head 1.1; access; symbols; locks mys:1.1; strict; comment @# @; 1.1 date; author mys; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @################################################################# American Mathmatical Society ################################################################# All commands below came with package amscd. \usepackage{amscd} ::amscd:: ################################################################# diagrams ::CD:: ################################################################# subenviroment : CD example : \begin{CD} A @@>>> B @@>>> C D @@AAA E @@VVV F G @@= H @@<<< I \end{CD} enviroment for diagrams ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @@>textabove>textbelow> arrow to the right with writing above and below ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @@<textabove<textbelow< arrow to the left with writing above and below ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @@AtextleftAtextrightA arrow up with writing at the left and right side ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @@VtextleftVtextrightV arrow down with writing at the left and right side ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @@= equal symbol instead of an arrow @