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@Initial revision
Splitting the Input

A large document requires a lot of input. Rather than 
putting the whole input in a single large file, it's more 
efficient to split it into several smaller ones. 
Regardless of how many separate files you use, there is one 
that is the root file; it is the one whose name you type when 
you run LaTeX. 

	\include: Conditionally include a file. 
	\includeonly: Determine which files are included. 
	\input: Unconditionally include a file. 

	\include ::include::
The \include command is used in conjunction with the 
\includeonly command for selective inclusion of files. The 
file argument is the first name of a file, denoting `file.tex'. 
If file is one the file names in the file list of the 
\includeonly command or if there is no \includeonly command, 
the \include command is equivalent to 

	\clearpage \input{file} \clearpage

except that if the file `file.tex' does not exist, then a 
warning message rather than an error is produced. If the file 
is not in the file list, the \include command is equivalent
to \clearpage. 

The \include command may not appear in the preamble or in a 
file read by another \include command. 
	\includeonly ::includeonly::
The \includeonly command controls which files will be read 
in by an \include command. file_list should be a 
comma-separated list of filenames. Each filename must match 
exactly a filename specified in a \include command. This 
command can only appear in the preamble. 
	\input ::input::
The \input command causes the indicated file to be read and 
processed, exactly as if its contents had been inserted in 
the current file at that point. The file name may be a 
complete file name with extension or just a first name, in 
which case the file `file.tex' is used. 