#! /usr/bin/gawk -f # # Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019 Arnold David Robbins # # This file is part of TexiWeb Jr., a literate programming system. # # TexiWeb Jr. is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # TexiWeb Jr. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see . # # Up-to-date source code for TexiWeb Jr. can be obtained via # Git from github: # # git clone http://github.com/arnoldrobbins/texiwebjr # BEGIN { v[0] = 0 if ("version" in PROCINFO) { match(PROCINFO["version"], /^[0-9]+\./, v); } if (v[0] < 4) { print("gawk >= 4.0 required") > "/dev/stderr" exit 63 # for "missing" script } } BEGIN { TRUE = 1 FALSE = 0 File_chunk_pattern = "^@\\(([^)]+)@\\)[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*$" Code_chunk_pattern = "^@" "<(.+)" "@>[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*$" Chunk_name_pattern = "@<[^>\n]+@>" } # Error checking: # Use brackets to avoid triggering the warning on ourselves! /(^<[@])|(>[@]([[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*)?$)/ { # Ditto, with concatenation warning("<" "@ or >" "@ used instead of @" "< or @" ">\n\t%s\n", $0) } END { check_unfinished() } # check_unfinished --- print a fatal error when an unfinished code or # file chunk is detected. Also ifweave / iftangle. function check_unfinished() { if (Flags["file chunk"]) fatal(_"unfinished file chunk (started at %s)\n", Line_numbers["file chunk"]) else if (Flags["code chunk"]) fatal(_"unfinished code chunk (started at %s)\n", Line_numbers["code chunk"]) if ("ifweave" in Line_numbers) fatal(_"unfinished @ifweave section (started at %s)\n", Line_numbers["ifweave"]) if ("iftangle" in Line_numbers) fatal(_"unfinished @iftangle section (started at %s)\n", Line_numbers["iftangle"]) } # strip_out_name --- get the name from name function strip_out_name(name, l) { l = length(name) name = substr(name, 3, l - 4) return name } # Helper functions # message --- write a particular kind of message out to stderr function message(msg, format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10) { printf("%s:%d: %s: " format, FILENAME, FNR, msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10) > "/dev/stderr" if (substr(format, length(format), 1) != "\n") printf("\n") > "/dev/stderr" } # fatal --- print a fatal error message and exit. # No varargs, so fake it with lots of parameters. function fatal(format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10) { message(_"fatal", format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10) exit 1 } # warning --- print a warning message to stderr # No varargs, so fake it with lots of parameters. function warning(format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10) { message(_"warning", format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10) } # join.awk --- join an array into a string # # Arnold Robbins, arnold@skeeve.com, Public Domain # May 1993 function join(array, start, end, sep, result, i) { if (sep == "") sep = " " else if (sep == SUBSEP) # magic value sep = "" result = array[start] for (i = start + 1; i <= end; i++) result = result sep array[i] return result } # ifweave lines should be removed /^@ifweave[[:space:]]*$/, /^@end ifweave[[:space:]]*$/ { if ("iftangle" in Line_numbers) fatal(_"cannot nest @ifweave inside @iftangle\n") # start of construct, save line number if (/^@ifweave[[:space:]]*$/) Line_numbers["ifweave"] = (FILENAME ":" FNR) # end of construct, delete line number if (/^@end ifweave[[:space:]]*$/) delete Line_numbers["ifweave"] # simply skip these lines, this is tangling next } # For tangling we remove the bracketing control lines and let anything # in between fall through. /^@iftangle[[:space:]]*$/, /^@end iftangle[[:space:]]*$/ { if ("ifweave" in Line_numbers) fatal(_"cannot nest @iftangle inside @ifweave\n") # start of construct, save line number, skip this line if (/^@iftangle[[:space:]]*$/) { Line_numbers["iftangle"] = (FILENAME ":" FNR) next } # end of construct, delete line number, skip this line if (/^@end iftangle[[:space:]]*$/) { delete Line_numbers["iftangle"] next } # otherwise fall through into the rest of the code } /^@ignore/, /^@end ignore/ { next } $0 ~ Code_chunk_pattern { Chunk_type = "code chunk" Pattern = Code_chunk_pattern Debug_pat = "code" new_chunk = gensub(Pattern, "\\1", 1) if (Flags[Chunk_type]) { fatal(_"%s start of %s found while still collecting %s\n", Chunk_type, new_chunk, Current_chunk) } check_unfinished() Flags[Chunk_type] = TRUE Line_numbers[Chunk_type] = (FILENAME ":" FNR) Current_chunk = new_chunk Chunk_info[Current_chunk]["type"] = Chunk_type if (Debug ~ Debug_pat) printf("saw new %s %s\n", Debug_pat, Current_chunk) > "/dev/stderr" next } $0 ~ File_chunk_pattern { Chunk_type = "file chunk" Pattern = File_chunk_pattern Debug_pat = "filename" new_chunk = gensub(Pattern, "\\1", 1) if (Flags[Chunk_type]) { fatal(_"%s start of %s found while still collecting %s\n", Chunk_type, new_chunk, Current_chunk) } check_unfinished() Flags[Chunk_type] = TRUE Line_numbers[Chunk_type] = (FILENAME ":" FNR) Current_chunk = new_chunk Chunk_info[Current_chunk]["type"] = Chunk_type if (Debug ~ Debug_pat) printf("saw new %s %s\n", Debug_pat, Current_chunk) > "/dev/stderr" next } /^@[[:space:]]*$/ { if (Flags["file chunk"]) end_file_gathering() else if (Flags["code chunk"]) end_code_gathering() else warning(_"unmatched terminating @-sign: ignored\n") Chunk_lines = "" Flags[Chunk_type] = FALSE Line_numbers[Chunk_type] = "" Chunk_type = "" next } Flags["file chunk"] || Flags["code chunk"] { if (Chunk_lines == "") Chunk_lines = $0 else Chunk_lines = Chunk_lines "\n" $0 next } # end_file_gathering ---finish up collecting a file function end_file_gathering() { if (Current_chunk in File_contents) File_contents[Current_chunk] = \ File_contents[Current_chunk] "\n" Chunk_lines else File_contents[Current_chunk] = Chunk_lines if (Debug ~ /filename/) printf("finished collecting file %s\n", Current_chunk) > "/dev/stderr" } # end_code_gathering --- complete collecting lines of the code chunk function end_code_gathering() { if (Current_chunk in Code_contents) Code_contents[Current_chunk] = \ Code_contents[Current_chunk] "\n" Chunk_lines else Code_contents[Current_chunk] = Chunk_lines if (Debug ~ /code/) printf("finished collecting %s\n", Current_chunk) > "/dev/stderr" } # Finishing off code is easy, at least from 10,000 feet. END { if (length(Initial_setup) > 0) { Initial_setup = Initial_setup "\n" system(Shell_debug Initial_setup) } dump_files() if (Debug ~ /code/) dump_chunks() } # dump_files --- create files and update them as needed function dump_files( i, s, update_recipe) { for (i in File_contents) { s = expand_code_chunks(File_contents[i]) create_update_recipe(i, update_recipe) printf("%s\n", s) > update_recipe["output"] close(update_recipe["output"]) # update the file if necessary update_recipe["recipe"] = (Shell_debug update_recipe["recipe"]) system(update_recipe["recipe"]) # run any "post create" command (such as changing mode) if (i in Post_create_commands) system(Shell_debug Post_create_commands[i]) } } # expand_code_chunks --- expand embedded code chunks. function expand_code_chunks(contents) { delete Currently_expanding return do_expand_code_chunks(contents) } # do_expand_code_chunks --- do the actual work to expand code chunks function do_expand_code_chunks(contents, nlines, lines, results, i, j) # locals { nlines = split(contents, lines, "\n") for (i = 1; i <= nlines; i++) { if (lines[i] !~ Chunk_name_pattern) { results[i] = lines[i] } else results[i] = expand_one_line(lines[i]) } return join(results, 1, nlines, "\n") } # expand_one_line --- expand a line with code chunk references function expand_one_line(input_line, parts, chunk_names, nparts, num_names, code_lines, i, j) { nparts = split(input_line, parts, Chunk_name_pattern, chunk_names) num_names = length(chunk_names) # check for recursive expansion for (i = 1; i <= num_names; i++) { j = strip_out_name(chunk_names[i]) if (! (j in Code_contents)) fatal(_"expand_one_line: code chunk `%s' used but not defined\n", chunk_names[i]) if (j in Currently_expanding) fatal(_"expand_one_line: code chunk `%s' expands itself recursively\n", chunk_names[i]) else Currently_expanding[j] = TRUE } code_lines = code_body(chunk_names[1]) delete Currently_expanding[strip_out_name(chunk_names[1])] if (input_line !~ ("^" Chunk_name_pattern)) { if (parts[1] ~ /^[[:space:]]+$/) { # insert leading white space on all lines to get indentation gsub(/^|\n/, ("&" parts[1]), code_lines) } else { code_lines = parts[1] code_lines } } for (i = 2; i <= nparts; i++) { code_lines = code_lines parts[i] if (i in chunk_names) { code_lines = code_lines code_body(chunk_names[i]) delete Currently_expanding[strip_out_name(chunk_names[i])] } } if (code_lines ~ Chunk_name_pattern) { # get any further code chunks, recursively return do_expand_code_chunks(code_lines) } else return code_lines } # code_body --- get the code body associated with name function code_body(name) { return Code_contents[strip_out_name(name)] } /^@initial_setup[[:space:]]*$/, /^@end initial_setup[[:space:]]*$/ { if (/^@initial_setup[[:space:]]*$/) { # start of construct, save line number, skip this line if ("initial_setup" in Line_numbers) fatal(_"cannot nest one @initial_setup inside another\n") Line_numbers["initial_setup"] = (FILENAME ":" FNR) Initial_setup = "" } else if (/^@end initial_setup[[:space:]]*$/) { # end of construct, delete line number, skip this line delete Line_numbers["initial_setup"] } else Initial_setup = Initial_setup "\n" $0 next } BEGIN { # This condition should distinguish between the native and # MSYS (POSIX-ish) Gawk. We rely on the fact that MSYS mounts # /tmp and sets $TEMP to point to it, but resets the value # back to the native C:/Foo/Bar value when invoking native # programs. if (ENVIRON["TEMP"] ~ /^[A-Z]:[\\\/]/) { # MS-Windows recipe Update_recipe = \ "fc /B \"@DIR@\\@FILE@\" \"@DIR@\\@FILE@@SUFFIX@\" >nul 2>&1 || move /Y \"@DIR@\\@FILE@\" \"@DIR@\\@FILE@@SUFFIX@\" >nul" } else { # POSIX recipe Update_recipe = \ "PATH=/bin:/usr/bin\n" \ "export PATH\n" \ "destname=\"@DIR@/@FILE@\"\n" \ "outname=\"${destname}@SUFFIX@\"\n" \ "if [ ! -f \"$destname\" ]\n" \ "then\n" \ "\tmv \"$outname\" \"$destname\"\n" \ "elif cmp -s \"$outname\" \"$destname\" > /dev/null\n" \ "then\n" \ "\trm \"$outname\"\n" \ "else\n" \ "\tmv \"$outname\" \"$destname\"\n" \ "fi\n" } } /^@file_update_recipe[[:space:]]*$/, /^@end file_update_recipe[[:space:]]*$/ { if (/^@file_update_recipe[[:space:]]*$/) { # start of construct, save line number, skip this line if ("file_update_recipe" in Line_numbers) fatal(_"cannot nest one @file_update_recipe inside another\n") Line_numbers["file_update_recipe"] = (FILENAME ":" FNR) Update_recipe = "" } else if (/^@end file_update_recipe[[:space:]]*$/) { # end of construct, delete line number, skip this line delete Line_numbers["file_update_recipe"] } else Update_recipe = Update_recipe "\n" $0 next } BEGIN { # @default is an unlikely name for a real file Update_value["@default"]["DIR"] = "." # current directory Update_value["@default"]["SUFFIX"] = ".tangle_tmp" # unlikely suffix # No default for filename, jrtangle knows it! } /^@file_update[[:space:]]/ { if (NF != 4) fatal(_"usage: @file_update name dir suffix\n") if ($4 == "\"\"") $4 = "" Update_value[$2]["DIR"] = $3 Update_value[$2]["SUFFIX"] = $4 next } # create_update_recipe --- create update recipe per file, # return dest filename function create_update_recipe(file, results, source_file, dir, suffix, recipe) # locals { if (file in Update_value) source_file = file else source_file = "@default" dir = Update_value[source_file]["DIR"] suffix = Update_value[source_file]["SUFFIX"] delete results recipe = Update_recipe gsub(/@DIR@/, dir, recipe) gsub(/@FILE@/, file, recipe) gsub(/@SUFFIX@/, suffix, recipe) results["recipe"] = recipe results["output"] = (dir "/" file suffix) } BEGIN { if (Debug ~ /shell/ && ENVIRON["TEMP"] !~ /^[A-Z]:[\\\/]/) if (length(Shell_debug) == 0) Shell_debug = "set -x; " } /^@post_create[[:space:]]+/ { if (NF < 3) fatal(_"usage: @post_create filename command\n") check_unfinished() name = $2 $1 = $2 = "" $0 = $0 Post_create_commands[name] = $0 } # dump_chunks --- print out all the chunks function dump_chunks( i, format) { format = "@<%s" format = format "@>=\n%s@\n\n" for (i in Code_contents) printf(format, i, Code_contents[i]) > "/dev/stderr" }