%% This is part of the OpTeX project, see http://petr.olsak.net/optex

\_codedecl \_hisyntaxpython {Syntax highlighting for Python sources <2023-10-25>}

\_newtoks \_hisyntaxpython  \_newtoks \_hicolorspython

\_global\_hicolorspython={% colors for Python language
   \_hicolor M \Orange    % Multi line strings
   \_hicolor S {\_visiblesp \Grey} % Single line strings
   \_hicolor C \Green     % Comments
   \_hicolor K \LightBlue % Keywords
   \_hicolor O \Blue      % Operators
   \_hicolor N \Red       % Numbers
   \_hicolor D \Magenta   % def names
   \_hicolor L \Black     % class names
   \_hicolor R \Magenta   % Decorators
   \_let\s=\_relax  \_let\c=\_relax \_let\e=\_relax \_let\o=\_relax
   \_replthis{\_string\"}{{\_string\"}}     % protect \", \'
   \_replfromto{\_string#}{^^J}{\z C{\##1}^^J} % comments
   \_replthis{'''}{\_noexpand\_hipystr0{'''}M} % search string marks
   \_edef\_tmpb{\_tmpb}                       % realize string marks
   \_foreach {br}{Br}{bR}{BR}{rb}{rB}{Rb}{RB}uUrRbB  % string prefixes
       \_do {\_replthis{#1\s}{\_noexpand\_hipystrpre#1}}
   \_edef \_tmpa {+-*./=<>()[]:,;!|\_pcent   % operators
   \_ea\_foreach \_tmpa 
       \_do {\_replthis{#1}{\n\o#1\n}}
   \_foreach                                 % keywords
      \_do {\_replthis{\n#1\n}{\z K{#1}}}
   \_replfromto{\n def\n}{\n\o(\n}{\z K{def}\x D{#1}\n\o(\n}
   \_replfromto{\n class\n}{\n\o(\n}{\z K{class}\x L{#1}\n\o(\n}
   \_foreach 0123456789                       % numbers            
       \_do {\_replfromto{\n#1}{\n}{\c#1##1\e}}
   \_replthis{\e j}{j\e}
   \_replfromto{\b\n\n\o@\n}{^^J}{\z K{@}\z R{#1}^^J}    % decorators
   \_def\o#1{\z O{#1}}
   \_def\c#1\e{\z N{#1}}

   \_else \_afterfi{\_hipystr#1{#2}#3#4#6}\_fi

\_ifx\LightBlue\_undefined \_gdef\LightBlue {\_setcmykcolor{1 .43 0 0}}\_fi
\_ifx\Orange\_undefined    \_gdef\Orange    {\_setcmykcolor{0 .64 1 0}}\_fi

\_endcode %------------------------------------------------

This code was greatly inspired by the OPMac hisyntax macros for Python:


created by Petr Krajnik.

2023-10-25 decorators: hi-syntax corrected
2020-04-04 released