python-pymongo-3.4.0-5.module_836062be$>$aXّ1H+>1?d ) Cdh =CLX ^ d p 3 8Db:(P8\/9/: S/FG,H8ID\H]T^defCpython-pymongo3.4.05.module_836062bePython driver for MongoDBThe Python driver for Fedora ProjectFedora ProjectASL 2.0 and MITFedora ProjectUnspecified3.4.0.tar.gz0001-Use-ssl.match_hostname-from-the-Python-stdlib.patchԸ0XYlXW Yl79baa68e925c0e32d884d2a7f82b1ca412c4c1e1619f5451ad1dae935024a00683d2c973dcb997c90e727b1a9c80a5d4e8ff5e6ae9ac9975929d7831af688be3d2879321034a05d68f8ce232ce1376ffebb9ffc827dd95bfeb3198b2c035d106 mockbuildmockbuildmockbuildmockbuildmockbuildmockbuild  python-toolspython2-develpython2-setuptoolspython2-sphinxpython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-]XXoXY@XVz@XJX=mX8'X8'W@W@V@VV%@VV9@V @US@SSsZQB@Q@QbQ@Qw@Qw@Qu&@QPP@P@P@P@PYP O On@N, @MQ0@L@LL+@LLLKK@Karsten Hopp - 3.4.0-5Fedora Release Engineering - 3.4.0-4Randy Barlow - 3.4.0-3Miro Hrončok - 3.4.0-2Randy Barlow - 3.4.0-1Charalampos Stratakis - 3.3.0-6Dan Horák - 3.3.0-5Randy Barlow - 3.3.0-4Randy Barlow - 3.3.0-3Fedora Release Engineering - 3.3.0-2Randy Barlow - 3.3.0-1Randy Barlow - 3.2.2-1Randy Barlow - 3.2.1-1Randy Barlow - 3.2-1Randy Barlow - 3.0.3-3Matej Stuchlik - 3.0.3-2Haïkel Guémar - 3.0.3-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.5.2-7Fedora Release Engineering - 2.5.2-6Fedora Release Engineering - 2.5.2-5Bohuslav Kabrda - 2.5.2-4Fedora Release Engineering - 2.5.2-3Andrew McNabb - 2.5.2-2Andrew McNabb - 2.5.2-1Andrew McNabb - 2.5-5Andrew McNabb - 2.5-4Andrew McNabb - 2.5-3Andrew McNabb - 2.5-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.3-7Andrew McNabb - 2.3-6Andrew McNabb - 2.3-5Andrew McNabb - 2.3-4Andrew McNabb - 2.3-3Andrew McNabb - 2.3-2Andrew McNabb - 2.3-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.1.1-2Silas Sewell - 2.1.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.11-2Silas Sewell - 1.11-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.9-6Dan Horák - 1.9-5Silas Sewell - 1.9-4Silas Sewell - 1.9-3Silas Sewell - 1.9-2Silas Sewell - 1.9-1Silas Sewell - 1.8.1-1Silas Sewell - 1.1.2-1- disable checks for Modularity to break dependency loop mongodb <-> python-mongodb- Rebuilt for Run the test suite in the check section (#1409251).- Rebuild for Python 3.6- Update to 3.4.0 (#1400227). - Use new install macros. - Drop unneeded BuildRequires on python-nose. - pymongo now requires bson by arch as it should.- Rebuild for Python 3.6- Update test BRs- Run the tests with test instead of with nosetests.- Run the tests against a live mongod.- Update to 3.3.0 (#1356334). - Remove the exclude arch on big endian systems, since 3.3.0 now supports them. - Use the newer Python build macros. - Add a skip test on another test that requires a running mongod. - Convert the -doc subpackage into a noarch, as it should be. - python2-pymongo-gridfs now requires python2-pymongo(isa) instead of python-pymongo(isa). - Build the docs in parallel.- Update to 3.2.2 (#1318073).- Remove use of needless defattr macros (#1303426). - Update to 3.2.1 (#1304137). - Remove lots of if statements as this spec file will only be used on Rawhide. - Remove dependency on python-backports-ssl_match_hostname as it is not needed in Fedora. - Rework the patch for CVE-2013-7440 and CVE-2013-2099 so that it exclusively uses code from Python.- Update to 3.2. - Rename the python- subpackages with a python2- prefix. - Add a -doc subpackage with built html docs. - Skip a few new tests that use MongoDB. - Reorganize the spec file a bit. - Use the license macro. - Pull source from GitHub.- Do not use 2to3 for Python 3 (#1294130).- Rebuilt for Python 3.5- Upstream 3.0.3 - Fix CVE-2013-7440 (RHBZ#1231231 #1231232)- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Bump the obsoletes version for pymongo-gridfs- Update to pymongo 2.5.2- Bump the obsoletes version- Fix the test running procedure- Exclude tests in pymongo 2.5 that depend on MongoDB- Update to PyMongo 2.5 (bug #954152)- Rebuilt for Fix dependency of python3-pymongo-gridfs (bug #892214)- Fix the name of the python-pymongo-gridfs subpackage- Fix obsoletes for python-pymongo-gridfs subpackage- Fix requires to include the arch, and add docs to all subpackages- Remove preexisting egg-info- Rename, update to 2.3, and add support for Python 3- Rebuilt for Update to 2.1.1- Rebuilt for Update to 1.11- Rebuilt for add ExcludeArch to match mongodb package- Add comment about multi-license- Fixed tests so they actually run - Change python-devel to python2-devel- Add check section - Use correct .so filter - Added python3 stuff (although disabled)- Update to 1.9- Update to 1.8.1- Initial 15002539510001-Use-ssl.match_hostname-from-the-Python-stdlib.patch3.4.0.tar.gzpython-pymongo.specdrpmgzip9utf-8?s 1f``P/,-K5335O)IOMHL31Jd,\ra ~Q1s :~;ƕ&  =E xmf:F[%2 B}k_ 퀘v@M<>؉@>/aV&(D=D %b{zP L̬ 9ϣnU_|/cCŘoϊkjZU+6rSQvV5uvYE;ɋKLl1I 9\7EZ_k~ؽԙ8?\kOX5ILMX[Ijʮ^l<[PҢ,}2~gγ5{Mм+Nϭ^|Okf'+3?-^_;NAw/)J5ow\vI?lc7`h|2 "'Bj]|=; 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