# Copyright 2023-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 inherit unpacker DESCRIPTION="Qt6 documentation and examples for Qt Creator and other tools" HOMEPAGE="https://doc.qt.io/" LICENSE="FDL-1.3" SLOT="6" KEYWORDS="amd64 arm arm64 ~hppa ~loong ppc ppc64 ~riscv x86" IUSE="+examples +html +qch" REQUIRED_USE="|| ( examples html qch )" BDEPEND=" examples? ( $(unpacker_src_uri_depends .7z) ) " qt6_docs_generate_metadata() { local qtver=${PV%%_p*} local prefix=${qtver}-0-${PV##*_p} local doc_suffix=-documentation.tar.xz local exa_suffix=-examples-${qtver}.7z local baseuri=https://download.qt.io/online/qtsdkrepository/all_os/qt/qt6_${qtver//.}_unix_line_endings_src/qt.qt6.${qtver//.} SRC_URI= S=${WORKDIR} # Bumping involves diff'ing the unversioned *_src/*/ files list from # old version to the new for -documentation and -examples files, # then adding/removing entries if anything changed. # # Format: [+-%]<USE>[</|^><package>[!|:]][="<module> ..."] # - [+-%]<USE>: enable(+), disable(-), or no IUSE(%) # (should disable if associated package is not in tree) # - /<package>: qt.qt6.*.examples.<package>/*-<package>-examples* # - ^<package>: qt.qt6.*.examples/*-<package>-examples.7z # - <module>: qt.qt6.*.doc.<package>/*-<module>-documentation* # (if <module> is unspecified, defaults to <package>) # - <package>[!:]: only has examples(!) or documentation(:) # # To future maintainers: if this feels too complex, could either # replace by generating the ebuild with a new less-compact script # or go for the simplest alternative by redistributing 1-2 big # tarballs with everything. local map=( # map with (non-split) Qt6 packages rather than per-module %base^qtbase=" qmake qtcmake qtconcurrent qtcore qtdbus qtgui qtnetwork qtopengl qtplatformintegration qtprintsupport qtsql qttestlib qtwidgets qtxml " +3d/qt3d -activeqt/qtactiveqt="activeqt" +charts/qtcharts +connectivity/qtbluetooth: +connectivity/qtconnectivity! +connectivity/qtnfc: -datavis/qtdatavis3d +declarative^qtdeclarative=" qtlabsplatform qtqml qtqmlcore qtqmlmodels qtqmltest qtqmlworkerscript qtqmlxmllistmodel qtquick qtquickcontrols qtquickdialogs " %doc^qtdoc -graphs/qtgraphs -grpc/qtgrpc="qtgrpc qtprotobuf" +httpserver/qthttpserver +imageformats/qtimageformats: +location/qtlocation -lottie/qtlottie:="qtlottieanimation" +multimedia/qtmultimedia +multimedia/qtmultimedia:="qtspatialaudio" +networkauth/qtnetworkauth +positioning/qtpositioning +qt5compat/qt5compat="qtcore5compat qtgraphicaleffects5compat" # +qt5="qt5" # already installed by qtbase (conflicts) -quick3dphysics/qtquick3dphysics +quick3d/qtquick3d -quickeffectmaker/qtquickeffectmaker +remoteobjects/qtremoteobjects +scxml/qtscxml +scxml/qtscxml:="qtstatemachine" +sensors/qtsensors +serialbus/qtserialbus +serialport/qtserialport +shadertools/qtshadertools: +speech/qtspeech="qttexttospeech" +svg^qtsvg: +timeline/qtquicktimeline: +tools^qttools=" qdoc qtassistant qtdesigner qtdistancefieldgenerator qthelp qtlinguist qtuitools " +virtualkeyboard/qtvirtualkeyboard +wayland/qtwaylandcompositor +webchannel/qtwebchannel # webengine archives for docs/examples missing since 6.8.0...? #+webengine/qtpdf: #+webengine/qtwebengine +websockets/qtwebsockets +webview/qtwebview ) local entry operator use subdir package exception modules uris local -A iuse for entry in "${map[@]}"; do [[ ${entry} =~ ^([%+-])([^/^!:=]+)([/^])?([^!:=]+)?([!:])?=?(.+)? ]] || die "syntax error in '${entry}'" # global scope, must never fail operator=${BASH_REMATCH[1]#-} use=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} subdir=${BASH_REMATCH[3]} package=${BASH_REMATCH[4]} exception=${BASH_REMATCH[5]} modules=${BASH_REMATCH[6]:-${package}} [[ ${subdir} == / ]] && subdir=.${package} || subdir= # special rule due to inconsistent examples path since qt 6.8.0 [[ ${package} == qtwaylandcompositor ]] && package=qtwayland [[ ${exception} != ! ]] && printf -v uris "${baseuri}.doc${subdir}/${prefix}%s${doc_suffix} " \ ${modules} [[ ${exception} != : ]] && uris+=" examples? ( ${baseuri}.examples${subdir}/${prefix}${package}${exa_suffix} )" if [[ ${operator} == % ]]; then SRC_URI+=" ${uris}" else iuse[${operator}${use}]= # avoid duplicates SRC_URI+=" ${use}? ( ${uris} )" fi done IUSE+=" ${!iuse[*]}" } qt6_docs_generate_metadata src_unpack() { local a docs=() examples=() for a in ${A}; do case ${a} in *documentation*) docs+=("${a}");; *examples*) examples+=("${a}");; *) die "unrecognized archive '${a}'";; esac done mkdir docs || die pushd docs >/dev/null || die unpack "${docs[@]}" popd >/dev/null || die if use examples; then mkdir examples || die pushd examples >/dev/null || die unpacker "${examples[@]}" # .7z popd >/dev/null || die fi } src_install() { insinto /usr/share/qt6-doc # QT6_DOCDIR use qch && doins -r docs/*.qch if use html; then doins -r docs/*/ # trailing '/' skips .qch files # needed not to let Qt Creator believe that these examples exist use examples || find "${ED}" -type f -name examples-manifest.xml -delete || die elif use examples; then # still need docs tarballs even with USE="-html -qch" local dir for dir in docs/*/; do if [[ -e ${dir}/examples-manifest.xml ]]; then insinto /usr/share/qt6-doc/"${dir#*/*/}" doins ${dir}/examples-manifest.xml fi done fi insinto /usr/share/qt6/examples # QT6_EXAMPLESDIR use examples && doins -r examples/*/ }