head	1.1;
	mys:1.1; strict;
comment	@# @;

date;	author mys;	state Exp;
next	;


@Initial revision
Page Styles

The \documentclass command determines the size and position 
of the page's head and foot. The page style determines what 
goes in them.
	\maketitle: Generate a title page. 
	\pagenumbering: Set the style used for page numbers. 
	\pagestyle: Change the headings/footings style. 
	\thispagestyle: Change the headings/footings style for 
		this page. 

	\maketitle ::maketitle::
The \maketitle command generates a title on a separate title 
page - except in the article class, where the title normally 
goes at the top of the first page. 
Information used to produce the title is obtained from the 
following declarations: 

See section Page Styles for the commands to give the information. 

	\author: Who wrote this stuff? 
	\date: The date the document was created. 
	\thanks: A special form of footnote. 
	\title: How to set the document title. 

		\author ::author::
The \author command declares the author(s), where names is a 
list of authors separated by \and commands. Use \\ to separate 
lines within a single author's entry -- for example, to give 
the author's institution or address. 
		\date ::date::
The \date command declares text to be the document's date. 
With no \date command, the current date is used. 
		\thanks ::thanks::
The \thanks command produces a \footnote to the title. 
		\title ::title::
The \title command declares text to be the title. Use \\ to 
tell LaTeX where to start a new line in a long title. 
	\pagenumbering ::pagenumbering::
Specifies the style of page numbers. Possible values of 
num_style are: 

	arabic - Arabic numerals 
	roman - Lowercase Roman numerals 
	Roman - Uppercase Roman numerals 
	alph - Lowercase letters 
	Alph - Uppercase letters 

	\pagestyle ::pagestyle::
The \pagestyle command changes the style from the current 
page on throughout the remainder of your document. 
The valid options are: 

	plain - Just a plain page number. 
	empty - Produces empty heads and feet - no page numbers. 
	headings - Puts running headings on each page. The 
		document style specifies what goes in the headings. 
	myheadings - You specify what is to go in the heading 
		with the \markboth or the \markright commands. 

	\markboth: Set left and right headings. 
	\markright: Set right heading only. 

		\markboth ::markboth::
\markboth{left head}{right head} 
The \markboth command is used in conjunction with the page 
style myheadings for setting both the left and the right 
heading. You should note that a "left-hand heading" is 
generated by the last \markboth command before the end of 
the page, while a "right-hand heading" is generated by the 
first \markboth or \markright that comes on the page if 
there is one, otherwise by the last one before the page. 
		\markright ::markright::
\markright{right head}
The \markright command is used in conjunction with the page 
style myheadings for setting the right heading, leaving the 
left heading unchanged. You should note that a "left-hand 
heading" is generated by the last \markboth command before 
the end of the page, while a "right-hand heading" is generated 
by the first \markboth or \markright that comes on the page 
if there is one, otherwise by the last one before the page. 
	\thispagestyle ::thispagestyle::
The \thispagestyle command works in the same manner as the 
\pagestyle command except that it changes the style for the 
current page only. 