Welcome to XTeXShell, the X-Windows shell for TeX using Tcl/Tk

Version 0.91 beta (2/21/1994)


    - XTeXShell was written in Tcl/Tk with extensions and will run most
      probably on all operating systems which support Tcl/TK *and* TclX.


    - X-Windows (X11R5)
    - Tcl/Tk *and* the TclX extensions
    - XTeXShell makes sense only if you have a working TeX environment
      with programs like tex, latex, dvips, xfig,... (not all needed).

How to install XTeXShell ?

    1)  Choose a parent directory, where XTeXShell should be installed.
        Usually /usr/local/src is a good choice. Copy the file
        XTeXShell-0.91.tgz there and unpack with

           tar xzf XTeXShell-0.91.tgz

        tar will create a new directory './XTeXShell-0.91' and will unpack
        the files to this directory

    2)  Create a link from one of your bin directories to the executable

           ln  /usr/local/src/XTeXShell-0.91/xtexsh  /usr/bin/xtexsh

    3)  If you have installed XTeXShell to a directory other than
        /usr/local/src/XTeXShell-0.9, you will need to set a path-variable
        in the file xtexsh:

           - edit 'xtexsh' and set the variable 'xtexsh_path' in the 4th line
             to the directory you have chosen.

    4)  If your TclX interpreter is in a directory other than

        you must edit the first line of the file xtexsh and insert the correct

    5)  Make sure to read the file 'LICENSE'

    6)  That's it. Go ahead and start with 'xtexsh'

    A)  If you update from a previous version of XTeXShell:

           - delete all files of the old XTeX release.

           - remove the link you made to xtex in your directory /usr/bin

           - the names of your private setup files have changed from
             .xtex.setup to .xtexsh.setup. If you haven't worked with the
             setup files, that's fine, you don't need to change anything.

             If you have created your own setup files, you can rename
             them to the new name. However, if you want to use all features
             of the new version, you should delete the old setup files and
             generate new setup files (see file README).

    B)  If you want to use TFC, a text file format converter, compile TFC.CC
        with a C++ Compiler and make a link to one of your 'bin' directories.
        On my 486DX Linux System for example:

           g++ -O2 -m486 -o tfc tfc.cc
           ln tfc /usr/bin/tfc

The following 2 items are for experts only:

    C)  If you wish to run the script "upd", make sure that

           - The Path to the Tcl-Interpreter "tclsh" is set in the PATH
             Variable. (That means that you can start "tclsh" from your
             command prompt)

           - If your Path for "tclsh" is not /usr/bin/tclsh, you need to
             modify the first line of the file help/convhelp.

    D)  If you wish to run the script bitmaps/mkbitmaps, make sure that
        the g++ (GNU-C++) Compiler is installed. If you have a C++ Compiler
        other than g++, you need to change the compiler call in this file.


    If you encounter any problems or want to customize XTeXShell to your
    environment, try modifying the setup files.  Please refer to the section
    'setup' in the manual ('xtexshell.tex') to find out how the setup files

Error reports and flames:

    Please send error reports and your comments (if you like) on this
    program to


How you can help:

    The help pages are far from being complete.  Furthermore, some of them
    are buggy and probably full of grammatical errors (English isn't my
    native language...).  If you find errors, please send my a notice.  If
    you like, please write help pages for missing commands and TeX/LaTeX

    If you succeed in installing XTeXShell on operating systems other than
    Linux, please send me a notice.

    Many thanks


    For the next updates, you can expect:

       - complete help pages for LaTeX and help for NFSS and LaTeX2e
       - help page description converted to HTML.
       - ???? (what would you like?)

    If people like this program, it is planned to develop an IDE for the GNU
    C/C++ and Pascal compilers. Any volunteers (especially for the help