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As of 2024 \TeX Live contains more than 490~programs and more than 8000~software packages. \section{Contact Information} \label{sec:contact_info} \begin{description} \item[Website:] \url{https://tug.org} \item[Address:] \leavevmode\\ Sophia Laakso, office manager,\\ \TeX\ Users Group,\\ PO Box 2311,\\ Portland, OR~97208-2311,\\ USA \item[Phone:] +1 503-223-9994 \item[Fax:] +1 815-301-3568 \item[Administrative email:] \href{mailto:office@tug.org}{office@tug.org} \item[Board of directors:] \href{mailto:board@tug.org}{board@tug.org} \item[President:] \href{mailto:president@tug.org}{president@tug.org} \end{description} \newpage \section{Notes} \label{sec:note} \TeX Live is a complex software suite, intended to the produce typeset products in various formats (PDF, HTML, DVI, XML to name a few). In all case it takes an \emph{input code} written in a machine-readable form and translates it to an \emph{output format,} suitable to publication in the traditional (hard copy) or electronic form. This document covers only the software used to convert the input code to the output format. The creation of the input code is outside the scope of this document, since it is done by third party software. \TeX Live software can accept as input text files created in any authoring tool. \TeX\ Users group is aware about fully accessible authoring tools, and promotes them on its web pages and publications. A separate issue is the accessibility of the \emph{output documents} created with \TeX Live software. The accessibility features of these documents depend on the settings in the input code and the packages used, and thus is not covered by this document. \TeX\ Users Group strives to make the creation of full accessible documents using its tool as simple as possible, and to make the accessibility features the default settings of our software. This is an ongoing effort, involving many developers. \TeX\ Users Group welcomes any help in this work. The current state of the effort can be found at \url{https://tug.org/twg/accessibility/overview.html}. The tools provided by \TeX Live are accompanied by technical documentation, both included in \TeX Live itself, and separate: there are many books, courses and other materials about \TeX. Many of the latter a fully accessible. The main documentation of \TeX Live, supported by \TeX Live team, is accessible as well. Most of the documentation for several thousand software packages in \TeX Live is provided in PDF or text format. By requiring machine readable textual sources of all documentation provided by \TeX Live packages, we ensure a certain level of accessibility for all documentation. However, the full audit of the documentation for all 8000+ packages created by many thousands of volunteers is not feasible at this time. \TeX\ Users group supports the efforts of making all \TeX\ documentation fully accessible. \section{Evaluation methods used} \label{sec:methods} The testing was based on the general product knowledge. \section{Applicable standards and guidelines} \label{sec:standards} \settowidth\vpattempcollen{Included in the report} \begin{tabular}{\vpatcolsstandard} \noalign{\startheader} \toprule Standard/Guideline & Included in the report \\ \noalign{\stopheader} \midrule \href{http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-WCAG20-20081211}{Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0} & Level A (Yes) \\ & Level AA (Yes)\\ & Level AAA (Yes)\\\addlinespace \href{https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21}{Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1} & Level A (Yes) \\ & Level AA (Yes)\\ & Level AAA (Yes)\\\addlinespace \href{https://www.access-board.gov/guidelines-and-standards/communications-and-it/about-the-ict-refresh/final-rule/text-of-the-standards-and-guidelines}{Revised Section 508 standards published January 18, 2017 and corrected January 22, 2018} & Yes\\\addlinespace \href{https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_en/301500_301599/301549/03.01.01_60/en_301549v030101p.pdf}{EN 301 549 Accessibility requirements suitable for public procurement of ICT products and services in Europe, - V3.1.1 (2019-11)} & Yes\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \section{Terms} \label{sec:terms} The terms used in the Conformance Level information are defined as follows: \begin{description} \item[Supports:] The functionality of the product has at least one method that meets the criterion without known defects or meets with equivalent facilitation. \item[Partially Supports:] Some functionality of the product does not meet the criterion. \item[Does Not Support:] The majority of product functionality does not meet the criterion. \item[Not Applicable:] The criterion is not relevant to the product. \item[Not Evaluated:] The product has not been evaluated against the criterion. This can be used only in WCAG 2.0 Level AAA. \end{description} \clearpage \section{WCAG~2.x Report} \label{sec:wcag} Tables~\hyperref[sec:WCAG-A]{1} and~\hyperref[sec:WCAG-AA]{2} also document conformance with: \begin{itemize} \item EN 301 549: Chapter 9 – Web, Sections 10.1-10.4 of Chapter 10 – Non-Web documents, and Sections 11.1-11.4 and 11.8.2 of Chapter 11 – Non-Web Software (open and closed functionality), and Sections 12.1.2 and 12.2.4 of Chapter 12 – Documentation \item Revised Section 508: Chapter 5 – 501.1 Scope, 504.2 Content Creation or Editing, and Chapter 6 – 602.3 Electronic Support Documentation. \end{itemize} \begin{description} \item[Note:] When reporting on conformance with the WCAG 2.x Success Criteria, they are scoped for full pages, complete processes, and accessibility-supported ways of using technology as documented in the WCAG 2.0 Conformance Requirements. \end{description} \subsection{Introduction} \label{sec:wcag-intro} This section of the report describes the documentation for \TeX Live. There are several ways to define ``the full documentation for \TeX\ and friends software''. In one meaning of these words it comprises all books on \TeX, \LaTeX, Con\TeX t and other systems included in \TeX Live, all issues of the journals published by \TeX\ Users Group and other users produced documentation. Of course it would be impossible to estimate the accessibility of all this documentation, comprising hundreds thousands of pages written over three decades. Another way is to count only the documentation for the packages included in \TeX Live. This includes documentation for 8000+ packages, which makes the full audit rather impractical. In this document we discuss only the main manual for the system, available with the installation and at \url{https://tug.org/texlive/doc/texlive-en/texlive-en.html}. We note, however, that documentation for all \TeX Live packages is available as source text files, and thus is highly accessible. In the tables below the success criteria apply to \emph{Web} and \emph{Electronic Docs} paragraphs of VPAT. \clearpage \settowidth\vpatnumcollen{9.9.99} \subsection{Table~1: Success Criteria, Level A} \label{sec:WCAG-A} \begin{tabular}{\vpatcols} \vpattablehead 1.1.1 & \href{https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#text-equiv-all} {Non-text Content} & Supports \\ 1.2.1 & \href{https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#media-equiv-av-only-alt}{% Audio-only and Video only (Prerecorded)} & Not Applicable\\ 1.2.2 &\href{https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#media-equiv-captions}{% Captions Prerecorded} & Not Applicable\\ 1.2.3 & \href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#media-equiv-audio-desc}{% Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded)} & Not Applicable\\ 1.3.1 & \href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#content-structure-separation-programmatic}{% Info and Relationships} & Supports \\ 1.3.2 & \href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#content-structure-separation-programmatic}{% Meaningful Sequence} & Supports \\ 1.3.3 &\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#content-structure-separation-understanding}{% Sensory Characteristics} & Not Applicable\\ 1.4.1 & \href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#visual-audio-contrast-without-color}{% Use of Color} & Supports \\ 1.4.2 &\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#visual-audio-contrast-dis-audio}{% Audio Control} & Not Applicable\\ 2.1.1& \href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#keyboard-operation-keyboard-operable}{% Keyboard} & Supports \\ 2.1.2&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#keyboard-operation-trapping}{% No Keyboard Trap} & Supports \\ 2.1.4&\href{https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#character-key-shortcuts}{% Character Key Shortcuts} (2.1 only) & Supports \\ 2.2.1& \href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#time-limits-required-behaviors}{% Timing Adjustable} & Supports\\ 2.2.2 & \href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#time-limits-pause}{Pause, Stop, Hide} & Supports\\ 2.3.1 &\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#seizure-does-not-violate}{% Three Flashes or Below Threshold} & Supports\\ 2.4.1& \href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#navigation-mechanisms-skip}{% Bypass Blocks} & Not Applicable\\ 2.4.2 & \href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#navigation-mechanisms-title}{Page Titled} & Supports\\ 2.4.3 & \href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#navigation-mechanisms-focus-order}{Focus Order} & Supports\\ 2.4.4 &\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#navigation-mechanisms-refs}{Link Purpose (In Context)} & Supports\\ 2.5.1 &\href{https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#pointer-gestures}{Pointer Gestures} (2.1 only) & Supports\\ 2.5.2 &\href{https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#pointer-cancellation}{% Pointer Cancellation} (2.1 only) & Supports\\ 2.5.3 &\href{https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#label-in-name}{Label in Name} (2.1 only) & Supports\\ 2.5.4 &\href{https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#motion-actuation}{Motion Actuation} (2.1 only) & Supports\\ 3.1.1 &\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#meaning-doc-lang-id}{Language of Page} & Supports\\ 3.2.1 & \href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#consistent-behavior-receive-focus}{On Focus} & Supports\\ 3.2.2 &\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#consistent-behavior-unpredictable-change}{On Input} & Supports\\ 3.3.1 &\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#minimize-error-identified}{Error Identification} & Supports\\ 3.3.2 &\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#minimize-error-cues}{Labels or Instructions} & Supports\\ 4.1.1 &\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#ensure-compat-parses}{Parsing} & Supports\\ 4.1.2 &\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#ensure-compat-rsv}{Name, Role, Value} & Supports\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \newpage \subsection{Table~2: Success Criteria, Level~AA} \label{sec:WCAG-AA} \begin{tabular}{\vpatcols} \vpattablehead 1.2.4& \href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#media-equiv-real-time-captions}{% Captions (Live)} & Not Applicable\\ 1.2.5&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#media-equiv-audio-desc-only}{% Audio Description (Prerecorded)} & Not Applicable\\ 1.3.4& \href{https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#orientation}{Orientation} (2.1 only) & Supports\\ 1.3.5&\href{https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#identify-input-purpose}{% Identify Input Purpose} (2.1 only) & Supports\\ 1.4.3&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#visual-audio-contrast-contrast}{% Contrast (Minimum)} & Supports\\ 1.4.4&\href{https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#resize-text}{Resize text} & Supports\\ 1.4.5&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#visual-audio-contrast-text-presentation}{% Images of Text} & Supports\\ 1.4.10&\href{https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#reflow}{Reflow} (2.1 only) & Supports\\ 1.4.11&\href{https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#non-text-contrast}{% Non-text Contrast} (2.1 only) & Supports\\ 1.4.12 &\href{https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#text-spacing}{Text Spacing} (2.1 only) & Supports\\ 1.4.13&\href{https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#content-on-hover-or-focus}{% Content on Hover or Focus} (2.1 only) & Supports\\ 2.4.5&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#navigation-mechanisms-mult-loc}{% Multiple Ways} & Supports\\ 2.4.6&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#navigation-mechanisms-descriptive}{% Headings and Labels} & Supports\\ 2.4.7&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#navigation-mechanisms-focus-visible}{% Focus Visible} & Supports\\ 3.1.2&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#meaning-other-lang-id}{% Language of Parts} & Supports\\ 3.2.3&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#consistent-behavior-consistent-locations}{% Consistent Navigation} & Supports\\ 3.2.4&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#consistent-behavior-consistent-functionality}{% Consistent Identification} & Supports\\ 3.3.3&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#minimize-error-suggestions}{% Error Suggestion} & Not Applicable\\ 3.3.4&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#minimize-error-reversible}{% Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data)} & Not Applicable\\ 4.1.3&\href{https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#status-messages}{Status Messages} (2.1 only) & Supports\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \newpage \subsection{Table~3: Success Criteria, Level~AAA} \label{sec:WCAG-AAA} \begin{tabular}{\vpatcols} \vpattablehead 1.2.6 &\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#media-equiv-sign}{Sign Language (Prerecorded)} & Not Applicable\\ 1.2.7&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#media-equiv-extended-ad}{% Extended Audio Description (Prerecorded)} & Not Applicable\\ 1.2.8 &\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#media-equiv-text-doc}{Media Alternative (Prerecorded)} & Not Applicable\\ 1.2.9&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#media-equiv-live-audio-only}{% Audio-only (Live)} & Not Applicable\\ 1.3.6 &\href{https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#identify-purpose}{Identify Purpose} (2.1 only) & Supports\\ 1.4.6&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#visual-audio-contrast7}{% Contrast (Enhanced)} & Supports\\ 1.4.7&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#visual-audio-contrast-noaudio}{% Low or No Background Audio} & Supports \\ 1.4.8&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#visual-audio-contrast-visual-presentation}{% Visual Presentation} & Supports\\ 1.4.9&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#visual-audio-contrast-text-images}{% Images of Text (No Exception)} & Supports\footnotemark\\ 2.1.3&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#keyboard-operation-all-funcs}{% Keyboard (No Exception)} & Supports\\ 2.2.3&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#time-limits-no-exceptions}{% No Timing} & Supports\\ 2.2.4&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#time-limits-postponed}{% Interruptions} & Supports\\ 2.2.5&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#time-limits-server-timeout}{% Re-authenticating} & Not Applicable \\ 2.2.6&\href{https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#timeouts}{Timeouts} (2.1 only) & Not Applicable\\ 2.3.2 &\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#seizure-three-times}{Three Flashes} & Supports\\ 2.3.3&\href{https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#animation-from-interactions}{% Animation from Interactions} (2.1 only) & Supports\\ 2.4.8&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#navigation-mechanisms-location}{% Location} & Supports\\ 2.4.9&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#navigation-mechanisms-link}{% Link Purpose (Link Only)} & Supports\\ 2.4.10&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#navigation-mechanisms-headings}{% Section Headings} & Supports\\ 2.5.5 &\href{https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#target-size}{Target Size} (2.1 only) & Supports\\ 2.5.6&\href{https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#concurrent-input-mechanisms}{% Concurrent Input Mechanisms} (2.1 only) & Supports\\ 3.1.3 &\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#meaning-idioms}{Unusual Words} & Does Not Support\\ 3.1.4&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#meaning-located}{% Abbreviations} & Does Not Support\\ 3.1.5&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#meaning-supplements}{% Reading Level} & Does Not Support\\ 3.1.6&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#meaning-pronunciation}{% Pronunciation} & Not Applicable\\ 3.2.5&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#consistent-behavior-no-extreme-changes-context}{% Change on Request} & Supports \\ 3.3.5&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#minimize-error-context-help}{% Help} & Does Not Support\\ 3.3.6&\href{http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#minimize-error-reversible-all}{% Error Prevention (All)} & Not Applicable\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular}% \footnotetext{Images of GUI screens are used only when essential to the information being conveyed.} \begin{description} \item[Note:] Neither \nameref{sec:sec508} nor \nameref{sec:EN301} require AAA~level compliance. \end{description} \clearpage \section{Revised Section~508 Report} \label{sec:sec508} \subsection{Chapter 3: Functional Performance Criteria (FPC)} \label{sec:508-3} \begin{tabular}{\vpatcols} \vpattablehead 302.1 & Without Vision & Supports \\ 302.2 & With Limited Vision & Supports\\ 302.3& Without Perception of Color & Supports\\ 302.4& Without Hearing & Supports\\ 302.5& With Limited Hearing & Supports\\ 302.6& Without Speech & Supports\\ 302.7& With Limited Manipulation & Supports\\ 302.8& With Limited Reach and Strength & Supports\\ 302.9& With Limited Language, Cognitive, and Learning Abilities & Does Not Support\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \subsection{Chapter 4: Hardware} \label{sec:508-4} Does Not Apply. \Needspace{6\baselineskip} \subsection{Chapter 5: Software} \label{sec:508-5} \settowidth\vpatnumcollen{999.9.99} \begin{longtable}{\vpatcols} \vpattablehead \endfirsthead \vpattableheadcont \endhead \bottomrule \endfoot 501.1& Scope---Incorporation of WCAG 2.0 AA & Supports\footnote{See \nameref{sec:WCAG-AA}}\\ \vpattablesubhead{502}{Interoperability with Assistive Technology} 502.2.1& User Control of Accessibility Features & Supports\\ 502.2.2& No Disruption of Accessibility Features & Supports\\ \vpattablesubsubhead{502.3}{Accessibility Services} 502.3.1& Object Information & Supports\\ 502.3.2& Modification of Object Information & Supports\\ 502.3.3& Row, Column, and Headers & Not Applicable\\ 502.3.4& Values & Supports\\ 502.3.5& Modification of Values & Supports\\ 502.3.6& Label Relationships & Not Applicable\\ 502.3.7& Hierarchical Relationships & Not Applicable\\ 502.3.8& Text & Supports\\ 502.3.9& Modification of Text & Supports\\ 502.3.10& List of Actions & Supports\\ 502.3.11& Actions on Objects & Supports\\ 502.3.12& Focus Cursor & Supports\\ 502.3.13& Modification of Focus Cursor & Supports\\ 502.3.14& Event Notification & Supports\\\addlinespace 502.4 & Platform Accessibility Features & Supports\\ \vpattablesubhead{503}{Applications} 503.2& User Preferences & Supports\\ 503.3& Alternative User Interfaces & Supports\\ \vpattablesubsubhead{503.4}{User Controls for Captions and Audio Description} 503.4.1& Caption Controls & Not Applicable\\ 503.4.2& Audio Description Controls & Not Applicable\\ \vpattablesubhead{504}{Authoring Tools} 504.2& Content Creation or Editing (if not authoring tool, enter ``not applicable'') & Not Applicable\\ 504.2.1& Preservation of Information Provided for Accessibility in Format Conversion & Not Applicable\\ 504.2.2& PDF Export & Not Applicable\\ 504.3& Prompts & Not Applicable\\ 504.4& Templates & Not Applicable\\ \end{longtable} \Needspace{8\baselineskip} \subsection{Chapter 6: Support Documentation and Services} \label{sec:508-6} \settowidth\vpatnumcollen{999.9} % UF 601.1 dropped as no content and no function \begin{longtable}{\vpatcols} \vpattablehead \endhead \vpattableheadcont \endhead \bottomrule \endfoot \vpattablesubhead{602}{Support Documentation} 602.2 &Accessibility and Compatibility Features & Supports\\ 602.3 &Electronic Support Documentation & Supports\footnote{See \nameref{sec:wcag}} \\ 602.4 &Alternate Formats for Non-Electronic Support Documentation & Not Applicable\\ \vpattablesubhead{603}{Support Services} 603.2 &Information on Accessibility and Compatibility Features & Not Applicable\\ 603.3 &Accommodation of Communication Needs & Not Applicable\\ \end{longtable} \clearpage \section{EN 301 549 Report} \label{sec:EN301} \subsection{Chapter 4: Functional Performance Statements (FPS)} \label{sec:EN301-3} \settowidth\vpatnumcollen{9.9.99} \begin{tabular}{\vpatcols} \vpattablehead 4.2.1& Usage without vision & Supports\\ 4.2.2& Usage with limited vision & Supports\\ 4.2.3& Usage without perception of colour & Supports\\ 4.2.4& Usage without hearing & Supports \\ 4.2.5& Usage with limited hearing & Supports\\ 4.2.6& Usage with no or limited vocal capability & Supports \\ 4.2.7& Usage with limited manipulation or strength & Supports \\ 4.2.8& Usage with limited reach & Supports \\ 4.2.9& Minimize photosensitive seizure triggers & Supports \\ 4.2.10 &Usage with limited cognition, language or learning & Does Not Support \\ 4.2.11& Privacy & Supports\\ \end{tabular} \subsection{Chapter~5: Generic Requirements} \label{sec:EN301-5} \begin{description} \item[Note:] EN~301~549 defines ``closed functionality'' as ``functionality that is limited by characteristics that prevent a user from attaching, installing or using assistive technology''. Since \TeX Live utilities do not prevent users from attaching, installing or using assistive technology, most of requirements in this chapter are not applicable to them. \end{description} \settowidth\vpatnumcollen{} \begin{longtable}{\vpatcols} \vpattablehead \endhead \vpattableheadcont \endhead \bottomrule \endfoot &&\\[-\normalbaselineskip]\vpattablesubhead{5.1}{Closed functionality} \vpattablesubsubhead{5.1.2}{General} Closed functionality & Not Applicable\\ Assistive technology & Not Applicable \\ \vpattablesubsubhead{5.1.3}{Non-visual access} Audio output of visual information & Not Applicable\\ Auditory output delivery including speech & Not Applicable\\ Auditory output correlation & Not Applicable\\ Speech output user control & Not Applicable\\ Speech output automatic interruption & Not Applicable\\ Speech output for non-text content & Not Applicable\\ Speech output for video information & Not Applicable\\ Masked entry & Not Applicable\\ Private access to personal data & Not Applicable\\ Non-interfering audio output & Not Applicable\\ Private listening volume & Not Applicable\\ Speaker volume & Not Applicable\\ Volume reset & Not Applicable\\ Spoken languages & Not Applicable\\ Non-visual error identification & Not Applicable\\ Receipts, tickets, and transactional outputs & Not Applicable\\\addlinespace 5.1.4& Functionality closed to text enlargement & Not Applicable\\ 5.1.5& Visual output for auditory information & Not Applicable\\ \vpattablesubsubhead{5.1.6}{Operation without keyboard interface} Input focus & Not Applicable\\\addlinespace 5.1.7& Access without speech & Not Applicable\\\addlinespace 5.2 &Activation of accessibility features & Not Applicable\\ 5.3 &Biometrics & Not Applicable\\ 5.4 &Preservation of accessibility information during conversion & Not Applicable\\ \vpattablesubhead{5.5}{Operable parts} 5.5.1& Means of operation & Not Applicable\\ 5.5.2& Operable parts discernibility & Not Applicable\\ \vpattablesubhead{5.6}{Locking or toggle controls} 5.6.1& Tactile or auditory status & Not Applicable\\ 5.6.2& Visual status & Not Applicable\\\addlinespace 5.7& Key repeat & Not Applicable\\ 5.8& Double-strike key acceptance & Not Applicable\\ 5.9& Simultaneous user actions & Not Applicable\\ \end{longtable} \subsection{Chapter~6: ICT with Two-Way Voice Communication } \label{sec:EN301-6} Not Applicable. \subsection{Chapter~7: ICT with Video Capabilities } \label{sec:EN301-7} Not Applicable. \subsection{Chapter~8: Hardware} \label{sec:EN301-8} Not Applicable. \subsection{Chapter 9: Web} \label{sec:EN301-9} See \nameref{sec:wcag}. \subsection{Chapter~10: Non-Web Software} \label{sec:EN301-10} % \subsubsection{10.0 General (informative)} dropped, no content \settowidth\vpatnumcollen{} \begin{longtable}{\vpatcols} \vpattablehead \endhead \vpattableheadcont \endhead \bottomrule \endfoot through & Supports\footnote{\nameref{sec:wcag}}\\ 10.5& Caption positioning & Not Appicable\\ 10.6& Audio description timing & Not Applicable\\ \end{longtable} \Needspace{6\baselineskip} \subsection{Chapter~11: Software} \label{sec:EN301-11} %dropped 11.0, is confusing \settowidth\vpatnumcollen{} \begin{longtable}{\vpatcols} \vpattablehead \endhead \vpattableheadcont \endhead \bottomrule \endfoot \rlap{ through} & & Supports\footnote{See \nameref{sec:wcag}}\\ \vpattablesubhead{11.5}{Interoperability with assistive technology} \vpattablesubsubhead{11.5.1}{Closed functionality} % ????? not applicable? \vpattablesubsubhead{11.5.2}{Accessibility services} Platform accessibility service support for software that provides a user interface & Supports\footnote{See information in through}\\ Platform accessibility service support for assistive technologies & Supports\footnote{See information in through}\\ Use of accessibility services & Not Applicable\\ Assistive technology & Not Applicable\\ Object information & Not Applicable\\ Row, column, and headers & Not Applicable \\ Values & Not Applicable\\ Label relationships & Not Applicable \\ Parent-child relationships & Not Applicable\\ Text & Supports \\ List of available actions & Supports \\ Execution of available actions & Supports\\ Tracking of focus and selection attributes & Not Applicable \\ Modification of focus and selection attributes & Not Applicable \\ Change notification & Supports\\ Modifications of states and properties & Supports\\ Modifications of values and text & Supports\\ \vpattablesubhead{11.6}{Documented accessibility usage} 11.6.1& User control of accessibility features & Not Applicable\\ 11.6.2& No disruption of accessibility features & Supports\\\addlinespace 11.7& User preferences &Not Applicable \\ \vpattablesubhead{11.8}{Authoring tools} 11.8.2& Accessible content creation & Not Applicable\\ 11.8.3& Preservation of accessibility information in transformations & Not Applicable\\ 11.8.4& Repair assistance & Not Applicable\\ 11.8.5& Templates & Not Applicable\\ \end{longtable} \Needspace{6\baselineskip} \subsection{Chapter~12: Documentation and Support Services} \label{sec:EN301-12} \settowidth\vpatnumcollen{99.9.9} \begin{longtable}{\vpatcols} \vpattablehead \endhead \vpattableheadcont \endhead \bottomrule \endfoot &&\\[-\normalbaselineskip] \vpattablesubhead{12.1}{Product documentation} 12.1.1& Accessibility and compatibility features & Not Applicable\\ 12.1.2& Accessible documentation & Supports\footnote{See \nameref{sec:wcag}}\\ \vpattablesubhead{12.2}{Support Services} 12.2.2& Information on accessibility and compatibility features & Not Applicable\\ 12.2.3& Effective communication & Not Applicable\\ 12.2.4& Accessible documentation & Not Applicable\\ \end{longtable} \subsection{Chapter~13: ICT Providing Relay or Emergency Service Access} \label{sec:EN301-13} Not Applicable. \newpage \section{Legal Disclaimer} \label{sec:legal} While all efforts were made to provide an accurate description of the software, \TeX\ Users Group cannot make any guarantee, explicit of implied, of the accuracy of this report. This report is provided ``As Is'' and for information purposes only. \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: