I have compiled a  Portuguese hyphenation  table for TeX.  It turned out to be a
rather short table (compared to the one for English) because Portuguese has very
concise rules for  hyphenation.

I'd like to make this table public and freely distributed. Even included in  the
distribution tapes. I have extensively tested it (with patgen) and haven't found
any erroneous hyphenation. It does miss some hyphens but they are very very few.
It certainly does not hyphenate a word beyond an accent or a cedilla, but that's
the way TeX handles hyphenation of words with intervening macros (cf. Appendix H
of The TeXbook).

Pedro J. de Rezende                     rezende@corwin.ccs.northeastern.edu

College of Computer Science             (617) 437-2078
Northeastern University
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston MA 02115