                          main.cpp  -  description
    begin                : Die Apr 23 22:16:35 CEST 2002
    copyright            : (C) 2002-2009 by Andre Simon
    email                : andre.simon1@gmx.de

   Highlight is a universal source code to HTML converter. Syntax highlighting
   is formatted by Cascading Style Sheets. It's possible to easily enhance
   highlight's parsing database.


This file is part of Highlight.

Highlight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Highlight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Highlight.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include "main.h"
#include "re/Pattern.h"

#define MAX_LINE__WIDTH       80

using namespace std;

void HLCmdLineApp::printVersionInfo()
	cout << "\n highlight version "
	<< "\n Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Andre Simon <andre.simon1 at gmx.de>"
        << "\n\n Artistic Style Classes (1.24)"
	<< "\n Copyright (C) 2006-2010 by Jim Pattee <jimp03 at email.com>"
	<< "\n Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Tal Davidson"
	<< "\n\n Regex library (1.09.00)"
	<< "\n Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Jeffery Stuart <stuart at cs.unr.edu>"
	<< "\n\n xterm 256 color matching functions"
	<< "\n Copyright (C) 2006 Wolfgang Frisch <wf at frexx.de>"
	<< "\n\n Argparser class"
	<< "\n Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Antonio Diaz Diaz <ant_diaz at teleline.es>"
	<< "\n\n This software is released under the terms of the GNU General "
	<< "Public License."
	<< "\n For more information about these matters, see the file named "
	<< "COPYING.\n\n";

void HLCmdLineApp::printBadInstallationInfo()
	cerr << "highlight: Data directory not found ("<<DataDir::LSB_DATA_DIR<<")."
	" Bad installation or wrong "<< OPT_DATADIR << " parameter."
	<< "\n\nCopy the highlight files into one of the directories listed "
	<< "in INSTALL.\nYou may also set the data directory with "
	<< OPT_DATADIR << " and " << OPT_ADDDATADIR << ".\n";

bool HLCmdLineApp::printInstalledThemes()
	vector <string> filePaths;
	string wildcard="*.style";
	string directory= dataDir.getThemePath();
	string searchDir = directory + wildcard;

	bool directoryOK = Platform::getDirectoryEntries ( filePaths, searchDir, true );
	if ( !directoryOK )
		cerr << "highlight: Could not access directory "
		<<  searchDir
		<< ", aborted.\n";
		return false;

	cout << "\nInstalled themes"
	<< " (located in " << directory << "):\n\n";

	sort ( filePaths.begin(), filePaths.end() );
	string temp;

	for ( unsigned int i=0;i< filePaths.size(); i++ )
		temp = ( filePaths[i] ).substr ( directory.length() );
		cout <<temp.substr ( 1, temp.length()- wildcard.length() ) << endl;
	cout <<"\nUse name of the desired theme"
	<< " with the --" OPT_STYLE " option.\n" << endl;
	return true;

bool HLCmdLineApp::printInstalledLanguages()
	vector <string> filePaths;
	string wildcard="*.lang";
	string directory=dataDir.getLangPath();
	string searchDir = directory + wildcard;

	bool directoryOK = Platform::getDirectoryEntries ( filePaths, searchDir, true );
	if ( !directoryOK )
		cerr << "highlight: Could not access directory "
		<<  searchDir
		<< ", aborted.\n";
		return false;

	sort ( filePaths.begin(), filePaths.end() );
	string suffix, desc;
	cout << "\nInstalled language definitions"
	<< " (located in " << directory << "):\n\n";

	for ( unsigned int i=0;i< filePaths.size(); i++ )
		ConfigurationReader lang ( filePaths[i] );
		desc = lang.getParameter ( "description" );
		suffix = ( filePaths[i] ).substr ( directory.length() ) ;
		suffix = suffix.substr ( 1, suffix.length()- wildcard.length() );
		cout << setw ( 20 ) <<setiosflags ( ios::left ) <<desc<<": "<<suffix;
		int extCnt=0;
		for (StringMap::iterator it=extensions.begin();it!=extensions.end();it++) {
			if (it->second==suffix ) {
				cout << ((++extCnt==1)?" ( ":" ")<<it->first; 
		cout << ((extCnt)?" )":"")<<endl;
	cout <<"\nUse name of the desired language"
	<< " with the --" OPT_SYNTAX " option.\n" << endl;
	return true;

void HLCmdLineApp::printDebugInfo ( const highlight::LanguageDefinition &lang,
                                    const string & langDefPath )
	cerr << "\nLoading language definition:\n" << langDefPath;
	cerr << "\n\nDescription: " << lang.getDescription();
	cerr << "\n\nSYMBOLS (followed by states):\n" << lang.getSymbolString();
	cerr << "\n\nREGEX:\n";
	highlight::RegexElement *re=NULL;
	for ( unsigned int i=0; i<lang.getRegexElements().size(); i++ )
		re = lang.getRegexElements() [i];
		cerr << "State "<<re->open<<":\t"<<re->rePattern->getPattern() <<"\n";
	cerr << "\nKEYWORDS:\n";
	highlight::KeywordMap::iterator it;
	highlight::KeywordMap keys=lang.getKeywords();
	for ( it=keys.begin(); it!=keys.end(); it++ )
		cerr << " "<< it->first << "("<< it->second << ")";
	cerr <<"\n\n";

void HLCmdLineApp::printConfigInfo ( const string& configFile )
	cout << "\nRoot paths (modify with --" OPT_DATADIR  " and --" OPT_ADDDATADIR "):\n";
	cout << "  Data directory:         "<<dataDir.getDir() <<"\n";
	if ( !dataDir.getAdditionalDataDir().empty() )
		cout << "  User defined directory: "<<dataDir.getAdditionalDataDir() <<"\n";
	cout << "\nDefault search paths:\n";
	cout << "  Language definitions:   "<<dataDir.getLangPath ( "", true ) <<"\n";
	cout << "  Colour themes:          "<<dataDir.getThemePath ( "", true ) <<"\n";

	if ( !dataDir.getAdditionalDataDir().empty() )
		cout << "\nAdditional search paths:\n";
		cout << "  Language definitions:   "<<dataDir.getAdditionalLangDefDir() <<"\n";
		cout << "  Colour themes:          "<<dataDir.getAdditionalThemeDir() <<"\n";
// cout << "  Indentation schemes:    "<<dataDir.getAdditionalIndentSchemesDir()<<"\n";

	cout << "\nConfiguration paths:\n";
	cout << "  Configuration files:    "<<dataDir.getConfDir ( true ) <<"\n";
	cout << "  User configuration:     "<<configFile<<"\n";
	if ( !dataDir.getAdditionalConfDir().empty() )
		cout << "\nAdditional search paths:\n";
		cout << "  Configuration files:    "<<dataDir.getAdditionalConfDir() <<"\n";
	cout << endl;
#ifdef HL_DATA_DIR
	cout << "Compiler directive HL_DATA_DIR = " <<HL_DATA_DIR<< "\n";
	cout << "Compiler directive HL_CONFIG_DIR = " <<HL_CONFIG_DIR<< "\n";

	cout << endl;

string HLCmdLineApp::getFileSuffix ( const string &fileName )
	size_t ptPos=fileName.rfind ( "." );
	return ( ptPos == string::npos ) ? "" : fileName.substr ( ptPos+1, fileName.length() );

bool HLCmdLineApp::loadFileTypeConfig ( const string& name, StringMap* extMap, StringMap* shebangMap )
	if ( !extMap || !shebangMap ) return false;
	string confPath=dataDir.getConfDir() + name + ".conf";
	ConfigurationReader config ( confPath );
	if ( config.found() )
		stringstream values;
		string paramName, paramVal;
		for ( unsigned int i=0;i<config.getParameterNames().size();i++ )
			paramName = config.getParameterNames() [i];

			if ( paramName.find ( "ext" ) != string::npos )
				values.str ( StringTools::change_case ( config.getParameter ( paramName ) ) );
				paramName = StringTools::getParantheseVal ( paramName );
				while ( values >> paramVal )
					extMap->insert ( make_pair ( paramVal,  paramName ) );
			else if ( paramName.find ( "shebang" ) != string::npos )
				values.str ( config.getParameter ( paramName ) ) ;
				paramName = StringTools::getParantheseVal ( paramName );
				while ( values >> paramVal )
					shebangMap->insert ( make_pair ( paramVal,  paramName ) );
		return true;
		cerr << "highlight: Configuration file "<< confPath << " not found.\n";
		return false;

int HLCmdLineApp::getNumDigits ( int i )
	int res=0;
	while ( i )
	return res;

void HLCmdLineApp::printProgressBar ( int total, int count )
	if ( !total ) return;
	int p=100*count / total;
	int numProgressItems=p/10;
	cout << "\r[";
	for ( int i=0;i<10;i++ )
		cout << ( ( i<numProgressItems ) ?"#":" " );
	cout<< "] " <<setw ( 3 ) <<p<<"%, "<<count << " / " << total << "  " <<flush;
	if ( p==100 )
		cout << endl;

void HLCmdLineApp::printCurrentAction ( const string&outfilePath,
                                        int total, int count, int countWidth )
	cout << "Writing file "
	<< setw ( countWidth ) << count
	<< " of "
	<< total
	<< ": "
	<< outfilePath
	<< "\n";

void HLCmdLineApp::printIOErrorReport ( unsigned int numberErrorFiles,
                                        vector<string> & fileList,
                                        const string &action )
	cerr << "highlight: Could not "
	<< action
	<< " file"
	<< ( ( numberErrorFiles>1 ) ?"s":"" ) <<":\n";
	copy ( fileList.begin(), fileList.end(), ostream_iterator<string> ( cerr, "\n" ) );
	if ( fileList.size() < numberErrorFiles )
		cerr << "... ["
		<< ( numberErrorFiles - fileList.size() )
		<< " of "
		<< numberErrorFiles
		<< " failures not shown, use --"
		<< " switch to print all failures]\n";

string HLCmdLineApp::analyzeFile ( const string& file )
	string firstLine;

	if ( !file.empty() )
		ifstream inFile ( file.c_str() );
		getline ( inFile, firstLine );
		//  This copies all the data to a new buffer, uses the data to get the
		//  first line, then makes cin use the new buffer that underlies the
		//  stringstream instance
		cin_bufcopy << cin.rdbuf();
		getline ( cin_bufcopy, firstLine );
		cin_bufcopy.seekg ( 0, ios::beg );
		cin.rdbuf ( cin_bufcopy.rdbuf() );
	StringMap::iterator it;
	for ( it=scriptShebangs.begin(); it!=scriptShebangs.end();it++ )
		if ( Pattern::matches ( it->first, firstLine ) ) return it->second;
	return "";

string HLCmdLineApp::guessFileType ( const string& suffix, const string &inputFile )
	string lcSuffix = StringTools::change_case ( suffix );
	string fileType = ( extensions.count ( lcSuffix ) ) ? extensions[lcSuffix] : lcSuffix ;
	if ( !fileType.empty() ) return fileType;
	return analyzeFile ( inputFile );

int HLCmdLineApp::run ( const int argc, const char*argv[] )

	CmdLineOptions options ( argc, argv );

	// set data directory path, where /langDefs and /themes reside
	string dataDirPath = ( options.getDataDir().empty() ) ?  Platform::getAppPath() :options.getDataDir();

	if ( options.printVersion() )
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;

	dataDir.setAdditionalDataDir ( options.getAdditionalDataDir() );
	dataDir.setAdditionalConfDir ( options.getAdditionalConfDir() );

	if ( ! dataDir.searchDataDir ( dataDirPath ) )
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	if ( options.printHelp() )
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;

	if ( options.printConfigInfo() )
		printConfigInfo ( options.getConfigFilePath() );
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;

	if ( options.showThemes() )
		return printInstalledThemes() ?EXIT_SUCCESS:EXIT_FAILURE;

	//call before printInstalledLanguages!
	loadFileTypeConfig ( "filetypes", &extensions, &scriptShebangs );

	if ( options.showLangdefs() )
		return printInstalledLanguages() ?EXIT_SUCCESS:EXIT_FAILURE;

	const  vector <string> inFileList=options.getInputFileNames();

	if ( options.enableBatchMode() && inFileList[0].empty() )
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	string themePath=dataDir.getThemePath ( options.getThemeName() );

	auto_ptr<highlight::CodeGenerator> generator ( highlight::CodeGenerator::getInstance ( options.getOutputType() ) );

	generator->setHTMLAttachAnchors ( options.attachLineAnchors() );
	generator->setHTMLOrderedList ( options.orderedList() );
	generator->setHTMLInlineCSS ( options.inlineCSS() );
	generator->setHTMLEnclosePreTag ( options.enclosePreTag() );
	generator->setHTMLAnchorPrefix ( options.getAnchorPrefix() );
	generator->setHTMLClassName ( options.getClassName() );

	generator->setLATEXReplaceQuotes ( options.replaceQuotes() );
	generator->setLATEXNoShorthands ( options.disableBabelShorthands() );
	generator->setLATEXPrettySymbols ( options.prettySymbols() );

	generator->setRTFPageSize ( options.getPageSize() );
	generator->setRTFCharStyles ( options.includeCharStyles() );

	generator->setSVGSize ( options.getSVGWidth(),  options.getSVGHeight() );

	if (options.useCRDelimiter())

	generator->setValidateInput ( options.validateInput() );
	generator->setStyleInputPath ( options.getStyleInFilename() );
	generator->setStyleOutputPath ( options.getStyleOutFilename() );
	generator->setIncludeStyle ( options.includeStyleDef() );
	generator->setPrintLineNumbers ( options.printLineNumbers(), options.getNumberStart() );
	generator->setPrintZeroes ( options.fillLineNrZeroes() );
	generator->setFragmentCode ( options.fragmentOutput() );
	generator->setPreformatting ( options.getWrappingStyle(),
	                              ( generator->getPrintLineNumbers() ) ?
	                              options.getLineLength() - options.getNumberWidth() : options.getLineLength(),
	                              options.getNumberSpaces() );

	generator->setEncoding ( options.getEncoding() );
	generator->setBaseFont ( options.getBaseFont() ) ;
	generator->setBaseFontSize ( options.getBaseFontSize() ) ;
	generator->setLineNumberWidth ( options.getNumberWidth() );
	generator->setStartingNestedLang( options.getStartNestedLang());

	bool styleFileWanted = !options.fragmentOutput() || options.styleOutPathDefined();

	if ( !generator->initTheme ( themePath ) )
		cerr << "highlight: Could not find style "
		<< themePath
		<< ".\n";
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	if ( options.printOnlyStyle() )
		if (!options.formatSupportsExtStyle()){
			cerr << "highlight: output format supports no external styles.\n";
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		bool useStdout =  options.getStyleOutFilename() =="stdout";
		string cssOutFile=options.getOutDirectory()  + options.getStyleOutFilename();
		bool success=generator->printExternalStyle ( useStdout?"":cssOutFile );
		if ( !success )
			cerr << "highlight: Could not write " << cssOutFile <<".\n";
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;

	bool formattingEnabled = generator->initIndentationScheme ( options.getIndentScheme() );

	if ( !formattingEnabled && !options.getIndentScheme().empty() )
		cerr << "highlight: Undefined indentation scheme "
		<< options.getIndentScheme()
		<< ".\n";
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	if ( !options.getTagsFile().empty() )
		if ( !generator->initTagInformation ( options.getTagsFile() ) )
			cerr << "highlight: Could not load ctags file "
			<< options.getTagsFile()
			<< ".\n";
			return EXIT_FAILURE;

	string outDirectory = options.getOutDirectory();
#ifndef WIN32
	ifstream dirTest ( outDirectory.c_str() );
	if ( !outDirectory.empty() && !options.quietMode() && !dirTest )
		cerr << "highlight: Output directory \""
		<< outDirectory
		<< "\" does not exist.\n";
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	map <int,string> markedLines = options.getMarkLines();
	if ( !markedLines.empty() )
		map<int, string>::iterator it;
		for ( it=markedLines.begin(); it!=markedLines.end();it++ )
			generator->addMarkedLine ( it->first, it->second );

	bool initError=false, IOError=false;
	unsigned int fileCount=inFileList.size(),
	            fileCountWidth=getNumDigits ( fileCount ),

	vector<string> badFormattedFiles, badInputFiles, badOutputFiles;
	string inFileName, outFilePath;
	string suffix, lastSuffix;

	if ( options.syntaxGiven() )  // user defined language definition, valid for all files
		suffix = guessFileType ( options.getLanguage() );

	while ( i < fileCount && !initError )
		if ( !options.syntaxGiven() )  // determine file type for each file
			suffix = guessFileType ( getFileSuffix ( inFileList[i] ), inFileList[i] );
		if ( suffix.empty() )
			if ( !options.enableBatchMode() )
				cerr << "highlight: Undefined language definition. Use --"
				<< OPT_SYNTAX << " option.\n";
			if ( !options.forceOutput() )
				initError = true;

		if ( suffix != lastSuffix )
			string langDefPath=dataDir.getLangPath ( suffix+".lang" );
			highlight::LoadResult loadRes= generator->loadLanguage ( langDefPath );
			if ( loadRes==highlight::LOAD_FAILED_REGEX )
				cerr << "highlight: Regex error ( "
				<< generator->getLanguage().getFailedRegex()
				<< " ) in "<<suffix<<".lang\n";
				initError = true;
			else if ( loadRes==highlight::LOAD_FAILED )
				// do also ignore error msg if --syntax parameter should be skipped
				if ( ! (options.quietMode() || options.isSkippedExt ( suffix )) )
					cerr << "highlight: Unknown source file extension \""
					<< suffix
					<< "\".\n";
				if ( !options.forceOutput() )
					initError = true;
			if ( options.printDebugInfo() && loadRes==highlight::LOAD_NEW )
				printDebugInfo ( generator->getLanguage(), langDefPath );
			lastSuffix = suffix;

		string::size_type pos= ( inFileList[i] ).find_last_of ( Platform::pathSeparator );
		inFileName = inFileList[i].substr ( pos+1 );

		if ( options.enableBatchMode() )
			outFilePath = outDirectory;
			outFilePath += inFileName;
			outFilePath += options.getOutFileSuffix();

			if ( !options.quietMode() )
				if ( options.printProgress() )
					printProgressBar ( fileCount, i+1 );
					printCurrentAction ( outFilePath, fileCount, i+1, fileCountWidth );
			outFilePath = options.getSingleOutFilename();
			if ( outFilePath.size() && outFilePath==options.getSingleInFilename() )
				cerr 	<< "highlight: Output path equals input path: \""
				<< outFilePath << "\".\n";
				initError = true;


		if ( options.useFNamesAsAnchors() )
			generator->setHTMLAnchorPrefix ( inFileName );

		generator->setTitle ( options.getDocumentTitle().empty() ?
		                      inFileList[i]:options.getDocumentTitle() );

		generator->setKeyWordCase ( options.getKeywordCase() );

		highlight::ParseError error = generator->generateFile ( inFileList[i], outFilePath );

		if ( error==highlight::BAD_INPUT )
			if ( numBadInput++ < IO_ERROR_REPORT_LENGTH || options.printDebugInfo() )
				badInputFiles.push_back ( inFileList[i] );
		else if ( error==highlight::BAD_OUTPUT )
			if ( numBadOutput++ < IO_ERROR_REPORT_LENGTH || options.printDebugInfo() )
				badOutputFiles.push_back ( outFilePath );
		if ( formattingEnabled && !generator->formattingIsPossible() )
			if ( numBadFormatting++ < IO_ERROR_REPORT_LENGTH || options.printDebugInfo() )
				badFormattedFiles.push_back ( outFilePath );

	if ( i &&   !options.includeStyleDef()
	        && styleFileWanted
	        && options.formatSupportsExtStyle() )
		string cssOutFile=outDirectory  + options.getStyleOutFilename();
		bool success=generator->printExternalStyle ( cssOutFile );
		if ( !success )
			cerr << "highlight: Could not write " << cssOutFile <<".\n";
			IOError = true;

	if ( i && options.printIndexFile() )
		bool success=generator -> printIndexFile ( inFileList, outDirectory );
		if ( !success )
			cerr << "highlight: Could not write index file.\n";
			IOError = true;

	if ( numBadInput )
		printIOErrorReport ( numBadInput, badInputFiles, "read input" );
		IOError = true;
	if ( numBadOutput )
		printIOErrorReport ( numBadOutput, badOutputFiles, "write output" );
		IOError = true;
	if ( numBadFormatting )
		printIOErrorReport ( numBadFormatting, badFormattedFiles, "reformat" );
	return ( initError || IOError ) ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS;

int main ( const int argc, const char *argv[] )
	HLCmdLineApp app;
	return app.run ( argc, argv );