\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{fontspec} % Using a custom data model to declare the "coauthor" field \usepackage[style=authoryear,datamodel=95-customlists,backend=biber]{biblatex-ms} \addbibresource{95-customlists.bib} % 1. First, check if the author list contain me, here, "Arthur Smith" (and % isn't *just* me as then we can ignore this entry as there are no coauthors) % 2. Copy the author field to a temporary field "coauthortext". We don't need % datamodel declarations for this as this will be deleted after use and % will never get anywhere near code that queries the data model. % 3. Remove me (Arthur Smith) from this temporary copy of the author list % 4. Turn the resulting field into a comma-separated list % 5. Loop over this comma-separated list, creating new entries of type % "coauthor" each with a "coauthor" name list field containing the data % from the loop variable % 6. Remove the temporary author field copy "coauthortext" % % The special $MAPLOOP variable holds each value of the csv field named by % the "foreach" option on the \map macro. % The special $MAPUNIQ variable is a random string generated automatically % at the beginning of each \map section. This is useful when you need a unique % string as we do here because citation keys should be unique. % $MAPLOOPVAL can be used to refer to the last created $MAPUNIQ \DeclareSourcemap{ \maps[datatype=bibtex]{ \map[overwrite]{ \step[fieldsource=author, match=\regexp{Arthur\s+Smith}, final] \step[fieldsource=author, notmatch=\regexp{^Arthur\s+Smith$}, final] \step[fieldsource=author, fieldset=coauthortext, origfieldval] \step[fieldsource=coauthortext, match=\regexp{Arthur\s+Smith\s+and\s+}, replace={}] \step[fieldsource=coauthortext, match=\regexp{\s+and\s+Arthur\s+Smith}, replace={}] \step[fieldsource=coauthortext, match=\regexp{\s+and\s+}, replace={,}] } \map[overwrite, foreach=coauthortext]{ \step[fieldsource=coauthortext, match=\regexp{.}, final] \step[entrynew=\regexp{$MAPUNIQ}, entrynewtype=coauthor] \step[entrytarget=\regexp{$MAPUNIQVAL}, fieldset=coauthor, fieldvalue=\regexp{$MAPLOOP}] \step[entrytarget=\regexp{$MAPUNIQVAL}, fieldset=options, fieldvalue=skipbib] } \map[overwrite]{ \step[fieldsource=coauthortext, null] } } } % Sort the biblist by coauthor name \DeclareSortingTemplate{coauthor}{ \sort{ \field{coauthor} } } % Driver to print the biblist items \DeclareBibliographyDriver{coauthor}{% \printnames{coauthor}} % bibcheck to strip duplicates \defbibcheck{coauthor}{% \ifcsdef{\strname{coauthor}} {\skipentry} {\savenamecs{coauthor}{\strname{coauthor}}}} % Simple bibenvironment to print the biblist \defbibenvironment{coauthor} {\list{} {\setlength{\leftmargin}{\bibhang}% \setlength{\itemindent}{-\leftmargin}% \setlength{\itemsep}{\bibitemsep}% \setlength{\parsep}{\bibparsep}}} {\endlist} {\item} \begin{document} \nocite{*} \printbibliography % This will automatically use the "coauthor" sorting scheme/biblist/driver etc. \printbiblist[title=CoAuthors]{coauthor} \end{document}