\newdimen\unit   \unit=1.375in
\newif \ifFirstPass
%\FirstPassfalse  % uncomment this after you have the size you want
\def\DF{{\cal A}}%
%The following figure appears in the preface to the \PiCTeX\ manual
    \savelinesandcurves on "pictex-Arcsine.tex"
    \replot "pictex-Arcsine.tex"
% \ninepoint  %   (See Appendix E of the TeXbook.)
  % Density plot
  \setcoordinatesystem  units <\unit,.4\unit>  point at 0 0  
  \setplotarea x from 0 to 1, y from 0 to 2.5 
  \axis bottom invisible label {\lines {$t$\cr
    shaded area is $\DF(\beta) - \DF(\alpha)$\cr}} ticks
      numbered from 0.0 to 1.0 by 0.5   
      unlabeled short quantity 11
      length <0pt> withvalues $\alpha$ $\beta$ / at .65 .85 /  /
  \axis left invisible label {$a(t)$} ticks
    numbered from 0.0 to 2.0 by 1.0
    unlabeled short from 0.5 to 2.5 by 1.0  /
  \plotheading{\lineskiplimit=1pt \lines{%
     $a(t) = 1\big/\bigl(\pi \sqrt{t(1-t)}\,\bigr)$\cr
     of the arc sine law\cr}}
  \grid 1 1
  \putrule from  .65 0.0  to  .65 .66736
  \putrule from  .85 0.0  to  .85 .89145
  \shadeunit=.2\unit  \divide\shadeunit by 12
  \setshadegrid  span <\shadeunit>  point at .75 0
  \vshade .65 0 .66736   <,,,1pt> .75 0 .73511   .85 0 .89145  /
  % Move origin to (.5,0)
  % Left half}
    \setcoordinatesystem  point at -.5 0
    \plot  -.48429 2.55990  -.47553 2.06015  -.46489 1.72936  /
    \plot  -.46489 1.72936  -.43815 1.32146  -.40451 1.08308  
           -.36448  .92999  -.31871  .82623  -.26791  .75400 
           -.21289  .70358  -.12434  .65727   .0      .63662  /
    % Right half
    \plot   .48429 2.55990   .47553 2.06015   .46489 1.72936  /
    \plot   .46489 1.72936   .43815 1.32146   .40451 1.08308  
            .36448  .92999   .31871  .82623   .26791  .75400  
            .21289  .70358   .12434  .65727   .0      .63662  /
  % Distribution function 
  % Set origin of new coordinate system 1.7*1.375in=2.34in
  %   to the right of the original origin.
  \setcoordinatesystem  units <\unit,\unit>  point at -1.7 0
  \setplotarea x from 0 to 1, y from 0 to 1
  \axis bottom label {$x\vphantom{t}$} ticks
    numbered from 0.0 to 1.0 by 0.5  unlabeled short quantity 11 /
  \axis left label {$\DF(x)$} ticks
    numbered from 0.0 to 1.0 by 0.5  unlabeled short quantity 11 /
    Distribution function\cr
    $\DF(x) = {2\over \raise1pt\hbox{\seveni ^^Y}} 
    of the arc sine law\cr}}
  \linethickness=.25pt  \grid {20} {20}  
  \linethickness=.4pt   \grid 2 2
  % Left half
  % Now move origin of coordinate system up to (.5,.5)
    \setcoordinatesystem  point at -2.2 -.5
    \plot           -.50000 -.50   -.49901 -.48   -.49606 -.46 
      -.49104 -.44  -.48439 -.42   -.47553 -.40   -.46489 -.38 
      -.43815 -.34  -.40451 -.30   -.36448 -.26   -.31871 -.22 
      -.26791 -.18  -.21289 -.14   -.12434 -.08    .0      .0  /
    % Right half
    \plot            .50000  .50    .49901  .48    .49606  .46 
       .49104  .44   .48439  .42    .47553  .40    .46489  .38 
       .43815  .34   .40451  .30    .36448  .26    .31871  .22 
       .26791  .18   .21289  .14    .12434  .08    .0      .0  /