README for lastpage package, 2025-01-27, v2.1e TABLE OF CONTENTS ================= 1 Introduction 2 Download 3 Installation 4 Additional Packages 5 Authors/Maintainer 6 Bug Reports 7 Known Problems 1 INTRODUCTION ============== This LaTeX package puts the label LastPage at the end of the document into the .aux file, allowing the user to refer to the last page of a document. This might be particularly useful in places like headers or footers. - When more than one page numbering scheme is used, or another package has output after this package, or the number of pages instead of the last page's name is needed, or the page numbers exceed a certain range, there might be problems, which can be solved by using the pageslts package instead. This material is published under the LPPL 1.3c: This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. This version of this license is in and the latest version of this license is in and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005-12-01 or later. 2 DOWNLOAD ========== "lastpage" is available on CTAN: Also a ZIP file is provided that contains the files: the manual (lastpage.pdf), the example (lastpage-example.tex), the compiled example (lastpage-example.pdf), driver (lastpage.drv), lastpage.dtx, installation file (lastpage.ins), the style files (lastpage.sty, lastpage209.sty, lastpage2e.sty, lastpageclassic.sty, lastpagemodern.sty), and this README, already sorted in a TDS tree: 3 INSTALLATION ============== Installation with ZIP file in TDS format ---------------------------------------- The ZIP file "" contains the files sorted in a TDS tree. Thus you can directly unpack the ZIP file inside a TDS tree. See for an explanation of TDS. Example: cd /...somewhere.../texmf unzip /...downloadpath.../ Do not forget to refresh the file name database of this TDS tree. Example: texhash /...somewhere.../texmf Manual installation ------------------- a) Download the lastpage files from CTAN. If necessary, unpack them. b) Generate the package and driver files: tex lastpage.dtx c) Install the files "*.sty" in your TDS tree: cp lastpage.sty TDS:tex/latex/lastpage/ cp lastpage209.sty TDS:tex/latex/lastpage/ cp lastpage2e.sty TDS:tex/latex/lastpage/ cp lastpageclassic.sty TDS:tex/latex/lastpage/ cp lastpagemodern.sty TDS:tex/latex/lastpage/ Replace "TDS:" by the prefix of your TDS tree (texmf directory). d) Create the documentation, if necessary, e.g. pdflatex lastpage.dtx makeindex -s lastpage.idx pdflatex lastpage.dtx makeindex -s lastpage.idx pdflatex lastpage.dtx e) Update the databases if necessary, e.g. for TeXLive texhash or mktexlsr. f) Create the lastpage-example.pdf, if necessary, e.g. pdflatex lastpage-example.tex pdflatex lastpage-example.tex pdflatex lastpage-example.tex g) Copy the documentation files to "TDS:doc/latex/lastpage/": README, lastpage.pdf, lastpage-example.tex, lastpage-example.pdf. 4 ADDITIONAL PACKAGES ===================== The lastpage package does not depend on other packages, but the lastpage.dtx does (for unpacking and constructing the documentation), see "7.1 Downloads" in the manual 5 AUTHORS/MAINTAINER ==================== * Author of the original main code: Jeffrey P. Goldberg (Thanks!) * Author of the recent package and current maintainer: H.-Martin Münch 6 BUG REPORTS ============= A bug report should contain: * Comprehensive problem description. This includes error or warning messages. * \errorcontextlines=\maxdimen can be added in the TeX code to get more information in TeX error messages. * Minimal test file that shows the problem, but does not contain any unnecessary packages and code. * Used drivers/programs. * Version information about used packages and programs. * If you are using LaTeX, then add "\listfiles" to the document. Then a list of version information is printed at the end of the LaTeX run. * Please no other files than the minimal test file. The other files .log, .dvi, .ps, .pdf are seldom necessary, so send them only on request. * Please .zip or .tar.gz your file(s) before sending them! Bug address ----------- Bug reports can be send to the maintainer: H.-Martin Münch <Martin [dot] Muench [at] Uni-Bonn [dot] de> 7 KNOWN PROBLEMS ================ In simple cases none, but otherwise a lot, see chapter 3 of the documentation!