ansible-playbook [core 2.17.5] config file = None configured module search path = ['/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules'] ansible python module location = /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible ansible collection location = /tmp/collections-vCx executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible-playbook python version = 3.12.6 (main, Sep 9 2024, 00:00:00) [GCC 14.2.1 20240801 (Red Hat 14.2.1-1)] (/usr/bin/python3.12) jinja version = 3.1.4 libyaml = True No config file found; using defaults running playbook inside collection fedora.linux_system_roles statically imported: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/get_services_state.yml statically imported: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/restore_services_state.yml redirecting (type: callback) ansible.builtin.debug to ansible.posix.debug redirecting (type: callback) ansible.builtin.debug to ansible.posix.debug redirecting (type: callback) ansible.builtin.profile_tasks to ansible.posix.profile_tasks Skipping callback 'default', as we already have a stdout callback. Skipping callback 'minimal', as we already have a stdout callback. Skipping callback 'oneline', as we already have a stdout callback. PLAYBOOK: tests_bz1855544.yml ************************************************** 2 plays in /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/tests_bz1855544.yml PLAY [all] ********************************************************************* TASK [Include vault variables] ************************************************* task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/tests_bz1855544.yml:5 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:47 -0400 (0:00:00.008) 0:00:00.008 ***** ok: [managed-node3] => { "ansible_facts": { "pcptest_pw": { "__ansible_vault": "$ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256\n65343431623161346664373330646165636437656265656632613961363839303132393064663934\n3137396633373562393466633037356533326566343338350a386238333034336162333932313162\n62643937336534356131376134303463306466316433366636643562633637376336653034646334\n3063663466333735390a333330366461386166633233373133326237323663333831653232646566\n3363\n" } }, "ansible_included_var_files": [ "/tmp/metrics-2lN/tests/vars/vault-variables.yml" ], "changed": false } PLAY [Bug 1855544 - metrics role should automate the setup of Grafana datasources] *** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/tests_bz1855544.yml:9 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:47 -0400 (0:00:00.019) 0:00:00.028 ***** [WARNING]: Platform linux on host managed-node3 is using the discovered Python interpreter at /usr/bin/python3.12, but future installation of another Python interpreter could change the meaning of that path. See core/2.17/reference_appendices/interpreter_discovery.html for more information. ok: [managed-node3] TASK [Stop test] *************************************************************** task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/tests_bz1855544.yml:17 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:50 -0400 (0:00:02.525) 0:00:02.553 ***** META: end_host conditional evaluated to False, continuing execution for managed-node3 skipping: [managed-node3] => { "skip_reason": "end_host conditional evaluated to False, continuing execution for managed-node3" } MSG: end_host conditional evaluated to false, continuing execution for managed-node3 TASK [Get initial state of services] ******************************************* task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/get_services_state.yml:3 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:50 -0400 (0:00:00.026) 0:00:02.579 ***** ok: [managed-node3] => { "ansible_facts": { "services": { "NetworkManager-dispatcher.service": { "name": "NetworkManager-dispatcher.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "enabled" }, "NetworkManager-wait-online.service": { "name": "NetworkManager-wait-online.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled" }, "NetworkManager.service": { "name": "NetworkManager.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "enabled" }, "audit-rules.service": { "name": "audit-rules.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled" }, "auditd.service": { "name": "auditd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "enabled" }, "auth-rpcgss-module.service": { "name": "auth-rpcgss-module.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "autofs.service": { "name": "autofs.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "not-found" }, "autovt@.service": { "name": "autovt@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "alias" }, "blk-availability.service": { "name": "blk-availability.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "capsule@.service": { "name": "capsule@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "chrony-wait.service": { "name": "chrony-wait.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "chronyd-restricted.service": { "name": "chronyd-restricted.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "chronyd.service": { "name": "chronyd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "enabled" }, "cloud-config.service": { "name": "cloud-config.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled" }, "cloud-final.service": { "name": "cloud-final.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled" }, "cloud-init-hotplugd.service": { "name": "cloud-init-hotplugd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "cloud-init-local.service": { "name": "cloud-init-local.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled" }, "cloud-init.service": { "name": "cloud-init.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled" }, "console-getty.service": { "name": "console-getty.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "container-getty@.service": { "name": "container-getty@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "crond.service": { "name": "crond.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "enabled" }, "dbus-broker.service": { "name": "dbus-broker.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "enabled" }, "dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service": { "name": "dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "alias" }, "dbus-org.freedesktop.locale1.service": { "name": "dbus-org.freedesktop.locale1.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "alias" }, "dbus-org.freedesktop.login1.service": { "name": "dbus-org.freedesktop.login1.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "active", "status": "alias" }, "dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service": { "name": "dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "alias" }, "dbus-org.freedesktop.timedate1.service": { "name": "dbus-org.freedesktop.timedate1.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "alias" }, "dbus.service": { "name": "dbus.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "active", "status": "alias" }, "debug-shell.service": { "name": "debug-shell.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "dhcpcd.service": { "name": "dhcpcd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "dhcpcd@.service": { "name": "dhcpcd@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "disabled" }, "display-manager.service": { "name": "display-manager.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "not-found" }, "dm-event.service": { "name": "dm-event.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "dnf-makecache.service": { "name": "dnf-makecache.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "dnf-system-upgrade-cleanup.service": { "name": "dnf-system-upgrade-cleanup.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "dnf-system-upgrade.service": { "name": "dnf-system-upgrade.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "dracut-cmdline.service": { "name": "dracut-cmdline.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "dracut-initqueue.service": { "name": "dracut-initqueue.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "dracut-mount.service": { "name": "dracut-mount.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "dracut-pre-mount.service": { "name": "dracut-pre-mount.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "dracut-pre-pivot.service": { "name": "dracut-pre-pivot.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "dracut-pre-trigger.service": { "name": "dracut-pre-trigger.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "dracut-pre-udev.service": { "name": "dracut-pre-udev.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "dracut-shutdown-onfailure.service": { "name": "dracut-shutdown-onfailure.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "dracut-shutdown.service": { "name": "dracut-shutdown.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "emergency.service": { "name": "emergency.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "fips-crypto-policy-overlay.service": { "name": "fips-crypto-policy-overlay.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "firewalld.service": { "name": "firewalld.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "fsidd.service": { "name": "fsidd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "fstrim.service": { "name": "fstrim.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "getty@.service": { "name": "getty@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "enabled" }, "getty@tty1.service": { "name": "getty@tty1.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "active" }, "grub-boot-indeterminate.service": { "name": "grub-boot-indeterminate.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "grub2-systemd-integration.service": { "name": "grub2-systemd-integration.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "gssproxy.service": { "name": "gssproxy.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "disabled" }, "hv_kvp_daemon.service": { "name": "hv_kvp_daemon.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "not-found" }, "initrd-cleanup.service": { "name": "initrd-cleanup.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "initrd-parse-etc.service": { "name": "initrd-parse-etc.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "initrd-switch-root.service": { "name": "initrd-switch-root.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service": { "name": "initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "irqbalance.service": { "name": "irqbalance.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "enabled" }, "kdump.service": { "name": "kdump.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled" }, "kmod-static-nodes.service": { "name": "kmod-static-nodes.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "kvm_stat.service": { "name": "kvm_stat.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "ldconfig.service": { "name": "ldconfig.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "logrotate.service": { "name": "logrotate.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "lvm-devices-import.service": { "name": "lvm-devices-import.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "lvm2-lvmpolld.service": { "name": "lvm2-lvmpolld.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "lvm2-monitor.service": { "name": "lvm2-monitor.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled" }, "man-db-cache-update.service": { "name": "man-db-cache-update.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "man-db-restart-cache-update.service": { "name": "man-db-restart-cache-update.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "microcode.service": { "name": "microcode.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "modprobe@.service": { "name": "modprobe@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "modprobe@configfs.service": { "name": "modprobe@configfs.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "inactive" }, "modprobe@dm_mod.service": { "name": "modprobe@dm_mod.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "inactive" }, "modprobe@drm.service": { "name": "modprobe@drm.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "inactive" }, "modprobe@efi_pstore.service": { "name": "modprobe@efi_pstore.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "inactive" }, "modprobe@fuse.service": { "name": "modprobe@fuse.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "inactive" }, "modprobe@loop.service": { "name": "modprobe@loop.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "inactive" }, "network.service": { "name": "network.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "not-found" }, "nfs-blkmap.service": { "name": "nfs-blkmap.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "nfs-idmapd.service": { "name": "nfs-idmapd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "nfs-mountd.service": { "name": "nfs-mountd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "nfs-server.service": { "name": "nfs-server.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "disabled" }, "nfs-utils.service": { "name": "nfs-utils.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "nfsdcld.service": { "name": "nfsdcld.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "nftables.service": { "name": "nftables.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "nis-domainname.service": { "name": "nis-domainname.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "nm-priv-helper.service": { "name": "nm-priv-helper.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "ntpd.service": { "name": "ntpd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "not-found" }, "ntpdate.service": { "name": "ntpdate.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "not-found" }, "pam_namespace.service": { "name": "pam_namespace.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "pcscd.service": { "name": "pcscd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "indirect" }, "plymouth-quit-wait.service": { "name": "plymouth-quit-wait.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "not-found" }, "plymouth-start.service": { "name": "plymouth-start.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "not-found" }, "polkit.service": { "name": "polkit.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "qemu-guest-agent.service": { "name": "qemu-guest-agent.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "enabled" }, "quotaon-root.service": { "name": "quotaon-root.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "quotaon@.service": { "name": "quotaon@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "rc-local.service": { "name": "rc-local.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "rescue.service": { "name": "rescue.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "restraintd.service": { "name": "restraintd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "enabled" }, "rngd.service": { "name": "rngd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "enabled" }, "rpc-gssd.service": { "name": "rpc-gssd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "rpc-statd-notify.service": { "name": "rpc-statd-notify.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "rpc-statd.service": { "name": "rpc-statd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "rpc-svcgssd.service": { "name": "rpc-svcgssd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "not-found" }, "rpcbind.service": { "name": "rpcbind.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "enabled" }, "rpmdb-migrate.service": { "name": "rpmdb-migrate.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "rpmdb-rebuild.service": { "name": "rpmdb-rebuild.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "rsyslog.service": { "name": "rsyslog.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "enabled" }, "selinux-autorelabel-mark.service": { "name": "selinux-autorelabel-mark.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled" }, "selinux-autorelabel.service": { "name": "selinux-autorelabel.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "selinux-check-proper-disable.service": { "name": "selinux-check-proper-disable.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "serial-getty@.service": { "name": "serial-getty@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "indirect" }, "serial-getty@ttyS0.service": { "name": "serial-getty@ttyS0.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "active" }, "sntp.service": { "name": "sntp.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "not-found" }, "ssh-host-keys-migration.service": { "name": "ssh-host-keys-migration.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "disabled" }, "sshd-keygen.service": { "name": "sshd-keygen.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "not-found" }, "sshd-keygen@.service": { "name": "sshd-keygen@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "disabled" }, "sshd-keygen@ecdsa.service": { "name": "sshd-keygen@ecdsa.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "inactive" }, "sshd-keygen@ed25519.service": { "name": "sshd-keygen@ed25519.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "inactive" }, "sshd-keygen@rsa.service": { "name": "sshd-keygen@rsa.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "inactive" }, "sshd.service": { "name": "sshd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "enabled" }, "sshd@.service": { "name": "sshd@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "sssd-autofs.service": { "name": "sssd-autofs.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "indirect" }, "sssd-kcm.service": { "name": "sssd-kcm.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "indirect" }, "sssd-nss.service": { "name": "sssd-nss.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "indirect" }, "sssd-pac.service": { "name": "sssd-pac.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "indirect" }, "sssd-pam.service": { "name": "sssd-pam.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "indirect" }, "sssd-ssh.service": { "name": "sssd-ssh.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "indirect" }, "sssd-sudo.service": { "name": "sssd-sudo.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "indirect" }, "sssd.service": { "name": "sssd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled" }, "syslog.service": { "name": "syslog.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "not-found" }, "system-update-cleanup.service": { "name": "system-update-cleanup.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "systemd-ask-password-console.service": { "name": "systemd-ask-password-console.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-ask-password-wall.service": { "name": "systemd-ask-password-wall.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-backlight@.service": { "name": "systemd-backlight@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "systemd-battery-check.service": { "name": "systemd-battery-check.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-binfmt.service": { "name": "systemd-binfmt.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-bless-boot.service": { "name": "systemd-bless-boot.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "systemd-boot-check-no-failures.service": { "name": "systemd-boot-check-no-failures.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "systemd-boot-random-seed.service": { "name": "systemd-boot-random-seed.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-boot-update.service": { "name": "systemd-boot-update.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "systemd-bootctl@.service": { "name": "systemd-bootctl@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "systemd-confext.service": { "name": "systemd-confext.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled" }, "systemd-coredump@.service": { "name": "systemd-coredump@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "systemd-creds@.service": { "name": "systemd-creds@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "systemd-exit.service": { "name": "systemd-exit.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "systemd-firstboot.service": { "name": "systemd-firstboot.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-fsck-root.service": { "name": "systemd-fsck-root.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-fsck@.service": { "name": "systemd-fsck@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "systemd-growfs-root.service": { "name": "systemd-growfs-root.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "systemd-growfs@.service": { "name": "systemd-growfs@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "systemd-halt.service": { "name": "systemd-halt.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "systemd-hibernate-clear.service": { "name": "systemd-hibernate-clear.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-hibernate-resume.service": { "name": "systemd-hibernate-resume.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-hibernate.service": { "name": "systemd-hibernate.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "systemd-hostnamed.service": { "name": "systemd-hostnamed.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-hwdb-update.service": { "name": "systemd-hwdb-update.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-hybrid-sleep.service": { "name": "systemd-hybrid-sleep.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "systemd-initctl.service": { "name": "systemd-initctl.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-journal-catalog-update.service": { "name": "systemd-journal-catalog-update.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-journal-flush.service": { "name": "systemd-journal-flush.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-journald-sync@.service": { "name": "systemd-journald-sync@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "systemd-journald.service": { "name": "systemd-journald.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "static" }, "systemd-journald@.service": { "name": "systemd-journald@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "systemd-kexec.service": { "name": "systemd-kexec.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "systemd-localed.service": { "name": "systemd-localed.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "systemd-logind.service": { "name": "systemd-logind.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "static" }, "systemd-machine-id-commit.service": { "name": "systemd-machine-id-commit.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-modules-load.service": { "name": "systemd-modules-load.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-network-generator.service": { "name": "systemd-network-generator.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled" }, "systemd-networkd-wait-online.service": { "name": "systemd-networkd-wait-online.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "not-found" }, "systemd-oomd.service": { "name": "systemd-oomd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "not-found" }, "systemd-pcrextend@.service": { "name": "systemd-pcrextend@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "systemd-pcrfs-root.service": { "name": "systemd-pcrfs-root.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "systemd-pcrfs@.service": { "name": "systemd-pcrfs@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "systemd-pcrlock-file-system.service": { "name": "systemd-pcrlock-file-system.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "systemd-pcrlock-firmware-code.service": { "name": "systemd-pcrlock-firmware-code.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "systemd-pcrlock-firmware-config.service": { "name": "systemd-pcrlock-firmware-config.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "systemd-pcrlock-machine-id.service": { "name": "systemd-pcrlock-machine-id.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "systemd-pcrlock-make-policy.service": { "name": "systemd-pcrlock-make-policy.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "systemd-pcrlock-secureboot-authority.service": { "name": "systemd-pcrlock-secureboot-authority.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "systemd-pcrlock-secureboot-policy.service": { "name": "systemd-pcrlock-secureboot-policy.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "systemd-pcrlock@.service": { "name": "systemd-pcrlock@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "systemd-pcrmachine.service": { "name": "systemd-pcrmachine.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-pcrphase-initrd.service": { "name": "systemd-pcrphase-initrd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-pcrphase-sysinit.service": { "name": "systemd-pcrphase-sysinit.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-pcrphase.service": { "name": "systemd-pcrphase.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-poweroff.service": { "name": "systemd-poweroff.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "systemd-pstore.service": { "name": "systemd-pstore.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled" }, "systemd-quotacheck-root.service": { "name": "systemd-quotacheck-root.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-quotacheck@.service": { "name": "systemd-quotacheck@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "systemd-random-seed.service": { "name": "systemd-random-seed.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-reboot.service": { "name": "systemd-reboot.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "systemd-remount-fs.service": { "name": "systemd-remount-fs.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled-runtime" }, "systemd-repart.service": { "name": "systemd-repart.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-rfkill.service": { "name": "systemd-rfkill.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-soft-reboot.service": { "name": "systemd-soft-reboot.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-suspend-then-hibernate.service": { "name": "systemd-suspend-then-hibernate.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "systemd-suspend.service": { "name": "systemd-suspend.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "systemd-sysctl.service": { "name": "systemd-sysctl.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-sysext.service": { "name": "systemd-sysext.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled" }, "systemd-sysext@.service": { "name": "systemd-sysext@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "systemd-sysupdate-reboot.service": { "name": "systemd-sysupdate-reboot.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "indirect" }, "systemd-sysupdate.service": { "name": "systemd-sysupdate.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "indirect" }, "systemd-sysusers.service": { "name": "systemd-sysusers.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-timedated.service": { "name": "systemd-timedated.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "systemd-timesyncd.service": { "name": "systemd-timesyncd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "not-found" }, "systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service": { "name": "systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service": { "name": "systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service": { "name": "systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service": { "name": "systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-tpm2-setup-early.service": { "name": "systemd-tpm2-setup-early.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-tpm2-setup.service": { "name": "systemd-tpm2-setup.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-udev-load-credentials.service": { "name": "systemd-udev-load-credentials.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "disabled" }, "systemd-udev-settle.service": { "name": "systemd-udev-settle.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-udev-trigger.service": { "name": "systemd-udev-trigger.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-udevd.service": { "name": "systemd-udevd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "static" }, "systemd-update-done.service": { "name": "systemd-update-done.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service": { "name": "systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-update-utmp.service": { "name": "systemd-update-utmp.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-user-sessions.service": { "name": "systemd-user-sessions.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-vconsole-setup.service": { "name": "systemd-vconsole-setup.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-volatile-root.service": { "name": "systemd-volatile-root.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "user-runtime-dir@.service": { "name": "user-runtime-dir@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "user-runtime-dir@0.service": { "name": "user-runtime-dir@0.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "active" }, "user@.service": { "name": "user@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "user@0.service": { "name": "user@0.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "active" }, "ypbind.service": { "name": "ypbind.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "not-found" } } }, "changed": false } TASK [Run the role] ************************************************************ task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/tests_bz1855544.yml:27 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:52 -0400 (0:00:01.980) 0:00:04.560 ***** included: fedora.linux_system_roles.metrics for managed-node3 TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.metrics : Ensure ansible_facts used by role] *** task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/metrics/tasks/main.yml:3 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:52 -0400 (0:00:00.041) 0:00:04.601 ***** skipping: [managed-node3] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "__metrics_required_facts | difference(ansible_facts.keys() | list) | length > 0", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.metrics : Add Elasticsearch to metrics domain list] *** task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/metrics/tasks/main.yml:8 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:52 -0400 (0:00:00.024) 0:00:04.625 ***** skipping: [managed-node3] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "metrics_from_elasticsearch | d(false) | bool", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.metrics : Add SQL Server to metrics domain list] *** task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/metrics/tasks/main.yml:13 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:52 -0400 (0:00:00.032) 0:00:04.658 ***** skipping: [managed-node3] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "metrics_from_mssql | d(false) | bool", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.metrics : Add Postfix to metrics domain list] *** task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/metrics/tasks/main.yml:18 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:52 -0400 (0:00:00.059) 0:00:04.717 ***** skipping: [managed-node3] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "metrics_from_postfix | d(false) | bool", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.metrics : Add bpftrace to metrics domain list] *** task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/metrics/tasks/main.yml:23 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:52 -0400 (0:00:00.026) 0:00:04.744 ***** ok: [managed-node3] => { "ansible_facts": { "__metrics_domains": [ "bpftrace" ] }, "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.metrics : Setup metrics access for roles] ****** task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/metrics/tasks/main.yml:28 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:52 -0400 (0:00:00.026) 0:00:04.771 ***** ok: [managed-node3] => { "ansible_facts": { "__metrics_accounts": [ { "saslpassword": "metrics", "sasluser": "metrics", "user": "metrics" } ] }, "changed": false } TASK [Configure Elasticsearch metrics] ***************************************** task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/metrics/tasks/main.yml:35 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:52 -0400 (0:00:00.027) 0:00:04.799 ***** skipping: [managed-node3] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "metrics_from_elasticsearch | d(false) | bool or metrics_into_elasticsearch | d(false) | bool\n", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Configure SQL Server metrics.] ******************************************* task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/metrics/tasks/main.yml:50 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:52 -0400 (0:00:00.032) 0:00:04.832 ***** skipping: [managed-node3] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "metrics_from_mssql | d(false) | bool", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Configure Postfix metrics.] ********************************************** task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/metrics/tasks/main.yml:58 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:52 -0400 (0:00:00.028) 0:00:04.860 ***** skipping: [managed-node3] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "metrics_from_postfix | d(false) | bool", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Setup bpftrace metrics.] ************************************************* task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/metrics/tasks/main.yml:66 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:52 -0400 (0:00:00.027) 0:00:04.888 ***** included: fedora.linux_system_roles.private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace for managed-node3 TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace : Set platform/version specific variables] *** task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/tasks/main.yml:4 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:52 -0400 (0:00:00.071) 0:00:04.959 ***** ok: [managed-node3] => (item=/tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/vars/default.yml) => { "ansible_facts": { "bpftrace_metrics_provider": "pcp" }, "ansible_included_var_files": [ "/tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/vars/default.yml" ], "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": "/tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/vars/default.yml" } ok: [managed-node3] => (item=/tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/vars/RedHat.yml) => { "ansible_facts": {}, "ansible_included_var_files": [ "/tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/vars/RedHat.yml" ], "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": "/tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/vars/RedHat.yml" } skipping: [managed-node3] => (item=/tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/vars/CentOS.yml) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "false_condition": "item is file", "item": "/tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/vars/CentOS.yml", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } ok: [managed-node3] => (item=/tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/vars/CentOS_10.yml) => { "ansible_facts": { "__bpftrace_packages": [ "bpftrace" ], "__bpftrace_packages_pcp": [ "pcp-pmda-bpftrace" ] }, "ansible_included_var_files": [ "/tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/vars/CentOS_10.yml" ], "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": "/tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/vars/CentOS_10.yml" } ok: [managed-node3] => (item=/tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/vars/CentOS_10.yml) => { "ansible_facts": { "__bpftrace_packages": [ "bpftrace" ], "__bpftrace_packages_pcp": [ "pcp-pmda-bpftrace" ] }, "ansible_included_var_files": [ "/tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/vars/CentOS_10.yml" ], "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": "/tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/vars/CentOS_10.yml" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace : Check if system is ostree] *** task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/tasks/main.yml:18 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:52 -0400 (0:00:00.063) 0:00:05.022 ***** ok: [managed-node3] => { "changed": false, "stat": { "exists": false } } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace : Set flag to indicate system is ostree] *** task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/tasks/main.yml:23 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:53 -0400 (0:00:00.428) 0:00:05.451 ***** ok: [managed-node3] => { "ansible_facts": { "__ansible_pcp_is_ostree": false }, "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace : Establish bpftrace package names] *** task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/tasks/main.yml:27 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:53 -0400 (0:00:00.025) 0:00:05.476 ***** ok: [managed-node3] => { "ansible_facts": { "__bpftrace_packages_extra": [ "bpftrace" ] }, "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace : Establish bpftrace metrics package names] *** task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/tasks/main.yml:34 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:53 -0400 (0:00:00.024) 0:00:05.501 ***** ok: [managed-node3] => { "ansible_facts": { "__bpftrace_packages_extra": [ "pcp-pmda-bpftrace", "bpftrace" ] }, "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace : Install needed bpftrace metrics packages] *** task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/tasks/main.yml:41 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:53 -0400 (0:00:00.024) 0:00:05.526 ***** fatal: [managed-node3]: FAILED! => { "changed": false, "failures": [], "rc": 1, "results": [] } MSG: Depsolve Error occurred: Problem 1: package python3-lldb-19.1.1-5.el10.x86_64 from appstream requires, but none of the providers can be installed - package python3-lldb-19.1.1-5.el10.x86_64 from appstream requires lldb(x86-64) = 19.1.1-5.el10, but none of the providers can be installed - package lldb-18.1.8-1.el10.x86_64 from appstream requires python3-lldb, but none of the providers can be installed - cannot install both lldb-19.1.1-5.el10.x86_64 from appstream and lldb-18.1.8-1.el10.x86_64 from appstream - package bpftrace-0.21.1-1.el10.x86_64 from appstream requires, but none of the providers can be installed - package bpftrace-0.21.1-1.el10.x86_64 from appstream requires, but none of the providers can be installed - conflicting requests Problem 2: package python3-lldb-19.1.1-5.el10.x86_64 from appstream requires, but none of the providers can be installed - package python3-lldb-19.1.1-5.el10.x86_64 from appstream requires lldb(x86-64) = 19.1.1-5.el10, but none of the providers can be installed - package lldb-18.1.8-1.el10.x86_64 from appstream requires python3-lldb, but none of the providers can be installed - cannot install both lldb-19.1.1-5.el10.x86_64 from appstream and lldb-18.1.8-1.el10.x86_64 from appstream - package bpftrace-0.21.1-1.el10.x86_64 from appstream requires, but none of the providers can be installed - package bpftrace-0.21.1-1.el10.x86_64 from appstream requires, but none of the providers can be installed - package pcp-pmda-bpftrace-6.3.0-3.el10.x86_64 from appstream requires bpftrace >= 0.9.2, but none of the providers can be installed - conflicting requests TASK [Handle test failure] ***************************************************** task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/tests_bz1855544.yml:47 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:56 -0400 (0:00:03.408) 0:00:08.934 ***** included: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/handle_test_failure.yml for managed-node3 TASK [Collect logs] ************************************************************ task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/handle_test_failure.yml:2 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:56 -0400 (0:00:00.031) 0:00:08.965 ***** ok: [managed-node3] => { "changed": false, "cmd": "journalctl -ex\necho '##################'\necho List of SELinux AVCs - note list may be empty\ngrep type=AVC /var/log/audit/audit.log\necho '##################'\nls -alrtF /run\nif [ -d /run/pcp ]; then\n ls -alrtF /run/pcp\nelse\n echo ERROR - /run/pcp does not exist\nfi\n", "delta": "0:00:00.038746", "end": "2024-11-02 06:21:57.127630", "rc": 0, "start": "2024-11-02 06:21:57.088884" } STDOUT: Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: 00:06: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4, base_baud = 115200) is a 16550A Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Non-volatile memory driver v1.3 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: ACPI: bus type drm_connector registered Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: rdac: device handler registered Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: hp_sw: device handler registered Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: emc: device handler registered Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: alua: device handler registered Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial_generic Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: usbserial: USB Serial support registered for generic Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: i8042: PNP: PS/2 Controller [PNP0303:PS2K,PNP0f13:PS2M] at 0x60,0x64 irq 1,12 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: i8042: Warning: Keylock active Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: rtc_cmos 00:02: registered as rtc0 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: rtc_cmos 00:02: setting system clock to 2024-11-02T10:18:11 UTC (1730542691) Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: rtc_cmos 00:02: alarms up to one day, 114 bytes nvram, hpet irqs Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: intel_pstate: CPU model not supported Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: hid: raw HID events driver (C) Jiri Kosina Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: usbhid: USB HID core driver Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: drop_monitor: Initializing network drop monitor service Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Initializing XFRM netlink socket Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: NET: Registered PF_INET6 protocol family Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Segment Routing with IPv6 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: In-situ OAM (IOAM) with IPv6 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: NET: Registered PF_PACKET protocol family Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: mpls_gso: MPLS GSO support Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: IPI shorthand broadcast: enabled Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: AES CTR mode by8 optimization enabled Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: sched_clock: Marking stable (762004686, 219265549)->(1043601046, -62330811) Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: registered taskstats version 1 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Loading compiled-in X.509 certificates Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Loaded X.509 cert 'The CentOS Project: CentOS Stream kernel signing key: 912c0e9d508a16c475a684350e02238a2821fb72' Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Loaded X.509 cert 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Driver Update Program (key 3): bf57f3e87362bc7229d9f465321773dfd1f77a80' Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Loaded X.509 cert 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux kpatch signing key: 4d38fd864ebe18c5f0b72e3852e2014c3a676fc8' Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Loaded X.509 cert 'Nvidia GPU OOT signing 001: 55e1cef88193e60419f0b0ec379c49f77545acf0' Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Loaded X.509 cert 'RH-IMA-CA: Red Hat IMA CA: fb31825dd0e073685b264e3038963673f753959a' Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Demotion targets for Node 0: null Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: page_owner is disabled Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Key type .fscrypt registered Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Key type fscrypt-provisioning registered Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Key type big_key registered Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Key type encrypted registered Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: ima: No TPM chip found, activating TPM-bypass! Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Loading compiled-in module X.509 certificates Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Loaded X.509 cert 'The CentOS Project: CentOS Stream kernel signing key: 912c0e9d508a16c475a684350e02238a2821fb72' Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: ima: Allocated hash algorithm: sha256 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: ima: No architecture policies found Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: evm: Initialising EVM extended attributes: Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: evm: security.selinux Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: evm: security.SMACK64 (disabled) Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: evm: security.SMACK64EXEC (disabled) Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: evm: security.SMACK64TRANSMUTE (disabled) Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: evm: security.SMACK64MMAP (disabled) Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: evm: security.apparmor (disabled) Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: evm: security.ima Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: evm: security.capability Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: evm: HMAC attrs: 0x1 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Running certificate verification RSA selftest Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Loaded X.509 cert 'Certificate verification self-testing key: f58703bb33ce1b73ee02eccdee5b8817518fe3db' Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Running certificate verification ECDSA selftest Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Loaded X.509 cert 'Certificate verification ECDSA self-testing key: 2900bcea1deb7bc8479a84a23d758efdfdd2b2d3' Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: xenbus_probe_frontend: Device with no driver: device/vbd/768 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: xenbus_probe_frontend: Device with no driver: device/vif/0 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: clk: Disabling unused clocks Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: PM: genpd: Disabling unused power domains Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Freeing unused decrypted memory: 2028K Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Freeing unused kernel image (initmem) memory: 4296K Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 32768k Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Freeing unused kernel image (rodata/data gap) memory: 408K Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: x86/mm: Checked W+X mappings: passed, no W+X pages found. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: x86/mm: Checking user space page tables Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: x86/mm: Checked W+X mappings: passed, no W+X pages found. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Run /init as init process Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: with arguments: Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: /init Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: rhgb Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: with environment: Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: HOME=/ Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: TERM=linux Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: BOOT_IMAGE=(hd0,gpt2)/boot/vmlinuz-6.11.0-26.el10.x86_64 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Successfully made /usr/ read-only. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: systemd 256-15.el10 running in system mode (+PAM +AUDIT +SELINUX -APPARMOR +IMA +SMACK +SECCOMP -GCRYPT -GNUTLS +OPENSSL +ACL +BLKID +CURL +ELFUTILS +FIDO2 +IDN2 -IDN -IPTC +KMOD +LIBCRYPTSETUP +LIBCRYPTSETUP_PLUGINS +LIBFDISK +PCRE2 +PWQUALITY +P11KIT -QRENCODE +TPM2 +BZIP2 +LZ4 +XZ +ZLIB +ZSTD +BPF_FRAMEWORK +XKBCOMMON +UTMP +SYSVINIT +LIBARCHIVE) Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Detected virtualization xen. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Detected architecture x86-64. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Running in initrd. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: No hostname configured, using default hostname. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Hostname set to . Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Queued start job for default target Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Started systemd-ask-password-console.path - Dispatch Password Requests to Console Directory Watch. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Expecting device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-70689318\x2d97f1\x2d4727\x2d890d\x2d5d50652a95d6.device - /dev/disk/by-uuid/70689318-97f1-4727-890d-5d50652a95d6... Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Initrd /usr File System. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Path Units. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Slice Units. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Swaps. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Timer Units. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on systemd-journald-dev-log.socket - Journal Socket (/dev/log). Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on systemd-journald.socket - Journal Sockets. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on systemd-udevd-control.socket - udev Control Socket. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on systemd-udevd-kernel.socket - udev Kernel Socket. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Socket Units. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Starting kmod-static-nodes.service - Create List of Static Device Nodes... Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: memstrack.service - Memstrack Anylazing Service was skipped because no trigger condition checks were met. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-journald.service - Journal Service... Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-modules-load.service - Load Kernel Modules was skipped because no trigger condition checks were met. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-pcrphase-initrd.service - TPM PCR Barrier (initrd) was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionSecurity=measured-uki). Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-sysctl.service - Apply Kernel Variables... Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup... Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Finished kmod-static-nodes.service - Create List of Static Device Nodes. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service - Create Static Device Nodes in /dev gracefully... Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Finished systemd-sysctl.service - Apply Kernel Variables. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: run-credentials-systemd\x2dsysctl.service.mount: Deactivated successfully. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd-journald[260]: Collecting audit messages is disabled. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd-journald[260]: Journal started â–‘â–‘ Subject: The journal has been started â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The system journal process has started up, opened the journal â–‘â–‘ files for writing and is now ready to process requests. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd-journald[260]: Runtime Journal (/run/log/journal/d940067ec028415dbfb01bfd581aa4db) is 8M, max 70.5M, 62.5M free. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Disk space used by the journal â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ Runtime Journal (/run/log/journal/d940067ec028415dbfb01bfd581aa4db) is currently using 8M. â–‘â–‘ Maximum allowed usage is set to 70.5M. â–‘â–‘ Leaving at least 35.2M free (of currently available 697.3M of disk space). â–‘â–‘ Enforced usage limit is thus 70.5M, of which 62.5M are still available. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The limits controlling how much disk space is used by the journal may â–‘â–‘ be configured with SystemMaxUse=, SystemKeepFree=, SystemMaxFileSize=, â–‘â–‘ RuntimeMaxUse=, RuntimeKeepFree=, RuntimeMaxFileSize= settings in â–‘â–‘ /etc/systemd/journald.conf. See journald.conf(5) for details. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Started systemd-journald.service - Journal Service. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input2 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Finished systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service - Create Static Device Nodes in /dev gracefully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 18. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: run-credentials-systemd\x2dtmpfiles\x2dsetup\x2ddev\x2dearly.service.mount: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit run-credentials-systemd\x2dtmpfiles\x2dsetup\x2ddev\x2dearly.service.mount has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-sysusers.service - Create System Users... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-sysusers.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-sysusers.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 15. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd-sysusers[276]: Creating group 'nobody' with GID 65534. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd-sysusers[276]: Creating group 'users' with GID 100. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd-sysusers[276]: Creating group 'systemd-journal' with GID 190. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd-sysusers[276]: Creating group 'tss' with GID 59. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd-sysusers[276]: Creating user 'tss' (Account used for TPM access) with UID 59 and GID 59. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Finished systemd-sysusers.service - Create System Users. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-sysusers.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-sysusers.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 15. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: run-credentials-systemd\x2dsysusers.service.mount: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit run-credentials-systemd\x2dsysusers.service.mount has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service - Create Static Device Nodes in /dev... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 16. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Finished systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service - Create Static Device Nodes in /dev. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 16. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Preparation for Local File Systems. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 17. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Local File Systems. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 13. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service - Create System Files and Directories... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 4. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Finished systemd-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 55. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: dracut-cmdline-ask.service - dracut ask for additional cmdline parameters was skipped because no trigger condition checks were met. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit dracut-cmdline-ask.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit dracut-cmdline-ask.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 54. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Starting dracut-cmdline.service - dracut cmdline hook... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit dracut-cmdline.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit dracut-cmdline.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 47. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost dracut-cmdline[285]: dracut-102-3.el10 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost dracut-cmdline[285]: Using kernel command line parameters: BOOT_IMAGE=(hd0,gpt2)/boot/vmlinuz-6.11.0-26.el10.x86_64 root=UUID=70689318-97f1-4727-890d-5d50652a95d6 ro rhgb crashkernel=1G-4G:192M,4G-64G:256M,64G-:512M net.ifnames=0 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd-tmpfiles[282]: /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/var.conf:14: Duplicate line for path "/var/log", ignoring. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Finished systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service - Create System Files and Directories. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 4. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Finished dracut-cmdline.service - dracut cmdline hook. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit dracut-cmdline.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit dracut-cmdline.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 47. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Starting dracut-pre-udev.service - dracut pre-udev hook... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit dracut-pre-udev.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit dracut-pre-udev.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 46. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Finished dracut-pre-udev.service - dracut pre-udev hook. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit dracut-pre-udev.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit dracut-pre-udev.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 46. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-udevd.service - Rule-based Manager for Device Events and Files... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-udevd.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-udevd.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 9. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd-udevd[361]: Using default interface naming scheme 'rhel-10.0-beta'. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Started systemd-udevd.service - Rule-based Manager for Device Events and Files. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-udevd.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-udevd.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 9. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: dracut-pre-trigger.service - dracut pre-trigger hook was skipped because no trigger condition checks were met. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit dracut-pre-trigger.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit dracut-pre-trigger.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 45. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-udev-trigger.service - Coldplug All udev Devices... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-udev-trigger.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-udev-trigger.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 29. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Created slice system-modprobe.slice - Slice /system/modprobe. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit system-modprobe.slice has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit system-modprobe.slice has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 58. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Starting modprobe@configfs.service - Load Kernel Module configfs... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit modprobe@configfs.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit modprobe@configfs.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 57. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Finished systemd-udev-trigger.service - Coldplug All udev Devices. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-udev-trigger.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-udev-trigger.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 29. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: dracut-initqueue.service - dracut initqueue hook was skipped because no trigger condition checks were met. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit dracut-initqueue.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit dracut-initqueue.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 40. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Preparation for Remote File Systems. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 41. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Remote File Systems. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 52. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Starting dracut-pre-mount.service - dracut pre-mount hook... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit dracut-pre-mount.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit dracut-pre-mount.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 42. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: modprobe@configfs.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit modprobe@configfs.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Finished modprobe@configfs.service - Load Kernel Module configfs. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit modprobe@configfs.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit modprobe@configfs.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 57. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Finished dracut-pre-mount.service - dracut pre-mount hook. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit dracut-pre-mount.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit dracut-pre-mount.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 42. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: input: ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse as /devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input4 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: libata version 3.00 loaded. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: ata_piix 0000:00:01.1: version 2.13 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: scsi host0: ata_piix Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: xen_netfront: Initialising Xen virtual ethernet driver Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: Invalid max_queues (4), will use default max: 2. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: scsi host1: ata_piix Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: ata1: PATA max MWDMA2 cmd 0x1f0 ctl 0x3f6 bmdma 0xc000 irq 14 lpm-pol 0 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: ata2: PATA max MWDMA2 cmd 0x170 ctl 0x376 bmdma 0xc008 irq 15 lpm-pol 0 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: blkfront: xvda: barrier or flush: disabled; persistent grants: disabled; indirect descriptors: enabled; bounce buffer: disabled; Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-vconsole-setup.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped systemd-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 62 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Stopping systemd-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 62. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 62. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: GPT:Primary header thinks Alt. header is not at the end of the disk. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: GPT:12582911 != 524287999 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: GPT:Alternate GPT header not at the end of the disk. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: GPT:12582911 != 524287999 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: GPT: Use GNU Parted to correct GPT errors. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost kernel: xvda: xvda1 xvda2 Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Finished systemd-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 62. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: run-credentials-systemd\x2dvconsole\x2dsetup.service.mount: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit run-credentials-systemd\x2dvconsole\x2dsetup.service.mount has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Mounting sys-kernel-config.mount - Kernel Configuration File System... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit sys-kernel-config.mount has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit sys-kernel-config.mount has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 56. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Mounted sys-kernel-config.mount - Kernel Configuration File System. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit sys-kernel-config.mount has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit sys-kernel-config.mount has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 56. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - System Initialization. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 3. Nov 02 06:18:12 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Basic System. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 2. Nov 02 06:18:13 localhost systemd[1]: Found device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-70689318\x2d97f1\x2d4727\x2d890d\x2d5d50652a95d6.device - /dev/disk/by-uuid/70689318-97f1-4727-890d-5d50652a95d6. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit dev-disk-by\x2duuid-70689318\x2d97f1\x2d4727\x2d890d\x2d5d50652a95d6.device has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit dev-disk-by\x2duuid-70689318\x2d97f1\x2d4727\x2d890d\x2d5d50652a95d6.device has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 37. Nov 02 06:18:13 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Initrd Root Device. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 44. Nov 02 06:18:13 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-fsck-root.service - File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/70689318-97f1-4727-890d-5d50652a95d6... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-fsck-root.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-fsck-root.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 38. Nov 02 06:18:13 localhost systemd-fsck[421]: /usr/sbin/fsck.xfs: XFS file system. Nov 02 06:18:13 localhost systemd[1]: Finished systemd-fsck-root.service - File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/70689318-97f1-4727-890d-5d50652a95d6. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-fsck-root.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-fsck-root.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 38. Nov 02 06:18:13 localhost systemd[1]: Mounting sysroot.mount - /sysroot... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit sysroot.mount has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit sysroot.mount has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 36. Nov 02 06:18:13 localhost kernel: SGI XFS with ACLs, security attributes, scrub, quota, no debug enabled Nov 02 06:18:13 localhost kernel: XFS (xvda2): Mounting V5 Filesystem 70689318-97f1-4727-890d-5d50652a95d6 Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost kernel: XFS (xvda2): Ending clean mount Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Mounted sysroot.mount - /sysroot. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit sysroot.mount has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit sysroot.mount has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 36. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Initrd Root File System. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 35. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Starting initrd-parse-etc.service - Mountpoints Configured in the Real Root... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit initrd-parse-etc.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit initrd-parse-etc.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 34. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: initrd-parse-etc.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit initrd-parse-etc.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Finished initrd-parse-etc.service - Mountpoints Configured in the Real Root. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit initrd-parse-etc.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit initrd-parse-etc.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 34. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Initrd File Systems. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 48. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Initrd Default Target. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 1. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: dracut-mount.service - dracut mount hook was skipped because no trigger condition checks were met. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit dracut-mount.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit dracut-mount.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 49. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Starting dracut-pre-pivot.service - dracut pre-pivot and cleanup hook... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit dracut-pre-pivot.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit dracut-pre-pivot.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 51. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Finished dracut-pre-pivot.service - dracut pre-pivot and cleanup hook. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit dracut-pre-pivot.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit dracut-pre-pivot.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 51. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Starting initrd-cleanup.service - Cleaning Up and Shutting Down Daemons... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit initrd-cleanup.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit initrd-cleanup.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 65. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped target - Timer Units. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 101 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: dracut-pre-pivot.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit dracut-pre-pivot.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped dracut-pre-pivot.service - dracut pre-pivot and cleanup hook. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit dracut-pre-pivot.service has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit dracut-pre-pivot.service has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 111 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped target - Initrd Default Target. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 106 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped target - Basic System. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 105 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped target - Initrd Root Device. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 122 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped target - Initrd /usr File System. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 117 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped target - Path Units. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 110 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-ask-password-console.path: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit systemd-ask-password-console.path has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped systemd-ask-password-console.path - Dispatch Password Requests to Console Directory Watch. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit systemd-ask-password-console.path has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit systemd-ask-password-console.path has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 113 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped target - Remote File Systems. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 118 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped target - Preparation for Remote File Systems. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 108 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped target - Slice Units. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 121 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped target - Socket Units. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 100 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped target - System Initialization. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 103 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped target - Swaps. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 112 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: dracut-pre-mount.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit dracut-pre-mount.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped dracut-pre-mount.service - dracut pre-mount hook. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit dracut-pre-mount.service has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit dracut-pre-mount.service has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 120 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-sysctl.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit systemd-sysctl.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped systemd-sysctl.service - Apply Kernel Variables. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit systemd-sysctl.service has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit systemd-sysctl.service has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 107 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service - Create System Files and Directories. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 98 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped target - Local File Systems. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 115 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped target - Preparation for Local File Systems. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 109 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-udev-trigger.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit systemd-udev-trigger.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped systemd-udev-trigger.service - Coldplug All udev Devices. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit systemd-udev-trigger.service has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit systemd-udev-trigger.service has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 88 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopping systemd-udevd.service - Rule-based Manager for Device Events and Files... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit systemd-udevd.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit systemd-udevd.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 92. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-vconsole-setup.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped systemd-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 114 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-udevd.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit systemd-udevd.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped systemd-udevd.service - Rule-based Manager for Device Events and Files. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit systemd-udevd.service has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit systemd-udevd.service has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 92 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: initrd-cleanup.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit initrd-cleanup.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Finished initrd-cleanup.service - Cleaning Up and Shutting Down Daemons. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit initrd-cleanup.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit initrd-cleanup.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 65. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-udevd-control.socket: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit systemd-udevd-control.socket has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Closed systemd-udevd-control.socket - udev Control Socket. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit systemd-udevd-control.socket has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit systemd-udevd-control.socket has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 90 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-udevd-kernel.socket: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit systemd-udevd-kernel.socket has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Closed systemd-udevd-kernel.socket - udev Kernel Socket. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit systemd-udevd-kernel.socket has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit systemd-udevd-kernel.socket has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 91 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: dracut-pre-udev.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit dracut-pre-udev.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped dracut-pre-udev.service - dracut pre-udev hook. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit dracut-pre-udev.service has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit dracut-pre-udev.service has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 119 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: dracut-cmdline.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit dracut-cmdline.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped dracut-cmdline.service - dracut cmdline hook. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit dracut-cmdline.service has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit dracut-cmdline.service has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 116 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Starting initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service - Cleanup udev Database... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 87. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service - Create Static Device Nodes in /dev. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 97 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-sysusers.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit systemd-sysusers.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped systemd-sysusers.service - Create System Users. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit systemd-sysusers.service has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit systemd-sysusers.service has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 95 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service - Create Static Device Nodes in /dev gracefully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 94 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: kmod-static-nodes.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit kmod-static-nodes.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped kmod-static-nodes.service - Create List of Static Device Nodes. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit kmod-static-nodes.service has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit kmod-static-nodes.service has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 102 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Finished initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service - Cleanup udev Database. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 87. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Switch Root. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 68. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Starting initrd-switch-root.service - Switch Root... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit initrd-switch-root.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit initrd-switch-root.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 93. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd[1]: Switching root. Nov 02 06:18:14 localhost systemd-journald[260]: Journal stopped â–‘â–‘ Subject: The journal has been stopped â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The system journal process has shut down and closed all currently â–‘â–‘ active journal files. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd-journald[260]: Received SIGTERM from PID 1 (systemd). Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost kernel: audit: type=1404 audit(1730542697.552:2): enforcing=1 old_enforcing=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 enabled=1 old-enabled=1 lsm=selinux res=1 Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost kernel: SELinux: policy capability network_peer_controls=1 Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost kernel: SELinux: policy capability open_perms=1 Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost kernel: SELinux: policy capability extended_socket_class=1 Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost kernel: SELinux: policy capability always_check_network=0 Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost kernel: SELinux: policy capability cgroup_seclabel=1 Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost kernel: SELinux: policy capability nnp_nosuid_transition=1 Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost kernel: SELinux: policy capability genfs_seclabel_symlinks=1 Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost kernel: SELinux: policy capability ioctl_skip_cloexec=0 Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost kernel: SELinux: policy capability userspace_initial_context=0 Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost kernel: audit: type=1403 audit(1730542697.871:3): auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 lsm=selinux res=1 Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Successfully loaded SELinux policy in 322.753ms. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Relabeled /dev/, /dev/shm/, /run/ in 17.980ms. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: systemd 256-15.el10 running in system mode (+PAM +AUDIT +SELINUX -APPARMOR +IMA +SMACK +SECCOMP -GCRYPT -GNUTLS +OPENSSL +ACL +BLKID +CURL +ELFUTILS +FIDO2 +IDN2 -IDN -IPTC +KMOD +LIBCRYPTSETUP +LIBCRYPTSETUP_PLUGINS +LIBFDISK +PCRE2 +PWQUALITY +P11KIT -QRENCODE +TPM2 +BZIP2 +LZ4 +XZ +ZLIB +ZSTD +BPF_FRAMEWORK +XKBCOMMON +UTMP +SYSVINIT +LIBARCHIVE) Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Detected virtualization xen. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Detected architecture x86-64. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Initializing machine ID from VM UUID. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Installed transient /etc/machine-id file. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: bpf-restrict-fs: LSM BPF program attached Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: run-credentials-systemd\x2djournald.service.mount: Deactivated successfully. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: initrd-switch-root.service: Deactivated successfully. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped initrd-switch-root.service - Switch Root. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-journald.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 1. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Created slice system-getty.slice - Slice /system/getty. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Created slice system-serial\x2dgetty.slice - Slice /system/serial-getty. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Created slice system-sshd\x2dkeygen.slice - Slice /system/sshd-keygen. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Created slice user.slice - User and Session Slice. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Started systemd-ask-password-console.path - Dispatch Password Requests to Console Directory Watch. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Started systemd-ask-password-wall.path - Forward Password Requests to Wall Directory Watch. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Set up automount proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.automount - Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System Automount Point. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Expecting device dev-ttyS0.device - /dev/ttyS0... Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Local Encrypted Volumes. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped target - Switch Root. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped target - Initrd File Systems. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped target - Initrd Root File System. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Local Integrity Protected Volumes. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Path Units. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Slice Units. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Swaps. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Local Verity Protected Volumes. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on dm-event.socket - Device-mapper event daemon FIFOs. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on lvm2-lvmpolld.socket - LVM2 poll daemon socket. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on rpcbind.socket - RPCbind Server Activation Socket. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - RPC Port Mapper. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on systemd-coredump.socket - Process Core Dump Socket. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on systemd-creds.socket - Credential Encryption/Decryption. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on systemd-initctl.socket - initctl Compatibility Named Pipe. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-pcrextend.socket - TPM PCR Measurements was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionSecurity=measured-uki). Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-pcrlock.socket - Make TPM PCR Policy was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionSecurity=measured-uki). Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on systemd-udevd-control.socket - udev Control Socket. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on systemd-udevd-kernel.socket - udev Kernel Socket. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Mounting dev-hugepages.mount - Huge Pages File System... Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Mounting dev-mqueue.mount - POSIX Message Queue File System... Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Mounting sys-kernel-debug.mount - Kernel Debug File System... Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Mounting sys-kernel-tracing.mount - Kernel Trace File System... Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: auth-rpcgss-module.service - Kernel Module supporting RPCSEC_GSS was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionPathExists=/etc/krb5.keytab). Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Starting kmod-static-nodes.service - Create List of Static Device Nodes... Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Starting lvm2-monitor.service - Monitoring of LVM2 mirrors, snapshots etc. using dmeventd or progress polling... Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Starting modprobe@configfs.service - Load Kernel Module configfs... Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Starting modprobe@dm_mod.service - Load Kernel Module dm_mod... Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Starting modprobe@drm.service - Load Kernel Module drm... Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Starting modprobe@efi_pstore.service - Load Kernel Module efi_pstore... Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Starting modprobe@fuse.service - Load Kernel Module fuse... Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Starting modprobe@loop.service - Load Kernel Module loop... Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-fsck-root.service: Deactivated successfully. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped systemd-fsck-root.service - File System Check on Root Device. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-hibernate-clear.service - Clear Stale Hibernate Storage Info was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionPathExists=/sys/firmware/efi/efivars/HibernateLocation-8cf2644b-4b0b-428f-9387-6d876050dc67). Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-journald.service - Journal Service... Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost kernel: loop: module loaded Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-modules-load.service - Load Kernel Modules was skipped because no trigger condition checks were met. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-network-generator.service - Generate network units from Kernel command line... Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-pcrmachine.service - TPM PCR Machine ID Measurement was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionSecurity=measured-uki). Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-remount-fs.service - Remount Root and Kernel File Systems... Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-sysctl.service - Apply Kernel Variables... Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-tpm2-setup-early.service - Early TPM SRK Setup was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionSecurity=measured-uki). Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-udev-load-credentials.service - Load udev Rules from Credentials... Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost kernel: fuse: init (API version 7.41) Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd-journald[521]: Collecting audit messages is disabled. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-udev-trigger.service - Coldplug All udev Devices... Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Mounted dev-hugepages.mount - Huge Pages File System. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Mounted dev-mqueue.mount - POSIX Message Queue File System. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd-journald[521]: Journal started â–‘â–‘ Subject: The journal has been started â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The system journal process has started up, opened the journal â–‘â–‘ files for writing and is now ready to process requests. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd-journald[521]: Runtime Journal (/run/log/journal/ec2b312d7a47c22cbd44892cf382b57c) is 8M, max 70.5M, 62.5M free. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Disk space used by the journal â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ Runtime Journal (/run/log/journal/ec2b312d7a47c22cbd44892cf382b57c) is currently using 8M. â–‘â–‘ Maximum allowed usage is set to 70.5M. â–‘â–‘ Leaving at least 35.2M free (of currently available 689.3M of disk space). â–‘â–‘ Enforced usage limit is thus 70.5M, of which 62.5M are still available. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The limits controlling how much disk space is used by the journal may â–‘â–‘ be configured with SystemMaxUse=, SystemKeepFree=, SystemMaxFileSize=, â–‘â–‘ RuntimeMaxUse=, RuntimeKeepFree=, RuntimeMaxFileSize= settings in â–‘â–‘ /etc/systemd/journald.conf. See journald.conf(5) for details. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Queued start job for default target Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Started systemd-journald.service - Journal Service. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-journald.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit systemd-journald.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Mounted sys-kernel-debug.mount - Kernel Debug File System. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit sys-kernel-debug.mount has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit sys-kernel-debug.mount has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 200. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Mounted sys-kernel-tracing.mount - Kernel Trace File System. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit sys-kernel-tracing.mount has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit sys-kernel-tracing.mount has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 185. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Finished kmod-static-nodes.service - Create List of Static Device Nodes. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit kmod-static-nodes.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit kmod-static-nodes.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 148. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: modprobe@configfs.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit modprobe@configfs.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Finished modprobe@configfs.service - Load Kernel Module configfs. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit modprobe@configfs.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit modprobe@configfs.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 196. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: modprobe@drm.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit modprobe@drm.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Finished modprobe@drm.service - Load Kernel Module drm. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit modprobe@drm.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit modprobe@drm.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 273. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: modprobe@efi_pstore.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit modprobe@efi_pstore.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Finished modprobe@efi_pstore.service - Load Kernel Module efi_pstore. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit modprobe@efi_pstore.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit modprobe@efi_pstore.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 180. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: modprobe@fuse.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit modprobe@fuse.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Finished modprobe@fuse.service - Load Kernel Module fuse. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit modprobe@fuse.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit modprobe@fuse.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 146. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: modprobe@loop.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit modprobe@loop.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Finished modprobe@loop.service - Load Kernel Module loop. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit modprobe@loop.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit modprobe@loop.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 174. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Finished systemd-network-generator.service - Generate network units from Kernel command line. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-network-generator.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-network-generator.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 190. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: run-credentials-systemd\x2dnetwork\x2dgenerator.service.mount: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit run-credentials-systemd\x2dnetwork\x2dgenerator.service.mount has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Finished systemd-remount-fs.service - Remount Root and Kernel File Systems. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-remount-fs.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-remount-fs.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 167. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Mounting sys-fs-fuse-connections.mount - FUSE Control File System... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit sys-fs-fuse-connections.mount has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit sys-fs-fuse-connections.mount has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 145. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-hwdb-update.service - Rebuild Hardware Database was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionNeedsUpdate=/etc). â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-hwdb-update.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-hwdb-update.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 133. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost kernel: device-mapper: core: CONFIG_IMA_DISABLE_HTABLE is disabled. Duplicate IMA measurements will not be recorded in the IMA log. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost kernel: device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.3 Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost kernel: device-mapper: ioctl: 4.48.0-ioctl (2023-03-01) initialised: Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-journal-flush.service - Flush Journal to Persistent Storage... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-journal-flush.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-journal-flush.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 135. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-pstore.service - Platform Persistent Storage Archival was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionDirectoryNotEmpty=/sys/fs/pstore). â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-pstore.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-pstore.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 179. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-random-seed.service - Load/Save OS Random Seed... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-random-seed.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-random-seed.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 176. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service - Create Static Device Nodes in /dev gracefully... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 159. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-tpm2-setup.service - TPM SRK Setup was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionSecurity=measured-uki). â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-tpm2-setup.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-tpm2-setup.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 198. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: modprobe@dm_mod.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit modprobe@dm_mod.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Finished modprobe@dm_mod.service - Load Kernel Module dm_mod. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit modprobe@dm_mod.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit modprobe@dm_mod.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 173. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Mounted sys-fs-fuse-connections.mount - FUSE Control File System. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit sys-fs-fuse-connections.mount has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit sys-fs-fuse-connections.mount has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 145. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Finished systemd-udev-load-credentials.service - Load udev Rules from Credentials. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-udev-load-credentials.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-udev-load-credentials.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 154. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-repart.service - Repartition Root Disk was skipped because no trigger condition checks were met. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-repart.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-repart.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 172. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Finished systemd-random-seed.service - Load/Save OS Random Seed. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-random-seed.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-random-seed.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 176. Nov 02 06:18:22 localhost systemd[1]: Finished systemd-sysctl.service - Apply Kernel Variables. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-sysctl.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-sysctl.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 186. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd-journald[521]: Runtime Journal (/run/log/journal/ec2b312d7a47c22cbd44892cf382b57c) is 8M, max 70.5M, 62.5M free. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Disk space used by the journal â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ Runtime Journal (/run/log/journal/ec2b312d7a47c22cbd44892cf382b57c) is currently using 8M. â–‘â–‘ Maximum allowed usage is set to 70.5M. â–‘â–‘ Leaving at least 35.2M free (of currently available 689.3M of disk space). â–‘â–‘ Enforced usage limit is thus 70.5M, of which 62.5M are still available. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The limits controlling how much disk space is used by the journal may â–‘â–‘ be configured with SystemMaxUse=, SystemKeepFree=, SystemMaxFileSize=, â–‘â–‘ RuntimeMaxUse=, RuntimeKeepFree=, RuntimeMaxFileSize= settings in â–‘â–‘ /etc/systemd/journald.conf. See journald.conf(5) for details. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd-journald[521]: Received client request to flush runtime journal. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Finished systemd-journal-flush.service - Flush Journal to Persistent Storage. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-journal-flush.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-journal-flush.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 135. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Finished systemd-udev-trigger.service - Coldplug All udev Devices. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-udev-trigger.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-udev-trigger.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 187. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Finished systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service - Create Static Device Nodes in /dev gracefully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 159. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-sysusers.service - Create System Users was skipped because no trigger condition checks were met. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-sysusers.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-sysusers.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 149. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service - Create Static Device Nodes in /dev... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 197. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Finished systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service - Create Static Device Nodes in /dev. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 197. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-udevd.service - Rule-based Manager for Device Events and Files... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-udevd.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-udevd.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 150. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Finished lvm2-monitor.service - Monitoring of LVM2 mirrors, snapshots etc. using dmeventd or progress polling. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit lvm2-monitor.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit lvm2-monitor.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 163. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Preparation for Local File Systems. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 160. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Local File Systems. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 166. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on systemd-bootctl.socket - Boot Entries Service Socket. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-bootctl.socket has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-bootctl.socket has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 213. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on systemd-sysext.socket - System Extension Image Management. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-sysext.socket has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-sysext.socket has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 207. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: ldconfig.service - Rebuild Dynamic Linker Cache was skipped because no trigger condition checks were met. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit ldconfig.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit ldconfig.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 162. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: selinux-autorelabel-mark.service - Mark the need to relabel after reboot was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionSecurity=!selinux). â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit selinux-autorelabel-mark.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit selinux-autorelabel-mark.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 193. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-binfmt.service - Set Up Additional Binary Formats was skipped because no trigger condition checks were met. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-binfmt.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-binfmt.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 128. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-boot-random-seed.service - Update Boot Loader Random Seed was skipped because no trigger condition checks were met. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-boot-random-seed.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-boot-random-seed.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 143. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-confext.service - Merge System Configuration Images into /etc/ was skipped because no trigger condition checks were met. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-confext.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-confext.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 141. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-sysext.service - Merge System Extension Images into /usr/ and /opt/ was skipped because no trigger condition checks were met. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-sysext.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-sysext.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 188. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service - Create System Files and Directories... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 144. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd-udevd[561]: Using default interface naming scheme 'rhel-10.0-beta'. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: run-credentials-systemd\x2dsysctl.service.mount: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit run-credentials-systemd\x2dsysctl.service.mount has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: run-credentials-systemd\x2dudev\x2dload\x2dcredentials.service.mount: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit run-credentials-systemd\x2dudev\x2dload\x2dcredentials.service.mount has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Finished systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service - Create System Files and Directories. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 144. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: run-credentials-systemd\x2dtmpfiles\x2dsetup.service.mount: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit run-credentials-systemd\x2dtmpfiles\x2dsetup.service.mount has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Mounting var-lib-nfs-rpc_pipefs.mount - RPC Pipe File System... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit var-lib-nfs-rpc_pipefs.mount has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit var-lib-nfs-rpc_pipefs.mount has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 248. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Starting audit-rules.service - Load Audit Rules... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit audit-rules.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit audit-rules.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 241. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Starting rpcbind.service - RPC Bind... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit rpcbind.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit rpcbind.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 253. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-firstboot.service - First Boot Wizard was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionFirstBoot=yes). â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-firstboot.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-firstboot.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 178. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: - First Boot Complete was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionFirstBoot=yes). â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 177. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-journal-catalog-update.service - Rebuild Journal Catalog was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionNeedsUpdate=/var). â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-journal-catalog-update.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-journal-catalog-update.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 189. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-machine-id-commit.service - Save Transient machine-id to Disk... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-machine-id-commit.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-machine-id-commit.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 175. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-update-done.service - Update is Completed was skipped because no trigger condition checks were met. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-update-done.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-update-done.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 158. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost kernel: RPC: Registered named UNIX socket transport module. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost kernel: RPC: Registered udp transport module. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost kernel: RPC: Registered tcp transport module. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost kernel: RPC: Registered tcp-with-tls transport module. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost kernel: RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Mounted var-lib-nfs-rpc_pipefs.mount - RPC Pipe File System. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit var-lib-nfs-rpc_pipefs.mount has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit var-lib-nfs-rpc_pipefs.mount has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 248. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 247. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: etc-machine\x2did.mount: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit etc-machine\x2did.mount has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Finished systemd-machine-id-commit.service - Save Transient machine-id to Disk. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-machine-id-commit.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-machine-id-commit.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 175. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Started systemd-udevd.service - Rule-based Manager for Device Events and Files. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-udevd.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-udevd.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 150. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Starting modprobe@configfs.service - Load Kernel Module configfs... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit modprobe@configfs.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit modprobe@configfs.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 295. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: modprobe@configfs.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit modprobe@configfs.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Finished modprobe@configfs.service - Load Kernel Module configfs. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit modprobe@configfs.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit modprobe@configfs.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 295. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Condition check resulted in dev-ttyS0.device - /dev/ttyS0 being skipped. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit dev-ttyS0.device has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit dev-ttyS0.device has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 230. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost 55-scsi-sg3_id.rules[606]: WARNING: SCSI device xvda has no device ID, consider changing .SCSI_ID_SERIAL_SRC in 00-scsi-sg3_config.rules Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost kernel: input: PC Speaker as /devices/platform/pcspkr/input/input5 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[567]: /sbin/augenrules: No change Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 301. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: No rules Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: enabled 0 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: failure 1 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: pid 0 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: rate_limit 0 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: backlog_limit 8192 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: lost 0 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: backlog 0 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: backlog_wait_time 60000 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: backlog_wait_time_actual 0 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: enabled 0 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: failure 1 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: pid 0 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: rate_limit 0 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: backlog_limit 8192 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: lost 0 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: backlog 0 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: backlog_wait_time 60000 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: backlog_wait_time_actual 0 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: enabled 0 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: failure 1 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: pid 0 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: rate_limit 0 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: backlog_limit 8192 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: lost 0 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: backlog 0 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: backlog_wait_time 60000 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost augenrules[617]: backlog_wait_time_actual 0 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: audit-rules.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit audit-rules.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Finished audit-rules.service - Load Audit Rules. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit audit-rules.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit audit-rules.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 241. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Starting auditd.service - Security Audit Logging Service... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit auditd.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit auditd.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 256. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Started rpcbind.service - RPC Bind. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit rpcbind.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit rpcbind.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 253. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost auditd[628]: No plugins found, not dispatching events Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost (udev-worker)[590]: Network interface NamePolicy= disabled on kernel command line. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost kernel: RAPL PMU: API unit is 2^-32 Joules, 0 fixed counters, 655360 ms ovfl timer Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost kernel: piix4_smbus 0000:00:01.3: SMBus base address uninitialized - upgrade BIOS or use force_addr=0xaddr Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost kernel: cirrus 0000:00:02.0: vgaarb: deactivate vga console Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost kernel: Console: switching to colour dummy device 80x25 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost kernel: [drm] Initialized cirrus 2.0.0 for 0000:00:02.0 on minor 0 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost kernel: fbcon: cirrusdrmfb (fb0) is primary device Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost kernel: Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 128x48 Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost kernel: cirrus 0000:00:02.0: [drm] fb0: cirrusdrmfb frame buffer device Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-vconsole-setup.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped systemd-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 301 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 301. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost auditd[628]: Init complete, auditd 4.0 listening for events (startup state enable) Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Started auditd.service - Security Audit Logging Service. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit auditd.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit auditd.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 256. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-update-utmp.service - Record System Boot/Shutdown in UTMP... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-update-utmp.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-update-utmp.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 239. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Finished systemd-update-utmp.service - Record System Boot/Shutdown in UTMP. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-update-utmp.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-update-utmp.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 239. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Finished systemd-vconsole-setup.service - Virtual Console Setup. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 301. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - System Initialization. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 127. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Started dnf-makecache.timer - dnf makecache --timer. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit dnf-makecache.timer has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit dnf-makecache.timer has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 219. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Started fstrim.timer - Discard unused filesystem blocks once a week. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit fstrim.timer has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit fstrim.timer has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 226. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Started logrotate.timer - Daily rotation of log files. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit logrotate.timer has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit logrotate.timer has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 225. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Started systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer - Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 218. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Timer Units. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 217. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on dbus.socket - D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit dbus.socket has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit dbus.socket has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 212. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on pcscd.socket - PC/SC Smart Card Daemon Activation Socket. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit pcscd.socket has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit pcscd.socket has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 204. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on sssd-kcm.socket - SSSD Kerberos Cache Manager responder socket. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit sssd-kcm.socket has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit sssd-kcm.socket has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 206. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on systemd-hostnamed.socket - Hostname Service Socket. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-hostnamed.socket has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-hostnamed.socket has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 203. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Socket Units. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 202. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Starting dbus-broker.service - D-Bus System Message Bus... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit dbus-broker.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit dbus-broker.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 223. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-pcrphase-sysinit.service - TPM PCR Barrier (Initialization) was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionSecurity=measured-uki). â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-pcrphase-sysinit.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-pcrphase-sysinit.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 194. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: run-credentials-systemd\x2dvconsole\x2dsetup.service.mount: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit run-credentials-systemd\x2dvconsole\x2dsetup.service.mount has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Started dbus-broker.service - D-Bus System Message Bus. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit dbus-broker.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit dbus-broker.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 223. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - Basic System. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 124. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost dbus-broker-launch[649]: Ready Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Starting chronyd.service - NTP client/server... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit chronyd.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit chronyd.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 235. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Starting cloud-init-local.service - Initial cloud-init job (pre-networking)... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit cloud-init-local.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit cloud-init-local.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 269. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Starting dracut-shutdown.service - Restore /run/initramfs on shutdown... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit dracut-shutdown.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit dracut-shutdown.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 165. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Started irqbalance.service - irqbalance daemon. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit irqbalance.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit irqbalance.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 254. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Started rngd.service - Hardware RNG Entropy Gatherer Daemon. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit rngd.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit rngd.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 278. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Starting rsyslog.service - System Logging Service... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit rsyslog.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit rsyslog.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 257. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: ssh-host-keys-migration.service - Update OpenSSH host key permissions was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionPathExists=!/var/lib/.ssh-host-keys-migration). â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit ssh-host-keys-migration.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit ssh-host-keys-migration.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 264. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: sshd-keygen@ecdsa.service - OpenSSH ecdsa Server Key Generation was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionPathExists=!/run/systemd/generator.early/ â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit sshd-keygen@ecdsa.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit sshd-keygen@ecdsa.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 263. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: sshd-keygen@ed25519.service - OpenSSH ed25519 Server Key Generation was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionPathExists=!/run/systemd/generator.early/ â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit sshd-keygen@ed25519.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit sshd-keygen@ed25519.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 260. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: sshd-keygen@rsa.service - OpenSSH rsa Server Key Generation was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionPathExists=!/run/systemd/generator.early/ â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit sshd-keygen@rsa.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit sshd-keygen@rsa.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 262. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 259. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost (qbalance)[654]: irqbalance.service: Referenced but unset environment variable evaluates to an empty string: IRQBALANCE_ARGS Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: sssd.service - System Security Services Daemon was skipped because no trigger condition checks were met. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit sssd.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit sssd.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 276. Nov 02 06:18:24 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target - User and Group Name Lookups. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 277. Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-logind.service - User Login Management... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-logind.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-logind.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 272. Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost systemd[1]: Finished dracut-shutdown.service - Restore /run/initramfs on shutdown. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit dracut-shutdown.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit dracut-shutdown.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 165. Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost systemd-logind[658]: New seat seat0. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A new seat seat0 is now available â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ Documentation: sd-login(3) â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A new seat seat0 has been configured and is now available. Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost systemd-logind[658]: Watching system buttons on /dev/input/event0 (Power Button) Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost systemd-logind[658]: Watching system buttons on /dev/input/event1 (Sleep Button) Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost systemd-logind[658]: Watching system buttons on /dev/input/event2 (AT Translated Set 2 keyboard) Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost systemd[1]: Started systemd-logind.service - User Login Management. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-logind.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-logind.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 272. Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost rsyslogd[657]: imjournal: filecreatemode is not set, using default 0644 [v8.2408.0-1.el10 try ] Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost rsyslogd[657]: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.2408.0-1.el10" x-pid="657" x-info=""] start Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost systemd[1]: Started rsyslog.service - System Logging Service. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit rsyslog.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit rsyslog.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 257. Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost rsyslogd[657]: imjournal: journal files changed, reloading... [v8.2408.0-1.el10 try ] Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost chronyd[665]: chronyd version 4.6 starting (+CMDMON +NTP +REFCLOCK +RTC +PRIVDROP +SCFILTER +SIGND +ASYNCDNS +NTS +SECHASH +IPV6 +DEBUG) Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost chronyd[665]: Frequency 0.000 +/- 1000000.000 ppm read from /var/lib/chrony/drift Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost chronyd[665]: Loaded seccomp filter (level 2) Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost systemd[1]: Started chronyd.service - NTP client/server. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit chronyd.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit chronyd.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 235. Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost rngd[655]: Disabling 7: PKCS11 Entropy generator (pkcs11) Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost rngd[655]: Disabling 5: NIST Network Entropy Beacon (nist) Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost rngd[655]: Disabling 9: Qrypt quantum entropy beacon (qrypt) Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost rngd[655]: Disabling 10: Named pipe entropy input (namedpipe) Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost rngd[655]: Initializing available sources Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost rngd[655]: [hwrng ]: Initialization Failed Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost rngd[655]: [rdrand]: Enabling RDRAND rng support Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost rngd[655]: [rdrand]: Initialized Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost rngd[655]: [jitter]: JITTER timeout set to 5 sec Nov 02 06:18:25 localhost rngd[655]: [jitter]: Initializing AES buffer Nov 02 06:18:30 localhost rngd[655]: [jitter]: Unable to obtain AES key, disabling JITTER source Nov 02 06:18:30 localhost rngd[655]: [jitter]: Initialization Failed Nov 02 06:18:30 localhost rngd[655]: Process privileges have been dropped to 2:2 Nov 02 06:18:30 localhost cloud-init[672]: Cloud-init v. 24.1.4-17.el10 running 'init-local' at Sat, 02 Nov 2024 10:18:30 +0000. Up 19.26 seconds. Nov 02 06:18:30 localhost dhcpcd[674]: dhcpcd-10.0.6 starting Nov 02 06:18:30 localhost kernel: 8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8 Nov 02 06:18:30 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on systemd-rfkill.socket - Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status /dev/rfkill Watch. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-rfkill.socket has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-rfkill.socket has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 311. Nov 02 06:18:30 localhost kernel: cfg80211: Loading compiled-in X.509 certificates for regulatory database Nov 02 06:18:30 localhost kernel: Loaded X.509 cert 'sforshee: 00b28ddf47aef9cea7' Nov 02 06:18:30 localhost kernel: Loaded X.509 cert 'wens: 61c038651aabdcf94bd0ac7ff06c7248db18c600' Nov 02 06:18:30 localhost dhcpcd[677]: DUID 00:01:00:01:2e:b8:b8:f6:12:4e:5d:28:27:47 Nov 02 06:18:30 localhost dhcpcd[677]: eth0: IAID 5d:28:27:47 Nov 02 06:18:30 localhost kernel: platform regulatory.0: Direct firmware load for regulatory.db failed with error -2 Nov 02 06:18:30 localhost kernel: cfg80211: failed to load regulatory.db Nov 02 06:18:31 localhost dhcpcd[677]: eth0: soliciting a DHCP lease Nov 02 06:18:31 localhost dhcpcd[677]: eth0: offered from Nov 02 06:18:31 localhost dhcpcd[677]: eth0: leased for 3600 seconds Nov 02 06:18:31 localhost dhcpcd[677]: eth0: adding route to Nov 02 06:18:31 localhost dhcpcd[677]: eth0: adding default route via Nov 02 06:18:31 localhost dhcpcd[677]: control command: /usr/sbin/dhcpcd --dumplease --ipv4only eth0 Nov 02 06:18:32 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-hostnamed.service - Hostname Service... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-hostnamed.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-hostnamed.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 320. Nov 02 06:18:32 localhost systemd[1]: Started systemd-hostnamed.service - Hostname Service. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-hostnamed.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-hostnamed.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 320. Nov 02 06:18:32 systemd-hostnamed[698]: Hostname set to (static) Nov 02 06:18:32 systemd[1]: Finished cloud-init-local.service - Initial cloud-init job (pre-networking). â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit cloud-init-local.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit cloud-init-local.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 269. Nov 02 06:18:32 systemd[1]: Reached target - Preparation for Network. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 191. Nov 02 06:18:32 systemd[1]: Starting NetworkManager.service - Network Manager... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit NetworkManager.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit NetworkManager.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 222. Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.6406] NetworkManager (version 1.51.2-1.el10) is starting... (boot:830e2173-ec59-49bd-ab96-5d2a06a2b3d1) Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.6409] Read config: /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf (etc: 30-cloud-init-ip6-addr-gen-mode.conf) Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.6898] manager[0x55600f81cb20]: monitoring kernel firmware directory '/lib/firmware'. Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.6948] hostname: hostname: using hostnamed Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.6948] hostname: static hostname changed from (none) to "" Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.6953] dns-mgr: init: dns=default,systemd-resolved rc-manager=symlink (auto) Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.6957] manager[0x55600f81cb20]: rfkill: Wi-Fi hardware radio set enabled Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.6957] manager[0x55600f81cb20]: rfkill: WWAN hardware radio set enabled Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7017] manager: rfkill: Wi-Fi enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7018] manager: rfkill: WWAN enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7018] manager: Networking is enabled by state file Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7032] settings: Loaded settings plugin: keyfile (internal) Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7077] dhcp: init: Using DHCP client 'internal' Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7081] manager: (lo): new Loopback device (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/1) Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7092] device (lo): state change: unmanaged -> unavailable (reason 'connection-assumed', managed-type: 'external') Nov 02 06:18:32 systemd[1]: Starting NetworkManager-dispatcher.service - Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit NetworkManager-dispatcher.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit NetworkManager-dispatcher.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 397. Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7131] device (lo): state change: unavailable -> disconnected (reason 'connection-assumed', managed-type: 'external') Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7143] device (lo): Activation: starting connection 'lo' (5d44c8a3-5e2b-4adc-a432-ec2915d03a51) Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7152] manager: (eth0): new Ethernet device (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/2) Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7157] device (eth0): state change: unmanaged -> unavailable (reason 'managed', managed-type: 'external') Nov 02 06:18:32 systemd[1]: Started NetworkManager.service - Network Manager. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit NetworkManager.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit NetworkManager.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 222. Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7174] bus-manager: acquired D-Bus service "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7185] device (lo): state change: disconnected -> prepare (reason 'none', managed-type: 'external') Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7193] device (lo): state change: prepare -> config (reason 'none', managed-type: 'external') Nov 02 06:18:32 systemd[1]: Reached target - Network. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 224. Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7205] device (lo): state change: config -> ip-config (reason 'none', managed-type: 'external') Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7207] device (eth0): carrier: link connected Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7212] device (lo): state change: ip-config -> ip-check (reason 'none', managed-type: 'external') Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7222] device (eth0): state change: unavailable -> disconnected (reason 'carrier-changed', managed-type: 'full') Nov 02 06:18:32 systemd[1]: Starting NetworkManager-wait-online.service - Network Manager Wait Online... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit NetworkManager-wait-online.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit NetworkManager-wait-online.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 221. Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7253] policy: auto-activating connection 'cloud-init eth0' (1dd9a779-d327-56e1-8454-c65e2556c12c) Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7259] device (eth0): Activation: starting connection 'cloud-init eth0' (1dd9a779-d327-56e1-8454-c65e2556c12c) Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7262] device (eth0): state change: disconnected -> prepare (reason 'none', managed-type: 'full') Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7269] manager: NetworkManager state is now CONNECTING Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7271] device (eth0): state change: prepare -> config (reason 'none', managed-type: 'full') Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7281] device (eth0): state change: config -> ip-config (reason 'none', managed-type: 'full') Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7288] dhcp4 (eth0): activation: beginning transaction (timeout in 45 seconds) Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7302] dhcp4 (eth0): state changed new lease, address=, acd pending Nov 02 06:18:32 systemd[1]: Starting gssproxy.service - GSSAPI Proxy Daemon... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit gssproxy.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit gssproxy.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 250. Nov 02 06:18:32 systemd[1]: Started NetworkManager-dispatcher.service - Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit NetworkManager-dispatcher.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit NetworkManager-dispatcher.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 397. Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7850] device (lo): state change: ip-check -> secondaries (reason 'none', managed-type: 'external') Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7861] device (lo): state change: secondaries -> activated (reason 'none', managed-type: 'external') Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.7872] device (lo): Activation: successful, device activated. Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.9076] dhcp4 (eth0): state changed new lease, address= Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.9080] policy: set 'cloud-init eth0' (eth0) as default for IPv4 routing and DNS Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.9141] device (eth0): state change: ip-config -> ip-check (reason 'none', managed-type: 'full') Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.9171] device (eth0): state change: ip-check -> secondaries (reason 'none', managed-type: 'full') Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.9173] device (eth0): state change: secondaries -> activated (reason 'none', managed-type: 'full') Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.9194] manager: NetworkManager state is now CONNECTED_SITE Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.9197] device (eth0): Activation: successful, device activated. Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.9202] manager: NetworkManager state is now CONNECTED_GLOBAL Nov 02 06:18:32 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542712.9205] manager: startup complete Nov 02 06:18:32 systemd[1]: Finished NetworkManager-wait-online.service - Network Manager Wait Online. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit NetworkManager-wait-online.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit NetworkManager-wait-online.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 221. Nov 02 06:18:32 systemd[1]: Starting cloud-init.service - Initial cloud-init job (metadata service crawler)... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit cloud-init.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit cloud-init.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 270. Nov 02 06:18:32 systemd[1]: Started gssproxy.service - GSSAPI Proxy Daemon. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit gssproxy.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit gssproxy.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 250. Nov 02 06:18:32 systemd[1]: rpc-gssd.service - RPC security service for NFS client and server was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionPathExists=/etc/krb5.keytab). â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit rpc-gssd.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit rpc-gssd.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 246. Nov 02 06:18:32 systemd[1]: Reached target - NFS client services. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 244. Nov 02 06:18:32 systemd[1]: Reached target - Preparation for Remote File Systems. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 252. Nov 02 06:18:32 systemd[1]: Reached target - Remote Encrypted Volumes. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 255. Nov 02 06:18:32 systemd[1]: Reached target - Remote File Systems. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 275. Nov 02 06:18:32 systemd[1]: systemd-pcrphase.service - TPM PCR Barrier (User) was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionSecurity=measured-uki). â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-pcrphase.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-pcrphase.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 170. Nov 02 06:18:33 chronyd[665]: Added source Nov 02 06:18:33 chronyd[665]: Added source Nov 02 06:18:33 chronyd[665]: Added source Nov 02 06:18:33 chronyd[665]: Added source Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: Cloud-init v. 24.1.4-17.el10 running 'init' at Sat, 02 Nov 2024 10:18:33 +0000. Up 22.51 seconds. Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Net device info+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: +--------+------+------------------------------+---------------+--------+-------------------+ Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: | Device | Up | Address | Mask | Scope | Hw-Address | Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: +--------+------+------------------------------+---------------+--------+-------------------+ Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: | eth0 | True | | | global | 12:4e:5d:28:27:47 | Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: | eth0 | True | fe80::104e:5dff:fe28:2747/64 | . | link | 12:4e:5d:28:27:47 | Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: | lo | True | | | host | . | Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: | lo | True | ::1/128 | . | host | . | Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: +--------+------+------------------------------+---------------+--------+-------------------+ Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Route IPv4 info++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: +-------+-------------+-----------+---------------+-----------+-------+ Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: | Route | Destination | Gateway | Genmask | Interface | Flags | Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: +-------+-------------+-----------+---------------+-----------+-------+ Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: | 0 | | | | eth0 | UG | Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: | 1 | | | | eth0 | U | Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: +-------+-------------+-----------+---------------+-----------+-------+ Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: +++++++++++++++++++Route IPv6 info+++++++++++++++++++ Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: +-------+-------------+---------+-----------+-------+ Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: | Route | Destination | Gateway | Interface | Flags | Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: +-------+-------------+---------+-----------+-------+ Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: | 0 | fe80::/64 | :: | eth0 | U | Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: | 2 | multicast | :: | eth0 | U | Nov 02 06:18:33 cloud-init[792]: ci-info: +-------+-------------+---------+-----------+-------+ Nov 02 06:18:33 55-scsi-sg3_id.rules[859]: WARNING: SCSI device xvda has no device ID, consider changing .SCSI_ID_SERIAL_SRC in 00-scsi-sg3_config.rules Nov 02 06:18:33 55-scsi-sg3_id.rules[862]: WARNING: SCSI device xvda has no device ID, consider changing .SCSI_ID_SERIAL_SRC in 00-scsi-sg3_config.rules Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: Generating public/private rsa key pair. Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: Your identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: Your public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/ Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: The key fingerprint is: Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: SHA256:hsnbhb8H3hpYSaBA6JpfUETzPcOua5BYMnAaNl987/k Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: The key's randomart image is: Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: +---[RSA 3072]----+ Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: | =B . | Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: |ooo .* = . | Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: |.*o.. + * . | Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: |. =... + * . | Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: | o * .+ S = | Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: |o . + = B. | Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: | . . .o o.+o | Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: | . .. .Eo | Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: | .. oo | Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: +----[SHA256]-----+ Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: Generating public/private ecdsa key pair. Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: Your identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: Your public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/ Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: The key fingerprint is: Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: SHA256:cHVI3lchAhXbGp9WZeZ0I9DUm2CL9tZBsADILcR2h1U Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: The key's randomart image is: Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: +---[ECDSA 256]---+ Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: | +.o+OOBEooO| Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: | * *.+=++O+| Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: | o + oo+o=.+| Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: | o o+oo+ | Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: | S ...+. .| Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: | .o . | Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: | . | Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: | | Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: | | Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: +----[SHA256]-----+ Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: Generating public/private ed25519 key pair. Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: Your identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: Your public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/ Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: The key fingerprint is: Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: SHA256:KHIbv9ocwCTKMSNTcrW4K03OWiIhe7vQddE2HXV2nSM Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: The key's randomart image is: Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: +--[ED25519 256]--+ Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: |. o.. ... o +| Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: | + . . . . . E +.| Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: |o+o o . + . . .| Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: |oo+= + . | Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: |+.+ B o S | Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: |.O = B | Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: |* O . o | Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: |.B . o o | Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: |. o...+ | Nov 02 06:18:34 cloud-init[792]: +----[SHA256]-----+ Nov 02 06:18:34 systemd[1]: Finished cloud-init.service - Initial cloud-init job (metadata service crawler). â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit cloud-init.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit cloud-init.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 270. Nov 02 06:18:34 systemd[1]: Reached target - Cloud-config availability. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 268. Nov 02 06:18:34 systemd[1]: Reached target - Network is Online. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 220. Nov 02 06:18:34 systemd[1]: Starting cloud-config.service - Apply the settings specified in cloud-config... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit cloud-config.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit cloud-config.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 267. Nov 02 06:18:34 systemd[1]: Starting kdump.service - Crash recovery kernel arming... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit kdump.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit kdump.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 279. Nov 02 06:18:34 systemd[1]: Starting restraintd.service - The restraint harness.... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit restraintd.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit restraintd.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 240. Nov 02 06:18:34 systemd[1]: Starting rpc-statd-notify.service - Notify NFS peers of a restart... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit rpc-statd-notify.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit rpc-statd-notify.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 251. Nov 02 06:18:34 systemd[1]: Starting sshd.service - OpenSSH server daemon... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit sshd.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit sshd.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 258. Nov 02 06:18:34 (sshd)[879]: sshd.service: Referenced but unset environment variable evaluates to an empty string: OPTIONS Nov 02 06:18:34 sm-notify[878]: Version 2.7.1 starting Nov 02 06:18:34 systemd[1]: Started rpc-statd-notify.service - Notify NFS peers of a restart. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit rpc-statd-notify.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit rpc-statd-notify.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 251. Nov 02 06:18:34 systemd[1]: Started restraintd.service - The restraint harness.. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit restraintd.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit restraintd.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 240. Nov 02 06:18:34 sshd[879]: Server listening on port 22. Nov 02 06:18:34 sshd[879]: Server listening on :: port 22. Nov 02 06:18:34 systemd[1]: Started sshd.service - OpenSSH server daemon. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit sshd.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit sshd.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 258. Nov 02 06:18:34 restraintd[882]: Listening on http://localhost:8081 Nov 02 06:18:35 cloud-init[949]: Cloud-init v. 24.1.4-17.el10 running 'modules:config' at Sat, 02 Nov 2024 10:18:34 +0000. Up 24.22 seconds. Nov 02 06:18:35 kdumpctl[887]: kdump: Detected change(s) in the following file(s): /etc/fstab Nov 02 06:18:35 sshd[879]: Received signal 15; terminating. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: Stopping sshd.service - OpenSSH server daemon... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit sshd.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit sshd.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 500. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: sshd.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit sshd.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: Stopped sshd.service - OpenSSH server daemon. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit sshd.service has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit sshd.service has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 500 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: Stopped target â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit has finished â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit has finished. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 583 and the job result is done. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: Stopping â–‘â–‘ Subject: A stop job for unit has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A stop job for unit has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 583. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: ssh-host-keys-migration.service - Update OpenSSH host key permissions was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionPathExists=!/var/lib/.ssh-host-keys-migration). â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit ssh-host-keys-migration.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit ssh-host-keys-migration.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 582. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: sshd-keygen@ecdsa.service - OpenSSH ecdsa Server Key Generation was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionPathExists=!/run/systemd/generator.early/ â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit sshd-keygen@ecdsa.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit sshd-keygen@ecdsa.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 581. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: sshd-keygen@ed25519.service - OpenSSH ed25519 Server Key Generation was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionPathExists=!/run/systemd/generator.early/ â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit sshd-keygen@ed25519.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit sshd-keygen@ed25519.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 578. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: sshd-keygen@rsa.service - OpenSSH rsa Server Key Generation was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionPathExists=!/run/systemd/generator.early/ â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit sshd-keygen@rsa.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit sshd-keygen@rsa.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 580. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: Reached target â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 583. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: Starting sshd.service - OpenSSH server daemon... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit sshd.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit sshd.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 500. Nov 02 06:18:35 (sshd)[991]: sshd.service: Referenced but unset environment variable evaluates to an empty string: OPTIONS Nov 02 06:18:35 sshd[991]: Server listening on port 22. Nov 02 06:18:35 sshd[991]: Server listening on :: port 22. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: Started sshd.service - OpenSSH server daemon. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit sshd.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit sshd.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 500. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: Finished cloud-config.service - Apply the settings specified in cloud-config. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit cloud-config.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit cloud-config.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 267. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: Starting cloud-final.service - Execute cloud user/final scripts... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit cloud-final.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit cloud-final.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 271. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: Starting systemd-user-sessions.service - Permit User Sessions... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-user-sessions.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-user-sessions.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 265. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: Finished systemd-user-sessions.service - Permit User Sessions. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-user-sessions.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-user-sessions.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 265. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: Started crond.service - Command Scheduler. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit crond.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit crond.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 242. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: Started getty@tty1.service - Getty on tty1. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit getty@tty1.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit getty@tty1.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 233. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: Started serial-getty@ttyS0.service - Serial Getty on ttyS0. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit serial-getty@ttyS0.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit serial-getty@ttyS0.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 228. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: Reached target - Login Prompts. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 227. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: Reached target - Multi-User System. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 123. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: Starting systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service - Record Runlevel Change in UTMP... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 238. Nov 02 06:18:35 crond[1114]: (CRON) STARTUP (1.7.0) Nov 02 06:18:35 crond[1114]: (CRON) INFO (Syslog will be used instead of sendmail.) Nov 02 06:18:35 crond[1114]: (CRON) INFO (RANDOM_DELAY will be scaled with factor 53% if used.) Nov 02 06:18:35 crond[1114]: (CRON) INFO (running with inotify support) Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: Finished systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service - Record Runlevel Change in UTMP. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 238. Nov 02 06:18:35 cloud-init[1143]: Cloud-init v. 24.1.4-17.el10 running 'modules:final' at Sat, 02 Nov 2024 10:18:35 +0000. Up 24.85 seconds. Nov 02 06:18:35 cloud-init[1145]: ############################################################# Nov 02 06:18:35 cloud-init[1146]: -----BEGIN SSH HOST KEY FINGERPRINTS----- Nov 02 06:18:35 cloud-init[1148]: 256 SHA256:cHVI3lchAhXbGp9WZeZ0I9DUm2CL9tZBsADILcR2h1U (ECDSA) Nov 02 06:18:35 cloud-init[1150]: 256 SHA256:KHIbv9ocwCTKMSNTcrW4K03OWiIhe7vQddE2HXV2nSM (ED25519) Nov 02 06:18:35 cloud-init[1152]: 3072 SHA256:hsnbhb8H3hpYSaBA6JpfUETzPcOua5BYMnAaNl987/k (RSA) Nov 02 06:18:35 cloud-init[1153]: -----END SSH HOST KEY FINGERPRINTS----- Nov 02 06:18:35 cloud-init[1154]: ############################################################# Nov 02 06:18:35 cloud-init[1143]: Cloud-init v. 24.1.4-17.el10 finished at Sat, 02 Nov 2024 10:18:35 +0000. Datasource DataSourceEc2Local. Up 24.97 seconds Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: Cannot change IRQ 0 affinity: Permission denied Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: IRQ 0 affinity is now unmanaged Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: Cannot change IRQ 48 affinity: Permission denied Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: IRQ 48 affinity is now unmanaged Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: Cannot change IRQ 49 affinity: Permission denied Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: IRQ 49 affinity is now unmanaged Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: Cannot change IRQ 50 affinity: Permission denied Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: IRQ 50 affinity is now unmanaged Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: Cannot change IRQ 51 affinity: Permission denied Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: IRQ 51 affinity is now unmanaged Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: Cannot change IRQ 52 affinity: Permission denied Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: IRQ 52 affinity is now unmanaged Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: Cannot change IRQ 53 affinity: Permission denied Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: IRQ 53 affinity is now unmanaged Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: Cannot change IRQ 54 affinity: Permission denied Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: IRQ 54 affinity is now unmanaged Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: Cannot change IRQ 55 affinity: Permission denied Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: IRQ 55 affinity is now unmanaged Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: Cannot change IRQ 56 affinity: Permission denied Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: IRQ 56 affinity is now unmanaged Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: Cannot change IRQ 57 affinity: Permission denied Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: IRQ 57 affinity is now unmanaged Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: Cannot change IRQ 58 affinity: Permission denied Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: IRQ 58 affinity is now unmanaged Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: Cannot change IRQ 59 affinity: Permission denied Nov 02 06:18:35 irqbalance[654]: IRQ 59 affinity is now unmanaged Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: Finished cloud-final.service - Execute cloud user/final scripts. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit cloud-final.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit cloud-final.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 271. Nov 02 06:18:35 systemd[1]: Reached target - Cloud-init target. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 266. Nov 02 06:18:37 kernel: block xvda: the capability attribute has been deprecated. Nov 02 06:18:37 kdumpctl[887]: kdump: Rebuilding /boot/initramfs-6.11.0-26.el10.x86_64kdump.img Nov 02 06:18:38 dracut[1390]: dracut-102-3.el10 Nov 02 06:18:38 dracut[1393]: Executing: /usr/bin/dracut --list-modules Nov 02 06:18:39 chronyd[665]: Selected source Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1488]: dracut-102-3.el10 Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Executing: /usr/bin/dracut --add kdumpbase --quiet --hostonly --hostonly-cmdline --hostonly-i18n --hostonly-mode strict --hostonly-nics --aggressive-strip --omit "rdma plymouth resume ifcfg earlykdump" --mount "/dev/disk/by-uuid/70689318-97f1-4727-890d-5d50652a95d6 /sysroot xfs rw,relatime,seclabel,attr2,inode64,logbufs=8,logbsize=32k,noquota" --add squash-squashfs --squash-compressor zstd --no-hostonly-default-device -f /boot/initramfs-6.11.0-26.el10.x86_64kdump.img 6.11.0-26.el10.x86_64 Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'systemd-bsod' will not be installed, because command '/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-bsod' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'systemd-networkd' will not be installed, because command '/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-networkd' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'systemd-networkd' will not be installed, because command '/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-networkd-wait-online' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'systemd-pcrphase' will not be installed, because command '/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-pcrphase' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'systemd-portabled' will not be installed, because command 'portablectl' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'systemd-portabled' will not be installed, because command '/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-portabled' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'systemd-resolved' will not be installed, because command '/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-resolved' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'systemd-timesyncd' will not be installed, because command '/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'systemd-timesyncd' will not be installed, because command '/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-time-wait-sync' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'busybox' will not be installed, because command 'busybox' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'dbus-daemon' will not be installed, because command 'dbus-daemon' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'connman' will not be installed, because command 'connmand' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'connman' will not be installed, because command 'connmanctl' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'connman' will not be installed, because command 'connmand-wait-online' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'ifcfg' will not be installed, because it's in the list to be omitted! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'plymouth' will not be installed, because it's in the list to be omitted! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: 62bluetooth: Could not find any command of '/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd /usr/libexec/bluetooth/bluetoothd'! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'btrfs' will not be installed, because command 'btrfs' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'dmraid' will not be installed, because command 'dmraid' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'mdraid' will not be installed, because command 'mdadm' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'cifs' will not be installed, because command 'mount.cifs' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'iscsi' will not be installed, because command 'iscsi-iname' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'iscsi' will not be installed, because command 'iscsiadm' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'iscsi' will not be installed, because command 'iscsid' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'nvmf' will not be installed, because command 'nvme' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'resume' will not be installed, because it's in the list to be omitted! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'squash-erofs' will not be installed, because command 'mkfs.erofs' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'squash-erofs' will not be installed, because command 'fsck.erofs' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'biosdevname' will not be installed, because command 'biosdevname' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:40 dracut[1491]: Module 'earlykdump' will not be installed, because it's in the list to be omitted! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: Module 'systemd-bsod' will not be installed, because command '/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-bsod' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: Module 'systemd-portabled' will not be installed, because command 'portablectl' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: Module 'systemd-portabled' will not be installed, because command '/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-portabled' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: Module 'systemd-resolved' will not be installed, because command '/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-resolved' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: Module 'systemd-timesyncd' will not be installed, because command '/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: Module 'systemd-timesyncd' will not be installed, because command '/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-time-wait-sync' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: Module 'busybox' will not be installed, because command 'busybox' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: Module 'dbus-daemon' will not be installed, because command 'dbus-daemon' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: Module 'connman' will not be installed, because command 'connmand' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: Module 'connman' will not be installed, because command 'connmanctl' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: Module 'connman' will not be installed, because command 'connmand-wait-online' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: 62bluetooth: Could not find any command of '/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd /usr/libexec/bluetooth/bluetoothd'! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: Module 'btrfs' will not be installed, because command 'btrfs' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: Module 'dmraid' will not be installed, because command 'dmraid' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: Module 'mdraid' will not be installed, because command 'mdadm' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: Module 'cifs' will not be installed, because command 'mount.cifs' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: Module 'iscsi' will not be installed, because command 'iscsi-iname' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: Module 'iscsi' will not be installed, because command 'iscsiadm' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: Module 'iscsi' will not be installed, because command 'iscsid' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: Module 'nvmf' will not be installed, because command 'nvme' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: Module 'squash-erofs' will not be installed, because command 'mkfs.erofs' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: Module 'squash-erofs' will not be installed, because command 'fsck.erofs' could not be found! Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: systemd *** Nov 02 06:18:41 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: fips *** Nov 02 06:18:42 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: systemd-ask-password *** Nov 02 06:18:42 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: systemd-initrd *** Nov 02 06:18:42 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: systemd-journald *** Nov 02 06:18:42 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: systemd-modules-load *** Nov 02 06:18:42 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: systemd-pcrphase *** Nov 02 06:18:42 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: systemd-sysctl *** Nov 02 06:18:42 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: systemd-sysusers *** Nov 02 06:18:42 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: systemd-tmpfiles *** Nov 02 06:18:42 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: systemd-udevd *** Nov 02 06:18:42 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: rngd *** Nov 02 06:18:42 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: i18n *** Nov 02 06:18:42 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: drm *** Nov 02 06:18:42 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: prefixdevname *** Nov 02 06:18:42 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: kernel-modules *** Nov 02 06:18:43 systemd[1]: NetworkManager-dispatcher.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit NetworkManager-dispatcher.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:18:43 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: kernel-modules-extra *** Nov 02 06:18:43 dracut[1491]: kernel-modules-extra: configuration source "/run/depmod.d" does not exist Nov 02 06:18:43 dracut[1491]: kernel-modules-extra: configuration source "/lib/depmod.d" does not exist Nov 02 06:18:43 dracut[1491]: kernel-modules-extra: parsing configuration file "/etc/depmod.d/dist.conf" Nov 02 06:18:43 dracut[1491]: kernel-modules-extra: /etc/depmod.d/dist.conf: added "updates extra built-in weak-updates" to the list of search directories Nov 02 06:18:43 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: pcmcia *** Nov 02 06:18:43 dracut[1491]: Skipping udev rule: 60-pcmcia.rules Nov 02 06:18:43 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: tpm2-tss *** Nov 02 06:18:43 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: fstab-sys *** Nov 02 06:18:43 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: rootfs-block *** Nov 02 06:18:43 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: squash-squashfs *** Nov 02 06:18:43 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: terminfo *** Nov 02 06:18:43 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: udev-rules *** Nov 02 06:18:43 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: dracut-systemd *** Nov 02 06:18:43 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: usrmount *** Nov 02 06:18:43 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: base *** Nov 02 06:18:43 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: fs-lib *** Nov 02 06:18:43 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: kdumpbase *** Nov 02 06:18:44 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: memstrack *** Nov 02 06:18:44 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: microcode_ctl-fw_dir_override *** Nov 02 06:18:44 dracut[1491]: microcode_ctl module: mangling fw_dir Nov 02 06:18:44 dracut[1491]: microcode_ctl: reset fw_dir to "/lib/firmware/updates /lib/firmware" Nov 02 06:18:44 dracut[1491]: microcode_ctl: processing data directory "/usr/share/microcode_ctl/ucode_with_caveats/intel"... Nov 02 06:18:44 dracut[1491]: microcode_ctl: intel: caveats check for kernel version "6.11.0-26.el10.x86_64" passed, adding "/usr/share/microcode_ctl/ucode_with_caveats/intel" to fw_dir variable Nov 02 06:18:44 dracut[1491]: microcode_ctl: processing data directory "/usr/share/microcode_ctl/ucode_with_caveats/intel-06-4f-01"... Nov 02 06:18:44 dracut[1491]: microcode_ctl: configuration "intel-06-4f-01" is ignored Nov 02 06:18:44 dracut[1491]: microcode_ctl: final fw_dir: "/usr/share/microcode_ctl/ucode_with_caveats/intel /lib/firmware/updates /lib/firmware" Nov 02 06:18:44 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: shutdown *** Nov 02 06:18:44 dracut[1491]: *** Including module: squash-lib *** Nov 02 06:18:44 dracut[1491]: *** Including modules done *** Nov 02 06:18:44 dracut[1491]: *** Installing kernel module dependencies *** Nov 02 06:18:44 dracut[1491]: *** Installing kernel module dependencies done *** Nov 02 06:18:44 dracut[1491]: *** Resolving executable dependencies *** Nov 02 06:18:46 dracut[1491]: *** Resolving executable dependencies done *** Nov 02 06:18:46 dracut[1491]: *** Hardlinking files *** Nov 02 06:18:46 dracut[1491]: Mode: real Nov 02 06:18:46 dracut[1491]: Method: sha256 Nov 02 06:18:46 dracut[1491]: Files: 558 Nov 02 06:18:46 dracut[1491]: Linked: 25 files Nov 02 06:18:46 dracut[1491]: Compared: 0 xattrs Nov 02 06:18:46 dracut[1491]: Compared: 42 files Nov 02 06:18:46 dracut[1491]: Saved: 13.58 MiB Nov 02 06:18:46 dracut[1491]: Duration: 0.151578 seconds Nov 02 06:18:46 dracut[1491]: *** Hardlinking files done *** Nov 02 06:18:46 dracut[1491]: *** Generating early-microcode cpio image *** Nov 02 06:18:46 dracut[1491]: *** Constructing GenuineIntel.bin *** Nov 02 06:18:46 dracut[1491]: *** Constructing GenuineIntel.bin *** Nov 02 06:18:46 dracut[1491]: *** Store current command line parameters *** Nov 02 06:18:46 dracut[1491]: Stored kernel commandline: Nov 02 06:18:46 dracut[1491]: No dracut internal kernel commandline stored in the initramfs Nov 02 06:18:46 dracut[1491]: *** Squashing the files inside the initramfs *** Nov 02 06:18:54 dracut[1491]: *** Squashing the files inside the initramfs done *** Nov 02 06:18:54 dracut[1491]: *** Creating image file '/boot/initramfs-6.11.0-26.el10.x86_64kdump.img' *** Nov 02 06:18:55 dracut[1491]: *** Creating initramfs image file '/boot/initramfs-6.11.0-26.el10.x86_64kdump.img' done *** Nov 02 06:18:55 kernel: PKCS7: Message signed outside of X.509 validity window Nov 02 06:18:55 kdumpctl[887]: kdump: kexec: loaded kdump kernel Nov 02 06:18:55 kdumpctl[887]: kdump: Starting kdump: [OK] Nov 02 06:18:55 kdumpctl[887]: kdump: Notice: No vmcore creation test performed! Nov 02 06:18:55 systemd[1]: Finished kdump.service - Crash recovery kernel arming. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit kdump.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit kdump.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 279. Nov 02 06:18:55 systemd[1]: Startup finished in 1.054s (kernel) + 5.624s (initrd) + 38.466s (userspace) = 45.144s. â–‘â–‘ Subject: System start-up is now complete â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ All system services necessary queued for starting at boot have been â–‘â–‘ started. Note that this does not mean that the machine is now idle as services â–‘â–‘ might still be busy with completing start-up. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ Kernel start-up required 1054173 microseconds. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ Initrd start-up required 5624484 microseconds. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ Userspace start-up required 38466151 microseconds. Nov 02 06:19:02 systemd[1]: systemd-hostnamed.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit systemd-hostnamed.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:19:44 chronyd[665]: Selected source ( Nov 02 06:20:57 sshd-session[4305]: Accepted publickey for root from port 54622 ssh2: RSA SHA256:W3cSdmPJK+d9RwU97ardijPXIZnxHswrpTHWW9oYtEU Nov 02 06:20:57 sshd-session[4305]: pam_systemd(sshd:session): New sd-bus connection (system-bus-pam-systemd-4305) opened. Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd[1]: Created slice user-0.slice - User Slice of UID 0. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit user-0.slice has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit user-0.slice has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 594. Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd[1]: Starting user-runtime-dir@0.service - User Runtime Directory /run/user/0... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit user-runtime-dir@0.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit user-runtime-dir@0.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 593. Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd-logind[658]: New session 1 of user root. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A new session 1 has been created for user root â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ Documentation: sd-login(3) â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A new session with the ID 1 has been created for the user root. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The leading process of the session is 4305. Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd[1]: Finished user-runtime-dir@0.service - User Runtime Directory /run/user/0. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit user-runtime-dir@0.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit user-runtime-dir@0.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 593. Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd[1]: Starting user@0.service - User Manager for UID 0... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit user@0.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit user@0.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 672. Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd-logind[658]: New session 2 of user root. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A new session 2 has been created for user root â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ Documentation: sd-login(3) â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A new session with the ID 2 has been created for the user root. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The leading process of the session is 4310. Nov 02 06:20:57 (systemd)[4310]: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by root(uid=0) Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd[4310]: Queued start job for default target Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd[4310]: Created slice app.slice - User Application Slice. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 8. Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd[4310]: grub-boot-success.timer - Mark boot as successful after the user session has run 2 minutes was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionUser=!@system). â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 4. Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd[4310]: Started systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer - Daily Cleanup of User's Temporary Directories. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 6. Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd[4310]: Reached target - Paths. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 10. Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd[4310]: Reached target - Timers. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 3. Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd[4310]: Starting dbus.socket - D-Bus User Message Bus Socket... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit UNIT has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit UNIT has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 12. Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd[4310]: Starting systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service - Create User Files and Directories... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit UNIT has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit UNIT has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 7. Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd[4310]: Finished systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service - Create User Files and Directories. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 7. Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd[4310]: Listening on dbus.socket - D-Bus User Message Bus Socket. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 12. Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd[4310]: Reached target - Sockets. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 11. Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd[4310]: Reached target - Basic System. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 2. Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd[4310]: Reached target - Main User Target. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 1. Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd[4310]: Startup finished in 127ms. â–‘â–‘ Subject: User manager start-up is now complete â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The user manager instance for user 0 has been started. All services queued â–‘â–‘ for starting have been started. Note that other services might still be starting â–‘â–‘ up or be started at any later time. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ Startup of the manager took 127428 microseconds. Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd[1]: Started user@0.service - User Manager for UID 0. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit user@0.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit user@0.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 672. Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd[1]: Started session-1.scope - Session 1 of User root. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit session-1.scope has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit session-1.scope has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 752. Nov 02 06:20:57 sshd-session[4305]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by root(uid=0) Nov 02 06:20:57 sshd-session[4321]: Received disconnect from port 54622:11: disconnected by user Nov 02 06:20:57 sshd-session[4321]: Disconnected from user root port 54622 Nov 02 06:20:57 sshd-session[4305]: pam_systemd(sshd:session): New sd-bus connection (system-bus-pam-systemd-4305) opened. Nov 02 06:20:57 sshd-session[4305]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user root Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd-logind[658]: Session 1 logged out. Waiting for processes to exit. Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd[1]: session-1.scope: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit session-1.scope has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:20:57 systemd-logind[658]: Removed session 1. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Session 1 has been terminated â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ Documentation: sd-login(3) â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A session with the ID 1 has been terminated. Nov 02 06:21:00 sshd-session[4353]: Accepted publickey for root from port 32990 ssh2: RSA SHA256:W3cSdmPJK+d9RwU97ardijPXIZnxHswrpTHWW9oYtEU Nov 02 06:21:00 sshd-session[4354]: Accepted publickey for root from port 32992 ssh2: RSA SHA256:W3cSdmPJK+d9RwU97ardijPXIZnxHswrpTHWW9oYtEU Nov 02 06:21:00 sshd-session[4353]: pam_systemd(sshd:session): New sd-bus connection (system-bus-pam-systemd-4353) opened. Nov 02 06:21:00 systemd-logind[658]: New session 3 of user root. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A new session 3 has been created for user root â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ Documentation: sd-login(3) â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A new session with the ID 3 has been created for the user root. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The leading process of the session is 4353. Nov 02 06:21:00 sshd-session[4354]: pam_systemd(sshd:session): New sd-bus connection (system-bus-pam-systemd-4354) opened. Nov 02 06:21:00 systemd[1]: Started session-3.scope - Session 3 of User root. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit session-3.scope has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit session-3.scope has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 833. Nov 02 06:21:00 systemd-logind[658]: New session 4 of user root. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A new session 4 has been created for user root â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ Documentation: sd-login(3) â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A new session with the ID 4 has been created for the user root. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The leading process of the session is 4354. Nov 02 06:21:00 systemd[1]: Started session-4.scope - Session 4 of User root. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit session-4.scope has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit session-4.scope has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 914. Nov 02 06:21:00 sshd-session[4353]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by root(uid=0) Nov 02 06:21:00 sshd-session[4354]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by root(uid=0) Nov 02 06:21:00 sshd-session[4360]: Received disconnect from port 32992:11: disconnected by user Nov 02 06:21:00 sshd-session[4360]: Disconnected from user root port 32992 Nov 02 06:21:00 sshd-session[4354]: pam_systemd(sshd:session): New sd-bus connection (system-bus-pam-systemd-4354) opened. Nov 02 06:21:00 sshd-session[4354]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user root Nov 02 06:21:00 systemd[1]: session-4.scope: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit session-4.scope has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:21:00 systemd-logind[658]: Session 4 logged out. Waiting for processes to exit. Nov 02 06:21:00 systemd-logind[658]: Removed session 4. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Session 4 has been terminated â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ Documentation: sd-login(3) â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A session with the ID 4 has been terminated. Nov 02 06:21:08 systemd[1]: Starting systemd-hostnamed.service - Hostname Service... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-hostnamed.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-hostnamed.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 995. Nov 02 06:21:08 systemd[1]: Started systemd-hostnamed.service - Hostname Service. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-hostnamed.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit systemd-hostnamed.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 995. Nov 02 06:21:08 managed-node3 systemd-hostnamed[5693]: Hostname set to (static) Nov 02 06:21:08 managed-node3 NetworkManager[705]: [1730542868.5874] hostname: static hostname changed from "" to "managed-node3" Nov 02 06:21:08 managed-node3 systemd[1]: Starting NetworkManager-dispatcher.service - Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service... â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit NetworkManager-dispatcher.service has begun execution â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit NetworkManager-dispatcher.service has begun execution. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 1072. Nov 02 06:21:08 managed-node3 systemd[1]: Started NetworkManager-dispatcher.service - Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit NetworkManager-dispatcher.service has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit NetworkManager-dispatcher.service has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 1072. Nov 02 06:21:18 managed-node3 systemd[1]: NetworkManager-dispatcher.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit NetworkManager-dispatcher.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:21:38 managed-node3 systemd[1]: systemd-hostnamed.service: Deactivated successfully. â–‘â–‘ Subject: Unit succeeded â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The unit systemd-hostnamed.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state. Nov 02 06:21:47 managed-node3 sshd-session[6344]: Accepted publickey for root from port 53880 ssh2: RSA SHA256:9j1blwt3wcrRiGYZQ7ZGu9axm3cDklH6/z4c+Ee8CzE Nov 02 06:21:47 managed-node3 sshd-session[6344]: pam_systemd(sshd:session): New sd-bus connection (system-bus-pam-systemd-6344) opened. Nov 02 06:21:47 managed-node3 systemd-logind[658]: New session 5 of user root. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A new session 5 has been created for user root â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ Documentation: sd-login(3) â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A new session with the ID 5 has been created for the user root. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The leading process of the session is 6344. Nov 02 06:21:47 managed-node3 systemd[1]: Started session-5.scope - Session 5 of User root. â–‘â–‘ Subject: A start job for unit session-5.scope has finished successfully â–‘â–‘ Defined-By: systemd â–‘â–‘ Support: â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ A start job for unit session-5.scope has finished successfully. â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–‘ The job identifier is 1150. Nov 02 06:21:47 managed-node3 sshd-session[6344]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by root(uid=0) Nov 02 06:21:49 managed-node3 python3.12[6479]: ansible-ansible.legacy.setup Invoked with gather_subset=['all'] gather_timeout=10 filter=[] fact_path=/etc/ansible/facts.d Nov 02 06:21:50 managed-node3 python3.12[6621]: ansible-service_facts Invoked Nov 02 06:21:53 managed-node3 python3.12[6836]: ansible-stat Invoked with path=/run/ostree-booted follow=False get_checksum=True get_mime=True get_attributes=True checksum_algorithm=sha1 Nov 02 06:21:53 managed-node3 python3.12[6949]: ansible-ansible.legacy.dnf Invoked with name=['pcp-pmda-bpftrace', 'bpftrace'] state=present allow_downgrade=False allowerasing=False autoremove=False bugfix=False cacheonly=False disable_gpg_check=False disable_plugin=[] disablerepo=[] download_only=False enable_plugin=[] enablerepo=[] exclude=[] installroot=/ install_repoquery=True install_weak_deps=True security=False skip_broken=False update_cache=False update_only=False validate_certs=True sslverify=True lock_timeout=30 use_backend=auto best=None conf_file=None disable_excludes=None download_dir=None list=None nobest=None releasever=None Nov 02 06:21:57 managed-node3 python3.12[7078]: ansible-ansible.legacy.command Invoked with _raw_params=journalctl -ex echo '##################' echo List of SELinux AVCs - note list may be empty grep type=AVC /var/log/audit/audit.log echo '##################' ls -alrtF /run if [ -d /run/pcp ]; then ls -alrtF /run/pcp else echo ERROR - /run/pcp does not exist fi _uses_shell=True expand_argument_vars=True stdin_add_newline=True strip_empty_ends=True argv=None chdir=None executable=None creates=None removes=None stdin=None ################## List of SELinux AVCs - note list may be empty ################## total 32 dr-xr-xr-x. 18 root root 235 Oct 30 05:08 ../ drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 60 Nov 2 06:18 initramfs/ drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 60 Nov 2 06:18 tmpfiles.d/ drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 60 Nov 2 06:18 log/ drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 60 Nov 2 06:18 tpm2-tss/ drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 40 Nov 2 06:18 modprobe.d/ drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 40 Nov 2 06:18 mount/ -r--r--r--. 1 root root 33 Nov 2 06:18 machine-id prw-------. 1 root root 0 Nov 2 06:18 dmeventd-server| prw-------. 1 root root 0 Nov 2 06:18 dmeventd-client| srw-rw-rw-. 1 root root 0 Nov 2 06:18 rpcbind.sock= prw-------. 1 root root 0 Nov 2 06:18 initctl| drwx------. 2 root root 80 Nov 2 06:18 lvm/ drwx------. 2 root root 40 Nov 2 06:18 cryptsetup/ drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 40 Nov 2 06:18 setrans/ drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 40 Nov 2 06:18 sepermit/ drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 40 Nov 2 06:18 faillock/ drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 40 Nov 2 06:18 console/ drwx--x--x. 3 root root 60 Nov 2 06:18 sudo/ drwxrwxr-x. 2 sssd sssd 40 Nov 2 06:18 sssd/ drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 40 Nov 2 06:18 motd.d/ -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 Nov 2 06:18 motd drwx------. 2 rpc rpc 60 Nov 2 06:18 rpcbind/ -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 4 Nov 2 06:18 drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 60 Nov 2 06:18 dbus/ drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 60 Nov 2 06:18 pcscd/ srw-rw-rw-. 1 root root 0 Nov 2 06:18 .heim_org.h5l.kcm-socket= drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 60 Nov 2 06:18 irqbalance/ -rw-------. 1 root root 3 Nov 2 06:18 drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 100 Nov 2 06:18 dhcpcd/ -rw-------. 1 root root 4 Nov 2 06:18 srw-rw-rw-. 1 root root 0 Nov 2 06:18 gssproxy.sock= srw-rw-rw-. 1 root root 0 Nov 2 06:18 gssproxy.default.sock= drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 60 Nov 2 06:18 chrony-dhcp/ drwxr-x---. 2 chrony chrony 80 Nov 2 06:18 chrony/ -rw-------. 1 root root 4 Nov 2 06:18 drwxr-xr-x. 4 root root 100 Nov 2 06:18 lock/ -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 4 Nov 2 06:18 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 5 Nov 2 06:18 ----------. 1 root root 0 Nov 2 06:18 cron.reboot drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 340 Nov 2 06:18 cloud-init/ drwxr-xr-x. 5 root root 100 Nov 2 06:18 credentials/ -rw-------. 1 root root 0 Nov 2 06:18 agetty.reload drwxr-xr-x. 32 root root 1000 Nov 2 06:18 ./ drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 80 Nov 2 06:18 blkid/ drwxr-xr-x. 7 root root 160 Nov 2 06:19 udev/ drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 60 Nov 2 06:20 user/ drwxr-xr-x. 21 root root 620 Nov 2 06:21 systemd/ drwxr-xr-x. 4 root root 120 Nov 2 06:21 NetworkManager/ -rw-rw-r--. 1 root utmp 1920 Nov 2 06:21 utmp ERROR - /run/pcp does not exist TASK [Reraise error] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/handle_test_failure.yml:17 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:57 -0400 (0:00:00.508) 0:00:09.473 ***** fatal: [managed-node3]: FAILED! => { "changed": false } MSG: {'failures': [], 'results': [], 'rc': 1, 'failed': True, 'msg': 'Depsolve Error occurred: \n Problem 1: package python3-lldb-19.1.1-5.el10.x86_64 from appstream requires, but none of the providers can be installed\n - package python3-lldb-19.1.1-5.el10.x86_64 from appstream requires lldb(x86-64) = 19.1.1-5.el10, but none of the providers can be installed\n - package lldb-18.1.8-1.el10.x86_64 from appstream requires python3-lldb, but none of the providers can be installed\n - cannot install both lldb-19.1.1-5.el10.x86_64 from appstream and lldb-18.1.8-1.el10.x86_64 from appstream\n - package bpftrace-0.21.1-1.el10.x86_64 from appstream requires, but none of the providers can be installed\n - package bpftrace-0.21.1-1.el10.x86_64 from appstream requires, but none of the providers can be installed\n - conflicting requests\n Problem 2: package python3-lldb-19.1.1-5.el10.x86_64 from appstream requires, but none of the providers can be installed\n - package python3-lldb-19.1.1-5.el10.x86_64 from appstream requires lldb(x86-64) = 19.1.1-5.el10, but none of the providers can be installed\n - package lldb-18.1.8-1.el10.x86_64 from appstream requires python3-lldb, but none of the providers can be installed\n - cannot install both lldb-19.1.1-5.el10.x86_64 from appstream and lldb-18.1.8-1.el10.x86_64 from appstream\n - package bpftrace-0.21.1-1.el10.x86_64 from appstream requires, but none of the providers can be installed\n - package bpftrace-0.21.1-1.el10.x86_64 from appstream requires, but none of the providers can be installed\n - package pcp-pmda-bpftrace-6.3.0-3.el10.x86_64 from appstream requires bpftrace >= 0.9.2, but none of the providers can be installed\n - conflicting requests', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'name': ['pcp-pmda-bpftrace', 'bpftrace'], 'state': 'present', 'allow_downgrade': False, 'allowerasing': False, 'autoremove': False, 'bugfix': False, 'cacheonly': False, 'disable_gpg_check': False, 'disable_plugin': [], 'disablerepo': [], 'download_only': False, 'enable_plugin': [], 'enablerepo': [], 'exclude': [], 'installroot': '/', 'install_repoquery': True, 'install_weak_deps': True, 'security': False, 'skip_broken': False, 'update_cache': False, 'update_only': False, 'validate_certs': True, 'sslverify': True, 'lock_timeout': 30, 'use_backend': 'auto', 'best': None, 'conf_file': None, 'disable_excludes': None, 'download_dir': None, 'list': None, 'nobest': None, 'releasever': None}}, '_ansible_no_log': False, 'changed': False} TASK [Get final state of services] ********************************************* task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/restore_services_state.yml:3 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:57 -0400 (0:00:00.025) 0:00:09.499 ***** ok: [managed-node3] => { "ansible_facts": { "services": { "NetworkManager-dispatcher.service": { "name": "NetworkManager-dispatcher.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "enabled" }, "NetworkManager-wait-online.service": { "name": "NetworkManager-wait-online.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled" }, "NetworkManager.service": { "name": "NetworkManager.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "enabled" }, "audit-rules.service": { "name": "audit-rules.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled" }, "auditd.service": { "name": "auditd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "enabled" }, "auth-rpcgss-module.service": { "name": "auth-rpcgss-module.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "autofs.service": { "name": "autofs.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "not-found" }, "autovt@.service": { "name": "autovt@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "alias" }, "blk-availability.service": { "name": "blk-availability.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "capsule@.service": { "name": "capsule@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "chrony-wait.service": { "name": "chrony-wait.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "chronyd-restricted.service": { "name": "chronyd-restricted.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "chronyd.service": { "name": "chronyd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "enabled" }, "cloud-config.service": { "name": "cloud-config.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled" }, "cloud-final.service": { "name": "cloud-final.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled" }, "cloud-init-hotplugd.service": { "name": "cloud-init-hotplugd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "cloud-init-local.service": { "name": "cloud-init-local.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled" }, "cloud-init.service": { "name": "cloud-init.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled" }, "console-getty.service": { "name": "console-getty.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "container-getty@.service": { "name": "container-getty@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "crond.service": { "name": "crond.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "enabled" }, "dbus-broker.service": { "name": "dbus-broker.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "enabled" }, "dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service": { "name": "dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "alias" }, "dbus-org.freedesktop.locale1.service": { "name": "dbus-org.freedesktop.locale1.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "alias" }, "dbus-org.freedesktop.login1.service": { "name": "dbus-org.freedesktop.login1.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "active", "status": "alias" }, "dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service": { "name": "dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "alias" }, "dbus-org.freedesktop.timedate1.service": { "name": "dbus-org.freedesktop.timedate1.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "alias" }, "dbus.service": { "name": "dbus.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "active", "status": "alias" }, "debug-shell.service": { "name": "debug-shell.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "dhcpcd.service": { "name": "dhcpcd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "dhcpcd@.service": { "name": "dhcpcd@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "disabled" }, "display-manager.service": { "name": "display-manager.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "not-found" }, "dm-event.service": { "name": "dm-event.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "dnf-makecache.service": { "name": "dnf-makecache.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "dnf-system-upgrade-cleanup.service": { "name": "dnf-system-upgrade-cleanup.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "dnf-system-upgrade.service": { "name": "dnf-system-upgrade.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "dracut-cmdline.service": { "name": "dracut-cmdline.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "dracut-initqueue.service": { "name": "dracut-initqueue.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "dracut-mount.service": { "name": "dracut-mount.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "dracut-pre-mount.service": { "name": "dracut-pre-mount.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "dracut-pre-pivot.service": { "name": "dracut-pre-pivot.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "dracut-pre-trigger.service": { "name": "dracut-pre-trigger.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "dracut-pre-udev.service": { "name": "dracut-pre-udev.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "dracut-shutdown-onfailure.service": { "name": "dracut-shutdown-onfailure.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "dracut-shutdown.service": { "name": "dracut-shutdown.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "emergency.service": { "name": "emergency.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "fips-crypto-policy-overlay.service": { "name": "fips-crypto-policy-overlay.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "firewalld.service": { "name": "firewalld.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "fsidd.service": { "name": "fsidd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "fstrim.service": { "name": "fstrim.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "getty@.service": { "name": "getty@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "enabled" }, "getty@tty1.service": { "name": "getty@tty1.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "active" }, "grub-boot-indeterminate.service": { "name": "grub-boot-indeterminate.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "grub2-systemd-integration.service": { "name": "grub2-systemd-integration.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "gssproxy.service": { "name": "gssproxy.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "disabled" }, "hv_kvp_daemon.service": { "name": "hv_kvp_daemon.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "not-found" }, "initrd-cleanup.service": { "name": "initrd-cleanup.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "initrd-parse-etc.service": { "name": "initrd-parse-etc.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "initrd-switch-root.service": { "name": "initrd-switch-root.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service": { "name": "initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "irqbalance.service": { "name": "irqbalance.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "enabled" }, "kdump.service": { "name": "kdump.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled" }, "kmod-static-nodes.service": { "name": "kmod-static-nodes.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "kvm_stat.service": { "name": "kvm_stat.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "ldconfig.service": { "name": "ldconfig.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "logrotate.service": { "name": "logrotate.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "lvm-devices-import.service": { "name": "lvm-devices-import.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "lvm2-lvmpolld.service": { "name": "lvm2-lvmpolld.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "lvm2-monitor.service": { "name": "lvm2-monitor.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "enabled" }, "man-db-cache-update.service": { "name": "man-db-cache-update.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "man-db-restart-cache-update.service": { "name": "man-db-restart-cache-update.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "microcode.service": { "name": "microcode.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "disabled" }, "modprobe@.service": { "name": "modprobe@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "modprobe@configfs.service": { "name": "modprobe@configfs.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "inactive" }, "modprobe@dm_mod.service": { "name": "modprobe@dm_mod.service", "source": "systemd", "state": 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"systemd-udevd.service": { "name": "systemd-udevd.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "static" }, "systemd-update-done.service": { "name": "systemd-update-done.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service": { "name": "systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-update-utmp.service": { "name": "systemd-update-utmp.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-user-sessions.service": { "name": "systemd-user-sessions.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-vconsole-setup.service": { "name": "systemd-vconsole-setup.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "static" }, "systemd-volatile-root.service": { "name": "systemd-volatile-root.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "inactive", "status": "static" }, "user-runtime-dir@.service": { "name": "user-runtime-dir@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "user-runtime-dir@0.service": { "name": "user-runtime-dir@0.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "active" }, "user@.service": { "name": "user@.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "unknown", "status": "static" }, "user@0.service": { "name": "user@0.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "running", "status": "active" }, "ypbind.service": { "name": "ypbind.service", "source": "systemd", "state": "stopped", "status": "not-found" } } }, "changed": false } TASK [Restore state of services] *********************************************** task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/restore_services_state.yml:9 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:59 -0400 (0:00:01.830) 0:00:11.329 ***** skipping: [managed-node3] => (item=pmcd) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "false_condition": "item + '.service' in", "item": "pmcd", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } skipping: [managed-node3] => (item=pmlogger) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "false_condition": "item + '.service' in", "item": "pmlogger", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } skipping: [managed-node3] => (item=pmie) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "false_condition": "item + '.service' in", "item": "pmie", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } skipping: [managed-node3] => (item=pmproxy) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "false_condition": "item + '.service' in", "item": "pmproxy", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } skipping: [managed-node3] => (item=redis) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "false_condition": "item + '.service' in", "item": "redis", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } skipping: [managed-node3] => (item=valkey) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "false_condition": "item + '.service' in", "item": "valkey", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } skipping: [managed-node3] => (item=grafana-server) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "false_condition": "item + '.service' in", "item": "grafana-server", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } skipping: [managed-node3] => { "changed": false } MSG: All items skipped TASK [Stop firewall] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/restore_services_state.yml:29 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:59 -0400 (0:00:00.041) 0:00:11.370 ***** skipping: [managed-node3] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "metrics_manage_firewall | bool", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* managed-node3 : ok=15 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=9 rescued=1 ignored=0 Saturday 02 November 2024 06:21:59 -0400 (0:00:00.010) 0:00:11.381 ***** =============================================================================== fedora.linux_system_roles.private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace : Install needed bpftrace metrics packages --- 3.41s /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/tasks/main.yml:41 Gathering Facts --------------------------------------------------------- 2.53s /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/tests_bz1855544.yml:9 Get initial state of services ------------------------------------------- 1.98s /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/get_services_state.yml:3 Get final state of services --------------------------------------------- 1.83s /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/restore_services_state.yml:3 Collect logs ------------------------------------------------------------ 0.51s /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/handle_test_failure.yml:2 fedora.linux_system_roles.private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace : Check if system is ostree --- 0.43s /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/tasks/main.yml:18 Setup bpftrace metrics. ------------------------------------------------- 0.07s /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/metrics/tasks/main.yml:66 fedora.linux_system_roles.private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace : Set platform/version specific variables --- 0.06s /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/private_metrics_subrole_bpftrace/tasks/main.yml:4 fedora.linux_system_roles.metrics : Add SQL Server to metrics domain list --- 0.06s /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/metrics/tasks/main.yml:13 Run the role ------------------------------------------------------------ 0.04s /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/tests_bz1855544.yml:27 Restore state of services ----------------------------------------------- 0.04s /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/restore_services_state.yml:9 Configure Elasticsearch metrics ----------------------------------------- 0.03s /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/metrics/tasks/main.yml:35 fedora.linux_system_roles.metrics : Add Elasticsearch to metrics domain list --- 0.03s /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/metrics/tasks/main.yml:8 Handle test failure ----------------------------------------------------- 0.03s /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/tests_bz1855544.yml:47 Configure SQL Server metrics. ------------------------------------------- 0.03s /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/metrics/tasks/main.yml:50 fedora.linux_system_roles.metrics : Setup metrics access for roles ------ 0.03s /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/metrics/tasks/main.yml:28 Configure Postfix metrics. ---------------------------------------------- 0.03s /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/metrics/tasks/main.yml:58 fedora.linux_system_roles.metrics : Add bpftrace to metrics domain list --- 0.03s /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/metrics/tasks/main.yml:23 fedora.linux_system_roles.metrics : Add Postfix to metrics domain list --- 0.03s /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/metrics/tasks/main.yml:18 Stop test --------------------------------------------------------------- 0.03s /tmp/collections-vCx/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/metrics/tests_bz1855544.yml:17