% Here the output of program inputd begins!
\def\InputD #1{}

% Here begins "namedef.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 19.1.8, p. III-73.
% Original source in file "tokens2.TEX", starting line 414.
\wlog{L: "namedef.tip" ["tokens2.TEX," l. 414, p. III-73]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\def\NameDef #1{% 
    \expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname
\def\NameEdef #1{%
    \expandafter\edef\csname #1\endcsname
\def\NameGdef #1{% 
    \expandafter\gdef\csname #1\endcsname
\def\NameXdef #1{% 
    \expandafter\xdef\csname #1\endcsname
\def\NameNewDef #1{% 
        \errmessage{\string\NameNewDef: "#1" already defined.}% 
\def\NameReDef #1{% 
        \errmessage{\string\NameReDef: "#1" never defined before.}% 
\def\NameUse #1{\csname #1\endcsname}
\def\NameUseFlagUndefined #1{% 
        \errmessage{\string\NameUseFlagUndefined: token "#1"
            is undefined.}%
\def\NameDefinedConditional #1{% 
    \expandafter\ifx\csname #1\endcsname \relax
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "namedef.tip".

% Here begins "everypar.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 10.9.3, p. II-34.
% Original source in file "par1.TEX", starting line 1707.
\wlog{L: "everypar.tip" ["par1.TEX," l. 1707, p. II-34]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\everypar = {%
% Here the output of inputd ends "everypar.tip".

% Here begins "futlet.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 23.4.3, p. III-256.
% Original source in file "macros3.TEX", starting line 1021.
\wlog{L: "futlet.tip" ["macros3.TEX," l. 1021, p. III-256]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\long\def\DoLongFutureLet #1#2#3#4{% 
\def\DoFutureLet #1#2#3#4{\DoLongFutureLet{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "futlet.tip".

% Here begins "funospac.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in, p. III-271.
% Original source in file "macros3.TEX", starting line 1710.
\wlog{L: "funospac.tip" ["macros3.TEX," l. 1710, p. III-271]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\def\FutureLetNoSpace #1#2{% 
    \DoFutureLet{\ifx}{ }%
\long\def\DoLongFutureLetNoSpace #1#2#3#4{%
\def\DoFutureLetNoSpace #1#2#3#4{%
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "funospac.tip".

% Here begins "futpar.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 23.4.11, p. III-274.
% Original source in file "macros3.TEX", starting line 1899.
\wlog{L: "futpar.tip" ["macros3.TEX," l. 1899, p. III-274]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\def\ParLookAhead #1#2{%
% Here the output of inputd ends "futpar.tip".

% Here begins "parin.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 10.9.4, p. II-35.
% Original source in file "par1.TEX", starting line 1808.
\wlog{L: "parin.tip" ["par1.TEX," l. 1808, p. II-35]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\def\SetParIndent #1{%
    \NormalParIndent = #1%
    \parindent = #1%
    \global\parindent = 0pt
        \global\parindent = \NormalParIndent
        % \hskip-\parindent
    \global\parindent = \NormalParIndent
% Here the output of inputd ends "parin.tip".

% Here begins "verb-bas.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 18.3.1, p. III-27.
% Original source in file "tokens1.TEX", starting line 1625.
\wlog{L: "verb-bas.tip" ["tokens1.TEX," l. 1625, p. III-27]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\def\MakeOther #1{\catcode `#1 = 12 }
\def\MakeActive #1{\catcode `#1 = \active\relax}
    \MakeOther{\ }%
{\catcode`\^^I = 11
\catcode`\[ = 1
\catcode`\] = 2
    \catcode`\{ = 12
    \catcode`\} = 12
\catcode`\[ = 12
\catcode`\] = 12
    \catcode`| = 0
    |catcode`\\ = 12
    \catcode`\# = 12
\def\pounds{{\it\char'44 }}
    \catcode`\% = 12
\def\SpaceText{ }
\def\VerbControlSpace{\ }
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "verb-bas.tip".

% Here begins "testdef.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 21.5.6, p. III-173.
% Original source in file "macros1.TEX", starting line 1179.
\wlog{L: "testdef.tip" ["macros1.TEX," l. 1179, p. III-173]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\def\DefinedConditional #1{%
    \ifx\@UndefinedToken #1% 
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "testdef.tip".

% Here begins "gobble.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 21.8.6, p. III-186.
% Original source in file "macros1.TEX", starting line 1836.
\wlog{L: "gobble.tip" ["macros1.TEX," l. 1836, p. III-186]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\def\GobbleOne  #1{}
\def\GobbleTwo  #1#2{}
\def\GobbleFour #1#2#3#4{}
\def\GobbleFive #1#2#3#4#5{}
\def\GobbleSix  #1#2#3#4#5#6{}
\def\GobbleNine #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9{}
% Here the output of inputd ends "gobble.tip".

% Here begins "loadedla.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 21.5.6, p. III-174.
% Original source in file "macros1.TEX", starting line 1267.
\wlog{L: "loadedla.tip" ["macros1.TEX," l. 1267, p. III-174]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
% Here the output of inputd ends "loadedla.tip".

% Here begins "verbdisp.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 18.3.13, p. III-45.
% Original source in file "tokens1.TEX", starting line 2639.
\wlog{L: "verbdisp.tip" ["tokens1.TEX," l. 2639, p. III-45]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\LeftSkipVerbatim = 0.3in
\VerbatimTab = 8
\DisplayVerbatimVskip = 0pt plus 2pt minus 1pt
\newtoks\VerbatimTokBegin   \VerbatimTokBegin = {}
\newtoks\VerbatimTokLine    \VerbatimTokLine = {}
\newtoks\VerbatimTokEnd     \VerbatimTokEnd = {}
\catcode`\@ = 11
\@VerbatimLr = 1.5pt
    \MakeActive{\ }% 
\MakeActive{\ }%
\def {\VerbControlSpace}% 
    \dimen0 = \wd0
    \divide\dimen0 by \Verb@TabSize
    \advance\dimen0 by 1sp
    \multiply\dimen0 by \Verb@TabSize
    \wd0 = \dimen0
    \setbox 0 = \hbox\bgroup
    \MakeEolActive % 
    \MakeEolActive % 
        \let^^M = \Verb@Eol% 
        \box 0
            \ifx \@VSymbol^%
                \let\@VerbNext = \@@VCaretThree
                \let\@VerbNext = \relax
        \def\@@VCaretThree ^{%
            \ifx \@VSymbol I%
\def\@StartVerbatim #1{% 
    \setbox0 = \hbox{\VerbatimFont X}
    \Verb@TabSize = \wd0
    \multiply\Verb@TabSize by \VerbatimTab
    \parskip = 0pt
    \parindent = 0pt
    \leftskip = \LeftSkipVerbatim
    \rightskip = 0pt
    \parfillskip = 0pt plus 1fil
    \spaceskip = 0pt
    \xspaceskip = 0pt
        \global\@VerbatimLineNumber = 0
    \ifnum #1 = 0
        \everypar = {\EveryParZ}%
        \global\advance\@VerbatimLineNumber by 1
            \raise \@VerbatimLr \hbox to 0pt{% 
                \hskip 10pt
        \setbox 0 = \hbox\bgroup
{   \catcode `| = 0 % | becomes escape character.
    \catcode`\\ =12 % \ becomes regular character.
    |gdef|@BeginVerbatim #1\EndVerbatim{% 
    \catcode `| = 0 % | becomes escape character.
    \catcode`\\ =12 % \ becomes regular character.
    |gdef|@BVerB #1\EVerB{% 
\def\AppendVerbatimL #1{% 
    \global\advance\@VerbatimLineNumber by #1\relax
\def\StartVerbatimL #1{% 
    \global\@VerbatimLineNumber = #1\relax
    \global\@SaveVerbatimLineNumber = \@VerbatimLineNumber  
    \global\@VerbatimLineNumber = \@SaveVerbatimLineNumber
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "verbdisp.tip".

% Here begins "lfondem.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in, p. II-265.
% Original source in file "fonts2.TEX", starting line 121.
\wlog{L: "lfondem.tip" ["fonts2.TEX," l. 121, p. II-265]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\def\LoadFontOnDemand #1#2{%
    \def #1{% 
        \global\font#1 = #2\relax
        \message{\string\LoadFontOnDemand: font \string#1
            (#2) loaded on demand.}% 
% Here the output of inputd ends "lfondem.tip".

% Here begins "substf.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 16.1.3, p. II-265.
% Original source in file "fonts2.TEX", starting line 159.
\wlog{L: "substf.tip" ["fonts2.TEX," l. 159, p. II-265]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\def\SubstituteFontX #1#2#3#4{% 
            \string\SubstituteFontX: No \string#2 font of
            #3pt, using \noexpand\rm instead.%
        \global\let #1 = #4% 
% Here the output of inputd ends "substf.tip".

% Here begins "newoutfr.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 4.6.2, p. I-113.
% Original source in file "reg2.TEX", starting line 1610.
\wlog{L: "newoutfr.tip" ["reg2.TEX," l. 1610, p. I-113]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\def\newifOF#1{\count@\escapechar \escapechar\m@ne
  \@if#1{false}\escapechar\count@} % the condition starts out false
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "newoutfr.tip".

% Here begins "ts-subst.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 16.1.4, p. II-267.
% Original source in file "fonts2.TEX", starting line 227.
\wlog{L: "ts-subst.tip" ["fonts2.TEX," l. 227, p. II-267]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\def\SubstituteFont #1#2#3#4{% 
    \expandafter\newifOF \csname if-\string#1\endcsname
    \csname if-\string#1true\endcsname
        \csname if-\string#1\endcsname
                \string\SubstituteFont: No \string#2 font at
                size #3pt, using \noexpand\rm instead.%
            \global\csname if-\string#1false\endcsname
% Here the output of inputd ends "ts-subst.tip".

% Here begins "fsized.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 16.1.7, p. II-270.
% Original source in file "fonts2.TEX", starting line 373.
\wlog{L: "fsized.tip" ["fonts2.TEX," l. 373, p. II-270]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\def\DefineFontSizeGroup #1#2{% 
    \wlog{\string\DefineFontSizeGroup: defining group "#1" (#2 pt)}%
        \def\rm{\fam = 0        \NameUse{#1rm}}%
        \def\bf{\fam = \bffam   \NameUse{#1bf}}%
        \def\it{\fam = \itfam   \NameUse{#1it}}%
        \def\tt{\fam = \ttfam   \NameUse{#1tt}}%
        \def\sl{\fam = \slfam   \NameUse{#1sl}}%
        \CurrentFontSize = #2pt
        \baselineskip = \LineSpaceMultFactor\CurrentFontSize
% Here the output of inputd ends "fsized.tip".

% Here begins "newfont.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 16.1.1, p. II-263.
% Original source in file "fonts2.TEX", starting line 53.
\wlog{L: "newfont.tip" ["fonts2.TEX," l. 53, p. II-263]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\def\NewFont #1{% 
        \errmessage{\string\NewFont: intended font name
            "\string#1" already used.}
    \font #1% 
% Here the output of inputd ends "newfont.tip".

% Here begins "ts-fonts.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 16.1.9, p. II-271.
% Original source in file "fonts2.TEX", starting line 447.
\wlog{L: "ts-fonts.tip" ["fonts2.TEX," l. 447, p. II-271]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\font\RmLargerThanLife = cmr17 scaled \magstep5
% \newfam\itfam      % \it is family 4
% \newfam\slfam      % \sl is family 5
% \newfam\bffam      % \bf is family 6
% \newfam\ttfam      % \tt is family 7
\NewFont\Vrm = cmr5
\NewFont\Vit = cmti7 at 5pt
\NewFont\Vbf = cmbx5
\NewFont\Vsc = cmcsc10 at 5pt
\NewFont\VIIrm = cmr7
\NewFont\VIIit = cmti7
\NewFont\VIIbf = cmbx7
\NewFont\VIIsc = cmcsc10 at 7pt
\NewFont\VIIIrm = cmr8
\NewFont\VIIIit = cmti8
\NewFont\VIIIbf = cmbx8
\NewFont\VIIItt = cmtt8
\NewFont\VIIIsc = cmcsc10 at 8pt
\NewFont\IXrm = cmr9
\NewFont\IXit = cmti9
\NewFont\IXbf = cmbx9
\NewFont\IXtt = cmtt9
\NewFont\IXsc = cmcsc10 at 9pt
\NewFont\Xrm = cmr10
\NewFont\Xit = cmti10
\NewFont\Xbf = cmbx10
\NewFont\Xtt = cmtt10
\NewFont\Xsc = cmcsc10
\NewFont\Xsl = cmcsc10
\NewFont\XIIrm = cmr12
\NewFont\XIIit = cmti12
\NewFont\XIIbf = cmbx12
\NewFont\XIItt = cmtt12
\NewFont\XIIsc = cmcsc10 scaled \magstep 1
\NewFont\XIIsl = cmcsc10 scaled \magstep 1
\NewFont\XIIIrm = cmr12 scaled \magstephalf
\NewFont\XIIIit = cmti12 scaled \magstephalf
\NewFont\XIIIbf = cmbx12 scaled \magstephalf
\NewFont\XIIItt = cmtt12 scaled \magstephalf
\NewFont\XIIIsc = cmcsc10 scaled \magstephalf
\NewFont\XIIIsl = cmcsc10 scaled \magstephalf
\NewFont\XVIIrm = cmr12 scaled \magstep 2
\NewFont\XVIIit = cmti12 scaled \magstep 2
\NewFont\XVIIbf = cmbx12 scaled \magstep 2
\NewFont\XVIItt = cmtt12 scaled \magstep 2
\NewFont\XVIIsc = cmcsc10 scaled \magstep 3
\NewFont\XVIIsl = cmcsc10 scaled \magstep 3
\NewFont\XXIrm = cmr17 scaled \magstep 1
\NewFont\XXIit = cmti12 scaled \magstep 3
\NewFont\XXIbf = cmbx12 scaled \magstep 3
\NewFont\XXIsc = cmcsc10 scaled \magstep 4
\LoadFontOnDemand{\XXItt}{cmtt12 scaled \magstep 3}
\NewFont\XXVrm = cmr17 scaled \magstep 2
\NewFont\XXVit = cmti12 scaled \magstep 4
\NewFont\XXVbf = cmbx12 scaled \magstep 4
\NewFont\XXVsc = cmcsc10 at 5pt
\LoadFontOnDemand{\XXVtt}{cmtt12 scaled \magstep 4}
\let\tiny = \FontSizeV
\let\scriptsize = \FontSizeVII
\let\footnotesize = \FontSizeVIII
\let\small = \FontSizeIX
\let\normalsize = \FontSizeX
\let\large = \FontSizeXII
\let\Large = \FontSizeXIII
\let\LARGE = \FontSizeXVII
\let\huge  = \FontSizeXXI
\let\Huge  = \FontSizeXXV
% Here the output of inputd ends "ts-fonts.tip".

% Here begins "fexist.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 28.4.1, p. III-465.
% Original source in file "io1.TEX", starting line 910.
\wlog{L: "fexist.tip" ["io1.TEX," l. 910, p. III-465]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\def\FileExistsConditional #1{% 
    \openin\@FileExistsS = #1
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "fexist.tip".

% Here begins "verb-mac.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 18.3.8, p. III-41.
% Original source in file "tokens1.TEX", starting line 2427.
\wlog{L: "verb-mac.tip" ["tokens1.TEX," l. 2427, p. III-41]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\def\ListVerb #1{% 
    \input #1
\def\ListVerbIfFileExists #1{% 
        \centerline{$\bullet$ File {\tt #1} not found. $\bullet$}%
        \wlog{\string\ListVerbIfFileExists: no file "#1".}%
\def\ListVerbAndSource #1{% 
    \input #1
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "verb-mac.tip".

% Here begins "nctest.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in, p. III-262.
% Original source in file "macros3.TEX", starting line 1335.
\wlog{L: "nctest.tip" ["macros3.TEX," l. 1335, p. III-262]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\def\NextCharTest #1#2#3{% 
    \def\@NextCharTestYes #1{#2}%
    \def\@NextCharTestNo {#3}%
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "nctest.tip".

% Here begins "verb.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 18.3.4, p. III-35.
% Original source in file "tokens1.TEX", starting line 2077.
\wlog{L: "verb.tip" ["tokens1.TEX," l. 2077, p. III-35]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
{\catcode`\ = \active
\gdef\@InitActiveSpace{\edef {\VerbControlSpace}}}
    \NextCharTest{*}{\@VerbSpaceControltrue \@VerbA}%
\def\@VerbA #1{%
        \catcode`\ = \active
    \def\@VerbTemp ##1#1{%
        ##1%        % Simply print the argument.
        \egroup     % Undo font change and category code changes.
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "verb.tip".

% Here begins "genaeol.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in, p. III-192.
% Original source in file "macros1.TEX", starting line 2196.
\wlog{L: "genaeol.tip" ["macros1.TEX," l. 2196, p. III-192]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\def\GenAeol #1{% 
    \edef #1{%
            \csname\string #1-2\endcsname}%
    \NameDef{\string #1-2}##1%
    \gdef\@GenAeolOne #1#2
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "genaeol.tip".

% Here begins "gobblemo.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 21.9.11, p. III-197.
% Original source in file "macros1.TEX", starting line 2417.
\wlog{L: "gobblemo.tip" ["macros1.TEX," l. 2417, p. III-197]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\def\GobbleDoMore #1#2{%
    \def\@GobbleDoMore ##1#1{}%
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "gobblemo.tip".

% Here begins "showx.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 21.5.11, p. III-178.
% Original source in file "macros1.TEX", starting line 1413.
\wlog{L: "showx.tip" ["macros1.TEX," l. 1413, p. III-178]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\def\ShowX #1{%
            \show #1% 
% Here the output of inputd ends "showx.tip".

% Here begins "testsubs.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in, p. III-293.
% Original source in file "macros4.TEX", starting line 661.
\wlog{L: "testsubs.tip" ["macros4.TEX," l. 661, p. III-293]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\def\SubStringConditional #1#2{%
\def\@SubStringConditional #1#2{% 
    \def\@TestSubS ##1#2##2\@Del{% 
    \@TestSubS #1#2\@Del
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "testsubs.tip".

% Here begins "endrec.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 27.1.2, p. III-399.
% Original source in file "macros7.TEX", starting line 138.
\wlog{L: "endrec.tip" ["macros7.TEX," l. 138, p. III-399]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\def\RecursionMacroEnd #1#2#3{% 
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "endrec.tip".

% Here begins "restring.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 24.1.16, p. III-298.
% Original source in file "macros4.TEX", starting line 866.
\wlog{L: "restring.tip" ["macros4.TEX," l. 866, p. III-298]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\def\ReplaceSubStrings #1#2#3#4{%
    \def\@ReplaceSubStringsDoA ##1%
    \expandafter\@ReplaceSubStringsDoX \@ReplaceSub
        \edef\@ReplaceMain{##1\@ReplaceSubRep ##2}%
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "restring.tip".

% Here begins "compst.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in, p. III-334.
% Original source in file "macros5.TEX", starting line 1018.
\wlog{L: "compst.tip" ["macros5.TEX," l. 1018, p. III-334]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\def\StringsEqualConditional #1#2{% 
\def\EmptyStringConditional #1{%
\def\EmptyStringConditionalISpaces #1{%
        { }{}%
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "compst.tip".

% Here begins "remtlsp.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in, p. III-309.
% Original source in file "macros4.TEX", starting line 1412.
\wlog{L: "remtlsp.tip" ["macros4.TEX," l. 1412, p. III-309]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\def\@TestTrail #1 #2\@Del{% 
\def\RemTsp #1#2{%
    \edef\@RemTspTempOne{#2#2 }% 
\def\@TestLead #1 #2\@Del{\def\@RemLspOne{#1}}
\def\RemLsp #1#2{%
        \expandafter\@RemLspThree #2\@Del{#1}% 
    \def\noexpand\@RemLspThree\space ##1\noexpand\@Del##2{% 
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "remtlsp.tip".

% Here begins "genostr.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 28.5.3, p. III-474.
% Original source in file "io1.TEX", starting line 1339.
\wlog{L: "genostr.tip" ["io1.TEX," l. 1339, p. III-474]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\def\OpenGenericOStream #1{%
        \errmessage{\string\OpenGenericOStream: generic
            output stream currently open.}%
        \immediate\openout\GenericOStream = #1%
        \errhelp{Stream not in use.}%
            stream is NOT open for output.}%
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "genostr.tip".

% Here begins "cstostrc.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 19.1.2, p. III-67.
% Original source in file "tokens2.TEX", starting line 146.
\wlog{L: "cstostrc.tip" ["tokens2.TEX," l. 146, p. III-67]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\def\CSToStringCat #1#2{%
        \escapechar = -1
        \openin\@CatIn = cstostrc.tmp
        \global\read\@CatIn to #1%
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "cstostrc.tip".

% Here begins "verbwr.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 29.3.2, p. III-506.
% Original source in file "io2.TEX", starting line 973.
\wlog{L: "verbwr.tip" ["io2.TEX," l. 973, p. III-506]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\def\OpenVerbWrFile #1#2#3{%
    \immediate\openout #3 = #1.#2
    \wlog{\string\OpenVerbWrFile: opened "#1.#2" for
        literal writing.}%
\def\CloseVerbWrFile #1{%
    \immediate\closeout #1
    \wlog{\string\CloseVerbWrFile: closed file for literal writing.}%
\def\BeginVerbWr #1#2{%
    \wlog{\string\BeginVerbWr: begin}% 
    \catcode `| = 0
    \catcode`\\ =12
    |gdef|@BeginVerbWrY #1{%
        |def|@BeginVerbWrX ##1\#1{%
            |@BeginVerbWr ##1% 
    \wlog{\string\@VerbWrDone: done}%
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "verbwr.tip".

% Here begins "defauarg.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in, p. III-266.
% Original source in file "macros3.TEX", starting line 1514.
\wlog{L: "defauarg.tip" ["macros3.TEX," l. 1514, p. III-266]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\def\DefaultArg #1#2#3{%
    \@DefaultArg #2\@DefaultArgEnd
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "defauarg.tip".

% Here begins "vwrt-mac.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in, p. III-511.
% Original source in file "io2.TEX", starting line 1192.
\wlog{L: "vwrt-mac.tip" ["io2.TEX," l. 1192, p. III-511]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\@VerbWriteCount = 0
\def\BeginVerbWrite #1#2{%
    \global\advance\@VerbWriteCount by 1
    \wlog{\string\BeginVerbWrite: [\the\@VerbWriteCount]}%
        \errmessage{\string\BeginVerbWrite: ERROR, file still open.}%
    \wlog{\string\AppendVerbWrite: [\the\@VerbWriteCount]}%
        \errmessage{\string\AppendVerbWrite: no file open.}%
    \input \@VerbWriteFileName \relax
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "vwrt-mac.tip".

% Here begins "lpagetg.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 32.2.3, p. IV-5.
% Original source in file "page.TEX", starting line 298.
\wlog{L: "lpagetg.tip" ["page.TEX," l. 298, p. IV-5]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\def\LogPageTG #1{% 
    \wlog{\string\LogPageTG [#1]:}%
    \wlog{\string\pagetotal: \the\pagetotal,
        \string\pagegoal: \the\pagegoal}% 
% Here the output of inputd ends "lpagetg.tip".

% Here begins "freespac.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 32.2.4, p. IV-6.
% Original source in file "page.TEX", starting line 340.
\wlog{L: "freespac.tip" ["page.TEX," l. 340, p. IV-6]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
    \ifdim\pagetotal = 0pt
        \FreePageSpace = \vsize
        \FreePageSpace = \pagegoal
        \advance\FreePageSpace by -\pagetotal
    0pt = 0pt \fi
% Here the output of inputd ends "freespac.tip".

% Here begins "ts-verb1.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in, p. III-56.
% Original source in file "tokens1.TEX", starting line 3223.
\wlog{L: "ts-verb1.tip" ["tokens1.TEX," l. 3223, p. III-56]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
    \catcode `| =  0 % | becomes escape character.
    \catcode`\\ = 12 % \ now prints.
    |gdef|btex@more #1\etex{% 
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "ts-verb1.tip".

% Here begins "ts-verb2.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in, p. III-57.
% Original source in file "tokens1.TEX", starting line 3279.
\wlog{L: "ts-verb2.tip" ["tokens1.TEX," l. 3279, p. III-57]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
    \catcode `| =  0 % | becomes escape character.
    \catcode`\\ = 12 % \ now prints.
    |gdef|btex@morealt #1\Etexalt{% 
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "ts-verb2.tip".

% Here begins "ts-verb.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.1
% Date: Sep 9, 1993
% This source code is documented in 18.3.15, p. III-57.
% Original source in file "tokens1.TEX", starting line 3306.
\wlog{L: "ts-verb.tip" ["tokens1.TEX," l. 3306, p. III-57]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\VerbatimTab = 4
\DisplayVerbatimVskip = 5pt
\def\ListVerbTeXIP #1{%
    \vskip 60pt
    \vskip -60pt
        \def\ListAsFileName ##1.flf{\def\ListAsFileName{##1.log}}%
        \ListAsFileName #1% 
        \def\ListAsFileName ##1.flf2{\def\ListAsFileName{##1.log}}%
        \ListAsFileName #1% 
    \input #1
    \wlog{]}%   svb: this was \message before
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "ts-verb.tip".

% Here begins "ts-lazy.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 21.4.10, p. III-167.
% Original source in file "macros1.TEX", starting line 849.
\wlog{L: "ts-lazy.tip" ["macros1.TEX," l. 849, p. III-167]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
    \TeX{} in Practice%
    {\tt WEB}% 
% Here the output of inputd ends "ts-lazy.tip".

% Here begins "ts-brefm.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 21.4.11, p. III-167.
% Original source in file "macros1.TEX", starting line 881.
\wlog{L: "ts-brefm.tip" ["macros1.TEX," l. 881, p. III-167]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\def\Bref #1#2#3{% 
    #1 (19#2#3)% 
% Here the output of inputd ends "ts-brefm.tip".

% Here begins "parv-1.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 11.2.1, p. II-67.
% Original source in file "par2.TEX", starting line 956.
\wlog{L: "parv-1.tip" ["par2.TEX," l. 956, p. II-67]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\newdimen \Delta@XY
\newcount\@LabeledParNesting    \@LabeledParNesting = 0
\def\BeginAList #1#2#3#4#5#6#7{%
    \advance\leftskip by #1
    \advance\rightskip by #2
    \advance \@LabeledParNesting by 1
    \@LabelCounter = 0
    \Delta@XY = #3
    \ifdim\Delta@XY < 0pt
        \errmessage{\string\BeginAList: negative Delta{xy},
            made positive.}%
    \@ParListBeforeAfter = #4   
    \@ParListBetweenLabels = #5
    \@ParListAfterLabel = #6
\def\@GenLabel #1{%
    \advance\@LabelCounter by 1
    \ifnum\@LabelCounter = 1
        \parskip = \@ParListBeforeAfter
        \parskip = \@ParListBetweenLabels
    \hbox to 0pt{#1}%
    \parskip = \@ParListAfterLabel
\def\ItemLL #1{% 
        \hskip -\Delta@XY
\def\ItemLR #1{%
\def\ItemRL #1{%
\def\ItemRR #1{%
        \hskip -\Delta@XY
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "parv-1.tip".

% Here begins "itemizel.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 11.3.3, p. II-77.
% Original source in file "par2.TEX", starting line 1465.
\wlog{L: "itemizel.tip" ["par2.TEX," l. 1465, p. II-77]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\@ItemListDepth = 0
    \global\advance\@ItemListDepth by 1
        \errmessage{\string\BeginItemize: maximum nesting of
            4 exceeded.}%
    \global\advance\@ItemListDepth by -1
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "itemizel.tip".

% Here begins "ts-itize.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 11.3.4, p. II-78.
% Original source in file "par2.TEX", starting line 1523.
\wlog{L: "ts-itize.tip" ["par2.TEX," l. 1523, p. II-78]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "ts-itize.tip".

% Here begins "box-zero.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 4.5.13, p. I-104.
% Original source in file "reg2.TEX", starting line 1348.
\wlog{L: "box-zero.tip" ["reg2.TEX," l. 1348, p. I-104]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\def\ZeroBox #1{%
    \wd#1 = 0pt
    \ht#1 = 0pt
    \dp#1 = 0pt
\def\ZeroBoxOut #1{%
% Here the output of inputd ends "box-zero.tip".

% Here begins "box-bul.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in, p. I-322.
% Original source in file "boxit.TEX", starting line 472.
\wlog{L: "box-bul.tip" ["boxit.TEX," l. 472, p. I-322]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\setbox\@BulletBox =
        \hskip -2.3pt
        \lower 2.5pt \hbox{$\bullet$}% 
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "box-bul.tip".

% Here begins "box-bb.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in, p. I-323.
% Original source in file "boxit.TEX", starting line 495.
\wlog{L: "box-bb.tip" ["boxit.TEX," l. 495, p. I-323]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "box-bb.tip".

% Here begins "box-thck.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 9.3.3, p. I-321.
% Original source in file "boxit.TEX", starting line 405.
\wlog{L: "box-thck.tip" ["boxit.TEX," l. 405, p. I-321]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\BoxRuleThickness = 0.4pt
% Here the output of inputd ends "box-thck.tip".

% Here begins "boxing5.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in, p. I-327.
% Original source in file "boxit.TEX", starting line 719.
\wlog{L: "boxing5.tip" ["boxit.TEX," l. 719, p. I-327]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\def\RulesOutSide #1#2#3{% 
        \setbox 0 = \hbox{%
            \hskip -\BoxRuleThickness
            \vrule width \BoxRuleThickness height #1 depth #2% 
            \hskip #3%
            \vrule width \BoxRuleThickness height #1 depth #2%
            \dimen0 = #3% 
            \advance \dimen0 by 2\BoxRuleThickness
            \hskip -\dimen0
            \dimen2 = #1%
            \advance\dimen2 by \BoxRuleThickness
            \vrule width \dimen0 height \dimen2 depth -#1% 
            \hskip -\dimen0
            \dimen2 = #2% 
            \advance\dimen2 by \BoxRuleThickness
            \vrule width \dimen0 height -#2 depth \dimen2
\def\RulesInSide #1#2#3{% 
        \setbox 0 = \hbox{%
            \vrule width \BoxRuleThickness height #1 depth #2% 
            \hskip #3% 
            \hskip -\BoxRuleThickness
            \hskip -\BoxRuleThickness
            \vrule width \BoxRuleThickness height #1 depth #2% 
            \hskip -#3% 
            \dimen2 = #1% 
            \advance\dimen2 by -\BoxRuleThickness
            \vrule width #3 height #1 depth -\dimen2
            \hskip -#3% 
            \dimen2 = #2% 
            \advance\dimen2 by -\BoxRuleThickness
            \vrule width #3 height -\dimen2 depth #2% 
\def\RulesOnSide #1#2#3{% 
        \setbox 0 = \hbox{% 
            \hskip -0.5\BoxRuleThickness
            \vrule width \BoxRuleThickness height #1 depth #2% 
            \hskip #3% 
            \hskip -\BoxRuleThickness
            \vrule width \BoxRuleThickness height #1 depth #2% 
            \hskip -#3% 
            \hskip -\BoxRuleThickness
            \dimen0 = #3% 
            \advance\dimen0 by \BoxRuleThickness
            \dimen2 = #1% 
            \advance\dimen2 by 0.5\BoxRuleThickness
            \dimen4 = #1% 
            \advance\dimen4 by -0.5\BoxRuleThickness
            \dimen4 = -\dimen4
            \vrule width \dimen0 height \dimen2 depth \dimen4
            \hskip -\dimen0
            \dimen2 = #2% 
            \advance\dimen2 by -0.5\BoxRuleThickness
            \dimen2 = -\dimen2
            \dimen4 = #2% 
            \advance\dimen4 by 0.5\BoxRuleThickness
            \vrule width \dimen0 height \dimen2 depth \dimen4
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "boxing5.tip".

% Here begins "boxing6.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 9.3.7, p. I-332.
% Original source in file "boxit.TEX", starting line 996.
\wlog{L: "boxing6.tip" ["boxit.TEX," l. 996, p. I-332]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
\def\BoxingE #1{%
        \setbox\@BoxingBox = #1%
        \setbox\@BaseLineLeaders = \hbox to \wd\@BoxingBox{%
            \xleaders\hbox to 4pt{%
                \hskip 1pt
                \vrule depth 0.4pt height 0.4pt width 2pt
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "boxing6.tip".

% Here begins "vcentx.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 7.5.5, p. I-249.
% Original source in file "vboxes1.TEX", starting line 2107.
\wlog{L: "vcentx.tip" ["vboxes1.TEX," l. 2107, p. I-249]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
        \mathsurround = 0pt
        \let\@VcenterXNext = \@VcenterXOrdinary
        \ifx\@VCenterXToken t%
            \let\@VcenterXNext = \@VcenterXTo
            \let\@VcenterXNext = \@VcenterXSpread
    \let\@VcenterDrop =
\def\@VcenterXTo to{% 
    \@VcenterDimen =
\def\@VcenterXSpread spread{% 
    \@VcenterDimen =
        \vcenter\@VcenterCommand \the\@VcenterDimen
    \let\@VcenterDrop =
    \setbox\@VcenterXBox = \hbox\bgroup
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "vcentx.tip".

% Here begins "boxing7.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in, p. I-335.
% Original source in file "boxit.TEX", starting line 1131.
\wlog{L: "boxing7.tip" ["boxit.TEX," l. 1131, p. I-335]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
    \@BoxRNumber =
    \@BoxRNumber =
        \let\@BoxitNext = \@BoxRb
        \if\@BoxRSymbol t% 
            \let\@BoxitNext = \@BoxRbTo
            \let\@BoxitNext = \@BoxRbSpread
    \let\@BoxDrop =
    \setbox\@BoxRBox = \expandafter\@WhichBox\@WhichBoxDimen\bgroup
\def\@BoxRbTo to{%
    \@BoxRDimen =
\def\@BoxRbSpread spread{%
    \@BoxRDimen =
    \edef\@WhichBoxDimen{\@WhichBoxDimen \the\@BoxRDimen}% 
    \let\@BoxDrop =
\catcode`\@ = 12
% Here the output of inputd ends "boxing7.tip".

% Here begins "bugreport.tex".
\def\BugReport #1#2#3#4#5#6#7{%
    {\bf Bug #1} (% 
    date: #2%
        , section #3
    (internal name: {\tt #4.TEX}),
        , #6).
        No macro source file is affected by this bug.
        Macro source file(s) affected by this bug:
        {\tt #7}.
% Here the output of inputd ends "bugreport.tex".
% Here it ends!
\def\RCSInfo $#1 ${%
    \centerline{\bf RCS Information: \tt#1}

\vsize = 7.4in

\centerline{\bf Bug List, Version 2.0, ``\TeX{} in Practice, ''
    September~15, 1993}
                    \centerline{Stephan v. Bechtolsheim}
% ============================================================

\RCSInfo $Id: bugs.TEX,v 1.50 1993/09/15 11:20:13 svb Exp svb $

    Copyright $\copyright$ 1993 Stephan v.~Bechtolsheim. This file may
be copied as many times as you want, at any place in the world,
{\it as long as you make no changes\/} to this file.

    This is the list of known bugs, grammatical errors, and so forth of
``\TeX{} in Practice.''

    If you have access to email please send any bug reports to
{\tt svb@rcmcon.com}. If not, please send your corrections to Springer-Verlag
at 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

    This file can be processed with plain \TeX{} (all required macros are

Note the following history of this document:
    \Item September 10, 1993, Version 1.0: bugs 1--21.
    \Item September 15, 1993, Version 2.0: bugs 22--26.

Some further remarks:
    \Item If the ASCII form of the index changes due to some bug fix,
        then this will not be listed here.
    \Item If you have access to {\tt ftp} the easiest solution is any
        way to always retrieve the complete distribution instead of
        relying on patches.

And here is where the bug reports start:

\BugReport{1}{9/9/93}{20}{macros7}{III-376 and 392}{}{norpweek.tip,
    Two files {\tt norpweek.tip} and {\tt weekofyr.tip} were listed as not
    belonging to the \TeXIP{} format. Well, that was an oversight which is
    fixed now.
\BugReport{2}{9/9/93}{18}{tokens1}{III-58 to III-59}{}{ts-verb.tip}
    I added {\tt .flf2} files (besides {\tt .flf} files)
    to be treated as {\tt log} files. I have
    now two ways of generating {\tt log} files in the series:
    {\tt flf} files use the plain format, {\tt flf2}
    files use the \TeXIP{} format. Both {\it appear\/} as {\tt log}

        This is more than anything else an internal change, {\it but\/}
    it does affect {\tt ts-verb.tip}.
    There was an extra \verb+\input inputd.tip+ at the beginning of
    {\tt tabswb.tip} which I removed. The file {\tt tabswb.tip} is now

\BugReport{4}{7/24/93}{7.3.4}{vboxes1}{I-221}{7th line from top}{}
    It should read ``1~pt'' instead of ``1pt.''

\BugReport{5}{7/24/93}{2.8.2}{intro}{I-27}{second paragraph of 12.
    last line of that paragraph: exchange double quote and period.}{}

\BugReport{6}{7/24/98}{Bibliography}{biback}{I-346}{after Knuth~DE
    1990}{} Forgotten entry for \Bref{Knuth DE}{92}{} Literate Programming.
    CLSI Lecture Notes Number 27, Center for Study of Language and

\BugReport{7}{8/4/93}{}{General Remarks $\ldots$}{I-x, II-y, III-z,
    IV-a}{Item ``Volume IV''}{}
    The chapters listed in this item are in the wrong order. First
    the table chapters are listed, then the output routine chapters.
    This is an oversight resulting from an attempt to reverse the order
    of chapters in Volume~IV\null. This had to be abandoned, because the
    covers of the books were already printed.

    Anyway, here is the correct overview of chapters in Volume~IV:
        \Item Chapter~32 discusses the determination of page breaks
            by \TeX.
        \Item Chapter~33 discusses the basics of output routines,
            and introduces concepts like logical and physical
        \Item Chapter~34 presents some simple output routines.
        \Item Chapter~35 discusses the output routine of the
            plain format and variations of it.
        \Item Chapter~36 discusses output routines with insertions.
        \Item Chapter~37 discusses double column output routines.
        \Item Chapter~38 begins the discussion of tables typeset
            with \TeX's \verb+\halign+ instruction.
        \Item Chapter~39 also discusses tables, including vertical
            spacing, struts and rules in tables.
        \Item Chapter~40 discusses the centering of tables, tables
            and paragraphs and preamble related macros.
        \Item Chapter~41 discusses numerical computations in tables,
            splitting tables, \verb+\valign+ and double tables.

\BugReport{8}{8/6/93}{General Notes, 6~Contacting the
    {End of 4th line of first paragraph after title line}{}
    Text omits {\it any\/}: please do not use {\it any\/} of Springer's
    FAX numbers.
\BugReport{9}{8/9/93}{3.2.1}{reg1}{I-38}{Beginning of paragraph
    preceding ``3.2.2~Arithmetic in \TeX''}{}
    The paragraph's beginning should read: ``{\it Here a note to readers
    familiar $\ldots\,$}.''
\BugReport{10}{8/9/93}{}{reg1}{I-44}{Paragraph after
    The first paragraph after this title should read: ``The preceding
    explanation may have sound very theoretical, so consider the following
    example.'' (Delete ``an,'' delete the sentence ``Look $\ldots$
\BugReport{11}{8/9/93}{}{reg1}{I-50}{8 lines from bottom}{}
    Instead of ``The'' write ``Then.''
\BugReport{12}{8/9/93}{3.3.9}{reg1}{I-52}{14th line from top}{}
    Replace ``following'' by ``obey.''
\BugReport{13}{8/9/93}{5.4.1}{glueetc}{I-136}{14th line from top}{}
    Replace ``show'' by ``some.''
\BugReport{14}{8/9/93}{5.6}{glueetc}{I-145}{Last sentence of~``2.''}{}
    Replace second occurrence of ``replicated'' by ``box.''
\BugReport{15}{8/9/93}{5.6.2}{glueetc}{I-147}{7th line from bottom}{}
    Replace ``will be not'' by ``will not be.''
\BugReport{16}{8/9/93}{5.7}{glueetc}{I-154}{1st line of 1st paragraph
    after 5.7~Rules title}{}
    Replace ``as it used'' by ``as it is used.''
\BugReport{17}{8/9/93}{6.2.8}{boxes}{I-167}{5th line from bottom}{}
    Replace ``end an box'' by ``end a box.''
\BugReport{18}{8/9/93}{6.3.1}{boxes}{I-168}{2nd line of first paragraph
    after 6.3.1 title}{}
    \verb+\HboxR{ABC}+ was not supposed to be printed verbatim, it
    was supposed to read \HboxR{ABC}.
\BugReport{19}{8/9/93}{6.3.7}{boxes}{I-173}{8th line from top}{}
    Add closing parenthesis at the very end of the sentence.
\BugReport{20}{8/10/93}{16.3.5}{fonts2}{II-289}{1st line after 16.3.5
    title line}{}
    Replace the word ``discussed'' by ``computed.''
    The order in which information was written to the {\tt .ipd} file
    and new files were pulled in through \verb+\InputD+ calls in the
    ``current file'' was reversed. That has been fixed.
\BugReport{22}{9/11/93}{2.7.1}{intro}{I-16}{middle of page, 2., line~3}{}
    Rewrite as follows: ``The~{\tt @} simply prints as~{\tt @}. Nevertheless
    this character requires special attention. It is frequently used
    inside macro packages as a letter, whereas outside
    macro packages it is used as a non-letter character (which
    simply prints when used).''
\BugReport{23}{9/11/93}{3.1}{reg1}{I-35}{middle of page}{}
    Use the following sentence: ``When we will discuss dimensions and glue
    parameters this process will become clearer'' instead of a similar to
    correctly worded sentence.
\BugReport{24}{9/11/93}{}{reg1}{I-42}{5th and 6th line from top}{}
    Delete the whole sentence ``Preceding \TeX~3.0 (\TeX~2.9 is used as a
    generic version number for that purpose below) and version \TeX~3.0.''
\BugReport{25}{9/11/93}{6.2.5}{boxes}{I-165}{1st and 2nd line of 3rd
    paragraph from the top}{}
    Rewrite as follows: ``You might want to look {\it at\/} this macro
\BugReport{26}{9/13/93}{15.3.3}{fonts1}{II-248}{3rd line from top}{}
    Misspelled ``Cyrilic'' (one~`l' only). This also changes the index
    where the word is also misspelled.

\leftline{\large\bf Version Numbers}
% ==================================
This table is structured as follows:
    \Item Column 1: serial number.
    \Item Column 2: file name of macro source file.
    \Item Column 3: Version number of that file.
    \Item Column 4: file name of the chapter (information for the author).
    \Item Column 5: line number in that file (information for the author).


                            \tabskip = 0pt plus 1fil
    \halign to \hsize{
        #\relax                              % 1. Line number (entry not used).
        \global\advance\VersionNumbersLineNumber by 1
                            \tabskip = 20pt&
        \tt#\hfil           \tabskip = 20pt&            % 2. file name
        \def\VersionNumber{#}%                          % 3. version number
            {\bf \VersionNumber}%
        \hfil               \tabskip = 20pt&
        \tt#\hfil           \tabskip = 20pt&            % 4. sourcefile
        \hfil#              \tabskip = 0pt plus 1fil    % 5. line number
        \input macvntip.tex
    There should be {\it 294\/} files listed in the preceding
    table. If this is not the case the table is wrong.
    Notify me immediately, please, if that should be the case.
    \ifnum\VersionNumbersLineNumber = 294
        CORRECT NUMBER OF FILES (which is 294)}.

    {\bf I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for
    your feedback.} Thank you again!

% Here begins the original definition of "inpud.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.1
% Date: Sep 10, 1993
% This source code is documented in 28.4.3, p. III-468.
% Original source in file "io1.TEX", starting line 1076.
\wlog{L: "inputd.tip" ["io1.TEX," l. 1076, p. III-468]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\input namedef.tip
\catcode`\@ = 11
\NameDef{\@InputDPrefix namedef.tip}{}
\def\InputD #1{% 
    \if\NameDefinedConditional{\@InputDPrefix #1}%
            \wlog{\string\InputD: file "#1" was read-in before.}%
        \NameDef{\@InputDPrefix #1}{}% 
        \input #1
\catcode`\@ = 12

% Here begins the original definition of "inpudl.tip".
% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in, p. III-470.
% Original source in file "io1.TEX", starting line 1175.
\wlog{L: "inputdl.tip" ["io1.TEX," l. 1175, p. III-470]}%
% This file DOES belong to format "texip."
\catcode`\@ = 11
    \immediate\openout\@InputDStream = \jobname.ipd
\catcode`\@ = 12

% End of stuff appended at the end.