-- Assorted utility functions local lpeg = require "lpeg" local zip = pcall(require, "zip") and require "zip" local io, os = io, os local co_yield, co_wrap = coroutine.yield, coroutine.wrap local strupper, strfind, strsub, strrep = string.upper, string.find, string.sub, string.rep local strchar, strbyte, utf8_char = string.char, string.byte, utf8.char local format, gsub = string.format, string.gsub local pack, unpack, concat = table.pack, table.unpack, table.concat local move, sort = table.move, table.sort local pairs, getmetatable, setmetatable = pairs, getmetatable, setmetatable local P, V, R, S, I, B = lpeg.P, lpeg.V, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.Cp(), lpeg.B local C, Cs, Cf, Ct, Cc, Cg = lpeg.C, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cf, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cg local match, locale_table = lpeg.match, lpeg.locale() local util = {} --* Table manipulation local function map(f, t) local r = {} for k, v in pairs(t) do r[k] = f(v) end return r end util.map = map local function imap(f, t) local r = {} for i = 1, #t do r[i] = f(t[i]) end return r end util.imap = imap -- Return a table with entries (k, f(k)), where k ranges over the keys -- of t and all its __index parents. local function map_keys(f, t) local mt = getmetatable(t) local p = mt and mt.__index local r = p and map_keys(f, p) or {} for k in pairs(t) do r[k] = f(k) end return r end util.map_keys = map_keys local function foldl1(f, t) local v = t[1] for i = 2, t.n or #t do v = f(v, t[i]) end return v end util.foldl1 = foldl1 local function nested_get(t, ...) local arg = pack(...) for i = 1, #arg do if t then t = t[arg[i]] else return nil end end return t end util.nested_get = nested_get local function nested_put(v, t, ...) local arg = pack(...) local k = arg[1] for i = 2, arg.n do local u = t[k] if u == nil then u = {}; t[k] = u end t, k = u, arg[i] end t[k] = v return v end util.nested_put = nested_put -- Copy all entries of s onto t local function update(t, s) if s then for k, v in pairs(s) do t[k] = v end end return t end util.update = update -- Return a new table containing all entries of the given tables, -- priority given to the latter ones. local function merge(...) return foldl1(update, pack({}, ...)) end util.merge = merge -- Copy entries of the second list to the end of the first. local function extend(s, t) return move(t, 1, #t, #s+1, s) end util.extend = extend -- Iterate over a table of tables. local function triples(t) return co_wrap( function() for i, u in pairs(t) do for j, v in pairs(u) do co_yield(i, j, v) end end end ) end util.triples = triples --* Cool combinators and friendly functions for LPeg --** Simple things for better legibility of complicated constructions local lpeg_add = getmetatable(P(true)).__add local lpeg_mul = getmetatable(P(true)).__mul local lpeg_pow = getmetatable(P(true)).__pow local char = P(1) -- in most cases, this works with utf8 too local uchar = R("\0\127") + R("\194\244") * R("\128\191")^-3 local hex = R("09", "AF", "af") local alnum = R("09", "AZ", "az") local alpha = R("AZ", "az") local eol = P("\n") local function choice(...) return foldl1(lpeg_add, pack(...)) end util.choice = choice local function sequence(...) return foldl1(lpeg_mul, pack(...)) end util.sequence = sequence local function many(times, patt) if patt then return lpeg_pow(patt, times) else return lpeg_pow(times, 0) end end util.many = many -- Return a function to match against a pattern local function matcher(patt) patt = P(patt) return function(s, i) return match(patt, s, i) end end util.matcher = matcher -- Return a function to perfom replacement. Like string.gsub, but -- partially evaluated local function replace(patt, repl, token) token = token and P(token) or char patt = Cs((P(patt) / repl + token)^0) return function(s, i) return match(patt, s, i) end end util.replace = replace util.lpeg_escape = replace("%", "%%%%") --** General purpose combinators local function search(patt, token) token = token and P(token) or char return P{P(patt) + token * V(1)} end util.search = search local function gobble(patt, token) token = token and P(token) or char return (token - P(patt))^0 end util.gobble = gobble util.gobble_until = gobble local function between_balanced(l, r, token) --nicer name? l, r = P(l), P(r) token = token and P(token) or char return P{l * C(((token - l - r) + V(1)/0)^0) * r} end util.between_balanced = between_balanced -- function case_fold(str) -- -- Return a pattern that matches the given string, ignoring case. -- Uppercase characters in the input still match only uppercase. -- Indexing case_fold as a table does the same, but for individual -- characters only. local case_fold = {} for i = strbyte"a", strbyte"z" do local c = strchar(i) case_fold[c] = S(c .. strupper(c)) end local cf_patt = Cf((C(char) / case_fold)^1, lpeg_mul) setmetatable(case_fold, { __index = function(_, c) return P(c) end, __call = function(_, s) return match(cf_patt, s) end }) util.case_fold = case_fold --** String functions, with a tendency towards currying -- Split a string at the given separators. `nulls` determines wheter -- empty sequences are returned. local function split(sep, token, nulls) sep = sep and P(sep) or locale_table.space token = token and P(token) or char local patt if nulls then local item = C((token - sep)^0) patt = Ct(item * (sep * item)^0) else patt = Ct((sep^0 * C((token - sep)^1))^0) end return function (s, i) return match(patt, s, i) end end util.split = split -- Remove spaces from the ends of subject. local function trim(space, token) space = space and P(space) or locale_table.space token = token and P(token) or char local patt = space^0 * C((space^0 * (token - space)^1)^0) return function(s, i) return match(patt, s, i) end end util.trim = trim -- Trim and remove repeated spaces inside subject. local function clean(space, token) space = space and P(space) or locale_table.space token = token and P(token) or char local patt = space^0 * Cs(((space^1 / " " + true) * (token - space)^1)^0) return function(s, i) return match(patt, s, i) end end util.clean = clean -- Return a list of new lines in the subject string. util.line_indices = matcher(Ct(I * search(eol * I)^0)) local utf8_sync_patt = R("\128\191")^-3 * I + I -- Like string.sub, but don't break up UTF-8 codepoints. May return -- a string slightly longer or shorter than j - i + 1 bytes. local function strsub8(s, i, j) i = match(utf8_sync_patt, s, i) j = j and match(utf8_sync_patt, s, j + 1) - 1 return strsub(s, i, j) end util.strsub8 = strsub8 --** Fuzzy matching local fuzzy_build_patt = Cf( (C(uchar) / function(c) return search(I * case_fold[c]) end)^1, lpeg_mul) -- Return a function that fuzzy-matches against a string. -- Higher values of the "penalty parameter" p0 reduce the relative -- penalty for long gaps. This is a made-up scoring algorithm, there -- must be better ones. -- -- Arguments: -- -- - str: the string to match against -- - p0: penalty parameter for computing scores, default is 2 -- local function fuzzy_matcher(str, p0) if str == "" then return function() return 1 end end p0 = p0 or 2 local best_score = #str / (p0 + 1) -- Score of a prefix match local search_patt = Ct(match(fuzzy_build_patt, str)) return function(s, i) local score, old_pos, matches = 0, 0, match(search_patt, s, i) if not matches then return end for j = 1, #matches do local pos = matches[j] score = score + 1 / (p0 + pos - old_pos) old_pos = pos end return score / best_score end end util.fuzzy_matcher = fuzzy_matcher --** Iterators local line_patt = I * (search(I * eol) * I + P(true)) local function lines(s, i, n) return co_wrap(function() local n, i, j, k = n or 1, match(line_patt, s, i) -- luacheck: ignore n i while k do co_yield(n, i, j - 1) n, i, j, k = n + 1, match(line_patt, s, k) end co_yield(n, i or 1, #s) end) end util.lines = lines --* Classes local function create_object (c, ...) local obj = setmetatable({}, c) c.__init(obj, ...) return obj end local function class(parent) local c = {} local mt = { __call = create_object, __index = parent } c.__index = c return setmetatable(c, mt) end util.class = class --* Memoization local weak_keys, nil_marker, value_marker = {__mode = "k"}, {}, {} -- Memoize a function of one argument with one return value. Nil as -- an argument is equivalent to false, and nil as return value is not -- memoized. local function memoize1(fun) local values = setmetatable({}, weak_keys) return function(arg) arg = arg or false local val = values[arg] if val == nil then val = fun(arg) values[arg] = val end return val end end util.memoize1 = memoize1 -- Return a memoizing version of a function. local function memoize(fun) local values = setmetatable({}, weak_keys) return function(...) local arg, val = pack(...), values for i = 1, arg.n do local a = arg[i] if a == nil then a = nil_marker end local v = val[a] if v == nil then v = setmetatable({}, weak_keys) val[a] = v end val = v end local v = val[value_marker] if v == nil then v = pack(fun(...)) val[value_marker] = v end return unpack(v, 1, v.n) end end util.memoize = memoize --* OS utilities if package.config:sub(1, 1) == "\\" then util.os_type = "windows" else util.os_type = "posix" end local is_command_cmd = util.os_type == "windows" and "WHERE /Q %q" or ">/dev/null command -v %q" -- Return `name` if an executable with that name exists, nil -- otherwise. local function is_command(name) local ok = os.execute(format(is_command_cmd, name)) return ok and name or nil end util.is_command = is_command --* Path and file manipulation local dir_sep, dir_sep_patt, path_is_abs_patt if util.os_type == "windows" then dir_sep = "/" dir_sep_patt = S"/\\" path_is_abs_patt = (alpha * P":")^-1 * dir_sep_patt else dir_sep = "/" dir_sep_patt = P"/" path_is_abs_patt = dir_sep_patt end -- Concatenate two paths. If the second is absolute, the first one is -- ignored. local function path_join(p, q) if match(path_is_abs_patt, q) or p == "" then return q else local sep = match(dir_sep_patt, p, #p) and "" or dir_sep return p .. sep .. q end end util.path_join = path_join -- Split a path into directory and file parts. local path_split_patt = sequence( C(sequence( many(dir_sep_patt), gobble( sequence( dir_sep_patt^0, many(1 - dir_sep_patt), P(-1))))), dir_sep_patt^0, C(many(char)) ) local function path_split(p) return match(path_split_patt, p) end util.path_split = path_split local path_norm_double_sep = Cs(search((dir_sep_patt ^ 2) / dir_sep) * P(1)^0) local path_norm_dot_patt = Cs( search(((B(dir_sep_patt) + B(-1)) * P"." * dir_sep_patt) / "") * P(1)^0) local path_norm_dotdot_patt = Cs( search(((1 - dir_sep_patt)^1 * dir_sep_patt * P".." * dir_sep_patt) / "") * P(1)^0) -- Normalize a path name, removing repeated separators and "./" and "../" local function path_normalize(p) local q = match(path_norm_double_sep, p) or match(path_norm_dot_patt, p) or match(path_norm_dotdot_patt, p) if q then return path_normalize(q) elseif util.os_type == "windows" then return p:gsub("\\", "/") else return p end end util.path_normalize = path_normalize if util.os_type == "windows" then util.path_list_split = split";" else util.path_list_split = split":" end local function format_filename_template(template, name) name = gsub(name, "%%", "%%%%") return gsub(template, "?", name) end util.format_filename_template = format_filename_template -- Look for a file in several locations. `path` is a string or a list -- of strings. The optional `name` is joined to each element. -- Returns the first file name that exists on disk. If `read` is -- true, give the file contents as second return value. local function find_file(path, name, read) if type(path) == "table" then for i = 1, #path do local p, s = find_file(path[i], name, read) if p then return p, s end end return end local file local zipfile = zip and name and zip.open(path) if zipfile then path = path .. "#" .. name file = zipfile:open(name) zipfile:close() else if name then path = path_join(path, name) end file = io.open(path) end if file then local str = read and file:read("*a") file:close() return path, str end end util.find_file = find_file --* URI manipulation local percent_decode = replace( P"%" * C(hex * hex), function(s) return strchar(tonumber(s, 16)) end ) local percent_encode = replace( char - (alnum + S"-./:=_~"), function(s) return format("%%%X", strbyte(s)) end ) local uri_patt = sequence( C(alpha^1) * P":", (P"//" * C(gobble("/"))) + Cc(nil), C(gobble(S"?#")) / percent_decode, (P"?" * C(gobble("#")) / percent_decode) + Cc(nil), (P"#" * C(char^0) / percent_decode) + Cc(nil) ) util.parse_uri = matcher(uri_patt) local function make_uri(scheme, authority, path, query, fragment) local t = {} if scheme then t[#t+1] = scheme; t[#t+1] = ":" end if authority then t[#t+1] = "//"; t[#t+1] = authority end if path then t[#t+1] = percent_encode(path) end if query then t[#t+1] = "?"; t[#t+1] = percent_encode(query) end if fragment then t[#t+1] = "#"; t[#t+1] = percent_encode(fragment) end return concat(t) end util.make_uri = make_uri --* JSON util.json_null = setmetatable({}, {__json = "null"}) --** Decoding do local ws = S" \n\t\r"^0 local quote = P"\"" local function decode_number(s) return tonumber(s) or error("Error parsing “" .. s .. "” as a number") end local char_or_escape = choice( P(1) - P"\\", P"\\n" / "\n", P"\\\"" / "\"", P"\\\\" / "\\", P"\\/" / "/", P"\\r" / "\r", P"\\t" / "\t", P"\\b" / "\b", P"\\f" / "\f", P"\\u" * C(S"Dd" * S"89ABab" * hex * hex) * P"\\u" * C(S"Dd" * R("CF","cf") * hex * hex) / function(high, low) high = tonumber(high, 16) low = tonumber(low, 16) return utf8_char( (high - 0xD800) * 2^10 + low - 0xDC00 + 0x10000) end, P"\\u" * C(hex * hex * hex * hex) / function(s) return utf8_char(tonumber(s, 16)) end ) local json_patt = P{ [1] = ws * V"element" * P(-1), ["true"] = P"true" * Cc(true) * ws, ["false"] = P"false" * Cc(false) * ws, null = P"null" * Cc(util.json_null) * ws, number = (R"09" + S"-+.") * (1 - S",]}")^0 / decode_number, string = quote * Cs(gobble(quote, char_or_escape)) * quote * ws, element = V"string" + V"number" + V"true" + V"false" + V"null" + V"array" + V"object", elements = V"element" * (P"," * ws * V"element")^0, array = P"[" * ws * Ct(V"elements"^-1) * P"]" * ws, member = Cg(V"string" * P":" * ws * V"element"), members = V"member" * (P"," * ws * V"member")^0, object = P"{" * ws * Cf(Ct(true) * V"members"^-1, rawset) * P"}" * ws } function util.json_decode(str) return match(json_patt, str) or error "Error decoding json" end end --** Encoding do local control_chars = {} for i = 0, 31 do control_chars[strchar(i)] = format("\\u%04x", i) end local encode_string = matcher( Cs(many(choice( P(1) - R"\0\31" - S"\"\\", P"\n" / "\\n", P"\"" / "\\\"", P"\\" / "\\\\", P"\r" / "\\r", P"\t" / "\\t", P"\b" / "\\b", P"\f" / "\\f", R"\0\31" / control_chars )))) local fix_decimal local decimal_sep = tostring(5.5):gsub("5", "") if decimal_sep == "." then fix_decimal = function(x) return x end else fix_decimal = replace(decimal_sep, ".") end local inf = math.huge local function encode_number(v) if -inf < v and v < inf then return fix_decimal(tostring(v)) else return "null" end end local function do_encode(obj, t, n) local obj_type = type(obj) if obj_type == "string" then t[n] = "\"" t[n + 1] = encode_string(obj) t[n + 2] = "\"" return n + 3 elseif obj_type == "number" then t[n] = encode_number(obj) return n + 1 elseif obj_type == "table" then local v1 = obj[1] if v1 ~= nil then t[n] = "[" n = do_encode(v1, t, n + 1) for i = 2, #obj do t[n] = "," n = do_encode(obj[i], t, n + 1) end t[n] = "]" return n + 1 end local k, v = next(obj) if k ~= nil then t[n] = "{\"" t[n + 1] = encode_string(k) t[n + 2] = "\":" n = do_encode(v, t, n + 3) for k, v in next, obj, k do -- luacheck: ignore k v t[n] = ",\"" t[n + 1] = encode_string(k) t[n + 2] = "\":" n = do_encode(v, t, n + 3) end t[n] = "}" return n + 1 else local mt = getmetatable(obj) t[n] = mt and mt.__json or "[]" return n + 1 end elseif obj_type == "boolean" then t[n] = obj and "true" or "false" return n + 1 else error("Error encoding json, found object of type " .. type) end end function util.json_encode(obj) local t = {} do_encode(obj, t, 1) return concat(t) end end --* Inspect and serialize Lua values -- function inspect(obj, depth) -- -- Return a string representation of `obj`, with at most `depth` -- layers of nested tables. If `obj` consists solely of scalars, -- strings and tables and does not exceed the maximum nesting, the -- return value is valid Lua code. -- local inspect local is_lua_identifier = util.matcher( C(R("AZ", "az", "__") * R("09", "AZ", "az", "__")^0) * P(-1) / function(s) return load("local " .. s) and s end ) local function lua_encode_key(obj) if type(obj) == "string" then if is_lua_identifier(obj) then return obj else return "[" .. format("%q", obj) .. "]" end else return "[" .. tostring(obj) .. "]" end end local function lua_encode_string(obj) if strfind(obj, "\n", 1, true) then local delim = "" while strfind(obj, "]" .. delim .. "]", 1, true) do delim = delim .. "=" end return "[" .. delim .. "[\n" .. obj .. "]" .. delim .. "]" else return format("%q", obj) end end local function lua_encode_table(obj, depth, d) local t = {} local array_keys, hash_keys = {}, {} for i = 1, #obj do array_keys[i] = true t[#t+1] = inspect(obj[i], depth, d+1) end for k in pairs(obj) do if not array_keys[k] then hash_keys[#hash_keys+1] = k end end sort( hash_keys, function(v, w) return tostring(v) < tostring(w) end ) for i = 1, #hash_keys do local k = hash_keys[i] local v = obj[k] t[#t+1] = lua_encode_key(k) .. " = " .. inspect(v, depth, d+1) end local short = concat(t, ", ") if 2*d + #short > 70 or strfind(short, "\n", 1, true) then local sep = strrep(" ", d) return "{\n " .. sep .. concat(t, ",\n " .. sep) .. "\n" .. sep .. "}" else return "{" .. short .. "}" end end inspect = function(obj, depth, d) depth, d = depth or 10, d or 0 if type(obj) == "table" and d < depth then return lua_encode_table(obj, depth, d) elseif type(obj) == "string" then if d < depth or #obj < 20 then return lua_encode_string(obj) else return format("string: \"%s...\"", strsub(obj, 1, 9)) end else return tostring(obj) end end util.inspect = inspect --* Logging local function log(msg, ...) if select("#", ...) > 0 then msg = format(msg, ...) end io.stderr:write(os.date("%H:%M:%S "), msg, "\n") io.stderr:flush() end util.log = log local function log_objects(...) return log(concat(map(inspect, {...}), "\n")) end util.log_objects = log_objects return util