This directory (and its subdirectories) contains version 0.16 of the Glasgow literate programming system. This stuff is usually -- but not always -- distributed as part of a larger system (e.g., the Glasgow Haskell compiler). The version numbers for this system tend to track those for Glasgow Haskell, even if virtually nothing has changed herein. As this system is pretty stable, this "version" really has nothing new to offer if you have a version 0.06 or 0.09. The subdirectory "doc" contains the user's guide (notably, the files literate.dvi [TeX-produced DVI format] and [equivalent in GNU Info format]. If you are building/installing this stuff as a separate system, please consult the relevant section of the user's guide, near the end (source: literate/doc/install.lit). If this stuff "came with" another system (e.g., GHC or NoFib), simply follow the directions for building/installing *that* system. Once this system is built, if you would like to see its source in "literate" form (not overly recommended :-), try: % cd <here> % make depend # may be omitted if you've already done it % make lit2stuff.dvi # or... % make The subdirectory "info-utils" contains hacked versions of the GNU Info-related utilities, "info" and "makeinfo". See the README file there. Comments about and suggestions for this system would be most welcome. You may send them directly to me. Will Partain