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$自 }E X\$<}<$t9u4$" j\$0(tftD$8Xf" D$<D$<;D$0tLs"D$< $L$4‰t$8L$4΃rI)댉 = s   D$8@ 11\$8\$,\$8ˆ D$<D$,D$8ǀĀ  D$<!%tꩀuL$0)L$= %d Failed setting IPV6_V6ONLY: %ssetsockopt SO_RCVBUF failed: %s %s: unable to resolve bind address %s; disabling bind. %s: unable to resolve host address %s setsockopt SO_REUSEADDR failed: %s binding to address %s using port %i. Accepted client at socket %d. $tI%d; URL=%s/index.html?#%;Scanning %s (from %s) nothing to do. Cannot back up %s as %s: %s Unable to delete %s: %s wbSkipping %s at position %d. %d-%d Converting links in %s... /:xi==7 D    Apparently %s has been removed. will convert url %s to local %s will convert url %s to complete Cannot convert links in %s: %s Something strange is going on. Please investigate.TO_RELATIVE: %s to %s at position %d in %s. Converted file part only: %s to %s at position %d in %s. TO_COMPLETE: to %s at position %d in %s. Converted links in %d files in %s seconds. noneinsecurepermanentsession (ANY).comdomainpathexpiresmax-age%lfcdm: 2 cdm: 3 cdm: 4 cdm: 5 cdm: 6 cdm: 7 cdm: 8 Unable to get cookie for %s Discarded old cookie. TRUEFALSESaving cookies to %s. # HTTP Cookie File # Generated by Wget on %s. # Edit at your own risk. %s %s %s %.0f %s %s Error writing to %s: %s Error closing %s: %s Done saving cookies. .edu.net.org.gov.mil.intDeleted old cookie (to be replaced.) Stored cookie %s %d%s %s <%s> <%s> [expiry %s] %s %s Syntax error in Set-Cookie: %s at position %d. Cookie coming from %s attempted to set domain to Attempt to fake the path: %s, %s Cannot open cookies file %s: %s       ? (unauthoritative) Length: %s (%s), %s (%s) remaining, %s remaining==> AUTH TLS ... %s (%s) - %s saved [%s] (try:%2d)--%s-- %s %s => %s anonymous-wget@Logging in as %s ... Error in server greeting. The server refuses login. Login incorrect. Logged in! ==> PBSZ 0 ... done. ==> PROT %c ... ==> SYST ... done. ==> PWD ... ==> TYPE %c ... done. ==> CWD not needed. changing working directory ==> CWD (%d) %s ... No such directory %s. ==> CWD not required. ==> SIZE %s ... ==> PASV ... ==> EPSV ... ==> LPSV ... Cannot parse PASV response. ==> PORT ... ==> EPRT ... ==> LPRT ... socket: %s Bind error (%s). Invalid PORT. ==> REST %s ... ==> RETR %s ... No such file %s. ==> LIST ... accept: %s ab%s (%s) - Control connection closed. byteData transfer aborted. 425%s URL: %s [%s] -> "%s" [%d] Removing %s. unlink: %s File %s exists. No such file %s. .listingRemoved %s. Rejecting %s. ../%s%s%sCreating symlink %s -> %s symlink: %s Skipping directory %s. %s: corrupt time-stamp. %s/%sNo matches on pattern %s. Wrote HTML-ized index to %s. Server does not support AUTH TLS. Falling back to FTP. %s (%s) - written to stdout %s[%s] File %s already there; not retrieving. Could not initialize SSL. It will be disabled. Implicit FTPS was specified. Rewriting default port to %d. Error in server response. Closing. Error in server response, closing control connection. Write failed, closing control connection. Server did not accept the 'PBSZ 0' command. Server did not accept the 'PROT %c' command. Server error, can't determine system type. VMS: I know it and I will use "LIST" as standard list command UNIX MultiNet: I know it and I will use "LIST" as standard list command UNIX TYPE L8: I know it and I will use "LIST -a" as standard list command Unknown type `%c', closing control connection. Prepended initial PWD to relative path: pwd: '%s' old: '%s' new: '%s' Using two-step CWD for relative path. Using extra "CWD []" step for VMS server. File has already been retrieved. Cannot initiate PASV transfer. trying to connect to %s port %d couldn't connect to %s port %d: %s REST failed, starting from scratch. No such file or directory %s. Lying FTP server found, adjusting. Server does not want to resume the SSL session. Trying with a new one. Could not perform SSL handshake. Resuming SSL session in data connection. %s (%s) - Data connection: %s; FTPS server rejects new SSL sessions in the data connection. LIST returned more data than "LIST -a": I will use "LIST" as standard list command LIST returned less data than "LIST -a": I will use "LIST -a" as standard list command LIST returned the same amount of data of "LIST -a": I will use "LIST -a" as standard list command "LIST -a" failed: I will use "LIST" as standard list command Server does not support AUTH TLS. Server does not like implicit FTPS connections. Removing file due to --delete-after in ftp_loop_internal(): %s: %s, closing control connection. Using %s as listing tmp file. Rejecting %s (Invalid Entry). %s is excluded/not-included through regex. Error matching %s against %s: %s Recursion depth %d exceeded max. depth %d. Remote file no newer than local file %s -- not retrieving. Remote file is newer than local file %s -- retrieving. The sizes do not match (local %s) -- retrieving. Invalid name of the symlink, skipping. Already have correct symlink %s -> %s %s: unknown/unsupported file type. Failed to set permissions for %s. Unrecognized permissions for %s. Composing new CWD relative to the initial directory. odir = '%s' f->name = '%s' newdir = '%s' Not descending to %s as it is excluded/not-included. Will not retrieve dirs since depth is %d (max %d). Wrote HTML-ized index to %s [%s]. Y k00kkY Y k000k000;Y Y k0kY Y Y Y Y Y 0kkkkkY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0Y kkY Y Y Y Y Y kY Y Y Y Y Y %Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 10Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 4544Y Y Y Y %4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 2Y Y Y Y Y Y x3*3Y Y 2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 3input in flex scanner failedbad buffer in yy_scan_bytes()out of dynamic memory in yyensure_buffer_stack()out of dynamic memory in yy_create_buffer()fatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missedfatal error - scanner input buffer overflowout of dynamic memory in yy_get_next_buffer()fatal flex scanner internal error--no action foundout of dynamic memory in yy_scan_buffer()out of dynamic memory in yy_scan_bytes()_ ^_V_V__a `_______x_n_a``^^^^^^_______`__%_%_ `*``/_4` ^ $ RY:.@ I  .:$.R@!&C&&&&&&&&&&11**********0--10TN,J!-CJYJY0-32"2T/346N=4/3/24/;466==4/;;<HHOUB+O+<U<H 5B~ I~BI5I5d5OU5B~M """MI5|5dd|_M""""""""""I|_""""""_`i`i`i""""""%%%%%%%%%%`ii%%%%%%wjjwwww`ii%%%%%%88j88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888>s>>>>t}}tst>s>y>yyyyyy}t>>>AAAAAAAAAAtAAAAAAcccccAAAAAADDDDDcDcDDDDDDDDDDcDDDDDDchghggggDDDDDDDPPPPPPg{{{{{{{gPPPPPPPPPPgPPPPPPgPPPPPPPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS}zSSSSSSSVVVVVV,VVVVVVVVVV.VVVVVVeeeeeVVVVVVVZZZZZ,e.eyZZZZZZZZehjejZZZZZZZZ\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ge\\\\\\^^^^^^^^^^da^^^^^^/k/_^knk^nnnn^^^^^^kr ^krrrrnn k krnrrnYr1Wr1rvvvvv/0T<vvvvvvvvvv/0vvvvvv<vvvvvvvxSxxxxxxx>MxxQ>MxxzNzzzzzzz11111zzN   zzP ?  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J  m I Y  & d T w Ce{ t S' v U M O  ( #   6 [ r  % V$  7 e , 5Q aB  ~ - e O f  b | 9    >  t l N  F = D % =I g  N) q Os w " g   / 4 9 -  VF K P W T7"  *X L d < > H e m 2 m H]  H . U X 0 j Z v A w     ) ' - B X Fr 7 P y  f  7sNm  {  TD %ih   # * 3 J8   =Mw\ l XaY u~M HG{ E &r? ;h^J7Le[( 2@E>+FD5hP' _  \7Es8eCn0pucTKj 1jqz%l q}H7FE+ U C \i=  H%"jG[&  CW P cMy`%ebr3Sx  <,Dx }^FH Pr >ic~ AzY hXr (-[Ep7'Do? XGrA|ItUp %.7@HQZclu~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0*1234**5*6 7 * 89:;<=>?@*ABCDEF*GHIJ**K*L M NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*(( ( (((#(( ((( #"#!!!!!!!!!!!'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &&&&% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &&&&&&&&&%&& !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  &$&&&&&&&&&&&%& !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  &&&&&&&&&!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! &&&&!!!  &&&&&&&&&&&url(Found URI: [%s] at %d [%s] Loaded %s (size %s). Found @import: [%s] at %d [%s] --> PASS Turtle Power! --> %s USER331 s/key 331 opiekey PORT%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%dLPRT|%d|%s|%d|EPRTTLSAUTHPBSZPROTPASVLPSVlpsv addr is: %s tmpprt[0] is: %d tmpprt[1] is: %d *port is: %d EPSVrespline is %s TYPECWDRESTRETRLIST -a(skipping "LIST -a")(skipping "LIST")SYSTVMSUNIX215 UNIX Type: L8WINDOWS_NTWINDOWS2000MACOSOS/400PWDSIZEtype= Detected newlines in %s "%s"; changing to %s "%s" %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d215 UNIX MultiNet Unix Emulation V5.3(93)JantotalPLAINFILE; DIRECTORY; SYMLINK; UNKNOWN; implicit perms %0o; size: %s; month: %s; day: %d; year: %d (no tm); -> link to: %s Ignoring `.' and `..'; trailing `/' on dir. trailing `@' on link. trailing `*' on exec. Skipping. Name: '%s' Timestamp: %ld Directory File, size %s bytes Total of file name: '%s' file name-^: '%s' .DIRDirectory (nv) .DIR;1Directory (v) Getting additional line. Token: >%s<: Date. %s Time. Date time: >%s< Owner. Prot. perms = %0o. Ignored (size?). %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%SWGET_TIMEZONE_DIFFERENTIALTime differential = %d. rb(nil) �Index of /%s on %s:%d�

%d %s %02d %02d:%02d  time unknown       File        Directory   Link        Not sure    %s  (%s bytes)-> %s
FebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDectime: %02d:%02d:%02d (no yr); YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM - %d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d EOF. Leaving listing parser. Blank line. Leaving listing parser. Non-blank in column 1. Must be a new file name? Null token. Leaving listing parser. Unsupported listing type, trying Unix listing parser. RLGb e e e f f  f f f f f f  );Ok[WQ /?!"i,9Ka~j e7 CA f!*7H}P^zKd5U_ %/^k=OG[)6FI\( QK55>n)#5Fu[m@?index: %d al->faulty: %d Deleting unused 0x%0*lx. Resolving %s... , , ...Caching %s =>Error in handling the address list. Please report this issue to bug-wget@gnu.org Releasing 0x%0*lx (new refcount %d). Found %s in host_name_addresses_map (%p) failed: No IPv4/IPv6 addresses for host. %255s %d %d %lld %llda+# Edit at your own risk. %s %d %d %lu %lu # HSTS 1.0 Known Hosts database for GNU Wget. # Could not write the HSTS database correctly. Will not apply HSTS. The HSTS database must be a regular and non-world-writable file. $$$$$$$$$$SSSSSSS$$$$$$SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS$$$$$$nOv%s: link "%s" doesn't parse. %s: merge(%s, %s) -> %s appending %s to urlpos. http-equivrefreshcontentcontent-typerobots, nofollowhrefrelalternate stylesheetshortcut iconmanifesttext/htmlactionsrcset , nofollow in %s: %d %s: Invalid URL %s: %s codebackgroundlowsrcposterappletareabasebgsoundbodyembedformiframeimginputlayermetaobjectoverlayscripttabletdvideoaudio%s: no base, merge will use "%s". %s: Cannot resolve incomplete link %s. %s: merged link "%s" doesn't parse. io Go $o  7o o m o do o do o o do o o  o  o  do  o  o  o  o g o o o o o o p o p o Disabling further reuse of socket %d. ---request begin--- %s---request end--- Failed writing HTTP request: %s. gmtime failed. This is probably a bug. Cannot convert timestamp to http format. Falling back to time 0 as last modification time. %s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMTAuth-without-challenge set, sending Basic credentials. Found %s in basic_authed_hosts. Host %s has not issued a general basic challenge. application/x-www-form-urlencodedBODY data file %s missing: %s Unsupported quality of protection '%s'. Digest username="%s", realm="%s", nonce="%s", uri="%s", response="%s", qop=auth, nc=00000001, cnonce="%s"Digest username="%s", realm="%s", nonce="%s", uri="%s", response="%s"Disabling SSL due to encountered errors. Reusing existing connection to [%s]:%d. Reusing existing connection to %s:%d. Failed reading proxy response: %s %s request sent, awaiting response... ---response begin--- %s---response end--- Registered socket %d for persistent reuse. Unknown authentication scheme. Inserted %s into basic_authed_hosts Parsed filename from Content-Disposition: %s Parsed Strict-Transport-Security max-age = %s, includeSubDomains = %s Could not parse Strict-Transport-Security header Added new HSTS host: %s:%u (max-age: %lu, includeSubdomains: %s) Updated HSTS host: %s:%u (max-age: %lu, includeSubdomains: %s) Unrecognized Content-Encoding: %s Enabling broken server workaround. Will not decompress this GZip file. File %s not modified on server. Omitting download. No extension found for encoding %d Server ignored If-Modified-Since header for file %s. You might want to add --no-if-modified-since option. The file is already fully retrieved; nothing to do. %s has sprung into existence. %s (%s) - written to stdout %s[%s/%s] Warning: wildcards not supported in HTTP. File %s already there; not retrieving. Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists. Required attribute missing from Header received. Username/Password Authentication Failed. Cannot write to temporary WARC file. Unable to establish SSL connection. ERROR: Redirection (%d) without location. Remote file does not exist -- broken link!!! Last-modified header missing -- time-stamps turned off. Last-modified header invalid -- time-stamp ignored. Server file no newer than local file %s -- not retrieving. The sizes do not match (local %s) -- retrieving. Remote file is newer, retrieving. Remote file exists and could contain links to other resources -- retrieving. Remote file exists but does not contain any link -- not retrieving. Remote file exists and could contain further links, but recursion is disabled -- not retrieving. %s URL:%s [%s/%s] -> "%s" [%d] %s (%s) - Connection closed at byte %s. %s (%s) - Read error at byte %s (%s).%s (%s) - Read error at byte %s/%s (%s). %s:%sBasic EOF receivedSkipping %s bytes of body: [] aborting (%s). %.*s] done. No headers, assuming HTTP/0.9.%d%sHEADGETHostRefererno-cacheCache-ControlPragmaIf-Modified-Sincebytes=%s-Wget/%sUser-Agent*/*AcceptAccept-EncodingidentityCloseKeep-AliveProxy-ConnectionContent-TypeContent-LengthpostpatchrealmauthMD5MD5-sessUnsupported algorithm '%s'. %08x00000001, opaque="%s", algorithm="%s"0123456789abcdef?truefalseunspecified [following].br.Z.zlibignoredProxyProxy-AuthorizationReusing fd %d. CONNECTproxy responded with: [%s] Malformed status line%s ERROR %d: %s. Proxy tunneling failed: %s[BODY data: %s] [writing BODY file %s ... done] No data received. Read error (%s) in headers. Ignoring response Transfer-EncodingchunkedSet-CookieAuth scheme found '%.*s' BasicAuth param list '%s' Auth param %.*s=%.*s WWW-AuthenticateAuthentication selected: %s NTLMContent-Dispositionfilename(no description)Strict-Transport-SecurityincludeSubDomainsLocationLast-ModifiedX-Archive-Orig-last-modifiedContent-RangeContent-Encodingdeflatex-compressx-gzip.tgzLocation: %s%s application/xhtml+xmltext/css.cssLength: STDOUTSaving to: %s %s.tmp%s (%s) - %s saved [%s/%s] --%s-- %s %s --%s-- %s Cannot write to %s (%s). Cannot write to WARC file. Cannot unlink %s (%s). %s: Remote file exists. %s URL: %s %2d %s %s URL:%s [%s] -> "%s" [%d] %a, %d %b %Y %T%A, %d-%b-%y %T%a %b %d %T %Y%a, %d-%b-%Y %TopaquenonceqopalgorithmSunMonTueWedThuFriSat[%s][%s]:%du`u`j`|`OT7keeeh.c!c7k7k7k7k7k7k7k7k7k7k7k7kkhekheee7k7k7k7k7k7k7k7k.c7cfe7k.ce7k.cf7ke.c.cqf!c7kGf.cfeeZ j z    E  E  E  E  E     ă ȃ ̃ b e e e f f  f f f f f f  Ѓ e Ճ %s: %s: Invalid time period %s %s: %s: Negative time period %s %s: %s: Invalid restriction %s, use [unix|vms|windows],[lowercase|uppercase],[nocontrol],[ascii]. %s: %s: Invalid byte value %s %s: %s must only be used once %s: %s: Invalid boolean %s; use `on' or `off'. %s: %s: Invalid %s; use `on', `off' or `quiet'. %s: %s: Invalid WARC header %s. use-askpass requires a string or either environment variable WGET_ASKPASS or SSH_ASKPASS to be set. %s: %s: Invalid progress type %s. %s: WGETRC points to %s, which couldn't be accessed because of error: %s. %s: Syntax error in %s at line %d. %s: Unknown command %s in %s at line %d. Parsing system wgetrc file (env SYSTEM_WGETRC) failed. Please check '%s', or specify a different file using --config. Parsing system wgetrc file failed. Please check '%s', or specify a different file using --config. %s: Warning: Both system and user wgetrc point to %s. %s: Invalid --execute command %s u5v5v5v#v5v5v5v5v v5v5v5v5v5vv5v5v5vuw P {  $ d   d          Ó  ʓ  {t֓  \ E \  \  \  \o Ԛ \  \(  `p  {t0 H {t<  {tE  {tN h tR~  \\ d AwP T th \ x P =  t  {t( М Ɇ  t  \  \ϔ  \ؔ - \ , \8  \ l   `  \  {t D \#  Aw- 7 D \@  t < K 4 T < `_ @ `j 0 {ts x t{   @  P \ H   \  {tƕ  {tҕ  {tە  \ ~ \  \ } \  {t(  \M / ؜ \- ܜ t6 E \D څL  \Z  {te  {tr  {t| | \  {t  {t  \  \ ՚ \– L ͖    \  \

. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Originally written by Hrvoje Niksic . Please send bug reports and questions to . Error initializing spawn file actions for use-askpass: %d Error setting spawn file actions for use-askpass: %d Error reading response from command "%s %s": %s Both --no-clobber and --convert-links were specified, only --convert-links will be used. Both --no-clobber and --convert-file-only were specified, only --convert-file-only will be used. Try `%s --help' for more options. Can't be verbose and quiet at the same time. Can't timestamp and not clobber old files at the same time. Cannot specify both --inet4-only and --inet6-only. Cannot specify both -k or --convert-file-only and -O if multiple URLs are given, or in combination with -p or -r. See the manual for details. WARNING: combining -O with -r or -p will mean that all downloaded content will be placed in the single file you specified. WARNING: timestamping does nothing in combination with -O. See the manual for details. WARC output does not work with --no-clobber, --no-clobber will be disabled. WARC output does not work with timestamping, timestamping will be disabled. WARC output does not work with --spider. WARC output does not work with --continue or --start-pos, they will be disabled. Digests are disabled; WARC deduplication will not find duplicate records. Compression does not work with --continue or --start-pos, they will be disabled. Cannot specify both --ask-password and --password. WARNING: No username set with --ask-password. This is usually not what you want. Specifying both --start-pos and --continue is not recommended; --continue will be disabled. You cannot specify both --post-data and --post-file. You cannot use --post-data or --post-file along with --method. --method expects data through --body-data and --body-file options You must specify a method through --method=HTTPMethod to use with --body-data or --body-file. You cannot specify both --body-data and --body-file. This version does not have support for IRIs DEBUG output created by Wget %s on %s. -k or -r can be used together with -O only if outputting to a regular file. --convert-links or --convert-file-only can be used together only if outputting to a regular file. ERROR: could not open HSTS store at '%s'. HSTS will be disabled. ERROR: could not open HSTS store. HSTS will be disabled. Removing file due to --delete-after in main(): FINISHED --%s-- Total wall clock time: %s Downloaded: %d files, %s in %s (%s) Download quota of %s EXCEEDED! Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. -V, --version display the version of Wget and exit -h, --help print this help -b, --background go to background after startup -e, --execute=COMMAND execute a `.wgetrc'-style command -o, --output-file=FILE log messages to FILE -a, --append-output=FILE append messages to FILE -d, --debug print lots of debugging information -q, --quiet quiet (no output) -v, --verbose be verbose (this is the default) -nv, --no-verbose turn off verboseness, without being quiet --report-speed=TYPE output bandwidth as TYPE. TYPE can be bits -i, --input-file=FILE download URLs found in local or external FILE -F, --force-html treat input file as HTML -B, --base=URL resolves HTML input-file links (-i -F) relative to URL --config=FILE specify config file to use --no-config do not read any config file --rejected-log=FILE log reasons for URL rejection to FILE -t, --tries=NUMBER set number of retries to NUMBER (0 unlimits) --retry-connrefused retry even if connection is refused --retry-on-http-error=ERRORS comma-separated list of HTTP errors to retry -O, --output-document=FILE write documents to FILE -nc, --no-clobber skip downloads that would download to existing files (overwriting them) --no-netrc don't try to obtain credentials from .netrc -c, --continue resume getting a partially-downloaded file --start-pos=OFFSET start downloading from zero-based position OFFSET --progress=TYPE select progress gauge type --show-progress display the progress bar in any verbosity mode -N, --timestamping don't re-retrieve files unless newer than local --no-if-modified-since don't use conditional if-modified-since get requests in timestamping mode --no-use-server-timestamps don't set the local file's timestamp by the one on the server -S, --server-response print server response --spider don't download anything -T, --timeout=SECONDS set all timeout values to SECONDS --dns-timeout=SECS set the DNS lookup timeout to SECS --connect-timeout=SECS set the connect timeout to SECS --read-timeout=SECS set the read timeout to SECS -w, --wait=SECONDS wait SECONDS between retrievals (applies if more then 1 URL is to be retrieved) --waitretry=SECONDS wait 1..SECONDS between retries of a retrieval (applies if more then 1 URL is to be retrieved) --random-wait wait from 0.5*WAIT...1.5*WAIT secs between retrievals (applies if more then 1 URL is to be retrieved) --no-proxy explicitly turn off proxy -Q, --quota=NUMBER set retrieval quota to NUMBER --bind-address=ADDRESS bind to ADDRESS (hostname or IP) on local host --limit-rate=RATE limit download rate to RATE --no-dns-cache disable caching DNS lookups --restrict-file-names=OS restrict chars in file names to ones OS allows --ignore-case ignore case when matching files/directories -4, --inet4-only connect only to IPv4 addresses -6, --inet6-only connect only to IPv6 addresses --prefer-family=FAMILY connect first to addresses of specified family, one of IPv6, IPv4, or none --user=USER set both ftp and http user to USER --password=PASS set both ftp and http password to PASS --ask-password prompt for passwords --use-askpass=COMMAND specify credential handler for requesting username and password. If no COMMAND is specified the WGET_ASKPASS or the SSH_ASKPASS environment variable is used. --no-iri turn off IRI support --local-encoding=ENC use ENC as the local encoding for IRIs --remote-encoding=ENC use ENC as the default remote encoding --unlink remove file before clobber -nd, --no-directories don't create directories -x, --force-directories force creation of directories -nH, --no-host-directories don't create host directories --protocol-directories use protocol name in directories -P, --directory-prefix=PREFIX save files to PREFIX/.. --cut-dirs=NUMBER ignore NUMBER remote directory components --http-user=USER set http user to USER --http-password=PASS set http password to PASS --no-cache disallow server-cached data --default-page=NAME change the default page name (normally this is 'index.html'.) -E, --adjust-extension save HTML/CSS documents with proper extensions --ignore-length ignore 'Content-Length' header field --header=STRING insert STRING among the headers --compression=TYPE choose compression, one of auto, gzip and none. (default: none) --max-redirect maximum redirections allowed per page --proxy-user=USER set USER as proxy username --proxy-password=PASS set PASS as proxy password --referer=URL include 'Referer: URL' header in HTTP request --save-headers save the HTTP headers to file -U, --user-agent=AGENT identify as AGENT instead of Wget/VERSION --no-http-keep-alive disable HTTP keep-alive (persistent connections) --no-cookies don't use cookies --load-cookies=FILE load cookies from FILE before session --save-cookies=FILE save cookies to FILE after session --keep-session-cookies load and save session (non-permanent) cookies --post-data=STRING use the POST method; send STRING as the data --post-file=FILE use the POST method; send contents of FILE --method=HTTPMethod use method "HTTPMethod" in the request --body-data=STRING send STRING as data. --method MUST be set --body-file=FILE send contents of FILE. --method MUST be set --content-disposition honor the Content-Disposition header when choosing local file names (EXPERIMENTAL) --content-on-error output the received content on server errors --auth-no-challenge send Basic HTTP authentication information without first waiting for the server's challenge --secure-protocol=PR choose secure protocol, one of auto, SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1_1, TLSv1_2, TLSv1_3 and PFS --https-only only follow secure HTTPS links --no-check-certificate don't validate the server's certificate --certificate=FILE client certificate file --certificate-type=TYPE client certificate type, PEM or DER --private-key=FILE private key file --private-key-type=TYPE private key type, PEM or DER --ca-certificate=FILE file with the bundle of CAs --ca-directory=DIR directory where hash list of CAs is stored --crl-file=FILE file with bundle of CRLs --pinnedpubkey=FILE/HASHES Public key (PEM/DER) file, or any number of base64 encoded sha256 hashes preceded by 'sha256//' and separated by ';', to verify peer against --random-file=FILE file with random data for seeding the SSL PRNG --ciphers=STR Set the priority string (GnuTLS) or cipher list string (OpenSSL) directly. Use with care. This option overrides --secure-protocol. The format and syntax of this string depend on the specific SSL/TLS engine. --no-hsts disable HSTS --hsts-file path of HSTS database (will override default) --ftp-user=USER set ftp user to USER --ftp-password=PASS set ftp password to PASS --no-remove-listing don't remove '.listing' files --no-glob turn off FTP file name globbing --no-passive-ftp disable the "passive" transfer mode --preserve-permissions preserve remote file permissions --retr-symlinks when recursing, get linked-to files (not dir) --ftps-implicit use implicit FTPS (default port is 990) --ftps-resume-ssl resume the SSL/TLS session started in the control connection when opening a data connection --ftps-clear-data-connection cipher the control channel only; all the data will be in plaintext --ftps-fallback-to-ftp fall back to FTP if FTPS is not supported in the target server --warc-file=FILENAME save request/response data to a .warc.gz file --warc-header=STRING insert STRING into the warcinfo record --warc-max-size=NUMBER set maximum size of WARC files to NUMBER --warc-cdx write CDX index files --warc-dedup=FILENAME do not store records listed in this CDX file --no-warc-compression do not compress WARC files with GZIP --no-warc-digests do not calculate SHA1 digests --no-warc-keep-log do not store the log file in a WARC record --warc-tempdir=DIRECTORY location for temporary files created by the WARC writer -r, --recursive specify recursive download -l, --level=NUMBER maximum recursion depth (inf or 0 for infinite) --delete-after delete files locally after downloading them -k, --convert-links make links in downloaded HTML or CSS point to local files --convert-file-only convert the file part of the URLs only (usually known as the basename) --backups=N before writing file X, rotate up to N backup files -K, --backup-converted before converting file X, back up as X.orig -m, --mirror shortcut for -N -r -l inf --no-remove-listing -p, --page-requisites get all images, etc. needed to display HTML page --strict-comments turn on strict (SGML) handling of HTML comments -A, --accept=LIST comma-separated list of accepted extensions -R, --reject=LIST comma-separated list of rejected extensions --accept-regex=REGEX regex matching accepted URLs --reject-regex=REGEX regex matching rejected URLs --regex-type=TYPE regex type (posix) -D, --domains=LIST comma-separated list of accepted domains --exclude-domains=LIST comma-separated list of rejected domains --follow-ftp follow FTP links from HTML documents --follow-tags=LIST comma-separated list of followed HTML tags --ignore-tags=LIST comma-separated list of ignored HTML tags -H, --span-hosts go to foreign hosts when recursive -L, --relative follow relative links only -I, --include-directories=LIST list of allowed directories --trust-server-names use the name specified by the redirection URL's last component -X, --exclude-directories=LIST list of excluded directories -np, --no-parent don't ascend to the parent directory Email bug reports, questions, discussions to and/or open issues at https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?func=additem&group=wget. A   ՠ I %  @ I                            ӟ                   y `   ة $ X  ` )   \  ܫ $ t Ĭ  X ح  X ` B   @  ԯ h   `   p   ȳ  L  ش   `  P   ( h   P  ( p   0 l   ` M D  Ƚ  T  ` [   \  $ x   l   8    x   D   <   (   ` j     X    \    ` \    `   X    h  `   T  p   , x   X   8 `    P  $   8   ` ԝ 8    `   8   $ l   t  `  ?forceportaccountmacdefdefaultmachine.netrc%s: %s:%d: unknown token "%s" %s: %s:%d: warning: %s token appears before any machine name ~ȱpTƲ%dm%s%ds%dh%s%dm%dd%s%dh%dd binarymegagiga %4.*f%c=%ss%3d%% %6sK %*s[ skipping %sK ]%%%02x %4.*f%sbarnoscroll b/sKb/sMb/sGb/sTb/s B/sKB/sMB/sGB/sTB/sInvalid dot style specification %s; leaving unchanged. KMGT eta %s{          AA333333?X@= ףp#@Gz??@B@@Cannot get REALTIME clock frequency: %s MbP?(knNDequeuing %s at depth %d Queue count %d, maxcount %d. NoneEnqueuing %s at depth %d [IRI Enqueuing %s with %s Already on the black list. The domain was not accepted. Decided to load it. Decided NOT to load it. SCHEME_INVALID%s %s %s %i %s %s %s %sUNKNOWN%s --delete-afterrecursive rejection criteria--spiderSUCCESSBLACKLISTNOTHTTPSNONHTTPABSOLUTEDOMAINPARENTREGEXRULESSPANNEDHOSTROBOTSSCHEME_HTTPSCHEME_HTTPSSCHEME_FTPSCHEME_FTPSDeciding whether to enqueue "%s". download_child: parent->url is: %s Not following non-HTTPS links. Not following non-HTTP schemes. It doesn't really look like a relative link. Going to "%s" would escape "%s" with no_parent on. %s (%s) is excluded/not-included. %s (%s) does not match acc/rej rules. This is not the same hostname as the parent's (%s and %s). Not following %s because robots.txt forbids it. Removing %s since it should be rejected. REASON U_URL U_SCHEME U_HOST U_PORT U_PATH U_PARAMS U_QUERY U_FRAGMENT P_URL P_SCHEME P_HOST P_PORT P_PATH P_PARAMS P_QUERY P_FRAGMENT Already downloaded "%s", reusing it from "%s". Ignoring decision for redirects, decided to load it. Redirection "%s" failed the test. Not descending further; at depth %d, max. %d. nofollow attribute found in %s. Will not follow any links on this page Not following due to 'ignore' flag: %s Not following due to 'link inline' flag: %s Removing file due to %s in recursive_retrieve():         & , 8 ? K X c Ignoring malformed line %d user-agentwgetdisallowCannot open %s: %s AllowingRejecting/robots.txtIgnoring unknown field at line %d %s path %s because of rule %s. Loading robots.txt; please ignore errors. 6666666666666666666666RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR                      http_proxyhttps_proxyftps_proxyftp_proxy1.2.10%.*f %s%d redirections exceeded. Giving up. Retrying. Failed to unlink %s: (%d) %s %s%s%dzlib stream ended unexpectedly after %lld/%lld bytes deferring a %.2f ms sleep (%s/%.2f). sleeping %.2f ms for %s bytes, adjust %.2f ms zlib read size differs from raw read size (%lu/%lld) Error parsing proxy URL %s: %s. Error in proxy URL %s: Must be HTTP. URL transformed to HTTPS due to an HSTS policy [IRI fallbacking to non-utf8 for %s [Needn't fallback to non-utf8 for %s [Couldn't fallback to non-utf8 for %s sleep_between_retrievals: avg=%f,sleep=%f Removing file due to --delete-after in retrieve_from_file(): Failed to rename %s to %s: (%d) %s |        ffffff?(\X@zDFound %d broken link. Found %d broken links. Found no broken links. %2E%2E:/ftp://%shttp://%s0123456789HTTPS support not compiled inUnsupported scheme %sFailed to unlink %s (%d): %s UTF-8Unhandled errno %d *password*@/?#;No errorScheme missingInvalid host nameBad port numberInvalid user nameIPv6 addresses not supportedInvalid IPv6 numeric addresshttphttp://https://ftp://ftpsftps://'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'********'*'*'*'*'*'***************************'*'*'*'*'*'*))))))))))*******))))))**************************))))))**********x*x*x*x*x*x*x*******x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*****************x*x*x*x*x*x*x*******x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*******JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJJJJJJJJSJSJSJSJSJSJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJSJSJSJSJSJSJ#L#L#L#L#L#L#L#L#L#L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L#L#L#L#L#L#L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L#L#L#L#L#L#LKKKKKKKKKK9L9L9L9L9L9L9LKKKKKK9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9L9LKKKKKK  H        The destination name is too long (%d), reducing to %d Removing %s because of directory danger! Conversion from %s to %s isn't supported Converted file name '%s' (%s) -> '%s' (%s) Incomplete or invalid multibyte sequence encountered Unconvertable multibyte sequence encountered Failed to convert file name '%s' (%s) -> '?' (%s) Unterminated IPv6 numeric address WARC-IP-AddressWARC-Target-URI: <> WARC-Block-DigestWARC-Payload-Digest%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZWARC-Datewb+warc.gzwarcclassicoff%s-meta.%s%s-%05d.%s%s.%sOpening WARC file %s. Error opening WARC file %s. warcinfoWARC-Typeapplication/warc-fieldsWARC-Record-IDWARC-Filenamesoftware: Wget/%s (%s) robots: %s wget-arguments: %s wb9WARC/1.0 application/octet-streamWARC-Warcinfo-IDWARC-Concurrent-ToLoaded %d record from CDX. Loaded %d records from CDX. CDXCould not open WARC file. %s.cdx CDX a b a m s k r M V g u metadatatext/plainresourcerequestrevisitWARC-Refers-ToWARC-ProfileWARC-Truncatedformat: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo: http://bibnum.bnf.fr/WARC/WARC_ISO_28500_version1_latestdraft.pdf Error writing warcinfo record to WARC file. Error setting WARC file position. Error flushing WARC file to disk. Error duplicating WARC file file descriptor. Error opening GZIP stream to WARC file. CDX file does not list original urls. (Missing column 'a'.) CDX file does not list checksums. (Missing column 'k'.) CDX file does not list record ids. (Missing column 'u'.) Could not read CDX file %s for deduplication. Could not open temporary WARC manifest file. Could not open temporary WARC log file. Could not open CDX file for output. metadata://gnu.org/software/wget/warc/MANIFEST.txtCould not open temporary WARC file. metadata://gnu.org/software/wget/warc/wget_arguments.txtmetadata://gnu.org/software/wget/warc/wget.logapplication/http;msgtype=requestFound exact match in CDX file. Saving revisit record to WARC. http://netpreserve.org/warc/1.0/revisit/identical-payload-digestapplication/http;msgtype=response%s %s %s %s %d %s %s - %s %s %s *?[]aprintf%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%Sutime(%s): %s Unlinking %s (symlink). Failed to Fopen file %s Failed to get FD for file %s htm%.*f%cfork/dev/nullError while matching %s: %d %.0f%.1f%.1g%.3fpathconf;sha256//-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- -----END PUBLIC KEY-----%s: %s: Failed to allocate enough memory; memory exhausted. Failed to unlink symlink %s: %s Failed to stat file %s, (check permissions) File %s changed since the last check. Security check failed. Failed to open file %s, reason :%s Failed to stat file %s, error: %s Trying to open file %s but it changed since last check. Security check failed. Continuing in background, pid %d. Output will be written to %s. Failed to redirect stdin to /dev/null. Failed to redirect stdout to /dev/null. Failed to redirect stderr to /dev/null. Invalid regular expression %s, %s Skipping key with wrong size (%d/%d): %s >?456789:;<=  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/KMGTPE:fffff#@Mb@?        -cares+digest-gpgme+https+ipv6-iri+large-file-metalink-nls-ntlm+opie-psl+ssl/opensslwrote %s to STORE OpenSSL: %s Closed %d/SSL 0x%0*lx Initiating SSL handshake. SSL handshake failed. SSL handshake timed out. ERRORWARNINGopenssl.cWARNING: Could not load random file: %s, %s HIGH:!aNULL:!RC4:!MD5:!SRP:!PSKHIGH:!aNULL:!RC4:!MD5:!SRP:!PSK:!kRSACould not seed PRNG; consider using --random-file. OpenSSL: unimplemented 'secure-protocol' option value %d OpenSSL: Invalid cipher list: %s OpenSSL: Failed set trust to partial chain OpenSSL: Failed to allocate verification param Failed to set TLS server-name indication.WARNING: Could not seed PRNG. Consider using --random-file. WARNING: Could not save SSL session data for socket %d Handshake successful; connected socket %d to SSL handle 0x%0*lx %s: No certificate presented by %s. certificate: subject: %s issuer: %s %s: cannot verify %s's certificate, issued by %s: Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority. Self-signed certificate encountered. Issued certificate not yet valid. Issued certificate has expired. %s: no certificate subject alternative name matches requested host name %s. %s: certificate common name %s doesn't match requested host name %s. %s: certificate common name is invalid (contains a NUL character). This may be an indication that the host is not who it claims to be (that is, it is not the real %s). The public key does not match pinned public key! X509 certificate successfully verified and matches host %s To connect to %s insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'. yj"]]]]]]]44gcc -DHAVE_LIBSSL -DNDEBUG -g -O2 -lssl -lcrypto -lz ../lib/libgnu.a gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSYSTEM_WGETRC="/tmp/toto/etc/wgetrc" -DLOCALEDIR="/tmp/toto/share/locale" -I. -I../lib -I../lib -DHAVE_LIBSSL -DNDEBUG -g -O21.21.3ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567 %s: option '%s%s' is ambiguous %s: option '%s%s' is ambiguous; possibilities:%s: unrecognized option '%s%s' %s: option '%s%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option '%s%s' requires an argument %s: option requires an argument -- '%c' '%s%s'POSIXLY_CORRECT%s: invalid option -- '%c' -W ’e‘`literalshellshell-alwaysshell-escapeshell-escape-alwaysc-maybeclocaleiZ lj(hhRiihhhk_``````D_P_"`_^8_F^``````````````````6`7]7]-]7]\_7]^7]7]7]\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_7]7]7]7]C]`\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_7]J`\_7]\_7]\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_[7][-]a``````vaca=aaa*aF^``````````````````a7]7]-]7]a7]^7]7]7]aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa7]7]7]7]C]`aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa7]aa7]a7]aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa[7][-]k_``````D_P_ecyc^8_b``````````````````bbb-]b\_bcbbb\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_bbbb``\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_bb\_b\_b\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_[b[-]VjkkkkkkD_P_Hjj^8_jkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkktjdjdjjdjjdjjdjdjdjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjdjdjdjdjjkjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjdjjjdjjdjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjdjjj^^,e^,e^,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e^      ~      alphaupperloweralnumcntrlspaceprintblankgraphpunctxdigit_qq U:                                                                                                                                                                                                                        a =  2 T  c  c c c c c          c c  c  o c c M c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c 1 c c c  c c c c c c c c  c  c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c  c c c  c c c  m M - !  - $ `$ - -  $   ! - - - - -   " - -   - - - - - - - # #    & % & % *' 7 7 }7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 }7 c? 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