: Fix add_action_with_parameter() It was not registering the parameter type for the action on create, so when activating the action later and passing a parameter, an assertion failed about the expected and passed parameter types/counts not matching and the parameter was not usable. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=774444 2016-12-23 Kjell Ahlstedt Glib::VariantType: Add get_item_types() Remove Glib::VariantType::first() and next(). Replace them with get_item_types(). Bug 775741 2016-12-18 Kjell Ahlstedt Gio: Use Glib::ustring for file attributes of string type Use Glib::ustring for values of file attributes of type G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRING (UTF-8 encoded string). Changed methods: * gio/src/file.hg: set_attribute_string() * gio/src/fileinfo.hg: set/get_attribute_string(), set/get_display_name(), set/get_edit_name(), set/get_content_type(), get_etag() * gio/src/fileiostream.hg: get_etag() * gio/src/fileoutputstream.hg: get_etag() Bug 615950 2016-12-15 Kjell Ahlstedt Glib::Dispatcher: Implement the pimpl idiom Store only a pointer to the private member data in the Dispatcher class. The most important reason for the pimpl idiom (pointer to implementation) in this case is that the deletion of the private data can be delayed until it's safe to delete it. Bug 651942 2016-12-14 Kjell Ahlstedt Glib::init(): Set the global locale * glib/glibmm/init.[cc|h]: Add set/get_init_to_users_preferred_locale(). Let Glib::init() set the C andC++ global locale to the user's preferred locale, or (if Glib::set_init_to_users_preferred_locale(false) has been called) set the C++ locale to be equal to the C locale. * glib/glibmm/ustring.h: Add to the documentation that Glib::init() sets the global locale. Bug 661588 2016-12-12 Murray Cumming MemoryInputStream: SlotWithData: Make non-copyable Noticed by cppcheck. 2016-12-12 Murray Cumming Binding: Make a the TransformProp constructor explicit. 2016-12-12 Murray Cumming BalancedTree: Make a constructor explicit. 2016-12-12 Murray Cumming Tests: Initialize a member variable. Noticed by cppcheck. 2016-12-12 Murray Cumming Tests: Make single-parameter constructors explicit. Noticed by cppcheck. 2016-12-12 Murray Cumming Tests: Remove an unused variable. Noticed by cppcheck. 2016-12-12 Murray Cumming Examples: Make a single-parameter constructor explicit. Noticed by cppcheck. 2016-12-12 Murray Cumming Examples: Network: Small const improvement. Noticed by cppcheck. 2016-12-09 Murray Cumming RemoteActionGroup: Rename some vfuncs to add _full(). Rename activate_action_vfunc() to activate_action_full_vfunc() ad rename change_action_state_vfunc() to change_action_state_full_vfunc(), matching the underlying C vfuncs. Now that this class derives from ActionGroup, this was causing warnings such as this, at least with clang++: /opt/gnome/include/giomm-2.52/giomm/remoteactiongroup.h:180:18: error: 'Gio::RemoteActionGroup::activate_action_vfunc' hides overloaded virtual function [-Werror,-Woverloaded-virtual] virtual void activate_action_vfunc(const Glib::ustring& action_name, const Glib::VariantBase& parameter, const Glib::VariantBase& platform_data); ^ /opt/gnome/include/giomm-2.52/giomm/actiongroup.h:574:18: note: hidden overloaded virtual function 'Gio::ActionGroup::activate_action_vfunc' declared here: different number of parameters (2 vs 3) virtual void activate_action_vfunc(const Glib::ustring& name, const Glib::VariantBase& parameter);