use strict; use lib '.'; use Texinfo::ModulePath (undef, undef, undef, 'updirs' => 2); use Test::More; BEGIN { plan tests => 45; } use Texinfo::Convert::Texinfo; use Texinfo::Parser; # For consistent error messages, use the C locale $ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C'; $ENV{LANGUAGE} = 'en'; # test regressions specific of parse_texi_line sub test_line($$$$) { my $parser = shift; my $texinfo_line = shift; my $test_explanation = shift; my $errors_references = shift; if (not defined($parser)) { $parser = Texinfo::Parser::parser(); } #$parser->{'DEBUG'} = 1; print STDERR "\n$test_explanation\n\n"; my $tree = $parser->parse_texi_line($texinfo_line); my $check_texinfo = Texinfo::Convert::Texinfo::convert_to_texinfo($tree); is ($texinfo_line, $check_texinfo, $test_explanation); my $parser_registrar = $parser->registered_errors(); my ($error_warnings_list, $error_count) = $parser_registrar->errors(); if (defined($errors_references)) { is (scalar(@$errors_references), scalar(@$error_warnings_list), "warning/errors nr $test_explanation"); } my $error_idx = 0; foreach my $error_message (@$error_warnings_list) { if (defined($errors_references) and $error_idx < scalar(@$errors_references)) { my ($error_line_nr_reference, $error_line_reference) = @{$errors_references->[$error_idx]}; is ($error_message->{'line_nr'}, $error_line_nr_reference, "$test_explanation error line $error_idx"); is ($error_message->{'error_line'}, $error_line_reference."\n", "$test_explanation error message $error_idx"); } else { warn "not caught: $error_message->{'error_line'}"; } $error_idx++; } } my @tests = ( ["\@node a node\n", 'node line'], ["aa \@exdent in exdent", 'exdent error no end line', [[1, 'warning: @exdent should only appear at the beginning of a line']]], ["aa \@exdent in exdent\n", 'exdent error with end line', [[1, 'warning: @exdent should only appear at the beginning of a line']]], ['@node node a node @setfilename @copying In copying @end copying @float type, a @verbatim in verbatim @end verbatim @caption{in caption} @end float @cindex in index @node node 2 @chapter chap in chapter @columnfractions a b @printindex cp @listoffloats type @bye ', 'long example', [[4, 'warning: @setfilename after the first element'], [24, 'column fraction not a number: a'], [24, 'column fraction not a number: b'], [20, '@columnfractions only meaningful on a @multitable line'], ]] ); foreach my $test_string_explanation (@tests) { my ($texi_string, $explanation, $error_messages) = @$test_string_explanation; test_line(undef, $texi_string, $explanation, $error_messages); } # test with the same parser reused my $parser = Texinfo::Parser::parser(); my @concatenated_error_messages = (); foreach my $test_string_explanation (@tests) { my ($texi_string, $explanation, $error_messages) = @$test_string_explanation; push @concatenated_error_messages, @$error_messages if (defined($error_messages)); test_line($parser, $texi_string, $explanation, \@concatenated_error_messages); }