This is an introductory document on ConTeXt ( frequently used commands written by Corsair <>. 

In the beginning of the ConTEXt manual (see cont-eni.pdf on ConTeXt official site), Hans Hagen listed ten groups of them which are considered most frequently used,  and this short document tries to explain these commands in detail.
1. \starttext, stoptext 
2. \chapter, \section, \title, \subject, \setuphead, \completecontent 
3. \em, \bf, \cap 
4. \startitemize, \stopitemize, \item, \head 
5. \abbreviation, \infull, \completelistofabbreviations 
6. \placefigure, \externalfigure, \useexternalfigures 
7. \placetable, \starttable, \stoptable 
8. \definedescription, \defineenumeration 
9. \index, \completeindex 
10. \setuplayout, \setupfootertexts, \setupheadertexts 

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