The collcell Package -------------------- Copyright (c) 2009-2025 by Martin Scharrer <> CTAN: Code repository: This package provides macros which collect the cell content of a tabular and provide it to a macro as argument. It was inspired by the \collect@body macro defined by the amsmath or the environ package, which can be used to collect the body of an environment. Special care is taken to remove all aligning macros inserted by tabular from the cell content. The macros also work in the last column of a table. They do not support verbatim material inside the cells. Usage This package provides the macros \collectcell and \endcollectcell which are supposed to be used with the >{ } and <{ } tabular column declarations of the array package. This can be done either in the argument of tabular or using \newcolumntype. The following code defines a 'E' column which passes the contents of its cell to \usermacro as an argument. The macro can the process the content as usual. % Preamble: \usepackage{array} \usepackage{collcell} % Preamble or document: \newcolumntype{E}{>{\collectmacro\usermacro}c<{\endcollectmacro}} % Document: \begin{tabular}{lE} A & Example \\ % Same as \usermacro{Example} B & Text \\ % Same as \usermacro{Text} \end{tabular} For example \usermacro could be \fbox and wrap the cell content in a frame box. More complicated macros are also supported as long they take one argument. This package was originally programmed to be used with the \tikztiming macro of the tikz-timing package. This macro takes some complex user input and draws a timing diagram from it Note that if such a cell contains a tabular environment by itself, the environment must be wrapped in braces '{ }' to ensure proper operation.