\documentclass{article} \usepackage{changelog} \newchangelogsection{\critical}{Critical} \begin{document} \begin{changelog}[author=Rebecca Turner, sectioncmd=\subsection, title=Example changelog] \begin{version} \critical \item A critical new feature. \added \item Really cool feature. \item A second feature. \end{version} \begin{version}[date=2019-01-23, short] A version with only a date. \end{version} \begin{version}[date=2019-01-23] \added \item A ``full'' version with only a date. \end{version} \begin{version}[v=1.1.0, simple] \item A version with no date. \end{version} \begin{version}[v=1.1.0, author=] \added \item A version with no date or author. \end{version} \begin{version}[v=1.0.3, remark=Remark, simple] \item A version with a remark. \end{version} \begin{version}[v=1.0.2, remarks={Remark 1, Remark 2}, simple] \item A version with multiple remarks. \end{version} \begin{version}[v=1.0.1, yanked, simple] \item A version with a terrible bug. \end{version} \begin{version}[v=1.0.0, date=2018-10-26] \added \item A cool feature. \changed \item Some \textsc{api} detail. \deprecated \item Something that was a bad idea in the first place. \removed \item Something that was deprecated 3 versions ago. \fixed \item A bug that would delete files instead of saving them. \security \item improved with addition of buffer bound checks. \misc \item A change that doesn't fit into any other category. \end{version} \shortversion{v=0.1.0, date=2018-10-19, changes=Initial beta.} \end{changelog} \end{document}